SSC English First Paper | Unit: 1, Lesson: 3 | Good Citizens | Good Character

 A. Ask and answer these questions in pairs.
1. What do you understand by character?
            2. What does a person with a good character usually do to others?

B. Listen to the Audio and answer the following questions.

Listening text 1

Questions: Tick the best answer.
1. Which is the correct statement according to the information in the listening text?
a     Good character does not mean special qualities.
b     Good citizens must have good character along with other qualities,
c     Character means a tool to curve wood.
d     Character traits are distinctive marks always seen on a person's face.

2. The red crest of a rooster
a     is a symbol of power and strength,
b     enables it to crow in the morning,
c     makes the bird tall and beautiful,
d     shows how it is different from a hen.

3. The expression 'distinctive qualities' means those qualities of a person, which 
a    are the same as others'.
b    emphasise honesty in him/ her.
c    make him / her different from others.
d    he / she gets from their parents.

4. Character traits are 
a    naturally gifted.
b   personally learned.
c    God given.
d   physically visible.
C. Fill in the blanks in the following passage with appropriate words from the box.
harmonious    allow   behaviour     respect    good   doing family class     others   sense   qualities   believe personally
Citizens possessing good character live a life of virtue. They may belong to any social 1)_______________ , upper or lower. Their thoughts and 2)________________show high moral values. That is, they have a strong 3)______________________ of right and wrong. So what they do is 4)____________________ for themselves as well as for others in the 5)___________________ and in the society. In fact, they cannot even think of 6)_____________________ any wrong to others. One of the most positive 7)________________   of these people is tolerance towards 8)____________ . Suppose a group of people in your community 9)_______________

or practise something which you do not like 10)_____________________ . But as a good citizen you should 11)_________________ them to perform their activities. Thus tolerance can generate 12)____________ for people of other cultures. Tolerance and respect together can make life   13) ________________________ and peaceful in society.

D. Read the completed passage and tick the best answer.
1. People with moral values
a can do anything they like.
b belong to upper social class.
c do good only for themselves.
d cannot do anything wrong to others.

2. 'Tolerance' means
a allowing others to say and do what they like.
b having a good character.
c  having disagreements with others.
d a quality that every citizen has.

3. What can make life harmonious in society? 
a performing religious rites
b encouraging cultural values
crespecting others' beliefs and opinions
d fulfilling religious obligations

E. Find the opposites of these words. If you do not know any, look it up in your dictionary. Then make a meaningful sentence with each of these opposites:

right — wrong

If you have moral values, you cannot do any wrong to your fellow beings.
tolerance ---------------
respect -----------------
allow -------------------
enjoyable ---------------

F. Write a paragraph about how tolerant or intolerant you are towards your classmates. Give reasons.

If you want to read the next lesson of this unit please click the link below:
Lesson: 4 | Responsibilities

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