SSC English First Paper | Unit Fourteen | Lesson: 7 | Pleasure and purpose | The Purple Jar-2

SSC English 1st Paper - Class 9-10 English 1st Paper - English 1st paper Class 9-10 - Class nine-ten English 1st paper
A. Rend more of the story.
This time Rosamond was really disappointed as her mother wanted nothing. However, while they were passing by a chemist's shop, she saw some jars—blue, green, red, yellow and purple—and she seemed to have a fascination for a purple jar. But her mother answered as before, "Of what use would they be to me, Rosamond?"

"Oh, Mamma, I would use it for a flower pot."
"But you have a flower pot and the jar you are dying for buying is not a flower pot."

"Yet, Mamma, 1 like it so much ...!"

Then suddenly she cried, "Ouch! A stone, mamma, a stone has got in my shoe. It hurts!"

"Oh! How did it get there?"

"See, there's a hole in my shoe, Mamma. In fact, my shoes are quite worn out. Would you be so good as to buy me another pair?"

"But, Rosamond, I haven't got money enough to buy shoes, jars, jewelry, buckles and all that you wish to buy."

Rosamond became sad again. Her mind flashed back to all those beautiful things she had seen that morning.

"But, Mamma, I like the purple jar very much. And now my foot hurts. Could you buy me only these two things — the jar and a pair of shoes, please?"

"No, Rosamond, you can buy only one thing. However, you may buy the other thing next month. And you have to decide which one you would like to buy now.'

"I need the shoes badly," Rosamond began to argue with herself, but my heart is in that beautiful jar."

Then looking at her shoes, she told her mother, "These shoes are not so bad, except for the hole in one. I think I can make them last till the end of the month, can't I? Don't you think so, Mamma?"

"I want you to think for yourself, dear."

"Okay, if you please, I would like to have the purple jar.'

"Very well, you will have it."

B. Tick the best answer.
1 Which is the correct statement?
a Rosamond saw the chemist's shop from a distance.
b She liked the jars of all the colours equally.
c She had a special liking for a jar of a particular colour.
d Her mother found some use of the purple jar.

2 Rosamond wanted to buy
a all the jars.
b the purple jar.
c a flower pot.
d a useful pot.

3 The money Rosamond's mother has can buy only
a one thing.
b two things.
c three things.
d four things.

4 Why did Rosamond persuade her mother to buy her a pair of shoes? Because
a her shoes had become old and ugly.
b she had no money to buy the purple jar. 
c the shoes in the shop were very beautiful.
d a stone got in her shoe and was hurting her.

5 What made Rosamond finally decide to buy the purple jar? 
a the beautiful size of the jar.
b her mother's inability to buy the shoes .
c her shoes being not so bad.
d the beautiful colour of the jar.

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