SSC English 1st Paper all units with all lessons | English for Today Class 9-10

SSC English 1st Paper - Class 9-10 English 1st Paper - English 1st paper Class 9-10 - Class nine-ten English 1st paper
Unit One: Good Citizens
Lesson: 1 | Can you live alone?
Lesson: 2 | Knowledge, skills and attitudes
Lesson: 3 | Good Character
Lesson: 4 | Responsibilities

Unit Two: Pastimes
Lesson: 1 | Have you any favourite pastime?
Lesson: 2 | Reading really helps!
Lesson: 3 | Change in pastime
Lesson: 4 | Change in pastimes in Bangladesh
Lesson: 5 | Pastimes vary

Unit Three: Events and Festivals
Lesson: 1 | Mother's Day
Lesson: 2 | May Day
Lesson: 3 | International Mother Language Day - 1
Lesson: 4 | International Mother Language Day - 2
Lesson: 5 | Independence Day

Unit Four: Are We Aware?
Lesson: 1 | The ferry boat
Lesson: 2 | Are we too many?
Lesson: 3 | Our food and shelter
Lesson: 4 | The story of Lipi
Lesson: 5 | Let's become skilled workforce

Unit Five: Nature and environment
Lesson: 1 | The greed of the mighty rivers
Lesson: 2 | Environmental pollution
Lesson: 3 | Man and climate
Lesson: 4 | Putting our fish in hot water
Lesson: 5 | A friend of the Earth

Unit Six: Our Neighbours
Lesson: 1 | Nepal, the land of Everest
Lesson: 2 | Sri Lanka: The pearl of the Indian Ocean
Lesson: 3 | The Maldives
Lesson: 4 | India: Unity in diversity
Lesson: 5 | Bhutan: The land of happiness

Unit Seven: People who stand out
Lesson: 1 | Zainul Abedin, the great artist
Lesson: 2 | The art of silence
Lesson: 3 | Flashback
Lesson: 4 | The beginning
Lesson: 5 | The missionary
Lesson: 6 | Love for humanity
Lesson: 7 | The wizard of Apple
Lesson: 8 | Jobs' childhood

Unit Eight: World heritage
Lesson: 1 | The Shat Gambuj Mosque
Lesson: 2 | The Somapura Mahavihara
Lesson: 3 | The Statue of Liberty
Lesson: 4 | Lake Baikal

Unit Nine: Unconventional jobs
Lesson: 1 | Jobs that people do
Lesson: 2 | Weird jobs around
Lesson: 3 | Floral career

Unit Ten: Dreams
Lesson: 1 | I have a dream
Lesson: 2 | What I dream to be
Lesson: 3 | They had dreams 1
Lesson: 4 | They had dreams 2

Unit Eleven: Renewable energy
Lesson: 1 | Renewable energy sources -1
Lesson: 2 | Renewable energy sources -2
Lesson: 3 | Renewable energy sources -3

Unit Twelve: Roots
Lesson: 1 | My roots
Lesson: 2 | My roots -2
Lesson: 3 | The return of the native
Lesson: 4 | In search of identity

Unit Thirteen: Media and modes of e-communication
Lesson: 1 | Media and modes of e-communication
Lesson: 2 | Social network services
Lesson: 3 | E-learning

Unit Fourteen: Pleasure and purpose
Lesson: 1 | Books
Lesson: 2 | Two Mothers Remembered
Lesson: 3 | The Sands of Dee
Lesson: 4 | Time, You Old Gipsy Man
Lesson: 5 | Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Lesson: 6 | The Purple Jar-1
Lesson: 7 | The Purple Jar-2
Lesson: 8 | The Purple Jar-3
Lesson: 9 | A Pound of Flesh
Lesson: 10 | The three caskets
Lesson: 11 | The trial

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SSC English First Paper | Unit One | Good citizens

SSC English First Paper | Unit One | Good citizens
Learning outcomes
After we have studied the unit, we will be able to...
• narrate incidents.
• participate in discussions.
• listen to and understand others.
• describe something in writing.


SSC English First Paper | Unit: 1, Lesson: 1 | Good Citizens | Can you live alone?

A. Look at the pictures below and discuss in pairs the following question and suggestion.
1. Can you live alone in a house?
2. Make a list of the problems you think you will have if you live alone in a house, e.g. having accidents, feeling lonely, etc.
SSC English First Paper | Unit: 1, Lesson: 1 | Good Citizens | Can you live alone?
B. Read the story and answer the questions that follow.
Long ago, a young man who lived in a village, found his life full of problems and sufferings. Quarrels, ill-feelings, jealousy, enmity— all were part of everyday life there. So he left his house and went to a jungle to live by himself. There he made a nice little hut with wood, bamboo and reeds. "Ah, how happy I am here!" said the man to himself.

But one day he found some mice in his hut. The little creatures soon made holes in his blanket. So he brought a cat to kill the mice. The cat needed milk. So he brought a cow. The cow needed grass and hay. So he brought a cowhand.

The cowhand needed food. So he took a wife to cook meals. Then children were born to them, and the man found himself again in a family.

So nobody can live alone, unless that person is either an angel or a devil. People need food, shelter, companions and help. They need to look after each other. And if they live in a family or community, their needs can be fulfilled. Hence living in society can make people good and happy citizens.

C. Close your book and answer the question. What five things did the young man do in the jungle? Now divide into groups of five. Tell the story to the groups sequentially.

D. Answer the following questions. First discuss in pairs, then write the answers individually.
1. Why did the young man leave his house?
2. Where did he make a hut? What did he make the hut with?
3. Was the man happy in his hut?
4. How did he find himself again in a family? *
5. Where and how can a person be happy?
6. What is the moral of the story?

E. Look at the pictures (a—j). Read the texts that follow (1—10). Match the pictures with the texts. Write the numbers of the texts next to a, b, c, etc. The first exercise is done for you.
SSC English First Paper | Unit: 1, Lesson: 1 | Good Citizens | Can you live alone?
SSC English First Paper | Unit: 1, Lesson: 1 | Good Citizens | Can you live alone?
1. People living in a community or society often have problems. A family may have a problem with a particular member (a son / daughter) who keeps bad company. So they talk to each other to solve the problem.

2. To prevent theft or robberies, constant security measures are often necessary within the village / city area.

3. A community may have a problem-like it doesn't have a primary school in the village or locality. So the community members need to discuss the issue in a meeting and find out how to set up a school for their children.

4. Cooking should not be exclusively a woman's job.

5. Young learners must cultivate virtues and acquire knowledge and skills to prepare themselves to carry out their roles as good citizens. So they need to study formally in institutions.

6. To establish peace and harmony among the people in a locality / village, experienced and elderly people often mediate between quarreling parties.

7. Only studying at school is not enough for young learners. They must also acquire knowledge and skills at home as well as from the media, clubs, games and sports, libraries and so on.

8. People in a society / locality often need to buy things at home. So there are vendors who sell necessary things.

9. In a village or locality roads often need repairing for easy movement of people and transport.

10. Along with acquiring knowledge and skills, the youth must cultivate good qualities like genuine sympathy for the weak and the poor. They should help the needy, show respect to others and have a strong sense of dignity of work.

F. Discuss in pairs and write the answer to the following question: What can we do at home and in the locality to become good citizens?

If you want to read the next lesson of this unit please click the link below:


SSC English First Paper | Unit: 1, Lesson: 2 | Good Citizens | Knowledge, skills and attitudes

A. Discuss in groups the possible answers to the following question. Then read the text in B and answer the question.  What else do you need in addition to food, shelter and company to become a good citizen?

B. Read the text.
To be a good citizen, you have to prepare yourself to do good work in society. Well, then how can you prepare yourself?

First, you need knowledge. Today's society is knowledge-based. Without having knowledge of modern sciences, technologies including ICT and other necessary subjects, you will have difficulty living a good life. The other areas you, as a good citizen, should have knowledge about are:
• our country, its constitution, geography and people
• our state, its executive and legislative powers
• our judicial system
• our government and its structures and functions
• our history, cultures, traditions, literature, moral values and religions
• our socio-economic activities and educational system

Second, you need skills to do things. Knowledge is not enough. You must be able to apply your knowledge to do things practically.
Finally, knowing and doing things will bring about a change in your behaviour towards others. This behavioural change will show your attitudes towards others, that is, it will show how you think and feel about a person or thing.

Let's take an example. Suppose you, as a student, need to know about 'group work' in the classroom. So you ask yourself or your teacher or anyone else, "What is group work?" Or you may find about it in a book. In this way, you may know, or you may have the knowledge about group work. To do group work, the class has to be divided into groups. Each group is to do some tasks given by the teacher or in the textbook. The group members will discuss and share ideas and points, and finally one member will write the answers.

Then you start working in groups. In each group you take turns discussing points and answering questions. In this way you can actually do the task. Your teacher may monitor and help you to do the work.

Lastly, through regular group work it is expected that there will be noticeable changes in your behaviour. Possible changes are:
• You will develop the skill of speaking freely in English with your classmates and teacher.
• Your shyness will gradually disappear.
• You will develop the attitude of helping and cooperating with each other.
• You will learn to behave in a democratic way.

Most importantly, these behavioural changes taking place in you inside the classroom will be carried over outside the classroom in real-life situations.

C. Suppose you have learned at school how to make your drinking water safe and when and how much you should drink it in a day. Now write a short paragraph about how to make drinking water safe and its importance.

D. Read the text below. Then discuss with your partner and write K (if the text is knowledge based) or S (if the text is skill based) or A (if the text refers to attitude) against each text.
1. According to Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, a democratic government is a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people." This means that the people have the right to control their government.

2. Two students are making a kite with coloured paper, sticks, glue and string.

3. Tisha's room was always messy. She could not find things easily. Recent¬ly she visited her cousin Ritu in Chittagong. She saw that Ritu's room was very neat and tidy. Everything was exactly in its place. Ritu could instantly find what she wanted. After getting back home, Tisha spent a whole weekend making her room well organised.

4. "It is the duty of every citizen to observe the constitution and laws to maintain discipline, to perform public duties and to protect public properties." (The Constitution of The People's Republic of Bangladesh)

5. Students in pairs are acting out a dialogue in a class.

6. Mouli is back from school. She is very hungry and looks exhaust¬ed. "What's wrong, Mouli?" asks  her mother anxiously. "Don't
worry, Mom. I'm OK. I just didn't have my tiffin today." "But why?" "Our peon died this morning. With other students I gave my tiffin money to the widow."

7. The students of physical education class are practising stretching exercise in the school yard.

8. The affairs of Dhaka city were run by the Dhaka Municipality until 1978, when the city came under Dhaka City Corporation.

E. Discuss in groups. Write how K S A can be shown in the following topics:
Orsaline Debate E-mail

If you want to read the next lesson of this unit please click the link below:


SSC English First Paper | Unit: 1, Lesson: 3 | Good Citizens | Good Character

 A. Ask and answer these questions in pairs.
1. What do you understand by character?
            2. What does a person with a good character usually do to others?

B. Listen to the Audio and answer the following questions.

Listening text 1

Questions: Tick the best answer.
1. Which is the correct statement according to the information in the listening text?
a     Good character does not mean special qualities.
b     Good citizens must have good character along with other qualities,
c     Character means a tool to curve wood.
d     Character traits are distinctive marks always seen on a person's face.

2. The red crest of a rooster
a     is a symbol of power and strength,
b     enables it to crow in the morning,
c     makes the bird tall and beautiful,
d     shows how it is different from a hen.

3. The expression 'distinctive qualities' means those qualities of a person, which 
a    are the same as others'.
b    emphasise honesty in him/ her.
c    make him / her different from others.
d    he / she gets from their parents.

4. Character traits are 
a    naturally gifted.
b   personally learned.
c    God given.
d   physically visible.
C. Fill in the blanks in the following passage with appropriate words from the box.
harmonious    allow   behaviour     respect    good   doing family class     others   sense   qualities   believe personally
Citizens possessing good character live a life of virtue. They may belong to any social 1)_______________ , upper or lower. Their thoughts and 2)________________show high moral values. That is, they have a strong 3)______________________ of right and wrong. So what they do is 4)____________________ for themselves as well as for others in the 5)___________________ and in the society. In fact, they cannot even think of 6)_____________________ any wrong to others. One of the most positive 7)________________   of these people is tolerance towards 8)____________ . Suppose a group of people in your community 9)_______________

or practise something which you do not like 10)_____________________ . But as a good citizen you should 11)_________________ them to perform their activities. Thus tolerance can generate 12)____________ for people of other cultures. Tolerance and respect together can make life   13) ________________________ and peaceful in society.

D. Read the completed passage and tick the best answer.
1. People with moral values
a can do anything they like.
b belong to upper social class.
c do good only for themselves.
d cannot do anything wrong to others.

2. 'Tolerance' means
a allowing others to say and do what they like.
b having a good character.
c  having disagreements with others.
d a quality that every citizen has.

3. What can make life harmonious in society? 
a performing religious rites
b encouraging cultural values
crespecting others' beliefs and opinions
d fulfilling religious obligations

E. Find the opposites of these words. If you do not know any, look it up in your dictionary. Then make a meaningful sentence with each of these opposites:

right — wrong

If you have moral values, you cannot do any wrong to your fellow beings.
tolerance ---------------
respect -----------------
allow -------------------
enjoyable ---------------

F. Write a paragraph about how tolerant or intolerant you are towards your classmates. Give reasons.

If you want to read the next lesson of this unit please click the link below:
Lesson: 4 | Responsibilities
