SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [1] pdf download

Model Test Question-01
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it(1−7). Unit-1: Lesson-1(B)
Long ago, a young man found life in the family in his village full of problems and sufferings. Quarrels, ill-feelings, jealously, enmity - all were parts of everyday life there.
So he left his house and went to a jungle to live by himself. There he made a nice little hut with wood, bamboo and reeds. “Ah, how happy I am here!” said the man to himself.
But one day he found some mice in his hut. The little creatures soon made holes in his blanket. So he brought a cat to kill the mice. The cat needed milk. So he brought a cow. The cow needed grass and hay. So he brought a cowboy.
The cowboy needed food. So he took a wife to cook meals. Then children were born to them, and the man found himself again in a family.
So nobody can live alone, unless they are either angels or devils.  People need food, shelter, companions and cooperation. They need to help each other. And if they live in a family or community, their need can be fulfilled. Hence living in society can make people good and happy citizens.

1. Choose the best answer. 1×7=7
a. The man made a nice little___ in the jungle.
 (i) hut (ii) cottage (iii) building (iv) house
b. ― required grass and hay.
 (i) The cat (ii) The cow (iii) A cow boy (iv) The rat
c. The young man had to bring ― in order to kill mice.
 (i) a cow (ii) a cat (iii) a cow boy (iv) a wife
d. The hut was made with ―.
 (i) wood, bamboo and brick (ii) wood, bamboo and reeds
 (iii) brick, reeds and bamboo (iv) bamboo, reeds and iron rod
e. The man chose ― to live.
 (i) a locality (ii) a jungle (iii) a family (iv) a community
f. The young man was beset with― in his life.
 (i) problems (ii) hut (iii) jungle (iv) mice
g. The man thought to be ― in the jungle alone.
 (i) unhappy (ii) happy (iii) sad (iv) needy
Answer: 1. a. (i) hut; b. (ii) The cow; c. (ii) a cat; d. (ii) wood, bamboo and reeds; e. (ii) a jungle; f. (i) problems; g. (ii) happy; h. (ii) mice; i. (iii) obstacle; j. (iii) live; k. (ii) A society can make people good and happy citizens; l. (iii) mouse; m. (iv) Exclamatory sentence

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5=10
a. Where did the young man go? 
b. What did he make a nice little hut with? 
c. What did the mice do? 
d. Why did he bring a cat? 
e. How can need of men be fulfilled? 
Answer: 2.
a. The young man went to a jungle.
b. He made a nice little hut with wood, bamboo and reeds.
c. The mice made holes in his blanket.
d. He brought a cat to kill the mice.
e. The needs of men can be fulfilled if they live in a family or community.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. A (a) ___ man found his (b)___ troublesome long age. That's way, he left his (c)___ and went to a jungle to (d)___ by himself. There he was (e)___. But he had to (f)___ a cat, a cow, a cowboy, a (g)___ later on for his (h)___ piece of business. He (i)___ found himself in a (j)___. 
Answer: 3. i. (a) young; (b) family; (c) house; (d) live; (e) happy; (f) bring; (g) wife; (h) urgent; (i) again; (j) family.

SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer Unit-1: Lesson-1(B)

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
The first scientist in the world was Thales who was born in Greece in 625 BC. He was born in the City of Miletus. Though he was a businessman, he became a renowned scientist later. He practiced the knowledge of Geometry in Egypt. In fact, Thales became exceptionally known for his skill in Geometry. Actually his major scientific achievement is the invention of Geometry.
Pythagoras is also a scientist. He was born in 560 BC. He was a Greek who is actually a famous mathematician. He had also some reputations for Philosophy, Astronomy and Numbering theory. People considered him a great ideologist. This great scientist died in 480 BC.
Another scientist Democritus was bon in Greece in 470 BC. He was great for his research in atom. This great scientist died in 400 BC.





(a) ―


Birth year

(b) ― BC

(c) ― BC


Invention of (d) ―


Death year

(e) ―

Answer: 4. (a) Greece, (b) 625, (c) 560, (d) Geometry, (e) 480 BC.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. The greatest scientists Thales, Pythagoras and Democritus, were born in Greece. Though Thales was a businessman, he became a renowned scientist later. He was exceptionally known for his skill in Geometry. Pythagoras was well known as a mathematician. Democritus was great for his research in atom.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. The problem of deforestation

i. on the necessity of preserving CHT.

b. Jhoom cultivation

ii.     to a serious ecological imbalance.

c. Environmentalists and experts focus

iii. has become very acute.

d. Jhoom cultivation causes

iv. going on unabathed.

e. Deforestation may lead

v. is a great threat to our environment.


vi. on a priority basis.


vii. massive damage to trees.

Answer: 6.
(a + iii) : The problem of deforestation has become very acute.
(b + v) : Jhoom cultivation is a great threat to our environment.
(c + i) : Environmentalists and experts focus on the necessity of preserving CHT.
(d + vii) : Jhoom cultivation causes massive damage to trees.
(e + ii) : Deforestation may lead to a serious ecological imbalance.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) However, he picked it up and carried it home. He showed it to his wife.
(b) One day he was walking through the fields.
(c) He thought that it might have been dropped by a passer-by.
(d) With that he supported his family with difficulty.
(e) He had a few acres of lands. The lands yielded him some crops.
(f) So he always thought how he could add to his income.
(g) There lived a farmer in a village.
(h) While walking he came across a purse of gold.
Answer: 7. g → e → d → f → b → h → c → a

SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [3] pdf download

Model Test Question-03
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-1: Lesson-2(B)
To be a good citizen, you have to prepare yourself to do good work in society. Well, then how can you prepare yourself?
First, you need knowledge. Today’s society is knowledge-based. Without knowing modern sciences, technologies including ICT and other necessary subjects, you will have difficulty living a good life. The other areas you, as a good citizen, should have knowledge about are:
• our country, its constitution, geography and people
• our state, its executive and legislative powers
• our judicial system
• our government and its structures and functions
• our history, cultures, traditions, literature, moral values and religions
• our socio-economic activities and educational system
Second, you need skills to do things. Knowledge is not enough. You must be able to apply your knowledge to do things practically.
Finally, knowing and doing things will bring about a change in your behaviour towards others. This behavioural change will show your attitudes towards others, that is, it will show how you think and feel about a person or thing. 
Let’s take an example. Suppose you, as a student, need to know about ‘group work’ in the classroom. So you ask yourself or your teacher or anybody, “What is group work?” Or you may find about it in a book. In this way, you can know, or you may have the knowledge about group work: To do group work, the class has to be divided into groups. Each group is to do some tasks given by the teacher or in the textbook. The group members will discuss and share ideas and points, and finally one member will write the answer. All this is knowledge about group work. 
Then you start working in groups. In each group you take turns discussing points, answering questions, etc. In this way you actually do the task. Your teacher may monitor and help you to do the work.
Lastly, through regular group work it is expected that there will be noticeable changes in your behaviour. Possible changes are:
• You will develop the attitude of freely mixing and talking with your classmates and teacher.
• Your shyness will gradually disappear.
• You will develop the attitude of helping and cooperating with each other.
• You will learn to behave in a democratic way.
Most importantly, these behavioural changes taking place in you inside the classroom will be carried over outside the classroom, in real-life situations.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.   1×7=7
a. Students should have the knowledge regarding ―. 
 (i) society (ii) country (iii) group work (iv) groups
b. The right person, to monitor or supervise you, is ―. 
 (i) father (ii) mother (iii) brother (iv) teacher
c. You should have the quality to behave ―. 
 (i) smartly (ii) gently (iii) democratically (iv) firmly
d. At one point, a remarkable change will grow ―. 
 (i) in your mind (ii) in your heart (iii) in your behaviour (iv) in your brain
e. You have to practice doing good deeds in ―. 
 (i) home (ii) abroad (iii) classroom (iv) society
f. To be a good citizen you will have to prepare yourself to do good work in ―.
 (i) class room (ii) family (iii) school (iv) society
g. Knowing and doing things will bring about a change in your ― towards others. 
 (i) behaviour (ii) ritual (iii) belief (iv) face
Answer: 1. a. (iii) group work; b. (iv) teacher; c. (iii) democratically; d. (iii) in your behaviour; e. (iv) society; f. (iv) society; g. (i) behaviour;

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What will you have to do to be a good citizen?
b. What other areas of knowledge should you have about?
c. Why do you need skill?
d. What will bring about a change in your behaviour towards others?
e. What should you have knowledge about in the classroom?
Answer: 2. a. We will have to prepare ourselves to do good deeds in society to be a good citizen.
b. The other areas we should have knowledge about are as follows―.
(i) our country
(ii) our executive, legislative and judicial system
(iii) our government
(iv) our history, culture, religion and educational system
c. We need skills to apply our knowledge in practical situations.
d. The process of knowing and doing things will bring about a change in our behaviour towards others.
e. We should have knowledge about group work in the classroom.
SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer Unit-1: Lesson-2(B)
3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text.  0.5×10=5
i. Citizen (a)___ to a person who has the (b)___ right to be a member of a particular country. A good citizen always (c)___ himself to do the (d)___ thing in society. A citizen should not (e)___ himself in such activities which may (f)___ the progress and prosperity of a (g)___. He must (h)___ by the rules and regulations of the country. A country moves (i)___ prosperity and happiness when there is a balance between the rights the citizens (j)___ and the duties the citizens are expected to perform for the state.
Answer: 3. i. (a) refers; (b) legal; (c) prepares; (d) right; (e) involve; (f) hinder; (g) state; (h) abide; (i) towards; (j) enjoy. ii. (a) good; (b) citizen; (c) society; (d) knowing; (e) face; (f) life; (g) skills; (h) knowledge; (i) group; (j) class.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Hippocrates is a great figure in the history of European medical treatment. He was born in Greece in 460 BC. He lived in the Cos Island. He became a famous person in giving treatment to the patients according to test and observation. His major achievement is his idea of surgery. His great book ‘Concerning the Things in Surgery’ is on surgery. He is a great model in the history of medical education. This great scientist died in 370 BC.
Aristotle was born in Macedon of Greece in 384 B.C. He was a great scientist and philosopher. He is mainly known as a philosopher. He established an education center that is Lysium.
His great book is ‘Physics’. This great person died in 322 BC.
Euclid is a great scientist. He was born in Greece in 330 BC. He is greatly known for his great geometry book 'Elements', He was mainly professor of Mathematics. Though he wrote book named ‘Optics’, he was great for geometry. This great geometric died in 275 BC.






(a) ―

Birth year

(b) ― BC.

384 BC.


(c) ―



(d) ―


Death year

370 BC.

(e) ― BC.

Answer: 4. (a) Greece, (b) 460, (c) Scientist (d) Surgery, (e) 322.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. Hippocrates, Aristotle and Euclid, these greatest scientists were born in Greece. Hippocrates is a great figure in the history of European medical treatment. His greatest achievement is the idea of surgery. Aristotle was both a great scientist and philosopher. He is mostly known as philosopher. Euclid was mainly a professor of Mathematics. He is greatly known for his geometry book "Elements".

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. The National Memorial

i. for man is born to be free.

b. The most moving sight

ii. the people’s respect for the martyrs.

c. The memorial stands

iii. is made of blood.

d. The will of people prevails

iv. the struggle and great sacrifices of the people.

e. The Towers symbolize

v. is the several graves of the martyred freedom fighters.


vi. straight up.


vii. highly complex tower.

Answer: 5. Hippocrates, Aristotle and Euclid, these greatest scientists were born in Greece. Hippocrates is a great figure in the history of European medical treatment. His greatest achievement is the idea of surgery. Aristotle was both a great scientist and philosopher. He is mostly known as philosopher. Euclid was mainly a professor of Mathematics. He is greatly known for his geometry book "Elements".

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) In 1271 he set out from Venice to China. He was then 15 years old.
(b) They had travelled by land and sea.
(c) For transport they had used ships, camels, horses and donkeys.
(d) He was accompanied by his father and uncle.
(e) They also travelled over mountains and across deserts.
(f) Marco Polo was born in 1256 in Venice. He was one of the greatest adventurous men.
(g) It took the Polos over three years to reach China.
(h) Actually, at that time journey was very difficult because of no speedy vehicles.
Answer: 7. f → a → d → b → e → h → c → g

SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [2] pdf download

Model Test Question-02
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-1: Lesson-4(B)
A responsibility is a duty or an obligation TO DO something. For example, you have the responsibility to take care of your parents in their old age, to attend school and pursue your studies properly and so on. You have also the responsibility to society and the government, e.g. to help a neighbour in trouble or to cast your vote if you are 18 or over.
A responsibility is also an obligation or a duty NOT TO DO something. For example, you have the responsibility not to steal a book from a public library or not to put your building materials on the footpath. These are your responsibilities as citizens. But there are responsibilities of the government as well. Our government has the responsibilities to provide for its citizens “the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care”1. The government also has the responsibilities to protect the fundamental rights of its citizens to freedom of speech and expression, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, equality of all before law2 etc.
The knowledge, skills and attitudes you have gained at home, at school and in society will help you to accept your responsibilities and to carry them out effectively. Remember, discharging your responsibilities will be good for you, good for your family and friends, and good for your society and country as a whole.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. A ― is an obligation to do and not to do things. 
 (i) punctuality (ii) responsibility (iii) honesty (iv) sincerity
b. We should ― school regularly. 
 (i)   be absent in (ii) be present from (iii) be inattentive in (iv) attend
c. It is our duty to ― neighbour in problems. 
 (i) do harm to (ii) help (iii) exploit (iv) praise
d. The govt has the responsibility to protect the ― rights of its citizens. 
 (i) birth (ii) fundamental (iii) educate (iv) medicare
e. One can cast his vote if he is ― or over. 
 (i) 16 (ii) 12 (iii) 20 (iv) 18
f. What part of speech is 'Responsibility'?
 (i) verb (ii) adverb (iii) adjective (iv) noun
g. What does the word 'Responsibility' mean?
 (i) something that it is your job or duty to deal with
 (ii) a tough job 
 (iii) something which should not be done
 (iv) something which must be done
1. a. (ii) responsibility; b. (iv) attend; c. (ii) help; d. (ii) fundamental; e. (i) 18; f. (iv) noun; g. (i) something that it is your job or duty to deal with;

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What do you mean by responsibility?
b. When can you cast your vote?
c. What should you do when a neighbour faces problems?
d. What are the responsibilities of the government?
e. What are your responsibilities?
2. a.  Responsibility is a duty or obligation to do things and not to do things.
b. We can cast our vote when we are 18 years or above.
c. We should help a neighbour when he faces problems.
d. The responsibilities of the government are to provide for its citizens the basic necessities of life as well as to protect the fundamental rights of its citizens.
e. Our responsibilities are to take care of our parents, to attend school and pursue our studies properly, to cast our vote, to help a neighbour in problems. It is also our responsibilities not to steal a book from a library, not to keep building wastes on the footpath.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. A responsibility is a (a)___ to do things and (b)___ to do (c)___. It is our duty and responsibility to take (d)___ of our parents, to (e)___ school, not to (f)___ a book from a public (g)___. The (h)___ has also some responsibilities. The govt has (i)___ protect the (j)___ rights of citizens.
3. i. (a) compulsion; (b) not; (c) things; (d) care; (e) attend; (f) steal; (g) library; (h) government; (i) to; (j) fundamental.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Archimedes was a great scientist who was born in Italy in 287 BC. He was very interested in Mathematics. 
He had great love for his country and for that he made ‘Catapult’. He wrote many great books such as ‘On spirals’, ‘Measurement of a Circle’. In fact, he was a man of shrewd intelligence. This scientist died in 212 B.C.
Hipparchus was also a great scientist who was born in Greece in 190 BC. He was mainly an astronomer. He was also very good at Mathematics. His contribution to astronomy is simply great. This astronomer died in 127 B.C.
Anther great as tronomer is Ptolemy who was born in 90. AD. He had great intelligence in astronomy. His great book is ‘Almagest’ which is known as the Bible of astronomy. He is ever remember for his contribution to the astronomical inventions. He died in 170 AD.





(a) ―

(b) ―

Birth year

(c) ― BC.

190 BC.



(d) ―

Death year

(e) ― BC.

127 BC.

4. (a) Italy, (b) Greece, (c) 287, (d) Astronomer, (e) 212.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
5. Archimedes was born in Italy. He was very interested in Mathematics. Because of his great love for his country, he made 'Catapult'. Another great scientist Hipparchus was born in Greece. Though he was an astronomer, he was also very good at Mathematics. Ptolemy was also a great scientist. He had great intelligence in astronomy and for that he wrote 'Almagest', which is known as the Bible of astronomy
SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer Unit-1: Lesson-4(B)

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. The mosque is roofed

i. of Islam in the south.

b. Khan Jahan Ali was the earliest torchbearer

ii. with 77 squat domes including 7 chauchala.

c. Prayer hall of the mosque

iii. by Khan Jahan Ali.

d. One of the greatest tourist attractions

iv. was also used as the court.

e. Shat Gambuj Masjid was founded

v. in mid 15th century.


vi. was used as auditorium.


vii. of Bangladesh is in Bagerhat.

6. (a + ii) : The mosque is roofed with 77 squat domes including 7 chauchala.
(b + i)  : Khan Jahan Ali was the earliest torchbearer of Islam in the south.
(c + iv)  : Prayer hall of the mosque was also used as the court.
(d + vii)  : One of the greatest tourist attractions of Bangladesh is in Bagerhat.
(e + iii)  : Shat Gambuj Masjid was founded by Khan Jahan Ali.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) In 1914 when the First World War broke out, he wanted to join the army. At last at the age of 19 he joined the army as an ordinary soldier.
(b) At the age of eleven, he showed his poetic genius.
(c) On his return from battlefield, the gave up the sword for the pen and began to write poems.
(d) In 1972, he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata and was declared our national poet. He died on the 29 August, 1976
(e) His poem inspired our freedom fighters in the Liberation War of Bangladesh.
(f) His famous poem ‘Bidrohi’stirred the whole nation .
(g) He wrote a lot of poems, songs, short stories, gajals, novels, etc and travelled all branches of Bengali literature.
(h) Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1306 B.S. 1899 A. D. at Churulia in the district of Burdwan.
7. h → b → a → c → g → e → f → d

SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [4] pdf download

Model Test Question-04
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-2: Lesson-1(G)
Hi, I’m Shyam. I’m from Magura. Though a district headquarters, it’s a small town. I’m in grade 9 now in Chander Hut Bidyaloya. I love games and sports very much. My father was an athlete in his student life. He inspires me to follow his footsteps and take part in games and sports or do some exercise besides my studies. So I get up early in the morning and take a walk with my father almost every day. We walk for about an hour. At school, during break I play kabadi, gollachut, badminton, table tennis, and carom. Sometimes I practise the high jump and the long jump outside the school campus. Playing football in the nearest college ground is a passion for me. I like watching television too. I watch sports programmes on different TV channels during my free times. I’m a fan of National Geographic, Discovery, and Animal Planet for their documentaries as they are quite interesting as well as educative. Recently my father has presented me with a flashy camera as he was very happy with my junior secondary scholarship exams. When I hold the camera, I feel so excited! I wish I could be an amateur photographer in future – not to snap only personal photographs at different parties but to shoot our beautiful Bangladesh. I’m sure that soon photography will be my most favourite pastime. 
SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer Unit-2: Lesson-1(G)
1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Shyam is a/an―. 
 (i) early riser (ii) lazy man (iii) lethargic person (iv) idle person
b. Shyam is fond of ― very much. 
 (i) reading (ii) writing (iii) talking (iv) games and sports
c. Shyam's father encourages him to ― in games and sports. 
 (i) participate (ii) debar (iii) refrain (iv) take back
d. Shyam and his father go out for a morning walk for ― hour. 
 (i) about half an (ii) half an (iii) an (iv) about an
e. In the passage 'Pastime' means ―.
 (i) time which is past (ii) time which is spent
 (iii) hobby (iv) time which has been enjoyed
f. Shyam ― from Magura. 
 (i) departs (ii) departed (iii) hails (iv) hail
g. Shyam practices high- jump and long-jump―. 
 (i) sometime (ii) sometimes (iii) some time (iv) some times
1. a. (i) early riser; b. (iv) games and sports; c. (i) participate; d. (iv) about an; e. (iii) hobby; f. (iii) hails; g. (ii) sometimes;

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What do you know regarding Magura?
b. What does Shyam do during break at school?
c. Why is he a fan of the National Geographic and Discovery channels?
d. What is Shyam's passion?
e. Why has Shyam's father presented him with a flashy camera?
2. a. Magura is a district headquarters and it is a small town.
b. Shyam plays kabadi, gollachut, badminton, table tennis and carom during break at school.
c. He is a fan of these channels because they provide him with instruction and pleasure.
d. Shyam's passion is to play football in the nearest college ground.
e. Shyam's father has presented him with a flashy camera as he is very happy with Shyam's result.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. Shyam, a student of grade 9, (a)___ in Chander Hut Bidyaloya. He is (b)___ of games and sports. His father (c)___ an athlete always inspires him to (d)___ in games and sports. He takes part in games and sports (e)___ inside and outside the school campus. His (f)___ activity is to watch sports programmes (g)___ TV channels. The channels (h)___ National Geographic, Discovery and Animal Planet (i)___ his purposes most as they are the source of both (j)___ and pleasure.
3. i. (a) studies; (b) fond; (c) being; (d) participate; (e) both; (f) pastime; (g) on; (h) like; (i) serve; (j) instruction.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Galen is one of the best figures in the fields of physiology. He was born in Turkey in 129 A.D. His father who was an architect and mathematician had a great influence on him. Galen was very famous in the studies of physiology. He became a physiologist and surgeon. His great book which is about physiology is 'On the Bones'. This great scientist died in 199 A.D.
Bhaskara was a great mathematician and astronomer. He was born in India in 1114. Bhaskara wrote his great book ‘Siddanta-Shiromoni’ that he wrote at 36. He was a very talented person. He was exceptionally skilled in Arithmatic and calulas. This great man died in 1183 A.C.
Jabir Ibn Hyan was born in the ancient Arbia in 720 A.D. He was a great chemist. He wrote many books on Chemistry. His books are ‘Book of concentration’, ‘Book of the Composition of Alchemi’, etc. He was very creative scientist. He died in 813 A.D.





(a) ―


Birth year

129 AD

(b) ― AD


(c) ―

(d) ―

Death year

(e) ―

813 AD

4. (a) (a) Trukey, (b) 720 AD, (c) Physiologist, (d) Chemist, (e) 199 AD.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
5. Galen, a best figure in the field of physiology was born in Turkey. He became physiologist and surgeon. A great mathematician and astronomer Bhaskara was born in India. He was exceptionally skilled in Arithmetic and Calculus. Jabir Ibn Hyan was an ancient Arabian chemist. He was also a very creative scientist.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a.     The UNESCO

i. movement are held in due respect.

b.     Its headquarters

ii.        at the cost of valuable lives.

c.     At present 21 st February

iii.       the martyrs of the language movement.

d.     The martyrs of the language

iv.       begins at home.

e.     Bangla got recognition as mother tongue

v.        is observed internationally.


vi.       are in Paris


vii.      is an international organization.

6. (a + vii) : The UNESCO is an international organization.
(b + vi) : Its headquarters are in Paris
(c + v) : At present 21 st February is observed internationally.
(d + i) : The martyrs of the language movement are held in due respect.
(e + ii) : Bangla got recognition as mother tongue at the cost of valuable lives.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) As each pebble went down, the water in the jar rose up little by little.
(b) It flew from one place to another in search of water and at last found a jar in a garden.
(c) It hit upon a plan then and took some pebbles. Then it dropped the pebbles into the jar.
(d) The crow tried to turn the jar over again but it had no effect. Then it decided to fly away in despair.
(e) When the water came to the mouth of the jar the crow drank it.
(f) A crow was very thirsty and wanted to drink water.
(g) There was some water in the jar but it was too low down and out of its reach.
(h) As it was leaving the jar, it noticed a heap of pebbles nearby.
Answer: 7. f → b → g → d → h → c → a → e