Exclusive paragraph suggestion 2024 (All Board)

লেখার সঠিক নিয়ম আগে জেনে নিই।
Paragraph হচ্ছে কোনো একটি ধারণার উপর সুসঙ্গত, সুগঠিত এবং যৌক্তিক আলোচনা। Paragraph-এর বাক্যগুলো পরস্পরের সাথে যুক্ত থাকবে। এছাড়াও বাক্যগুলো অর্থের দিক দিয়ে সংগতিপূর্ণ হবে।

Points to remember:
একটি মানসম্পন্ন Paragraph লেখার জন্য নিম্নলিখিত বিষয়গুলোর উপর গুরুত্ব দিতে হবে।
(ক) একটি title থাকতে হবে।
(খ) একটি প্যারায় লিখতে হবে।
(গ) একই বক্তব্য পুনরাবৃত্তি করা যাবে না।
(ঘ) সহজ-সরল ও ছোট ছোট বাক্য দিয়ে লেখা শ্রেয়।
(ঙ) অর্থের ধারাবাহিকতা রক্ষা করতে হবে।
(চ) সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপ পরিহার করতে হবে।

What is the topic sentence? 
Topic sentence সাধারণত বাক্যের শুরুতে বসে। এটা Paragraph-এর মূল ধারণা দেয় এবং পাঠকের মনে জানার কৌতূহল সৃষ্টি করে। পাশের Paragraph টির bold করা অংশটুকু হচ্ছে Topic Sentence।

How do I write one?
প্রথমে Paragraph-টির আলোচ্য বিষয় নিয়ে চিন্তা করতে হবে। অর্থাৎ কী কী বিষয় Paragraph-টিতে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হবে তা পরিকল্পনা করে key word-গুলো লিখে নিতে হবে। তারপর এর উপর ভিত্তি করে এমন একটি বাক্য তৈরি করতে হবে যা পাঠকের মনে জানার কৌতূহল সৃষ্টি করে। অর্থাৎ Topic sentence-এ Paragraph-এর বিষয়বস্তু এবং তার সাথে দৃষ্টিভঙ্গিরও উল্লেখ থাকে। যেমন : Your Father নিয়ে কোনো Paragraph লিখতে বলা হলে যদি Topic sentence লেখা হয়, My father is a teacher. তবে সেটি কোনো ভালো Topic sentence হতে পারে না। কিন্তু আমরা যদি লিখি My father is the best person in my life. তবে সেটি একটি ভালো Topic sentence কারণ এখানে My father একটি বিষয়বস্তু এবং the best একটি দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি। সর্বোপরি তিনি কেন best তা ব্যাখ্যা করার প্রয়োজন আছে।

What are supporting sentences?
মূল ধারণা (Topic sentence) ব্যাখ্যা করে বিস্তৃত করার জন্য যে বাক্যগুলো লেখা হয় সেগুলো হল supporting sentences।

How do I write them?
এখানে মূল ধারণাকে (Topic sentence) সংশ্লিষ্ট করার জন্য সহায়ক তথ্য উপস্থাপন করতে হয়। 

What is the closing sentence?
closing sentence হল Paragraph শেষ বাক্য। এটা মূল ধারণাকে (Topic sentence) ভিন্নভাবে পুনর্ব্যক্ত করে।

How do I write one?
মূল ধারণাকে (Topic sentence) ভিন্ন শব্দ বা ভিন্ন structure দিয়ে লিখতে হয়।

Techniques of writing paragraph
একটি Paragraph লিখতে হলে তাকে নিচে উল্লেখিত যেকোনো একটি group- এর অধীনে লিখতে হবে। আর এ পদ্ধতি অবলম্বন করলে খুব সহজে একটি মানসম্পন্ন Paragraph লেখা যেতে পারে। নিম্নে প্রথম ধাপে প্যারাগ্রাফের সাজেশন্স এবং দ্বিতীয় ধাপে সকল প্যারাগ্রাফের লিংকসমূহ দেয়া হয়েছে।

Most important
Suggestions 2023
1. Write A Paragraph About Food Adulteration.
Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
2. Write A Paragraph About Environment pollution.
Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023
3. Write A Paragraph About Drug Addiction.
Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023
4. Write A Paragraph About Your Best friend.
Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023
5. Write A Paragraph About An Ideal Student.
Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
6. Write A Paragraph About Modern Technology.
Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
7. Write A Paragraph About Uses and abuses of mobile phone.
Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023
8. Write A Paragraph About Internet.
Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
9. Write A Paragraph About The Importance of Learning English.
Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023; Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023, Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
10. Write A Paragraph About Gender discrimination.
Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023, Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023
11. Write A Paragraph About Female education in Bangladesh.
Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023, Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
12. Write A Paragraph About Earthquake.
Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
13. Write A Paragraph About Computer.
Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
14. Write A Paragraph About Pahela Baishakh.
Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
15. Write A Paragraph About Bangladesh.
Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023, Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023, Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023, Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023; Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023
16. Write A Paragraph About Price Hike
Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
17. Write A Paragraph About The ways of keeping good health.
Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023; Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
18. Write A Paragraph About Deforestation.
Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
19. Write A Paragraph About The 21st February.
Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023, Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023
20. Write A Paragraph About A beggar.
Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023; Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
21. Write A Paragraph About Load-Shedding.
Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023, Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for ' 07; Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
22. Write A Paragraph About Climate change.
Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
23. Write A Paragraph About Your Homeland.
Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023
24. Write A Paragraph About A Book Fair.
Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023, Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023, Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023, Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for ' 08, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
25. Write A Paragraph About Culture.
Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
26. Write A Paragraph About Bangla new year.
Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023 
27. Write A Paragraph About Natural calamities in Bangladesh.
Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023, Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023, Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
28. Write A Paragraph About Water Pollution.
Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023
29. Write A Paragraph About Globalisation.
Chattogram Board Suggestion for ' 13
30. Write A Paragraph About A journey by train.
Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
31. Write A Paragraph About A moonlit night.
Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023, Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
32. Write A Paragraph About Dowry.
Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023, Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023, Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023, Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023
33. Write A Paragraph About Eve-teasing.
Chattogram Board Suggestion for ' 12; Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
34. Write A Paragraph About Gender equality.
Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
35. Write A Paragraph About Necessity of sports.
Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023
36. Write A Paragraph About Leisure.
Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
37. Write A Paragraph About Merits and demerits of satellite TV channels.
Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023, Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023, Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023
38. Write A Paragraph About My childhood memories.
Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023, Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023, Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
39. Write A Paragraph About My first day at college.
Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023
Exclusive paragraph suggestion 2023 (All Board Suggestion for)
40. Write A Paragraph About Necessity of maintaining ecological balance .
Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
41. Write A Paragraph About Nuclear Family.
Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023
42. Write A Paragraph About Our war of Independence.
Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023
43. Write A Paragraph About Premature marriage.
Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
44. Write A Paragraph About SIDR.
Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
45. Write A Paragraph About Smoking.
Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
46. Write A Paragraph About Social value.
Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
47. Write A Paragraph About The Central Shaheed Minar.
Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
48. Write A Paragraph About The necessity of education.
Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023
49. Write A Paragraph About The usefulness of a kitchen garden.
Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
50. Write A Paragraph About Unfair means in the examination.
Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023
51. Write A Paragraph About Your Eid-ul-Fitr celebration.
Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
52. Write A Paragraph About Your living place.
Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023
53. Write A Paragraph About Your visit to a zoo.
Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023

 at a glance with link 
1. Write A Paragraph About Renewable Energy
2. Write A Paragraph About Our School Magazine
3. Write A Paragraph About Social Network Services
4. Write A Paragraph About A Winter Morning
5. Write A Paragraph About Mobile Phone
6. Write A Paragraph About May Day
7. Write A Paragraph About World Heritage Sites in Bangladesh
8. Write A Paragraph About A Street Hawker
9. Write A Paragraph About Greenhouse Effect
10. Write A Paragraph About A Good Teacher
11. Write A Paragraph About Festivals in Bangladesh
12. Write A Paragraph About My Favourite Teacher
14. Write A Paragraph About Street Accident
15. Write A Paragraph About Changing Role of Women
16. Write A Paragraph About Global Warming
17. Write A Paragraph About Punctuality
18. Write A Paragraph About E-learning
19. Write A Paragraph About Sound Pollution
20. Write A Paragraph About Early Rising
21. Write A Paragraph About National Flag
22. Write A Paragraph About Patriotism
23. Write A Paragraph About Our College Library
24. Write A Paragraph About Street Children
25. Write A Paragraph About Tree Plantation
26. Write A Paragraph About Usefulness of E-mail
27. Write A Paragraph About Illiteracy
28. Write A Paragraph About Air Pollution
29. Write A Paragraph About Traffic Jam
30. Write A Paragraph About Your Hobby
31. Write A Paragraph About Good Manners
32. Write A Paragraph About A Picnic I Enjoyed
33. Write A Paragraph About A Rainy Day
34. Write A Paragraph About A Stormy Night
35. Write A Paragraph About A Winter Morning
36. Write A Paragraph About Importance of Reading Newspaper
37. Write A Paragraph About Digital Bangladesh
38. Write A Paragraph About Facebook
39. Write A Paragraph About Child Labour in Bangladesh
40. Write A Paragraph About Self-Employment
41. Write A Paragraph About Bangladeshi Culture
42. Write A Paragraph About A Book Fair I Visited
43. Write A Paragraph About The Victory Day
44. Write A Paragraph About English as an International Language
45. Write A Paragraph About Extended Family
46. Write A Paragraph About A Moonlit Night
47. Write A Paragraph About Celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr
48. Write A Paragraph About How to Keep in Good Health
49. Write A Paragraph About The City/Town You Live In
50. Write A Paragraph About Social Values
51. Write A Paragraph About Unfair Means in the examination
52. Write A Paragraph About Leisure/Pastimes
53. Write A Paragraph About A Zoo I Visited
54. Write A Paragraph About Kitchen Garden
55. Write A Paragraph About Environment and Ecology
56. Write A Paragraph About A Journey by Train I Enjoyed
57. Write A Paragraph About Games and Sports
58. Write A Paragraph About Necessity of Education
59. Write A Paragraph About SIDR
60. Write A Paragraph About Shaheed Minar
61. Write A Paragraph About Smoking: A Habitual Sickness
62. Write A Paragraph About Early/Premature Marriage
63. Write A Paragraph About My First Day at College
64. Write A Paragraph About My Childhood Memories
65. Write A Paragraph About Our Liberation War/War of Independence
66. Write A Paragraph About The Family I Live In
67. Write A Paragraph About Eve Teasing
68. Write A Paragraph About Gender Equality
69. Write A Paragraph About Dowry System
70. Write A Paragraph About Globalization
71. Write A Paragraph About Water Pollution
73. Write A Paragraph About Natural Hazards/Natural Calamities
74. Write A Paragraph About Bangla New Year
75. Write A Paragraph About Culture
76. Write A Paragraph About Book Fair
77. Write A Paragraph About Climate change
78. Write A Paragraph About Load Shedding
79. Write A Paragraph About Life of a Beggar
81. Write A Paragraph About Deforestation
82. Write A Paragraph About Good Health
83. Write A Paragraph About Price hike/Price spiral
84. Write A Paragraph About My Country/Bangladesh/Homeland
85. Write A Paragraph About Celebration of Pahela Baishakh
86. Write A Paragraph About Computer
87. Write A Paragraph About Earthquake
88. Write A Paragraph About Female Education
89. Write A Paragraph About Gender Discrimination
90. Write A Paragraph About Necessity of Learning English
91. Write A Paragraph About Internet
92. Write A Paragraph About Uses and Abuses of Cell Phone
93. Write A Paragraph About Modern Technology
94. Write A Paragraph About An Ideal Student
95. Write A Paragraph About My Best Friend
96. Write A Paragraph About Drug addiction
97. Write A Paragraph About Environment Pollution
98. Write A Paragraph About Travelling
99. Write A Paragraph About Tourist Spots of Bangladesh
100. Write A Paragraph About Education
101. Write A Paragraph About Crafts of Bangladesh
102. Write A Paragraph About Folk Music
103. Write A Paragraph About Future Scientific Breakthroughs
104. Write A Paragraph About The Recent Scientific Achievements
105. Write A Paragraph About Importance of Global Peace
106. Write A Paragraph About Peace Movement
107. Write A Paragraph About Conflict
108. Write A Paragraph About Banglatown
109. Write A Paragraph About Diaspora
110. Write A Paragraph About Dream
111. Write A Paragraph About Hercules
112. Write A Paragraph About Orpheus
113. Write A Paragraph About Gazi Pir
114. Write A Paragraph About Human Rights
115. Write A Paragraph About The Sundarbans and the Royal Bengal Tiger
116. Write A Paragraph About Beauty
117. Write A Paragraph About Kuakata
118. Write A Paragraph About The Hakaluki Haor
119. Write A Paragraph About The River Buriganga
120. Write A Paragraph About Friendship
121. Write A Paragraph About Higher Education in Bangladesh
122. Write A Paragraph About Etiquette and Manners
123. Write A Paragraph About Adolescence
124. Write A Paragraph About Food/Eating habits of Bangladeshi people
125. Write A Paragraph About Traffic Education
126. Write A Paragraph About Traffic Jam in Dhaka
127. Write A Paragraph About Kalpana Chawla
128. Write A Paragraph About Valentina Tereshkova
129. Write A Paragraph About The Significance of the 7th March Speech
130. Write A Paragraph About Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
131. Write A Paragraph About Nelson Mandela
132. Write A Paragraph About Food Adulteration
133. Write A Paragraph About My Childhood Memories
134. Write A Paragraph About Sound Pollution and Its Effects
135. Write A Paragraph About My Mother
136. Write A Paragraph About My Next Door Neighbor
137. Write A Paragraph About Traffic Jam
138. Write A Paragraph About Air Pollution
139. Write A Paragraph About Acid Throwing
140. Write A Paragraph About A Tokai
141. Write A Paragraph About A Tea Stall
142. Write A Paragraph About A Street Hawker
143. Write A Paragraph About A Street Accident
144. Write A Paragraph About A School Magazine
145. Write A Paragraph About A Rickshaw Puller
146. Write A Paragraph About A School Library
147. Write A Paragraph About A Rainy Day
148. Write A Paragraph About A Railway Station
149. Write A Paragraph About A Moonlit Night 
150. Write A Paragraph About A Postman
151. Write A Paragraph About A Good Teacher
152. Write A Paragraph About A Fisherman
153. Write A Paragraph About Yoga
154. Write A Paragraph About Womens Contributions to National Development
155. Write A Paragraph About Water Pollution
156. Write A Paragraph About Tree Plantation/Importance of Trees
157. Write A Paragraph About Trade Fair
158. Write A Paragraph About The Taj Mahal
159. Write A Paragraph About The Life of a Farmer
160. Write A Paragraph About The International Mother Language Day
161. Write A Paragraph About Prize Giving Ceremony of My School
162. Write A Paragraph About Pastime
163. Write A Paragraph About Pahela Baishakh
164. Write A Paragraph About Our National Flag
165. Write A Paragraph About Of Studies
166. Write A Paragraph About My Visit to a Historical Place
167. Write A Paragraph About My Parents
168. Write A Paragraph About My Grandmother
169. Write A Paragraph About My Future Plan
170. Write A Paragraph About My First Day at School
171. Write A Paragraph About My Favorite Sportsman
172. Write A Paragraph About My Favorite Hobby
173. Write A Paragraph About My Favorite Bangladeshi Food
174. Write A Paragraph About My Daily Life
175. Write A Paragraph About My Best Friend
176. Write A Paragraph About Mothers Day
177. Write A Paragraph About May Day
178. Write A Paragraph About Load Shedding
179. Write A Paragraph About Knowledge is Power
180. Write A Paragraph About Junk Food
181. Write A Paragraph About International Womens Day
182. Write A Paragraph About Information Technology
183. Write A Paragraph About Independence Day
184. Write A Paragraph About Importance of Education
185. Write A Paragraph About How to use the Internet
187. Write A Paragraph About Global Warming
188. Write A Paragraph About Gender Discrimination
189. Write A Paragraph About Friendship
190. Write A Paragraph About Food Adulteration
191. Write A Paragraph About Facebook
192. Write A Paragraph About Eve teasing
193. Write A Paragraph About Email
194. Write A Paragraph About E-learning
195. Write A Paragraph About Early Rising
196. Write A Paragraph About Dowry System
197. Write A Paragraph About Deforestation
198. Write A Paragraph About Corruption
199. Write A Paragraph About Climate Change
200. Write A Paragraph About Child Labor
201. Write A Paragraph About Bangladesh at a glance
202. Write A Paragraph About Baishakhi Mela
203. Write A Paragraph About Awareness
204. Write A Paragraph About A Computer
205. Write A Paragraph About A Bus Stand
206. Write A Paragraph About A Book Fair I have Visited
207. Write A Paragraph About Dowry System
208. Write A Paragraph About My Neighbor
209. Write A Paragraph About Our National Flag
210. Write A Paragraph About A Village Doctor
211. Write A Paragraph About Arsenic Problem
212. Write A Paragraph About A Day Laborer
213. Write A Paragraph About A good citizen
214. Write A Paragraph About Drug Addiction
215. Write A Paragraph About Leisure
216. Write A Paragraph About Morning Walk
217. Write A Paragraph About Friendship
218. Write A Paragraph About Price rise / Price hike
219. Write A Paragraph About Mobile Phone
220. Write A Paragraph About Patriotism
221. Write A Paragraph About Price Hike


Exclusive Story Suggestion for Exam 2024 (All Board)

লেখার সঠিক নিয়মঃ
Story বা গল্প উপস্থাপন একটি সৃজনশীল শিল্প। শিক্ষার্থীর সুপ্ত প্রতিভার বিকাশ ও প্রকাশে Completing Story অনন্য সহায়ক। তাই পাঠ্যসূচিতে ১০ নম্বরের এই Story Writing Item টি অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হয়েছে।
প্রশ্নপত্রে কোনো একটি Moral Story, ঐতিহাসিক ঘটনা বা কল্পকাহিনীর প্রথম কয়েক লাইন দেয়া থাকবে, যার ওপর ভিত্তি করে শিক্ষার্থীকে মেধা খাটিয়ে বাকি অংশ লিখতে হবে।

Story Writing এর ক্ষেত্রে নিম্নলিখিত বিষয়গুলো মনে রাখা একান্ত জরুরী:
✍ শুরুতে গল্পের বিষয়বস্তু অনুসারে একটি Title লিখতে হবে।
✍ প্রচলিত Moral Story বা ঐতিহাসিক ঘটনার ক্ষেত্রে সাবলীল ভাষায় মূল Story বা ঘটনার আলোকেই বাকি অংশটি লিখতে হবে।
✍ কল্পনাশ্রয়ী Story সম্পন্ন করতে ধারাবাহিকতা ঠিক রেখে নিজস্ব চিন্তা চেতনার আলোকে বাকি অংশটি লিখতে হবে।
✍ বাকি অংশটি একাধিক অনুচ্ছেদে সম্পন্ন করার চেষ্টা করবে।
✍ Story এর ভাষা হবে গতিশীল, সাবলীল ও সহজ-সরল এবং মূলভাব (Theme) হবে পূর্ণাঙ্গ ও মৌলিক।
✍ Story এর Conclusion এ প্রাসঙ্গিক কোনো Proverb অথবা Story হতে পাওয়া নৈতিক শিক্ষাটি লিখতে হবে। নিম্নে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ গল্পের সাজেশন্স এবং শিক্ষার্থীদের সুবিধার জন্য প্রতিটি গল্পের উত্তর লিংকসহ দেয়া হলো। এছাড়াও প্রতিটি গল্প বাংলা অনুবাদসহ দেয়া হয়েছে।

Most important
Suggestions 2023 pdf download
1. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once a dove was sitting on a tree. It was singing in a melodious voice. A hunter......... Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023
2. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. It was late at night. I was taking preparation......... Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023
3. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. It was bright sunny morning. I was going to......... Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023
4. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. There was a crow on a tree with a piece of meat in its beak .......... Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023
5. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. There was a boy who hailed from an obscure background. Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
6. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. There was a shepherd boy. He used to graze a flock.......... Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023, Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023, Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023, Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023
7. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once there lived a poor wood cutter. But he was very honest ........ Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023, Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023, Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
8. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once there was a thirsty crow......... Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
9. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once there was a selfish giant who had a large and beautiful....... Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
10. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Sheikh Saadi was a great poet. He used to put on simple dress......... Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023, Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023, Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023
11. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once there lived a good king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce......... Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023, Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
12. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Long ago there lived a hare in a forest. A tortoise also........ Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
13. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once a school boy named Sumon was going.......... Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023
14. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. One day in the evening two friends......... Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023, Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023
15. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once upon a time, there was a king in.......... Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
16. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once there was a very powerful man........ Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
17. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Last year we had a our to the Sundarbans......... Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023
18. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Rahela is a village girl....... Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
19. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. There was an old house in a village........ Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
20. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once there lived a happy cobbler ........ Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023, Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023; Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023; 
21. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. When I was five, my father took me to a school........ Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023
22. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once there lived a poor man......... Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023; Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
23. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. It was twenty years ago........ Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
24. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once there lived a poor farmer........ Jessore Board Suggestion for 2023; Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023
25. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a shop. Holding it in his mouth ...... Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
26. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. I live in Chittagong. My elder brother works in Sylhet........ Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023
Exclusive story suggestion
27. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. There was an old farmer. He had four sons. They were grown up. But..... Dinajpur Board Suggestion for 2023, Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
28. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once a lion was sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It didn't notice........ Sylhet Board Suggestion for 2023
29. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Shantipur is a remote village in the district of Bogra. There lived a poor farmer. He had three sons and a daughter. Her name was Shukhi. God knew why she was named so. She started going to a Primary School three miles away from her village........ Chattogram Board Suggestion for 2023
30. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once upon a time two friends went on a journey. They had to go through a forest. As they came through the wood, they saw a bag lying on the ground. Rajshahi Board Suggestion for 2023
31. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once the house of a richman was infested with rats. The house became like the town of Hamelin. There were rats everywhere. Dhaka Board Suggestion for 2023
32. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. It was a fine sunny day. Almost all the workess were busy with their daily activities in a factory. Suddenly there was a crashing sound..... Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023
33. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Rafiq got into the train. He found out his seat and sat down........ Barisal Board Suggestion for 2023

 pdf download 
 at a glance with link 
1. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Good Behaviour Is Always Rewarded.
2. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Feeding a Poor Boy.
3. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Consequence of Carelessness.
4. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Benevolent Person Earns All's Thanks.
5. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about True Justice.
6. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Birbal’s Wisdom.
7. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about An Ill-fated Girl.
8. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Three Friends to See Elephant.
9. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Tit for Tat.
10. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about What Is Fun to One Is Death to Another.
11. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Scholar And an Illiterate Boatman.
12. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Wolf And a Crane.
13. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Honest Caretaker.
14. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Bad Company Ruins a Man.
15. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about An Evening Full of Thrills.
16. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Noble man Never Blames His Friend.
17. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Misdeed Is Always Punished.
18. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Lucky Girl.
19. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Three Friends And the Gold Bag.
20. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Wisdom of King Solomon.
21. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Sincerity Is the Key to Success.
22. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Struggle for Livelihood.
23. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Memorable Event in My Life.
24. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Boy with Ready Wit.
25. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Memorable Night.
26. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Black Will Take No Other Hue.
27. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Honesty Is Always Rewarded.
28. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A King without a Kingdom.
29. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Honesty Never Goes in Vain.
30. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Story of a Successful Woman.
31. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Man Cannot Live Alone.
32. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Industry Is The Key to Success.
33. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about In Search of Shanti Neer.
34. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Honesty Is Always Praised.
35. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Ready Wit of a Lamb.
36. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about An Unknown Place Also May Be Good.
37. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Ferocity of a Tiger.
38. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Plight of Ayesha Begum.
39. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Bravery of Young Boy.
40. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Tragic Accident.
41. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Plight of Sadia's Life.
42. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Street Child Robi.
43. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Story Teller Nambi.
44. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Widow And Her Donation.
45. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Allah Loves Those Who Love the Mankind.
46. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Grocer And a Fruit Seller.
47. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Foolishness of a Lion.
48. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Hazrat Abdul Quader And His Truthfulness.
49. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Mother Arouses in a Real Mother.
50. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Greatness of Hatemtai.
51. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Perseverance Is the Key to Success.
52. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Farmer And a Donkey.
53. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The King And the Astrologer.
54. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Pied Piper of Hamelin.
55. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Hidden Treasure.
56. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Golden Touch.
57. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Ill fate of a Maid.
58. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Laziness Brings Miseries.
59. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Grapes Are Sour.
60. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Fox without Tail.
61. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Triumph of Love over Money And Power.
62. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Greedy Farmer.
63. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Lion and the Mouse.
64. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
65. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about An Honest Woodcutter.
66. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Devotion to Mother.
67. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Responsible Young Boys.
68. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Responsible and Kind Hearted Boy.
69. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Fortunate Rickshaw Puller.
70. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Responsibility of a Kind Hearted Person.
71. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Greed Begets Sin and Sin Begets Death.
72. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Selfish Giant.
73. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Dress Does Not Make a Man Great.
74. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Too Much Greed, Too Much Sufferings.
75. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Misfortune of Rafiq.
76. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Responsibility of a Young Boy.
77. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Money Cannot Buy Happiness.
78. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Grasp All, Lose All / A Greedy Farmer.
79. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Return from the Door of Death.
80. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed.
81. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Lovely Lotus in the Dung-hill.
82. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Danger I Faced in the Sundarbans.
83. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Woman of Struggle.
84. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about My First Day at School.
85. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Result of Being Flattered.
86. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Small Creature Saves the Life of a Lion.
87. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Who Is to Bell the Cat.
88. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Honesty Is the Best Policy.
89. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Unity is Strength.
90. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Slow and Steady Wins the Race / A Race between the Hare And the Tortoise.
91. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way / A Thirsty Crow.
92. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Reward for Honesty.
93. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Punishment of a Liar.
94. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Determination Brings Success.
95. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Fox and the Crow.
96. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Friend Is for Friend.
97. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Fun Is Not Always Good.
98. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Dove And the Ant.
99. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about What is a Play to One is Death to Others.
100. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Unity is Strength / The Old Man and His Sons.
101. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed.
102. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Dividing the Bread Between Two Rats.
103. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Noble Courage of a Small Boy.
104. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Honesty of a School Boy.
105. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Cruelty of a Housemistress.
106. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about The Clever Astrologer.
107. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Mr. Rahman's Graciousness.
108. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Dress Does Not Make a Man Great.
109. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about Bayazid's Devotion to His Mother.
110. Read the beginning of a story and complete it in your own words about A Rickshaw Puller and a Lottery Ticket.

HSC English 2nd Paper Short Suggestion 2024 (all board)

HSC Exam Preparation
English 2nd Paper
Short Suggestion 2024

Grammar [Marks : 60]

HSC English 2nd Paper
1. Article Short Suggestion
Fill in the blanks in the following texts with articles (a/an/the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put a cross (x) in those blanks. 0.5×10 = 5
1. (a) __ angry man is not liked even by (b) __ idiot. There is a difference between (c) __ educated and (d) __ uneducated person. Again there is a :rence between (e) __ rich ana (f) __ poor. An educated (g) __ - man should come forward to educate (h) __ uneducated man. On the other hand, (i) __ rich man should have sympathy for (j) __ poor man.

2. Sensory disabilities are those that prevent (a) __ use of one of (b) __ five senses : hearing, signt, touch, taste or smell. Deafness or blindness are sensory disabilities. Some disabilities are inherited from (c) parents. Sometimes damage is done before (d) __ baby is born if (e) __ mother takes druge. drinks (f) __ lot of alcohol or smokes while she is pregnant.(g) __ baby s brain may be damaged if no oxygen cn get to (h) __ brain. Other disabilities are(j) __ results of accidents or serious illnesses.

3. In (a) __ last 25 years (b) __ world has lost one-third of its natural wealth, according to (c) __ international conservation organization world wild fund. (d) __ earth's forest, wetlands, seas and coasts are in (e) __ worse state today than they were before. Forests are cut down. Moreover, they are being burnt indiscriminately resulting in (f) __ increase in carbon-di-oxide and ultimately in (g) __ water level rising as a consequence of global warming. It is anticipated that (h) __ new century will face (i) __ overwhelming environmental (j) __ catastrophe.

4. What (a) __ surprise it was! Robin got (b) __ first prize in (c) __ competition. I was really (d) __ amazed at his success. Of course he was trained by (e) __ expert coach for (f) __ time. He always obeyed (g) __ instructions given by (h) __ coach. Even he was not found outside (i) __ camp during practice session. (j) __ boy like him is always appreciated by people.

5. (a) __ morning walk is a good habit for all classes of people. It is (b) __ simple exercise and good for health and (c) __ mentality. In the morning (d) __ air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollution. This pure (e) __ environment makes an effect on (f) __ walker's health and mind when (g) __ man enjoys (h) __ beauties and solemnity of (i) __ nature in (j) __ morning.

6. Kamal is (a) __ HSC examinee this year. He is not (b) __ attentive to his lessons. He is very weak in (c) __ English. Moreover he is (d) __ lazy. So his preparation in English is not good. (e) __ month ago before his examination he managed (f) __ short suggestion and learnt it. On (g) __ day of examination he started for the examination hall (h) __ bit earlier. He entered (i) __ examination hall with (j) __ trembling heart.

7. Television is (a) __ part and parcel of modern life. At present we can enjoy various TV channels through satellite. Among these, (b) __ Discovery Channel is my favourite one. This TV channel is very interesting and attractive. I think both (c) __ young and (d) __ old get pleasure from this channel. When I watch this TV channel, I forget (e) __ everything of practical life. The introducer narrates everything in (f) __ most appropriate way. He turns our attention to (g) __ unknown and mysterious world of (h) __ history and animals (i) __ sea-view is excellent. I think it attracts (j) __ attention of all kinds of viewers.

8. (a) __ idle man and (b) __ active man cannot be equal. We know (c) __ story of (d) __ ant and (e) __ grasshopper. (f) __ ant was industrious. On the other hand, the grasshopper was really (g) __ lazy. The ant knew that (h) __ industrious shine. On (i) __ contrary, (j) __ lazy suffer in life.

9. Ferdousi, (a) __ great poet, began to write (b) __ Shahnama and the Sultan promised him (c) __ piece of gold for each (d) __ verse. (e) __ epic contained sixty thousand (f) __ verses. But instead of gold coins, he offered the poet only sixty thousands silver (g) __ coins. So, the poet refused to accept the silver coins and left the court with (h) __ broken heart. He was (i) __ aggrieved man. Later on, the Sultan realised that he had made (j) __ blunder.

10. Industry is (a) __ key to success. (b) __ industrious can prosper in life. (c) __ man who does not undertake (d) __ hard-work can never go (e) __ long way in (f) __ world. Many (g) __ man is not conscious of (h) __ importance of (i) __ diligence for which they can't reap (j) __ benefit of success.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Articles.

HSC English 2nd Paper
2. Preposition Short Suggestion
Complete the text with suitable prepositions. 0.5×10 = 5
1. A great part (a) __ Arabia is desert. Here and there is nothing but sand and rock. The sand, is so hot that you cannot walk (b) __ it with bare feet (c) __ the day time. Here and there in the desert are springs (d) __ water that come from (e) __ the ground, so ' deep that the sun cannot dry them (f) __. Wherever there is a spring, trees grow tall and graceful, making a cool green, shady place (g) __ it. Such a ; place is called an oasis. Oases provide habitat (h) __ animals and even human if the area is big enough. The location (i) __ oases has been of critical importance (j) __ trade and transportation routes in desert areas.

2. Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked fa) __ yeasts, moulds and bacteria. This is because tne metal container is sealed and then it is sterilized (b) __ heat. Heat sterilization destroys all infections present (c) __ food (d) __ the can. Canned food does not deteriorate (e) __ storage, (f)sterilization process, the cans are subjected (g) steam or boiling water, (h) __ sterilization, tne cans are cooled quickly'(i) __ 32° C to prevent the container (j) __ becoming too soft.

3. Man has an unquenchable thirst (a) __ knowledge. He is never satisfied (b) __ what he has known and seen. He wants (c) __ see more. The inventions (d) __ rockets, spaceships and artificial satellites have made it possible (e) __ him (f) __ go far (g) __ the earth, his home planet. As a result, he has already landed (h) __ the moon while he has made the whole world a village, a global village (i) __ means of mobile phone that connect a man to a distant man thousands miles (j) __.

4. Parents have desire (a) __ bright future (b) __ their children. They are ready to do anything which may be congenial (c) __ the success (d) __ their children. Every success (e) __ their children make them happy and they become sanguine (f) __ their bright future. But then the children do not pay heed (g) __ the suggestions (h) __ their parents and fail to move forward as the parents want. Their entire hopes end (i) __ smoke. So, children must be cautious (j) __ it.

5. Flowers are the excellent gift of nature. They have existed (a) __ the earth (b) __ prehistoric time. Since then they have been treated (c) __ the symbol of beauty. It is an undeniable fact that flowers are used (d) __ various spheres (e) __ our life. It is used mostly (f) __ decoration. People (g) __ all walks of life use flowers usually (h) __ national occasion and (i) __ wedding. Everyone prefers flowers (j) __ expressing their love and devotion.

6. Greenhouse effect is the gradual warming (a) __ the air surrounding the earth as a result of heat being trapped (b) __ environment pollution. This is exemplified (c) __ the destruction and burning (d) __ of tropical rain forests, (e) __ traffic that clogs (f) __ city streets, (g) __ the rapid growth of industry, the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (h) __ packaging and manufacturing commercial products, the use of detergents like washing (i) __ liquids and so (j) __.

7. A good stock (a) __ words is necessary (b) __ anybody who wants to use a language. Vocabulary is an essential component (c) __ successful communication. It is an integral part (d) __ reading skill. While grammar is important, a lack (e) __ vocabulary may result (f) __ complete failure to convey a message. Vocabulary includes conceptual knowledge (g) __ words that go well (h) __ an ordinary dictionary meaning. Students' vocabulary knowledge is a building process that occurs (i) __ time as they tend to make connections (j) __ other words.

8. I caught sight (a) __ him while crossing the road. I tried to talk (b) __ him. But he was (c) __ a hurry. He was one (d) __ my best friends. Both of us studied (e) __ the same school. I had an intimacy (f) __ him. Both of us got separated (g) __ each other after the completion (h) __ S.S.C. Examination. Though my heart bleeds (i) __ him, I hardly meet (j) __ him. This is the go of the world.

9. Ours is a riverine country. Rivers are everywhere (a) __ our life __ literature, economy and culture. But are the rivers (b) __ good shape? Unfortunately, they are not. A few are already dead and several are going (c) __ the pangs of death. The river Buriganga is an example (d) __ a dying river. A report published in 'The Daily Sun' describes what has happened (e) __ the river Buriganga and why. Its water is polluted and a perpetual stench fills the air (f) __ it. The report says that the river had a glorious past. Once, it was a tributary (g) __ the Ganges and flowed (h) __ the Bay of Bengal (i) __ the river Dhaleswari. Gradually, it lost its link (j) __ the Ganges and got the name Buriganga.

10. The environment plays an important role (a) __ our life. (b) __ short, what we have (c) __ us including people, houses, air, water etc. is called environment. These are the main elements (d) __ our environment. (e) __ ensuring sound life, the balance (f) __ the natural elements is very significant. Sometimes (g) __ lack of knowledge, we don't realise the importance (h) __ it. As a result, we are polluting our environment unknowingly. Living (i) __ a polluted environment is undoubtedly a matter (j) __ great regret.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Preposition.

HSC English 2nd Paper
3. Phrases/Words Short Suggestion
1. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box. 0.5×10 = 5
had better as long as was bom let alone
wish lest would rather as soon as
as if have to
(a) Mr Aziz is an honest man. He __ starve than take bribe.
(b) Hello, I am from Bangladesh. I __ in Dhaka.
(c) Your mother is ill. So, I think you __ go home early
(d) We have started late. Now you are walking Slowly. Walk fast __ you Should miss the train.
(e) I want to set up a hospital. But, I have not enough money. 1 __ I were a millionaire to do that.
(f) I helped him many a time. But, now he speaks in such a manner he did not know me.
(g) None can live without hope. In fact, there is hope __ there is life.
(h) Rima was waiting for the reply. So, she went home __ she got tne telegram.
(i) You don't know how poor he is. He cannot buy a fan __ an air-conditioner.
(j) There are some promising sectors in Bangladesh. So, we all __ work sincerely to flourish in those areas.

2. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box.
What about No longer No sooner had but for
Whafs it like What if Would you mind
Would rather In order to Let alone
(a) There have been singnificant changes in the types of entertainment over time. Many of these __ exist.
(b) It is raining heavily. __ the bus doesn't come?
(c) I have already taken my breakfast. __ your breakfast?
(d) You are hungry now. __ taking a sandwich?
(e) Mr. Islam would like to go abroad. __ he arrived at the airport than the airliner landed.
(f) __ your help, I would have been in real trouble. I am very grateful to you.
(g) __ living in a forest? Some people in Africa live in the forest.
(h) His father __ resign his job than continue it with dishonour. He is very determined to do so.
(i) The boy is very poor. He cannot earn his bread __ education.
(j) Accessibility to higher education in our country is very difficult. Students must work hard __ get themselves admitted into universities.

3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box:
there what if was born had better as long as
let alone have to as if it as soon as
(a) __ is really unfortunate for a boy like him to fail in the exam.
(b) He cannot score a goal, __ a hat trick.
(c) His mother being sick, he needs to go home __ possible.
(d) The manager says alone; It seems __ other had nothing to say.
(e) No one is happy with her result; she __ understand it.
(f) __ you lose your pen?
(g) __ lived a very clever fox in a jungle.
(h) The poor will continue to suffer __ they are illiterate.
(i) Zahir Raihan __ on 19 August, 1935 in Feni.
(j) We __ educate all and work hard to develop our country.

4. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box:
was born would you mind there would rather what does ... look like
as if let alone had better have to as soon as
(a) He cannot tell my name, __ my address. He is lying.
(b) The Bangladeshi cricketers have done well in the World Cup. They __ struggle more to win the World Cup.
(c) __ the earth __? It's not completely round.
(d) I __ walk than get on the bus. This time the bus is very crowded.
(e) __ I reached the station, the train left. Really I was lucky.
(f) Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah was a great linguist. He __ in 1885 A.D.
(g) He acts __ he were rich. So nobody likes him.
(h) You look sick. You __ go home immediately.
(i) __ was a boy at the door. He wanted to talk to me.
(j) __ eating sea fish? I think you will enjoy a lot.
Short Suggestion English Second Paper HSC exam preparation 2024 download pdf.
5. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box:
had better there have to would rather let alone as if it what's it like was born as soon as
(a) Motin's father is a low paid service holder. He has no ability to buy a bi-cycle for his son __ a motor bike.
(b) I've never travelled by air, __ in the sky?
(c) Let's go to the cinema, __ is not worth waiting any longer.
(d) I am tired. I __ stay at home than go outside.
(e) You look very anxious. And you cannot continue your study any longer. You __ take rest.
(f) I am surprised to hear his speeches. He speaks __ he knew the ins and outs of the incident.
(g) Salam feels pain in his chest. He __ go back to the hospital for a scan next week.
(h) Tagore __ in 1861. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913.
(i) __ is no fish here. It is a swimming pool.
(j) I went there to meet with him, __ I saw him: I rushed to talk to him.

6. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box:
as if was born as soon as it what does.. look like
there have to let alone would rather had better
(a) Manners make a man. Students __ practice good manners in everyday life.
(b) Most students in our country are weak in English. They __ follow the advice of their teachers' for improvement.
(c) He tries to show off his knowledge in English. He speaks English __ he were an Englishman.
(d) Cox's Bazar is a popular tourist hub. __ are many nice hotels there for tourists.
(e) The other day I met an old rickshaw puller. He told me that he __ pull a rickshaw than beg.
(f) A poor man struggles hard to survive in our country. He can hardly earn Tk. 200 a day, __ Tk. 2000.
(g) In Dhaka city, traffic jam is very common. __ may occur anywhere anytime.
(h) Smoking is one of the major causes of heart attack and cancer. __ a smoker stops smoking, he can avoid the risk of any danger.
(i) Have you ever heard the name of William Shakespeare? He __ on 23rd April, 1564 in England. He was one of the greatest dramatists of the world.
(j) Son: Dad, __ an alien __?
Father: Well. Aliens are believed to come from another planet by UFOs. Films and science fiction tell us about them. They are really awesome.

7. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box:
let alone as if as soon as had better what's like
if it would rather have to there
(a) I met him ten years ago. I can hardly recall his name __ his address.
(b) __ has been many years since I saw him. So, I cannot recognize him.
(c) Don't behave __ you knew everything. Remember all others here are senior to you.
(d) You __ build your own house than live in a rented house. House rent has increased much nowadays.
(e) Give him the good news __ you meet him.
(f) __ are many rivers in Bangladesh. The rivers abound with plenty of fishes.
(g) __ I had a typewriter, I would type well.
(h) You __ consult with a doctor. The condition of your health may deteriorate.
(i) __ he __? He is friendly and he can help you.
(j) Time is over. I __ go now.

8. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box:
There As soon as What does ..... look like Was born What if
Has to As if What's it like Let alone Would rather
(a) It was 45 years ago when a new country named Bangladesh in the world map __ at the cost of million of lives.
(b) During the liberation war of Bangladesh __ was a great American singer George Harison who sang for Bangladesh.
(c) __ living in Bangladesh? You seem to be very happy with your life in Bangladesh.
(d) My foreign friend told me you __ leave this country than live here. I replied "This is my motherland."
(e) In 1971 the Pakistani army did terrible atrocities against the Bangladeshis. Pakistan __ apologize for this to Bangladesh.
(f) Pakistan always plays a role against Bangladesh. We cannot expect any co-operation from them __ apology.
(g) The elements of anti-liberation forces came out of their cocoons __ the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was killed.
(h) Some persons living in Bangladesh always try to make conspiracy against the country __ Bangladesh were not their own country.
(i) The authority of Dhaka University cut ties with Pakistan. __ the government of Bangladesh takes initiatives to cut of diplomatic relation with Pakistan?
(j) Teacher: Learners, __ the national flower of Bangladesh __?

9. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box:
there let alone it as if what ..... look like
have to as soon as was born had better would rather
(a) We __ not go out today. A riot has broken out in our locality.
(b) __ is a good idea to walk in the morning. One can take it as an important form of physical exercise, because it refreshes both body and mind.
(c) Do you often __ travel on business? You are always seen travelling abroad.
(d) Long ago, __ lived a very pious man. His name was Hatem Tai and he was very kind hearted.
(e) __ does a clown __? You've seen a clown in the circus many a time.
(f) __ I see my father coming my heart fills up with joy. I am very much fond of my father.
(g) I got a job at a bar. But I hate working at a bar. I __ be a waiter than a barman.
(h) Kazi Nazrul Islam __ in an impoverished family. He had to earn even when he was a small boy.
(i) The economical condition of Robi is very poor. He cannot afford one meal per day __ square meals.
(j) After the final match of the FIFA World Cup Suggestion 2024, Messi looked __ he were completely routed. His cherished dream had been shattered.

10. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box:
it is high time in case lest as though no sooner had
unless would you mind have to used to as long as
(a) There is foul smell in the room. __ opening the windows?
(b) Tomorrow I will be very busy. So, I’ll say good bye now __ I don't see you again.
(c) We __ educate all and work hard to develop our country.
(d) Nobody likes Karim at all. He talks __ he knew everything.
(e) The poor will continue to suffer __ they are illiterate.
(f) Nobody likes you here. __ you left this place.
(g) He saw a bear coming towards him. So, he climbed up a tree __ the bear might attack him.
(h) Everybody disliked Rakib. He __ do many harmful activities.
(i) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life __ you make proper use of time.
(j) The students were talking in the class. __ the teacher entered the class than they stopped talking.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Phrases/Words.

HSC English 2nd Paper
4. Clauses/Phrases Short Suggestion
1. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases. 0.5×10 = 5
(a) The students were making noise in the
classroom. No sooner had the teacher entered the class __
(b) I did not know that you were very busy with your examination. If I __ , I would not have come to disturb you
(c) It is very cold today. You will be sick unless you __.
(d) Environment is part and parcel of our life. We should keep the environment free from pollution so that __.
(e) The rain will stop soon. We have a plan to go out. We will start when __ 
(f) You are now very busy arranging the program Call me in case __ 
(g) 21 February is a red letter day in our life because __. It is our mother language day.
(h) Please remember that I can't do the work alone.1 will do every work provided __.
(i) Playing in the sun may make you sick. Avoid playing in the sun lest __.
(j) Bangladesh is a populous country. The area of Bangladesh is so small that __.

2. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases.
(a) Trees are essential for our existence. So, we should __.
(b) English is an international language. __ you cannot get a good job.
(c) Corruption is an obstacle to our national development. It is high time __.
(d) My childhood was full of joys and happiness. I wish __.
(e) Mobile phone is a wonder of modern science. But __.
(f) He cannot run the business. So, he should __.
(g) He confessed that __. So, I forgave him.
(h) The students could not memorise the poem. It was too difficult __.
(i) Since there was no more question to discuss, __.
(j) Female education is a crying need for our country. It is a good sign that nowadays __.

3. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases.
(a) He studies medicine so that __ 
(b) Time has its wings. It was five years since we __ 
(c) The poor man knocked at my door. He came to me with a view to __ 
(d) I found a box in the room. The box was too heavy for __ 
(e) I went to market yesterday. Had you requested me, I __ 
(f) Do not worry about me. I __ after I have finished my study.
(g) They are very hard working. If the bank gives them loan on easy terms, they __ 
(h) Unity is strength. United we stand, __ 
(i) We had to walk through a jungle. We saw a snake while we __ 
(j) Everybody will go to the graveyard after death. A graveyard is a place __ 

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases.
(a) 21st February is a red-letter day in our life because __. It is our Mother Language Day.
(b) Once there was a farmer who had three sons. They were so lazy that __.
(c) I have to meet Raihan. Do you know where __?
(d) It is high time you __. It is detrimental to health.
(e) English is an international language. If you want to go abroad for higher studies __.
(f) The bee is one of the busiest insects. It flies from flower to flower to __.
(g) My friend lived in New Zealand. It is many years since __.
(h) We must grow the habit of getting up early in the morning. The sooner we get up __.
(i) There goes the proverb 'United we stand, divided we fall'. Unless we are united __.
(j) Our country is beset with many problems. We all should come forward with a view to __.

5. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases.
(a) Garment industry in Bangladesh is one of the major sources __. But this sector is afflicted with many problems.
(b) Once Taimur attacked the province of a powerful prince. When the prince heard the news __.
(c) Mr. Karim is a hardworking man. __ he cannot turn the wheels of his fortune.
(d) Success doesn't come to a man automatically. When a man works in a systematic way __.
(e) Female education is a crying need for our country. It is a good sign that nowadays __.
(f) Motherland is like heaven. It is our sacred duty __ our motherland.
(g) Life should not be considered __. It is full of sorrows and sufferings.
(h) When you __ work, you will go home.
(i) The thief was afraid of police. He ran away lest __ arrested.
(j) He is an honest worker. Despite his honest work __.

6. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases.
(a) I think you are not punctual in studies. Be punctual lest __.
(b) I've missed the 8 O'clock train. Do you know when __?
(c) The thief stole my watch and I saw it. As soon as I saw him __.
(d) Though he was late, __.
(e) As he is unwilling to work, he cannot get rid of poverty. He must work if __.
(f) I usually avoid __. It is boring to drive now.
(g) As it is a difficult task, __. He is very skilled in doing such work.
(h) Whenever I go to visit the factory, I __. He must account for his absence.
(i) The film ended very fantastically. If you enjoyed the film, __.
(j) There are many obstacles in our way to success. We must work hard so that __.

7. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases.
(a) 16th December is observed as Victory Day every year in Bangladesh. It is really a red-letter day in our national history, because on this day __.
(b) A proverb goes that __. So we must try to lead an honest life.
(c) Courtesy means __. Courtesy costs nothing but brings a lot.
(d) Bangladesh is an agricultural country. As her economy depends on agricultures, __.
(e) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life unless __.
(f) Bangladesh is our motherland. It is a small but beautiful country. Though it is a small country, it is __.
(g) Early rising gives a man enough free time. Since I am an early riser __.
(h) You must have confidence in your ability. If you __ you will be successfully.
(i) My final examination is going on. I studied hard lest I __.
(j) His father has no ability to bear his sons educational expenses. So the son takes up a part-time job so that __.

8. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases.
(a) The job market is getting bad to worse day by day. If you don't work hard in your student life, __.
(b) Trees are most important for our survival. They supply oxygen without which __.
(c) My HSC exam is knocking at the door. I have to study attentively so that __.
(d) I have lost my cell phone. Would you mind __ so that I can talk to my mother.
(e) Last week, my friend Hasan met with an accident. No sooner had I heard the news than __.
(f) Flower is a symbol of beauty, love and purity. There is hardly anyone who __.
(g) Walk fast lest __.
(h) Jui is studying medicine. She wants __.
(i) During the recent years, most teenagers have become face book freak. They waste time for nothing. They should know that __.
(j) He came to my room while __. He did not wake me up.

9. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases.
(a) Honesty is the best policy. If you maintain honesty, __.
(b) Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is high time __.
(c) English is an international language. I wish __.
(d) If I had much money, __.
(e) There goes a proverb that __. So, you have to make friendship with a gentleman.
(f) Hardly has he seen his friend __.
(g) It is a long time since we __.
(h) All of us have to work hard with a view to __.
(i) I was too young to __.
(j) A student has to be punctual. He has to study regularly lest he __.

10. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/phrases.
(a) Last night, I did not have a sound steep. I feel sleepy __ TV.
(b) You cannot handle such a __ if you don't have prior experience in teaching.
(c) If the driver had been more careful, __ the fatal accident.
(d) We were supposed to start our journey the next day. But it was so hot that __.
(e) A village market is one of the many attractions of country life. It is a public place where __.
(f) The box is very heavy. Are you strong enough __?
(g) Begging is not a profession. It is very disreputable. We must not __.
(h) Wherever he speaks in English __. But it is natural that we learn through mistakes.
(i) The station is not far away from here. It will take you five minutes __.
(j) One should bear in mind that forming bad habit is easy to do but __.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Clauses/Phrases.

HSC English 2nd Paper
5. Verbs Short Suggestion
Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context. 0.5×10 = 5
1. My 17th birthday ceremony (a) __ (hold) yesterday. On the occasion the whole house (b) __ (decorate) very nicely. All the rooms (c) __ (clean). A dining table (d) __ (set) in the middle of the dining room. Various delicious items of food (e) __  (cook) by my mother. An order (f) __ (give) for a birthday cake. The guests who (g) __ (invite) started to come. They (h) __ (Welcome) by my parents. They (i) __ (tell) to sit in the drawing room. The cake (j) __ (bring) in time.

2. Chaucer (a) __ (regard) as the father of English poetry ana the first of tne great modems. Chaucer (b) __ (anticipate) the modem taste and the modem mind. Chaucer may (c) __. (call) the morning star of the Renaissance. He is the greatest English story¬teller in verse. He (d) __ (Praise) for his technical skill. He was the poet who first beautified and (el __ (enhance) the English language. He (f) __ (be) the first founder of English language. He is the first English writer (g) __ (bring) the atmosphere of romantic interest about tne men and women and the daily work of one's own world, which (h) __ (be) the aim of nearly all-modem literature. He was essentially a dramatic poet. Like Shakespeare, he (i) __ (concern) with men and women, their passions and opinions, the thoughts and ideas, which (j) __ (make) them act as they did.

3. A proverb goes that time and tide wait for none. None a) __ (call) it back. A man b) __ (get) back his lost money and wealth but cannot get back his lost time. Time once lost c) __ (lose) forever. So we d) __ (make) the best use of our time. We e) __ (do) our work in time. If we put off our work for tomorrow, we do not get time to do it at all. There are some people who waste their time for nothing. They cannot prosper in life. They f) __ (depend) on others. If we read the biography of the great men, we g) __ (realize) it. They h) __ (waste) a single moment uselessly. They i) __ (be) very industrious from their childhood. We can prosper in life only by j) __ (follow) their lives.

4. Nobel prizes (a) __ (award) every year for outstanding achievements in the field of science, literature and for (b) __ (promote) world peace. Under this prize, the prize winner (c) __ (get) a gold medal, a certificate and a large sum of money. This prize (d) __ (give) to persons with most outstanding contributions in six fields, namely, physics, chemistry, physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace and Economics. Economics (e) __ (add) in the list in 1969 for the first time. One prize is awarded in each field. If there are more than one recipient of the prize in one field, the prize money is equally (f) __ (distribute) amongst all the winners. The prize was (g) __ (institute) by a man who (h) __ (be) the inventor of the science of destruction. This scientist was Alfred Nobel. He (i) __ (bear) in Stockholm on 21st October, 1833 and he (j) __ (die) on the 10th December, 1896.

5. My 17th birth day ceremony (a) __ (hold) yesterday. On the occasion, the whole house (b) __ (decorate) very nicely. All the rooms (c) __ (clean). A dining table (d) __ (set) in the middle of the dining room. Various delicious items of food (e) __ (cook) by my mother. An order (f) __ (give) for a birthday cake. The guests who (g) __ (invite) started to come. They (h) __ (welcome) by my parents. They (i) __ (tell) to sit in the drawing room. The cake (j) __ (bring) in time.

6. One night the entire village was sleeping. The boy Bayazid Bustami was busy in study. His mother (a) __ (sleep). Suddenly she woke up and (b) __ (feel) thirsty. (c) __ (call) her son, she told her son to give her a glass of water and (d) __ (fall) a sleep again. When Bayazid went to the pitcher, he (e) __ (find) it empty. So, he went out with the pitcher in search of water. After a while he (f) __ (come) back home with water and found his mother (g) __ (sleep). Then he waited (h) __ (stand) by her bed with a glass of water. He did not make any sound lest she (i) __ (wake) up. Suddenly his mother woke up and saw him with the glass of water. At once she (j) __ (understand) what was the matter.

7. Many events of great importance (a) (take) place during the last century. Significant advances (b) (make) in the field of science and technology. Many European colonies (c) (gain) independence. The movement for democracy (d) (become) prominent in many parts of the world. Two World Wars (e) (break) out in this century. It also (f) (witness) the misuse of atomic energy. Two cities of Japan were completely (g) (destroy) as a result of the dropping of atom bombs. However, the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent nation (h) (become) a momentous event. After a bloody war of nine months Bangladesh (i) (bear). Now we (j) (hold) our heads high in the community of nations.

8. Parents (a) __ (be) blessings of God to us. When a child (b) __ (bear), their joys (c) __ (know) no bounds. They (d) __ (start) (e) __ (think) of (f) __ (nurse) and (g) __ (bring) up their children. They (h) __ (remain) safe under the custody of their parents since birth. Parents never mind (i) __ (take) pains for the upbringing of their off-spring. We (j) __ never (offend) our parents.

9. The liberation war of Bangladesh inspired many artists, singers and cultural activists. Eminent artiste Shaheen Samad (a) __ (join) Bangladesh Mukti Sangrami Shilpi Sangstha during the liberation war. She along with others (b) __ (inspire) millions with her voice (c) __ (raise) funds for the refugee camps. The cultural troupe used to (d) __ (travel) to refugee camps and different areas in Mukta Anchal. They (e) __ (perform) patriotic songs and arranged puppet shows, besides, (f) __ (stage) dramas. Shaheen Samad said, "Liberation war always (g) __ (be) an inspiration for me." She sang a lot of songs during that time and now (h) __ (feel) honoured to have been able to inspire the freedom fighters. She has the memorable harmonium with which she sang in 1971. Now she (i) __ (wish) to hand it over to liberation war museum. This eminent artiste wants live performance of those moving songs on TV channel, at least one song in a week and thus (j) __ (cover) all the year round.

10. English (a) __ (be) the most widely used international language. It (b) __ (learn) to communicate with the foreigners for various purposes such as (c) __ (maintain) co-operation, co-existence and exchanging business information. There are also certain jobs which (d) __ (require) a good functional knowledge of English. The jobs of a pilot, a postman, a telephone operator, a tour guide, a mechanic, a receptionist of an international hotel, an executive of a multinational firm etc. (e) __ (be) a few of them. Besides, a student (f) __ (wish) to go for higher studies must learn English because the books on advanced education are mostly (g) __ (write) in English. So, the importance and demand of learning English in our country can, in no way, be (h) __ (ignore). Rather, we should (i) __ (put) high importance on (j) __ (learn) English to make room for ourselves in the competitive world.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Verbs.

HSC English 2nd Paper
6. Transformation Short Suggestion
Read the text and change the sentences as directed. 1×5 = 5
1. (a) Day to day life in Dhaka is expensive. (Negative) (b) People living below the poverty line lead a miserable life. (Complex) (c) Price hike is one of the biggest problems for them. (Positive) (d) The government has taken necessary measures to keep the price hike under control. (Passive) (e) The people who are greedy, are responsible for price spiral. (Simple)

2. (a) The National memorial which is situated at Savar is a symbol of the nation's respect (Simple)
(b) Standing in front of the graves, we bow down our heads (Complex) (c) The towers symbolizes the loftiness of the spirit of the martyred freedom fighters (passive), (d) We always remember their memories (Negative) (e) Everyday many people go to visit it (Interrogative)

3. (a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory) (b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Passive) (c) At present cricket is the most popular game in our country. (Positive) (d) Bangladesh is one of the weakest Test Playing Countries. (Comparative) So, most of the people do not like watching test cricket. (e) They are fond of watching "Twenty-twenty" cricket. (Interrogative)

4. (a) Bayazid Bostami was one of the greatest saints of Islam. (Positive) (b) One night, while reading, his mother asked him for a glass of water. (Passive) (c) There was no drinking water in the house, so he went out to fetch it. (Complex). (d) When he came back, he found his mother sleeping (Compound) (e) Thus what he showed was a great love and respect to his mother. (Simple)

5. The Tajmahal, the unique tomb, is the 7th wonder of the world. (a) It was three hundred years ago since emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj. (Make it simple). (b) As he loved his wife Mamtaj very much, he built it as a tomb of his dear wife (Make it compound). (c) The building was made with fine white marbles. (Make it active). (d) It rests on a platform of red stone, therefore it looks very nice. (Make it complex). (e) The Tajmahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. (Make it positive). Many tourists come here to enjoy the scenery of the Taj.

6. No person can be happy without friends. So, (a) everybody wants friends. (Make it Negative without changing the meaning) (b) The heart is formed for love and cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receiving love. (Complex) (c) But you cannot find others to love you unless you love them. (Simple) (d) You cannot be happy without it. (Make it Interrogative without changing the meaning) So (e) as love is divine, everybody wants to love. (Compound)

7. (a) Most of the people of our country are living in the rural areas. (Make it interrogative without the change of meaning) (b) They are peace loving. (Make it complex) (c) They are more patriotic and industrious. (Make it positive) (d) They love their motherland profoundly. (Make it passive) (e) Although they are insolvent, they do not adopt any unfair means to become rich overnight. (Make it simple)

8. (a) Long ago there was a king who was very wise (Make it simple). (b) People called him wise Solomon (make it passive). (c) Actually at that time he was the wisest of all (Make it comparative). (d) There was another ruler also named Queen of Sheba (Make it complex). (e) One day, she thought Solomon’s wisdom should not remain untested. (Make it affirmative).

9. (a) Water, an important vital element of environment, is polluted in various ways (complex). It is called life. (b) The water which is pure is necessary for us (simple). (c) Men pollute water by throwing waste in it (compound). (d) The farmers use water in time of cultivation largely (passive). (e) It is one of the most important elements of all living beings (positive).

10. (a) Some essential agricultural inputs are to be ensured to increase our food production. (Make it active) (b) The farmers who are poor do not get loans on easy terms. (Make it simple) (c) What a pity! (Make it Assertive) (d) The farmers do not get the facilities necessary for food production. (Make it complex to) (e) Unfortunately, they do not get the due price of their products. (Make it compound)
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Transformation.

HSC English 2nd Paper
7. Narration Short Suggestion
Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches. 5
1. Alexander said to Porus, "How do you desire to be treated?" "Like a king", replied Porus." And you have nothing else to request?" said Alexander. "No".

2. "Good morning," said the man. "Good morning. How can I help you?" said the woman. "I understand that the school organizes trips to different places," said the man. "Yes, we run five trips every month," said the woman. "What sort of places are they?" said the man, "We take our students always to the places of historical interest," said the woman. "Thank you very much for the information," the man said.

4. Rahim said to Hamid, "How are you? I went to your hostel yesterday, but did not find you. Where did you go?" "I went to the station", said Hamid. "I had to receive my maternal uncle there."

5. "You look a little bit like my mother," he said. "But you were only four, Jerry, when you came here. Do you remember her face all these years?" "My mother lives in Mannville." "Have you seen her lately?" I said.

6. "You look a little bit like my mother," he said, "especially in the dark by the fire." "But you were only four Jerry, when you came here. You have remembered how she looked all these years?" "My mother lives in Mannville," he said.

7. "Mina, have you done your English lesson today?" said the teacher. "Yes, sir," she replied. "But I haven't understood one grammatical point." "Don't worry. I'll help you understand it," said the teacher. "Thank you, sir," she said.

8. "Do you know Bangladesh Open University offers an English self-learning course?" Sejan said to Shawan. "Yes, I have heard it from my father who works as a tutor of the course. It is a six-month course known as CELP," said Shawan.

9. "Why are your children crying, my daughter?" said the Caliph. 
"They have been starving," said the woman. "Have you none else in the world?" "My husband died some months ago. He left them neither money nor any property. So, they are in great distress. They have to starve sometimes." "Oh! Let me see, how I can help you," said the Caliph.

10. One day Hazrat Omar (R) became shocked to see the sufferings of a woman and said, "Where do you live?" The woman said, "I live in a poor hut south end to this town. I'm hungry but there is no food in my house. Will you give me something to eat?" Hazrat Omar (R) said, "Go back home. I'm coming with food and money for you."
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Narration.

HSC English 2nd Paper
8. Pronoun Short Suggestion
Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraph. Where necessary, rewrite the sentence so that all pronoun references are clear. 1×5 = 5
1. Once a king ordered his cook to prepare a delicious duck roast. When it was cooked, he could not resist his temptation and ate one of the legs of the roasted duck. When he sat to eat, he found one of the legs of it was missing and so, he asked him about it. But the cook said that it had only one leg. At this, he got furious and said that there was no such thing as a one-legged duck.

2. Travelling is a part of education. It means going from place to place. One can enhance his knowledge by going from place to place. This gives one the opportunity to see the unseen and know the unknown. Some people are averse to travelling. This limits their vision. However, by travelling different parts of the world, it can enrich our knowledge and vision.

3. The witness told the International Crimes Tribunal that he had suddenly heard a gunshot and had gone towards the door. He added that he had seen many Al-Badr men and the members of the Pakistani army on his house premises. The judge asked him if he had recognized some of the Al-Badr men. The witness answered that he could recognize one Hamid in his village who had brought the members of the Pakistani army to the village.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Pronoun.

HSC English 2nd Paper
9. Modifiers Short Suggestion
Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces. 0.5×10 = 5
1. Nelson Mandela, (a) __ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), is one of the greatest leaders of the world, no doubt. During (b) __ (use article to pre¬modify the noun) time of Mandela, the Europeans were separated from the non-Europeans. It was (c) __ (use a noun-adjective to pre-modify the noun) policy of racial segregation. The blacks were subjected to (d) __ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) sorts of indignities. They were denied all basic (e) __ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) rights. They were in fact aliens in (f) __ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun phrase) own country. The blacks were also treated (g) __ (use an adverb to post-modify the verb). Even dogs received a much better treatment than the blacks. The (h) __ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) leader vowed to put an end to the inhuman practice. Unfortunately, (i) __ (use a demonstrative to premodify the noun) great man was thrown behind the prison bars. But the oppressive rulers could not break his spirit. All his life he struggled against apartheid. Eventually the great leader fulfilled the goal of liberating (j) __ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) people.

2. One hot (a) __ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) day an ant was searching for some water. After walking for some time she came to a (b)i __ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) spring. To reach tne spring sne had to climb up a blade of grass. While climbing the blade of (c) __ (use a demonstrative to pre modify the noun) grass, she- slipped and fell into water. A dove from a mango tree saw this incident, (d) __ (use a present participle phrase to pre-modify the verb), the dove quickly plucked off a leaf ana dropped it into the water near the (e) __ (use a present participle to pre-modify the noun) ant. The ant moved towards
the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her (f) (use an adverb to post modify the verb) to the dry ground. Just at that time the ant saw a hunter standing (g) __ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) close to her. When the hunter was aiming an arrow at the dove, the ant decided (h) __ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). She went (i) __ (use an adverb to post-modify the verb) towards the hunter and gave him a severe bite. The hunter crying out in pain missed the target. Seeing this, the dove flew away fj) __ (use an infinitive to post-modify the verb) her life.

3. I have (a) __ (Pre-modify the noun) friends, but Karim is my (b) __ (Pre-modify the noun) friend. He studies in my class. We go to college (c) __ (Post modify the verb). He is good at studies and helps the students (d) __ (Use a relative clause to post modify the noun). He is (e) __ (Use an intensifier to premodify the adjective) hardworking. His parents want him (f) __ (Use an infinitive phrase to postmodify the verb) in life. So his father, (g) __ (Post modify the verb with an appositive), is really an honorable person (h) __ (Use a prepositional phrase to post modify the noun phrase). He wants his son to become a teacher like him and Karim's mother (i) __ (Pre-modify the verb) inspires him (j) __ (Use an infinitive phrase to post modify the verb)

4. One day Robert Bruce, a) __ (post-modify the noun with an appositive) was lying in the cave. He was thinking of b) __ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) misfortune. He thought that he would not be able c) __ (use an infinitive phrase). Suddenly, he saw a spider d) __ (post-modify the verb with a prepositional phrase). The spider was trying to reach e) __ (use article to pre-modify the noun) ceiling of the cave. It almost got to the point f) __ (use quantifier to premodify the noun) times but fell down at the last moment. It didn't lose hope. It was trying g) __ (post-modify the verb with an adverb). On the seventh attempt it reached the ceiling. Robert Bruce became very much amazed h) __ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) the success of the spider. He felt encouraged & came out of the cave. He began to gather soldiers again & prepared i) __ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) for the battle. He fought hard with the English and (j) __ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) time, he came out successful.

5. Once upon a time there lived (a) __ (Use article to pre-modify the noun phrase) generous and kind-hearted king. But the people were not happy with (b) __ (Use possessive to pre-modify the noun) king, because the king was too lazy and would not do (c) __ (Use determiner to pre-modify the noun) work other than eating and sleeping. He spent days and weeks and months in (d) __ (Use possessive to pre-modify the noun phrase) bed either eating something on sleeping. He became (e) __ (Use an adverb to pre-modify the noun) inactive. The king became (f) __. (Use article to pre-modify the noun) potato couch and the people started worrying about the king. (g) __ (Use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) day the king realized that he could not even move his body. He became fat and his enemies made fun of him calling "fatty king" of "bulky king" etc he invited (h) __ (Use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) doctors from (i) __ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) parts of his country and offered them generous rewards (j) __ (Use an infinitive phrase to post modify the verb) fit. Unfortunately, none could help the king regain his health and fitness.

6. Mother is an (a) __ (Use an adjective phrase to pre-modify the noun) blessing in the world. Mother's Day is a (b) __ (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) significant day observed as a (c) __ (Use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) occasion in honour of mothers. The day was for the first time, announced as a formal holiday in the United States of America. Mother's Day is now observed (d) __ (Use an adverbial phrase to post-modify the verb) as elsewhere around the world. The sons and daughters (e) __ (Use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) wait for this day. They buy some special presents for their (f) __ (Use a superlative degree to pre-modify the noun) mother. When they offer the presents, the mother becomes very happy. It brings a (g) __ (Use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) happiness between a mother and (h) __ (Use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) children. The bond of relationship between mother and children becomes everlasting. The mother (i) __ (Use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) draws her children with her motherly affection. In this way, we pay a (j) __ (Use a participle to pre-modify the noun) tribute to our dear mothers.

7. Water is a (a) (pre modify the noun) substance. It has no colour of (b) (possessive to pre modify) own. The (c) (determiner to pre modify the noun) name of water is life. By drinking water, we can quench (d) (Possessive to pre modify the noun) thirst. Thus we can survive on earth. But (e) (pre modify the noun) water is life killing. By drinking contaminated water, we suffer from diseases like diarrhoea, typhoid etc. We may (f) (pre modify the verb) face (g) (pre modify the noun) death by drinking such type of water. We are responsible for (h) (noun adjective to pre modify the noun) pollution. Waste materials from mills and factories are thrown here and there. Farmers use fertilizers and insecticides in their land. During the rainy season, they are mixed with ponds and rivers. Besides, latrines (i) (participle to post modify the noun) on ponds and rivers cause water pollution. (j) (pre modify the noun) awareness should be raised to stop water pollution.

8. I had a peculiar experience (a) __ (Post-modify the verb) while travelling to St. Martin's Island. I visited the island along with my family. Zahid, (b) __ (Post-modify the noun with an appositive), was our guide. On our way to the island, we watched (c) __ (demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) sea gulls. The (d) __ (Pre-modify the noun) birds were flying (e) __ (Post-modify the verb) with the ship. They became (f) __ (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) dear and friendly to us. We entertained them with chips and biscuits. (g) __ (Use a present participle to pre-modify the verb) them we became (h) __ (Use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) excited. We decided (i) __ (Use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) in the idyllic island for a couple of days. We can never forget (j) __ (Use a demonstrative to pre-modify the adjective phrase) lovely sea birds.

9. Raja, (a) __ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), is known to his classmates as a good student. He has (b) __ (use a quantifier to pre-modify the noun) good qualities. He knows that the (c) __ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) duty of a student is to study and he never neglects (d) __ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) duty. He prepares (e) __ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) lessons regularly. He maintains discipline. He knows the value of time. He gets up (f) __ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) so that he can get enough time to study. He goes to school (g) __ (post-modify the verb with an adverb). He never wastes a (h) __ (use determines to pre-modify the noun) moment in vain. Raja is (i) __ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) gentle. He always obeys his parents and teachers. He never mixes with (j) __ (pre-modify the noun) boys. A student like Raja is a great asset of a nation.

10. A village doctor is a very (a) __ (pre-modify the noun) person in the rural areas of Bangladesh. He is (b) __ (pre-modify the verb) known as quack. A village doctor is not a (c) __ (pre-modify' the noun) doctor. He usually sits in a small dispensary (d) __ (post modify the verb). He treats the patients (e) __ (use a participle phrase to post-modify the verb). A village doctor is not a (f) __ (pre-modify the noun) man. His chamber is (g) __ (pre-modify the verb) furnished. He cannot supply costly medicine to (h) __ (pre-modify the noun) patients. In our country, the number of qualified doctors is (i) __ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) few. So, a village doctor is a great friend to the (j) __ (pre-modify the noun) villagers.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Modifiers.

HSC English 2nd Paper
10. Connectors Short Suggestion
Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. 0.5×10 = 5
1. Unemployment is a great problem in our country, (a) __, it is the burning question of the day. (b) __ , almost all countries of the world suffer from the curse of unemployment problem, (c) __ ,Bangladesh is the worst sufferer of so called problem, (d) __ nowhere in the world this problem is so acute as in our country, (e) __ there are many reasons behind it. (f) __ our country is industrially backward, (g) __ our system of education fails to give a student an independent start of life, (h) __ it has little provision for vocational training, (i) __ our students and youths have a false sense of dignity (j) __ -, they run after jobs blindly.

2. Autism is a physical disorder of the brain (a) __ causes a lifelong developmental disability. Many different symptoms can occur by themselves or in combination with other conditions (bl __ mental retardation, blindness and deafness. Children with autism vary widely in abilities and behaviour (c) __ each symptom may appear differently in each child. Children with autism (dl __ show some forms of bizarre and repetitive behaviour called stereotyped behaviour, (e) __ , each child with autism is unique with his own individual range of symptoms and behaviours. Broad areas of similarity nave been identified (f) __ it is now possible to make some basic general statements about (g) __ children with autism belong to a particular group. Some symptoms and characteristics are failure to develop normal socialization, problems in speech, language and communication, strange relationships to objects and events, unusual responses to sensory stimulation (h) __ progress delays, (i) __ scientists do not know (j) __ some children have autism.

3. A student should prepare himself to face the problems (a) __ lie before him. He is (b) __ an individual (c) __ a member of the community too. He should try to equip himself fully (d) __ in future he can be able to discharge his duties as an individual (e) __ as a member of the community to (f) __ he belongs. (g) __ he wastes his time in (h) __ activities (i) __ agitational politics, his future will be doomed. The students should not forget that their main duty is to study. (j) __ it is their first and foremost duty also.

4. There have been significant changes in the types of entertainment over time. Many of these no longer exist. (a) __ they do, people keep looking for newer forms of entertainment. (b) __ snake charming, puppet shows, jatra, jarigan, sharigan and kabigan which were common forms of entertainment in the past, have almost lost their appeal. (c) __, radio were used to be a good source of entertainment. (d) __ it is giving place to TV, and to satellite channels in particular. (e) __, the entertainment business, like other spheres of life, is getting westernized. (f) __, folk music or palligeeti is now sung with western instruments. (g) __, modern music is now fusing melodies from folk and traditional songs. (h) __, band and pop music is becoming more and more popular, particularly among the young generation. (i) __ sport has become a great source of entertainment today. (j) __ football, which used to be the most popular spectator sport in Bangladesh, is gradually being replaced by cricket.

5. Home is the word (a) __ gives solace to each (b) __ every soul in the universe. Home is the place (c) __ people feel secured. (d) __ a fortunate child I have my loving parents and one brother. My mother is affection personified. My father is earning (e) __ a disciplined man. I nave tremendous regard for both of them. (f) __ my mother gets angry with me, I feel restless (g) __ I make mother happy again. My father is a quiet person (h) __ at times (i) __ he has spare time, he plays with us and tells us interesting stories. And my brother is the cutest person I have ever seen. (j) __ he is very small, he is quite capable of expressing his concern for me.

6. Time and tide wait for none. (a) __ no one can stop the onward march of time. (b) __, we should not waste a single moment in vain. (c) __ , we should make proper use of every single moment of our life. (d) __, the students should understand the value of time. It is a matter of great regret that some of the students pass away their valuable time in Facebook. (e) __, they kill their time. (f) __ , they cannot prepare their lessons well. (g) __ they always have a poor preparation for the examination. (h) __ they cannot do well in the examination. (i) __ , they do not stop wasting time. (j) __, they continue to waste their time using cell phone and Facebook till it is too late for them.

7. A lion was drinking water from a brook. (a) __ a lamb was also drinking water from the down stream of the same brook. The lion saw the lamb and decided to devour it. (b) __ he was thinking about how to accomplish his evil design. (c) __ he hit upon a plan. (d) __ the lion complained that the lamb was disturbing him by muddying water. But the lamb said that he was drinking water from down stream. (e) __ the question of muddying water on his part did not arise here. (f) __ the lamb argued that it was the lion that was muddying the water for him as he was drinking water upstream. (g) __ the lion retorted that the lamb spoke ill of him a year ago. (h) __ the lamb said that he was not born a year ago. The lion grew into a rage. (i) __ he said that perhaps his farther spoke ill of him last year. (j) __ the lion had the right to take revenge and kill the lamb.

8. Mobile phone has become an essential gadget for everybody (a) __ it has become very popular. (b) __ it has created a number of problems. It has (c) __ advantages (d) __ disadvantages. (e) __ it helps to connect people. (f) __ it helps to exchange information. (g) __ it can be used for various purposes. (h) __ it has a few disadvantages (i) __ can cause a lot of troubles. (j) __ its advantages are more than its disadvantages.

9. Honesty is a noble virtue. The man possessing this invaluable quality is the happiest man on earth, (a) __. To be honest, a man should have trustworthiness. (b) __, nobody trusts a liar. A liar may prosper for the time being. (c) __, he goes to the dogs. (d) __ we should be honest. It is said that honesty is the best policy. (e) __ dishonesty is the sign of downfall. God helps those who are honest. (f) __, dishonest people are cursed. (g) __, children should be taught honesty from childhood. It is widely observed that children follow their parents. (h) __, parents should be honest and upright in their business of life. (i) __, children should be allowed to mix with those friends who are honest. (j) __ they can mould their characters.

10. Unemployment is a great problem in our country. (a) __, it is the burning question of the day. (b) __ almost all the countries of the world suffer from the curse of unemployment problem. (c) __ Bangladesh is the worst sufferer of this so called problem. (d) __ no where in the world this problem is so acute as in our country. (e) __ there are many reasons behind it. (f) __ our country is industrially backward. (g) __ our system of education fails to give a student an independent start of life. (h) __ it has little provision for vocational training. (i) __ our students and youth have false sense of dignity. (j) __ they run after jobs blindly.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Connectors.

HSC English 2nd Paper
11. Synonym or Antonym Short Suggestion
Read the passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as directed below. 0.5×10 = 5
1. Literacy is a blessing No nation can prosper without education. Education is the indicator of prosperity of a nation. It is often argued that an illiterate jobless person is better than a literate jobless person. But- this is quite illogical. An educated person has bigger extent of self- employment; his productivity is also more than his counterpart. He can distinguish between good and bad in a much better way.
(a) Literacy (antonym) (b) blessing (antonym) (c) prosper (antonym) (d) Education (synonym) (e) prosperity (synonym) (f) illogical (antonym) (g) bigger (synonym) (h) more (synonym) (i) bad (antonym) (j) better (synonym)

2. Liberty does not descend upon a people, a people must raise themselves to it. It is a fruit that must be earned before it can be enioved. that freedom means only freedom from foreign dominating is an out-worn idea. It is not merely the government that should be free but people themselves should be free. And no freedom has any real value for th common man or woman unless it also means freedom from want, disease or ignorance.
(a) Liberty (synonym) (b) descend (antonym) (c) raise (antonym) (d) enjoyed, (antonym) (e) foreign fsynonym! m domination (synonym) (g) merely (synonym) (h) free (antonym) (i) real (antonym) (j) value (synonym)

3. Mannaa had a very happy journey last year. At the invitation of my college, he spent to Sythet by an intercity tran. On his arrival of the station Momin received him cordially. Then he took him to his residence. Since he made a nice arrangement for his comfortable stay, he spent an enjoyable time there and visitedsome places of scenic beauty.

4. Mobile phone is one of the most wonderful inventions in modern science. Today modern science has made possible what was impossible in the past. Mobile phone is a threat to the success of modern science. It has made a new communication system. It is the most up-to-date means of communication. We can send and receive any information from any corner of the world in few seconds by sitting at home. but mobile phone is not free from demerits. It may damage our hearing power and brain.

5. Illiteracy is a (a) curse (antonym). It is the root (b) cause (synonym) of (c) ignorance (antonym) which (d) frustrates (synonym) all (e) development (synonym) efforts of the government. No development effort can (f) succeed (synonym) unless illiteracy is (g) eradicated (antonym). Eradication of illiteracy in a country like Bangladesh with so (h) vast (antonym) a population is (i) undoubtedly (synonym) a (j) gigantic (antonym) task.

6. A thing cannot become as precious as gold only by the way of glittering. People in general, are charmed and attracted by outward show of things and not by their own merits. Gold is a bright precious metal and its value is recognised by all. Nevertheless there are many metals cheaper than gold but look like it. They glitter for sometime and fade in the course of time. They fascinate our eyes too. But their beauty and glamour do not last long. But gold is such a metal that it can stand the wear and tear of time and shine till the last moment of existence. In our society, there are so many people who are outwardly very gentle and nice. But after a period of time, their real identity is revealed. They do not have intrinsic value and morality.

7. We should never call a student weaker. Teachers should never discourage any student frustrating his/her interest, ability and dream. Every teacher should try his/her best to find out the ways of success for the students and guide them to achieve it.

8. Grass is a vegetation consisting of short plants with long narrow leaves. The grass family contains some 9000 species, including both terrestrial and aquatic species. No other plant family has been so successful in colonising a broad range of habitats across the globe. Most grasses have inconspicuous flowers that are wind pollinated. Certain species are cultivated as food crops. Others are employed in horticulture.

9. Sincerity is the root of success of all work. One can go a long way if one does a job with sincerity. The great men are sincere because they know that sincerity is the key to success. Those who do not follow the rules of sincerity can never go a long way, sincerity is the secret of victory. If any work is not done with sincerity, one will never receive desirable output from it. So we should be sincere in every walk of life.

10. Sincerity is the root of success of all works. One can go a long way if he does a job with sincerity. The great men are sincere because they know that sincerity is the key to success. Those who do not follow the rules of sincerity can never go a long way. Sincerity is the secret of victory. If any work is not done with sincerity, one will never receive desirable output from it. So, we should be sincere in every walk of life.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Synonym or Antonym.

HSC English 2nd Paper
12. Punctuation Short Suggestion
1. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors. 5×10 = 5
Della : May I come in
Sophronie : yes please Della : Do you buy hair?
Sophronie : yes, I buy hair Della : Will you buy my hair Sophronie : Take your hat off and lets have a sight at the looks of it.
Della : How much will you pay Sophronie : Twenty dollars.
Della : Only twenty dollars!
Sophronie : Yes, that's the best 1 can offer.
Della : Ok give it to me Quick Sophronie : Here it s

2. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Mom : Have you taken your breakfast Rafi Rafi : No mom.
Mom : Oh You're really annoying. Why don't you just take it?
Rafi : I don't want to eat Roti with vegetables mom. I want fried chicken with oyster sauce and chicken sausage.
Mom : Having iunk food is not good for your health. Have you seen yourself in the mirror? Youre being a couch potato.
Rafi : Really I think I have to stop eating fast foods. Well I've just decided to stop eating them but from tomorrow onwards now can I have them, please.

3. Newton : Excuse me where is the nearest hospital
Shuvro : Its about 3 kilometers from here You have to hire a taxi You can also go by bus
Newton : I see Is there a bus station near here
Shuvro : Yes there is a bus stop at the corner
Newton : Thank you.
Shuvro : Don't mention it.

4. Good Morning where are you going" said the merchant. I was just coming to see you said the youth. "What do you want" "Please help me to earn my bread by the labour of my hands. "Do you really want work!" said the merchant, yes if you have any." "Then follow me and carry the box from the shop to my house." "By Allah I'm really grateful to you." said the youth.

5. Husband : Cant you cook food properly
Wife : I cook food properly the problem is with you.
Husband : Really these foods are crap they taste pathetic.
Wife : I spend time in the kitchen from morning till afternoon. I work hard. I take care of two children at home. What do you do?
Husband : I work hard and earn money that you spend lavishly.
Wife : How dare you say that
Husband : Well that is the truth

6. A : Whats solar energy?
B : Its one of the renewable energy sources.
A : Why is it called green energy.
B : Well its green energy because it helps us keep the earth green I mean it doesn't emit any pollutant in the atmosphere when we produce and use it.
A : I see then it must be a clean source of energy.
B : Exactly. And thats why its also called clean energy.

7. Myself : Good morning Rana. How are you?
Rana : I am so so and you
Myself : I am well. But why aren't you completely well.
Rana : In every examination I'm cutting a sorry figure.
Myself : Whats the reason? Dont you utilize your time properly?
Rana : I spend most of the time in watching TV.
Myself : Recreation is necessary. But spending too much time on this has no good side.
Rana : I don't feel bored in watching TV.
Myself : But as a student, you should study more and more.
Rana : Thank you for your good advice.
Myself : Welcome.

8. Son : Did you keep a diary during the liberation war
Father : Yes I did.
Son : Can I have a look at it?
Father : I'm afraid, Ive lost it.
Son : Can you remember anything about it
Father : Yes, 1 remember one event there were lots of sounds and bangs out side one night. You wanted to look out but we didn’t let you.
Son : Why
Father : Because it was very dangerous. You were only four years old then
Son : I can’t remember anything.
Father : Its natural. No one can remember all from early childhood

9. Tourist : How old is the edifice guide
Guide : Madame its a 15th century edifice
Tourist : What a wonderful edifice it is
Guide : It was built by Akbar the then emperor of India.
Tourist : Oh! I see
Guide : Madame we should move now. The sun is about to set. It would be dark soon.
Tourist : Isn't the place safe?
Guide : It is. But the security does not allow anybody after sunset.

10. "I'm not in the least hungry," my guest sighed "but if you insist I don't mind having some asparagus."
I ordered them.
"Aren't you going to have any"
"No I never eat asparagus."
"I know there are people who don't like them. The fact is you ruin your palate by all the meat you eat."
"Coffee" I said
"Yes, just an ice-cream and coffee" she answered.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Punctuation.

Composition [Marks : 40]
HSC English 2nd Paper
13. Letter Short Suggestion
1. Suppose, you ar e reporter of a national dialy. Recently you have attended a Fresher's Reception Ceremony arranged by Rajshahi College for the newcomers. Now, write a report on the fresher's reception function held in Rajshahi College. Write a news report of about 120 word words. Give title to your report. 8

2. Write an email to the Admission Section of Oxford University asking them about admission procedure for overseas students.

3. Suppose, you are a student studying in Sylhet Govt. College. Your father has been transferred to Feni. You will have to go to Feni with your family and you have taken T.C. from Sythet Govt. College. Now, write an application to the principal of Feni Govt. College for admission on T.C.

4. Suppose, you are a student of 'X' college. Write an application to the 'Principal' of your college for introducing multimedia facilities in classrooms.

5. Write an application for the post of sales representative along with your C.V.

6. On behalf of the students of your class write an application to the principal of your college for improving computer lab facilities.

7. Write an application to the principal of your college for setting up a debating club in your college.

8. Suppose, you are the student of class XII in ABC college. You are highly interested in debating. Now, write an application to your principal for seeking permission to organize a debating club.

9. Suppose, you are a student of 'X' College. Write an application to the principal of your college asking for providing 'Sound System' in the large classrooms of your college.

10. Suppose, you are a student of New Ideal Govt. College. Now, write an application to the principal of your college for organizing an English Language Club.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Letter.

HSC English 2nd Paper
14. Report Short Suggestion
1. Suppose, you are Akash/Meghla. Recently, you have passed your HSC examination and now, you are seeking admission into a foreign university. Write an email to the University of London, Admission Section, asking them about admission procedure for overseas students. 8

2. Suppose, you are the District Correspondent of a National English Daily published from Dhaka. You have just covered a report on price hike of ay-to-day commodities in your locality. Write a news report of about 120 words. Give a title to your report.

3. Suppose, you are a reporter of an English Daily. You have observed that 'Facebook' is influencing both positively and negatively our young generation. Now, write a report on 'The impact of Facebook on young generation'.

4. Suppose, you are a local correspondent of a national daily. Now, write a report on the prize giving ceremony held in your college a few days ago.

5. Suppose, you are a reporter of a national daily. Now, write a report for your newspaper on "Food Adulteration/ Indiscriminate use of formalin in food", which has become a burning issue.

6. Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on the observance of the Independence Day. Give a title to your report.

7. Suppose, you are a staff reporter of a national daily. You are asked by the authorities to write a report on corruption in Bangladesh.

8. Suppose, you are a reporter of a daily. Now, write a report on a book fair you have visited recently.

9. Suppose, you are a reporter of "The Daily Star". Write a report of about 120 words on a cultural programme that was held in your college.

10. Suppose, you are a reporter to a national daily. Now, write a report on a terrible fire accident in a garments factory in your locality.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Report.

HSC English 2nd Paper
15. Paragraph Short Suggestion
1. Write a cause and effect paragraph on 'Drug Addiction'. 10

12. Write a paragraph showing the causes and effects and road accidents in Bangladesh. Use 100-150 words.

3. Write a paragraph showing causes and effects of Road Accident in Bangladesh. Use 150 words.

4. Write a paragraph describing the merits and demerits of a mobile phone.

5. Write a compare and contrast paragraph on "City life and Rural life".

6. Write a paragraph on drug addiction mentioning its causes and effects on the society. Use 100 - 150 words.

7. Write a paragraph mentioning the positive and negative impacts of Facebook. Use 150 words.

8. Write a paragraph on "Food Adulteration" showing its causes, effects and solution.

9. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on "Your Country".

10. Write a paragraph describing "The importance of Female Education".
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Paragraph.

HSC English 2nd Paper
16. Composition Short Suggestion
1. Students are the future leaders of a nation. So from a very early stage of their life they should exercise their leadership qualities and develop the mentality to serve the nation in future. Now, write a composition on 'Students and social service.' Write at least 200 words but don't exceed 250 words. 14

2. As we grew older, we like to recollect the memories of our bygone days. Now, write a short composition that tells about your childhood memories. Write at least 200 words but do not exceed 250 words.

3. Write a composition on "Female Education". Write at least 200 words but do not exceed 250 words.

4. Great people make history. They inspire us with their deeds and greatness of their characters. They are the leaders of the world. Now, write a composition in 200-250 words on 'Your Favourite Personality'.

5. The rivers of Bangladesh had a glorious past. Now, the rivers are on the verge of extinction. Write a composition on the "Importance of the Rivers in Bangladesh".

6. Write a short composition on environment pollution. Write at least 200 words but don't exceed 250 words.

7. Drug is an essential element of human life. But drug addiction is very dangerous. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer and show the ways of saving us from the dangers of drugs. Write at least 200 words, but don't exceed 250 words.

8. Bangladesh is our dear motherland. To ensure her overall development, we all are struggling hard. To love one's country means to get ready to make one's supreme sacrifice. Now, write a composition on Patriotism within 250 words.

9. Does internet play a vital role in Bangladesh? Give reasons for your answers. Write at least 200 words but don't exceed 250 words. Give a title to your composition.

10. Write a short composition on "Impact of Climate Change in Bangladesh". Write at least 200 words but don't exceed 250 words.
Click the link to see the answers of above questions of Composition.