An email to set up a charitable dispensary

Suppose, you are an inhabitant of Sultanpur, a village under Bagerhat Sadar Upazila, Bagerhat. The villagers suffer a lot for want of proper medical care. Now, write an email to the UNO to set up a charitable dispensary for the villagers as soon as possible.

To :

Subject : To set up a charitable dispensary

Bagerhat Sadar Upazila

Dear Sir
I am an inhabitant of Sultanpur under Bagerhat Sadar Upazila and I would like to draw your kind attention to the following fact. You know Sultanpur is a big village. About seven thousands people live in this village. Every year the village goes under water and people suffer from various diseases. Due to lack of qualified doctor, every year a lot of people die for want of proper treatment. Besides, most of the villagers are poor and landless. So, they cannot go to the private doctors. In these circumstances, I would be grateful if you could take all out steps to set up at least a charitable dispensary for the villagers.
Thanking you

Robi Saha
Sultanpur, Bagerhat Sadar Upazila
An email to set up a charitable dispensary


An email for repairing the damaged roads

Suppose, you are an inhabitant of the village of Bastala in Sundarban Union in the district of Bagerhat. The roads of your village have been damaged during the recent flood. Now, write an email to the Chairman of your Union Parishad for repairing the damaged roads.

To :

Subject : For repairing the damaged roads

The Chairman
Sundarban Union Parishad
Debhata, Bagerhat

Dear Sir
I am an inhabitant of the village of Bastala in the Sundarban Union of Bagerhat district. I would like to inform you that the main road of our village has been badly damaged by the recent flood. As a result, water remains standing here and there. It is very difficult for us to go along the damaged roads. Students as well as the people of our area are the worst sufferers. People often fell down and get hurt.
So, I hope that you would take immediate actions to repair the damaged roads especially the main road.
Thanking you

Rajib Roy
Sundarban, Bagerhat
An email for repairing the damaged roads


An email to the editor requesting for sending the guidelines

Suppose, you want to participate in The Inter Debate Competition by a National Daily. Compose an email to the editor requesting him/her for sending you the guidelines and other detail regarding the competition.

To :

Subject : For detailed information about the Inter Debate Competition

The Editor
The Daily Ittefaq
Kazla, Jatrabari

Dear Sir
I have come to know from the advertisement of your daily that an Inter Debate Competition is going to be held very soon. But I think that the advertisement is not provided with all the information. So, I am requesting you to send me detailed information.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanking you
Anayet Karim
Block-E, Mohammadpur
An email to the editor requesting for sending the guidelines


An email to the Director requesting to give an opportunity

Suppose, you are a student of the Department of English, Dhaka University. You want to attend a seminar on language study organised by Bangla Academy on 07 to 11 August 2023. Compose an email to the Director requesting him to give you an opportunity.

To :

Subject : For permission to attend a seminar on language study

The Director
Bangla Academy

Dear Sir
I have come to know that Bangla Academy is going to organise a seminar on language study from 07 to 11 August 2023. I like to attend the programme to enrich my knowledge and skill in English language.
I will be highly pleased if you give me the opportunity to attend the seminar.

Thanking you
Robi Saha
An email to the Director requesting to give an opportunity


An email with a CV for a job oppertunity

Suppose, you are Mohiuddin Jilani. You have seen a job opportunity in Kazal Brothers Limited. The company has asked to submit a detailed CV along with a cover letter to the Managing Director for the post of Senior Executive (English) to Now, apply for the post with a CV through the mentioned email address.

To :

Subject : Application for the post of Senior Executive (English)

Attachment : CV- Mohiuddin Jilani

The Managing Director
Kazal Brothers Limited
24, Purana Paltan

Dear Sir
I have come to know that your company has asked for applicants for the post of Senior Executive of English. In response, I am applying for the post. I am attaching my CV for your convenience.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours
Mohiuddin Jilani
An email with a CV for a job oppertunity


Birbal’s Wisdom Completing Story pdf download

Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.
One fine day, Akbar lost his ring. When Birbal arrived in the court, Akbar told him, “I have lost my ring. My father had given it to me as a gift. Please help me find it.” Birbal said “Do not worry your Majesty, I will find your ring right now.”......................................

Birbal’s Wisdom
One fine day, Akbar lost his ring. When Birbal arrived in the court, Akbar told him, “I have lost my ring. My father had given it to me as a gift. Please help me find it.” Birbal said “Do not worry your Majesty, I will find your ring right now.”

He said, “Your Majesty, the ring is in this court itself. It is with one of the courtiers. The courtier who has a straw in his beard has your ring.” The courtier who had the emperor’s ring was shocked and immediately moved his hand over his beard. Birbal noticed this act of the courtier. He immediately pointed towards the courtier and said, “Please search this man. He has the emperor’s ring.”

Akbar could not understand how Birbal had managed to find the ring. Birbal then told Akbar that a guilty person is always scared.

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বীরবলের প্রজ্ঞা
এক সুন্দর দিনে, আকবর তাঁর আংটি হারিয়ে ফেললেন। যখন বীরবল রাজ দরবারে পৌঁছালেন, আকবর তাকে বললেন, “আমি আমার আংটি হারিয়ে ফেলেছি। আমার বাবা আমাকে এটি উপহার হিসেবে দিয়েছিলেন। দয়া করে এটি খুঁজে বের করতে আমাকে সাহায্য করো।” বীরবল বললেন, “চিন্তা  করবেন না জাঁহাপনা। আমি এই মুহূর্তেই আপনার আংটি খুঁজে বের করবো।”

Birbal’s Wisdom Completing Story

তিনি বললেন, “জাঁহাপনা, আংটিটি এই রাজ দরবারেই আছে। এটি একজন সভাসদের সাথে আছে। যে সভাসদের দাঁড়িতে খড় লেগে আছে তার কাছেই আছে আপনার আংটি।” যে সভাসদের কাছে বাদশাহ্র  আংটিটি ছিল সে অবাক হয়ে গেল এবং সঙ্গে সঙ্গে সে তার দাঁড়িতে হাত রাখলো। বীরবল তা লক্ষ করলেন। তিনি সঙ্গে সঙ্গে ঐ সভাসদের দিকে নির্দেশ করলেন এবং বললেন, “অনুগ্রহ করে এই লোকটির তল্লাশি নিন। তার কাছে আছে বাদশাহর আংটি।”

আকবর বুঝে উঠতে পারলেন না কিভাবে বীরবল তাঁর আংটিটি খুঁজে বের করলেন। বীরবল তারপর আকবর কে বললেন একজন দোষী ব্যক্তি সব সময়ই ভয়ে থাকে।

True Justice Completing Story pdf download

Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.
Long ago, there was a Sultan in Bengal. His name was Giasuddin Azam. His capital was Sonargaon near Dhaka. He was a very just and kind ruler. The Sultan's hobby was hunting. One day, he was ........

True Justice
Long ago, there was a Sultan in Bengal. His name was Giasuddin Azam. His capital was Sonargaon near Dhaka. He was a very just and kind ruler. The Sultan's hobby was hunting. One day, he was hunting in a jungle. Aiming at a fawn he shot but it missed the target and hit a son of a widow. The widow came to the Kazi and complained against the Sultan. At first the Kazi fell in puzzle whether he should take steps to punish the Sultan.

Kazi told the Sultan to pay for the loss that he had committed to the widow as his punishment . Hearing this the Sultan stood up and came to the Kazi and said, "Kazi, I am proud of your honesty and bravery. You are really eligible for the post. My country needs man like you." In reply the Kazi said, "Believe me the Sultan, if you disobeyed my judgment, I would beat you with my stick as I do to other ordinary people." The Sultan then gave a lot of wealth to the widow for the loss of her child.

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সঠিক বিচার
অনেক দিন পূর্বে বাংলায় একজন সুলতান ছিলেন। তাঁর নাম ছিল গিয়াস উদ্দিন আজম। তাঁর রাজধানী ছিল ঢাকার নিকটে সোনারগাঁ। তিনি একজন ন্যায়পরায়ণ ও দয়ালু শাসক ছিলেন। সুলতানের শখ ছিল শিকার করা। একদিন তিনি জঙ্গলে শিকার করতে গেলেন। একটি হরিণ শাবককে লক্ষ্য করে গুলি করলেন এবং তা লক্ষ্যভ্রষ্ট হয়ে এক বিধবার ছেলেকে আঘাত করল। বিধবা কাজীর নিকটে এসে সুলতানের বিরুদ্ধে বিচার দাবি করলেন। প্রথমে কাজী হতবুদ্ধি হয়ে গেলেন এই ভেবে যে তিনি সুলতানের বিরুদ্ধে পদক্ষেপ নিবেন কিনা।

True Justice Completing Story

কাজী সুলতানকে বললেন যে তাঁকে বিধবার যে ক্ষতি হয়েছে তার জন্য ক্ষতিপূরণ দিতে হবে। ইহা শুনে সুলতান দাঁড়িয়ে পড়লেন এবং কাজীর নিকট গিয়ে বললেন, “কাজী, আমি আপনার সততা ও সাহসে গর্বিত, সত্যিই আপনি এই পদের যোগ্য। আমার দেশে আপনার মত লোক দরকার।” প্রত্যুত্তরে কাজী বললেন, “সুলতান, বিশ্বাস করুন, যদি আপনি আমার বিচারকে অমান্য করতেন আমি আমার বেত দ্বারা আপনাকে সেভাবে আঘাত করতাম যেভাবে অন্য সাধারণ মানুষদেরকে করে থাকি।” সুলতান বিধবাকে তার পুত্র হারানোর জন্য অঢেল সম্পদ দান করলেন।

Three Friends to See Elephant Completing Story pdf download

Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.
Zaman and Mintu are two friends and lived near a deep forest. One day they decided to see elephant. So they went into the forest. As they were talking, walking,.....................

Three Friends to See Elephant
Zaman and Mintu are two friends and lived near a deep forest. One day they decided to see elephant. So they went into the forest. As they were talking, walking, gossiping and discussing about the biggest animal of the world, it made them curious.

At the time of their gossiping and walking into the forest they saw many animals but did not see any elephant. Walking a few minutes, suddenly they saw a lion and they became very afraid and hid beside a big tree. And so they saved them from the ferociousness of the lion. Now they were discussing each other about the fearlessness and made some tricks how to face upcoming problem. However, they were able to save themselves and started to walk again. But they walked, walked and walked through the forest, could not find any elephant. They became hopeless but God granted their hope. At the time of their walking suddenly they heard the high sound of leg on the earth. Firstly, they did not understand what it was and then they understood that it was nothing but an elephant.

As they knew the elephant textually but not practically, their joys knew no bounds. So they started to walk toward the elephant and became very curious and attractive. But, as soon as they were near the elephant it tried to attack them. So they ran very fast and saved themselves again from the ferociousness of the biggest animal of the world.

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তিন বন্ধুর হাতি দেখা
জামান এবং মিন্টু দুই বন্ধু এবং তারা একটি ঘন জঙ্গলের পাশে বাস করত। একদিন তারা হাতি দেখার সিদ্ধান্ত নিল। তাই তারা জঙ্গলে গেল। যেহেতু তারা কথা বলছিল, হাঁটছিল, গল্প করছিল এবং পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে বড় জন্তু নিয়ে আলোচনা করছিল, এটি তাদের কৌতূহলী করে তুলল। হাঁটতে হাঁটতে গল্প করার সময় তারা অনেক জন্তু দেখল কিন্তু কোনো হাতি দেখল না। কিছুদূর হাঁটার পরে তারা একটি সিংহ দেখল এবং ভয় পেয়ে একটি গাছের আড়ালে লুকিয়ে পড়ল।

Three Friends to See Elephant Completing Story

এভাবেই তারা সিংহের হিংস্রতা থেকে নিজেদের রক্ষা করল। এখন তারা একে অপরের সাথে নির্ভীকতা নিয়ে আলোচনা করছিল এবং কীভাবে আসন্ন বিপদের মুখোমুখি হওয়া যায় তার উপায় বের করেছিল। যা হোক, তারা নিজেদের রক্ষা করতে সমর্থ ছিল এবং তারা আবার হাঁটতে শুরু করল। কিন্তু তারা জঙ্গলে হাঁটতেই লাগল, হাঁটতেই লাগল এবং হাঁটতেই লাগল কিন্তু কোনো হাতির দেখা পেল না। তারা আশাহত হয়ে যাচ্ছিল কিন্তু সৃষ্টিকর্তা তাদের মনোবাসনা পূরণ করলেন। তাদের হাঁটার সময় হঠাৎ তারা মাটিতে ভারি পদধ্বনি শুনতে পেল। প্রথমে তারা বুঝতেই পারেনি যে এটা কী ছিল, কিন্তু পরে তারা বুঝতে পারল যে এটা হাতি ছাড়া আর কিছু না।

যেহেতু তারা হাতিকে বাস্তবে নয় শুধুমাত্র বইয়ের মাধ্যমেই জানতো, তাদের খুশির কোনো সীমা ছিল না। তাই তারা হাতিটির দিকে কৌতূহলী ও আকর্ষিত হয়ে এগিয়ে গেল। কিন্তু যেই কিনা তারা হাতিটির কাছাকাছি গেল এটি তাদের আক্রমণ করতে চেষ্টা করল। তাই তারা দ্রুতগতিতে দৌড়ে পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে বড় জন্তুর হিংস্রতা থেকে আবার নিজেদের রক্ষা করল।

An Ill-fated Girl Completing Story pdf download

Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.
Shefali, a girl of ten years old, was really beautiful and innocent like a rose. She might spread the smell and beauty of her noble qualities by being educated like other girls. But the irony of fate is that she has to sell flowers in the street. "Ful niben Sir, ekta ful." ..................................

Shefali : An Ill-fated Girl
Shefali, a girl of ten years old, was really beautiful and innocent like a rose. She might spread the smell and beauty of her noble qualities by being educated like other girls. But the irony of fate is that she has to sell flowers in the street. "Ful niben Sir, ekta ful."

Once Shefali had everything. She had dreams like all other girls. But her dreams went in vain because of the cruelty of Padma river. Her house was on the bank of the mighty Padma. She lived happily with her parents and a younger brother. They were a solvent peasant family. But the hungry Padma was snatching many houses away. As a result of river erosion, Shefali's family lost everything as flood took away all their harvest.

After losing everything they came to Dhaka. Now, Shefali's family lives at a slum in the city. Her father died by a road accident. So her mother has to work in the other people's house to earn their livelihood. Her mother's little income is not sufficient to maintain their family. Sometimes they have to starve. They have no relatives in the city to help them. So, Shefali has taken a decision to help her mother earning some money. According to her plan, she starts selling flowers in the street. Now, Shefali roams about in the roads of Dhaka saying "Ful niben Sir, ekta ful."

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শেফালী : এক হতভাগা বালিকা
শেফালী নামে দশ বছর বয়সী এক বালিকা সত্যিই গোলাপের মত সুন্দর ও নিষ্পাপ ছিল। সে হয়তো অন্য বালিকাদের ন্যায় শিক্ষিত হয়ে তার মহৎ গুণাবলীর সৌন্দর্য ও সৌরভ ছড়িয়ে দিতে পারত। কিন্তু ভাগ্যের পরিহাস এই যে তাকে আজ রাস্তায় ফুল বিক্রি করতে হয়। “ফুল নিবেন স্যার, একটা ফুল।”

এক সময় শেফালীর সব ছিল। অন্য সব বালিকাদের ন্যায় তার স্বপ্ন ছিল। কিন্তু পদ্মানদীর নিষ্ঠুরতার কারণে তার সব স্বপ্ন ভেস্তে গেল। তার বাড়ি ছিল শক্তিশালী পদ্মার পাড়ে। সে তার বাবা-মা ও এক ছোট ভাইয়ের সাথে তার নিজ বাড়িতে সুখে থাকত। তারা ছিল এক স্বচ্ছল কৃষক পরিবার। কিন্তু ক্ষুধার্ত পদ্মা অনেক ঘরবাড়ি কেড়ে নিচ্ছিল। নদী ভাঙ্গনের ফলে একরাতে শেফালীর পরিবার তাদের সর্বস্ব হারায় কারণ বন্যা তাদের সব ফসল কেড়ে নেয়।

An Ill-fated Girl Completing Story

সবকিছু হারানোর পর তারা ঢাকায় এসেছিল। এখন শেফালীর পরিবার শহরের একটি বস্তিতে বাস করে। সড়ক দুর্ঘটনায় তার বাবা মারা যান। তাই তাদের জীবিকা নির্বাহের জন্য তার মাকে অন্যের বাড়িতে কাজ করতে হয়। তার মায়ের সামান্য আয় পরিবারের ভরণপোষণের জন্য যথেষ্ট নয়। মাঝে মাঝে তাদেরকে অনাহারে থাকতে হয়। শহরে তাদেরকে সাহায্য করার মত কোনো আত্মীয়-স্বজন নেই। তাই, শেফালী কিছু অর্থ উপার্জন করে তার মাকে সাহায্য করার সিদ্ধান্ত নিল। তার পরিকল্পনা অনুযায়ী, সে রাস্তায় ফুল বিক্রি শুরু করে। এখন, “ফুল নিবেন স্যার, একটা ফুল” বলে শেফালী ঢাকার রাস্তায় ঘুরে বেড়ায়।

An email to the concerned authority asking for the admission information

Suppose, you are Jakirul Islam. You study in a local college. You want to get admission at Old-Trafford Catholic College, Manchester. Now, compose an email to the concerned authority asking for the admission information to the college.

To :

Subject : For Admission Information

The Admission Officer
Old-Trafford Catholic College
Old-Trafford, Manchester, England

Dear Sir
I want to get admission in your college. Would you please inform me how I could apply for the admission to your college? Please send me detailed information regarding the procedure, tuition fees, college rules etc.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanking you

Jakirul Islam
13, Rampura, Dhaka-1000
An email to the concerned authority asking for the admission information


An email to the Samsung Electronics Bangladesh asking the sales offer

Suppose, you want to buy a DVD player. Now, compose an email to the Samsung Electronics Bangladesh asking the sales officer to send you a DVD player that you have chosen on their website.

To :

Subject : An order for DVD player (Model no. DCT589)

The Sales Officer
Samsung Electronics Bangladesh
IDB Bhaban, Agargaon

Dear Sir
I want to buy a DVD player and for this purpose I have gone through your website today. I am amazed to see so many model of high quality DVD player in your website. From the available model I want to buy DCT589. Please, send me the product along with the money receipt and other necessary document to the following address.
I hope Samsung Electronics Bangladesh will always support me and send me the best product on due time.
Thanking you

Rajib Roy
15/c, Rankin Street, Wari, Dhaka-1203
Contact : 01314......
Email :
An email to the Samsung Electronics Bangladesh asking the sales offer


Tit for Tat Completing Story pdf download

Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.
Once a crocodile wanted her ten children to be educated. So she went to a fox and asked him to educate her children. The fox willingly agreed to ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Tit for Tat
Once a crocodile wanted her ten children to be educated. So she went to a fox and asked him to educate her children. The fox willingly agreed to teach the crocodile's children.

So the crocodile left all her children with the fox and went back to the river. The fox liked to eat crocodiles. So he ate one of them and kept other nine. After some days, the crocodile came to see her children. Then the cunning fox showed her the nine kids and showed one of them twice. The foolish crocodile thought that she saw all her ten children and went away.

After some days, the fox ate another baby crocodile. When the mother crocodile again came to see her children, the fox showed her eight crocodiles and showed one of them thrice. The mother thought that she had seen all her ten children and she went away happily.

At last when the mother crocodile came, the fox showed her the only one baby left ten times. The crocodile could not understand the trick. But when the crocodile came again after some days the fox was not able to show any of the babies because he had already eaten up the last one. The crocodile could understand the cunning trick of the fox. She got furious, jumped on the fox and ate him up.

pdf download
ঢিলটি মারলে পাটকেলটি খেতে হয়
একদা এক কুমির তার দশটি ছানাকে শিক্ষিত বানাতে চেয়েছিল। তাই সে একটি শিয়ালের কাছে গেল এবং তাকে তার ছানাদের শিক্ষাদান করতে বলল। শিয়ালটি কুমিরের বাচ্চাদের শিক্ষাদানে খুশি মনে রাজি হয়ে গেল।

তাই কুমিরটি তার ছানাদের শিয়ালের কাছে রেখে নদীতে ফিরে গেল। শিয়ালটি কুমির খেতে পছন্দ করত। তাই সে তাদের একটিকে খেয়ে ফেলল এবং বাকি নয়টিকে রেখে দিল। কিছুদিন পরে, কুমিরটি তার ছানাদের দেখতে এলো। পরে ধূর্ত শিয়ালটি তার নয় ছানাকে দেখাল এবং তাদের মধ্যে একটিকে দুইবার দেখাল। বোকা কুমিরটি মনে করল যে সে তার দশ ছানাকেই দেখেছে এবং চলে গেল।

Tit for Tat Completing Story

কিছুদিন পরে শিয়ালটি কুমিরের আরেকটি ছানা খেয়ে ফেলল। কিছুদিন পরে মা কুমিরটি আবার তার সন্তানদের দেখতে এলো, শিয়ালটি তার আট সন্তানকে দেখাল এবং তাদের একটিকে তিনবার দেখাল। মা কুমিরটি ভাবল সে তার দশ ছানাকেই দেখেছে এবং খুশি মনে চলে গেল।

অবশেষে যখন মা কুমিরটি এলো, শিয়ালটি তার বেঁচে যাওয়া একমাত্র ছানাকেই দশবার দেখাল। কুমিরটি চালাকি ধরতে পারল না। কিন্তু যখন কুমিরটি কিছুদিন পরে আবার এলো তখন শিয়ালটি তার একটি ছানাকেও দেখাতে পারল না কারণ সে শেষেরটিকেও ইতোমধ্যে খেয়ে ফেলেছে। কুমিরটি শিয়ালের কূট কৌশল বুঝতে পারল। সে ক্ষিপ্ত হয়ে শিয়ালের উপর ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়ল এবং তাকে খেয়ে ফেলল।

An email asking about admission procedure for the foreign students

Suppose, you are a foreign student and you want to get information regarding admission in a university in Bangladesh. Now, compose an email to the Admission Section of a university asking them about admission procedure for the foreign/overseas students.

To :

Subject : For information regarding admission procedure for the foreign/overseas students

The Admission Officer
Jagannath University

Dear Sir
My name is Raihanul Islam. I am from Afghanistan. I have come to Bangladesh for getting admission in a university in order to study English. For this purpose, I need to know some information about admission procedure in your institution for the foreign students.
If you help me, I would be highly grateful. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours
Raihanul Islam
An email asking about admission procedure for the foreign students


An email about studying English in the UK

You are interested in studying English in the UK. Read the advertisement below which you saw in an international magazine. Now, write an email to Jane Black.

To :

Subject : English courses

Dear Ms Black
I am writing in response to the advertisement I saw for your English school in 'World Teens Today' magazine. I am interested in doing one of your courses and I would be grateful if you could provide some further information.

Firstly, it says in the advertisement that the courses are two weeks long. Would it be possible to do a three-week course? I would also like to know how much your courses cost exactly.

Secondly, your advert mentions accommodation with host families. Could you tell me if I would be staying on my own with the host family or if there would be other students staying there as well?

Finally, I have a question about the social programme. Would you mind sending me more details about this? I am very keen on sport and I would like to know if there are any sports activities included in the social programme.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely
Lili Song
An email about studying English in the UK


An email about the importance of group study

Write an email to your brother informing the importance of group study.

To :

Subject : importance of group study.

Dear Arafat
How are you? I am well. It is good to hear that you have done well in your examination. I think you could have done much better. In this case you should try for group study. Group study means studying and sharing opinions with others. You can study altogether with your friends or classmates and share your views and knowledge with each other. I can assure you that this will help you even more to do well in your examination.
What about father and mother? Write to me as soon as possible.

Your loving sister.
An email about the importance of group study


An email informing what lessons were taught in the class yesterday

Write an email to your friend informing him what lessons were you taught in the class yesterday.

To :

Subject : An interesting English class

Dear Habib
How are you? I feel sorry for your illness. Yesterday our English teacher Mr. Akramuzzam conducted a very interesting class on voice change. His explanation on every rule of changing sentences from active to passive was interesting. He made the item very easy to us. Now I have no problem in changing voice. It would be great if you attended the class. However, there is a good news for you that sir will conduct another class on the same topic for the absent students.
Hope you get well soon. Take care.

Yours ever
An email informing what lessons were taught in the class yesterday


An email advising not to adopt unfair means in the examination

Write an email to your younger brother advising him not to adopt unfair means in the examination.

To :

Subject : unfair means in the examination

Hi, Arif
I'm very happy to know that you have made up yourself for the coming exam. I know that you are a brilliant student. But there is a bad tendency among the students not to study but to adopt unfair means in the exam hall. I know that you are different from them, still I would like to warn you not to adopt unfair means. The students who pass the exam by means of unfair means cannot succeed in the long run. They become a burden for the country. They have no chance to avail themselves of the competitive world. I wish your brilliant result as well as bright future.
Give my salam to mother.

Yours ever
An email advising not to adopt unfair means in the examination


What Is Fun to One Is Death to Another Completing Story pdf download

Complete the following story following the cue.
There was a little pond beside the play ground. There lived some frogs in the pond. One day some boys were playing beside the pond. They were disturbed by the croaking of some frogs............

What Is Fun to One Is Death to Another
There was a little pond beside the play ground. There lived some frogs in the pond. One day some boys were playing beside the pond. They were disturbed by the croaking of some frogs. So they made a plan and said to each other, “Let us throw stones at them.”

They began to throw stones at the frogs. Soon some were injured. All the frogs were in danger. There was an old frog. It planned a wise plan. It put its head out of the water and said, “Boys, why are you throwing stones at us?” The boys replied, “We are making fun only.” At this the old frog said, “What is fun to you is death to us.”

But the boys did not stop. They kept throwing stones at the frogs. At one stage, a frog was so hurt that it died on the spot. The other frogs said, “Oh boys! Please stop the cruel game. One of us has died. Please stop throwing stones at us.”

The boys were ashamed of this. They stopped their funny games. Being repentant the boys stopped throwing stones.

pdf download
কারো পৌষ মাস কারো সর্বনাশ
খেলার মাঠের পেছনে ছোট একটি পুকুর ছিল। পুকুরটিতে কিছু ব্যাঙ বাস করত। একদিন কিছু বালক পুকুরের পাশে খেলছিল। তারা ব্যাঙের কর্কশ শব্দে বিরক্ত হচ্ছিল। তাই তারা একটি পরিকল্পনা করল এবং পরস্পরকে বলল যে, “চল আমরা এদের পাথর ছুঁড়ে মারি।”

What Is Fun to One Is Death to Another Completing Story

তারা ব্যাঙগুলোকে পাথর মারা শুরু করল। অতি শীঘ্রই কিছু আহত হল। ব্যাঙগুলো বিপদের মধ্যে ছিল। তাদের মধ্যে একজন বৃদ্ধ ব্যাঙ ছিল। এটি একটি বিচক্ষণ পরিকল্পনা করল। সে পানি থেকে তার মাথা বের করে বলল, “বালকগণ, কেন তোমরা আমাদের উপর পাথর ছুঁড়ে মারছো?” বালকগুলো উত্তর দিল, “আমরা শুধু মজা করছি।” এটা শুনে বৃদ্ধ ব্যাঙটি বলল, “তোমাদের জন্য যেটা মজা, আমাদের জন্য সেটা মৃত্যু।”

কিন্তু বালকগুলো থামল না। তারা ব্যাঙগুলোর উপর পাথর ছুঁড়তেই থাকল। এক পর্যায়ে একটি ব্যাঙ এত আহত হল যে সে সেখানেই মারা গেল। অন্য ব্যাঙগুলো বলল, “ওহ, বালকেরা দয়া করে এই নিষ্ঠুর খেলা বন্ধ কর। আমাদের মধ্যে একজন মৃত্যুবরণ করেছে। দয়া করে আমাদের উপর পাথর ছোঁড়া বন্ধ কর।”

বালকগুলো এতে লজ্জা পেল। তারা তাদের মজার খেলা বন্ধ করল। অনুতপ্ত হয়ে বালকগুলো পাথর ছোঁড়া বন্ধ করল।

An email about taking food in a Chinese restaurant

Write an email to your friend telling him about taking food in a Chinese restaurant.

To :

Subject : dinner in a Chinese restaurant

My dear friend
Thank you for your email. I am glad to know about your interesting experience of attending a wedding party.
I am also telling you about my experience of a dinner in the Cantoon Restaurant in Kushtia. It is a luxurious restaurant in the heart of the town. The environment inside the restaurant is very charming.
We were four in number. At first, soup was given. It was very tasty. Then other items were served. The menu consisted of chicken fry, fried rice, lobster, mutton and vegetables. Every item was sufficient for us. We ate to our heart's content. Their service was excellent.
That's all for today. I am fine. With best love to you.

Yours ever
An email about taking food in a Chinese restaurant


An email about 3G network

Suppose, you are Mukta. You are very glad to hear the news of 3G mobile network. You want to share your feelings with your friend Rikta. Now write an email about 3G network.

To :

Subject : 3G mobile network

Dear Rikta
How are you? Hope you are well. Today I am in a good mood. Do you know that our area will be under 3G network coverage very soon?
It will make our life more easier. We will be able to access the Internet at very high speed. It will allow us for advanced technology, multimedia services and large network capacity. It also will enable video calls.
No more today. Write me what you think in regard to 3G mobile network. Best regards to your parents.

Yours ever
An email about 3G network


An email about our all rounder Shakib Al Hasan

Suppose you are Mita. Sweety is one of your friends. She wants to know about all rounder Shakib Al Hasan. Write an email to your friend telling her about our all rounder, Shakib Al Hasan.
An email about our all rounder Shakib Al Hasan

To :

Subject : all rounder Shakib Al Hasan

Hi Sweety
How are you? I got your email yesterday. This time your email hurt me so much. You used so many harsh words towards our all rounder Shakib Al Hasan. Do you know, in 2011, he became the world's top-ranked Test all-rounder? He is currently placed second at ICC Test Championship All-Rounder Ranking. At the age of 22 years he was appointed vice captain of Bangladesh National Cricket Team, in 2009. He is considered to be the best cricketer Bangladesh has ever seen.
I hope this email will change your thought towards our all rounder Shakib Al Hasan.
Best regards to your parents.



An email inviting to visit the Sundarbans

Write an email inviting your friend to come to visit the Sundarbans.
An email inviting to visit the Sundarbans

To :

Subject : invitation

Dear Hasib
Hope you are well. I am fine.
I have heard that your SSC examination is over. Probably you're now thinking how you should spend this free time. Why not make this opportunity into some good job that you'll remember forever?
So don't hesitate to come at first to our house in Khulna. We together will go to visit the Sundarbans. There we'll come in close contact with wild life and nature. Don't think of your security, the forest administration will have a look over it.
So, please come and make your holidays into some fruitful ones.
Take care.

Your friend


An email about your recent visit to Paharpur

Write an email to your friend telling him about your recent visit to Paharpur.
An email about your recent visit to Paharpur

To :

Subject : a visit to Paharpur

Hi, Aman
Hope you are fine. Today I am writing you to share my experience, which I have gathered from visiting the Paharpur Buddhist Vihara. Last Friday, we went to Paharpur from our college. It is 200 kilometers northwest of Dhaka. It is also known as Somapura Mahavihara. It is an ancient Buddhist monastery. This monastery-city represents a unique pattern of art of that time. While roaming around the area I felt that I have reached at that time. Before evening we started back to our college.
I will never forget this day. No more today. Take care of yourself.

Yours ever


An email to your friend inviting him to spend the summer vacation

Write an email to your friend inviting him to spend the summer vacation with you in your village home.
An email to your friend inviting him to spend the summer vacation

To :

Subject : invitation

Hi, Azad
Our examination is over. I have decided to spend the summer vacation in our village home. I want to take you with me. We will bathe and catch fish in the river. I believe everything of our village will give you much pleasure. Don't miss it.
No more today. With best wishes to you.

Yours ever
Md Kamaluddin


An email to your pen friend about your native village

Write an email to your pen friend about your native village.
An email to your pen friend about your native village

To :

Subject : my native village

Hi, Robert
I am very happy to have your email. You wanted to know about my village. I am really very glad to learn this. Now, I am going to tell you about my sweet and beautiful village where I live in.
The name of my village is Domorgram. It is very close to Bogra town. There are about four thousand people in my village. Most of the villagers are farmers. There are few jobholders and businessmen in our village.
There are a primary school, a post office, a madrasha and a free medical centre in our village. We live in this village in peace and harmony with all.
No more today. Wish you all the best.

Yours ever

An email describing how you celebrated Pahela Baishakh

Suppose you celebrated Pahela Baishakh in your college premises. Now write an email to your friend describing how you celebrated Pahela Baishakh.
An email describing how you celebrated Pahela Baishakh

To :

Subject : shuvo noboborsho

Hi, Munna
Yesterday we celebrated Pahela Baishakh in our college premises. The whole campus was in a festive mood.
Early in the morning we went to the college. We all entered the auditorium. Our Principal delivered a short speech. Then a cultural programme was held. Students performed songs of Lalan, Tagore and Nazrul. Some recited poems on Pahela Baishakh. I was one of them. A play named 'Dakghar' was also staged.
Then at noon, a feast was arranged. Thereafter our teachers led us to a rally. The programme came to an end at about 5 pm. We returned home with a memorable experience.
That's all. I expect you will write to me about how you celebrated the Bangla New Year in your college.
Take care.

Your friend

An email about your experience of a train journey

Write an email to your friend about your experience of a train journey.
An email about your experience of a train journey

To :

Subject : experience of a train journey

Hi, Shafiq
I hope that you are hale and hearty by the grace of Almighty Creator. Yesterday I had a train journey from Mymensingh to Dhaka. I am giving you a short description of my experience.
The train was the Padma Express. I had a very comfortable seat beside a window. So I could enjoy the sights outside. The sun was setting then. I was charmed to see its beauty at dusk. The train was moving very fast. The houses and trees at a distance appeared to be running forward with the train. But the things near the train seemed to be running fast backward. I enjoyed the beauty very deeply. After two hours' journey we arrived at Kamalapur.
That's all for today. With best wishes.

Yours sincerely
Jahangir Alam Siddique


An email about the duties and responsibilities of a good citizen

Write an email to your friend about the duties and responsibilities of a good citizen.
An email about the duties and responsibilities of a good citizen

To :

Subject : duties and responsibilities of a good citizen

Hi, Tapash
Thanks for your email. You wanted to know about the rights and responsibilities of a good citizen.
A good citizen fulfills his role as a citizen following the rules of his state. He/ She contributes to the society with his/her consciousness and knowledge. He/ She must be well behaved and should work for the country's welfare. A good citizen is very important to make peaceful society and he/she is respected by all. That's why, we all should try sincerely to be good citizens.
With best wishes.

Your friend

An email about the importance of learning English

Write an email to your younger brother about the importance of learning English.
An email about the importance of learning English

To :

Subject : importance of learning English

Hi, Sujan
My love to you. I came to know that you have got very poor marks in English in your examination. I have observed that you are not keen to learn English. The importance of learning English is immense.
English is an international language. It is the official and state language of many countries of the world. At present it has become the main medium of communication. You cannot hope to communicate with the other countries or with the foreigners without knowing English. Getting a good job now totally depends on the knowledge of English. Books on advanced learning, science and technology and literature are also published in English. So if you want to keep pace with the modern world, you ought to learn English and put more emphasis on it.
No more today. More when we will meet.

Your loving sister

An email describing how to use internet

An email to your friend describing how to use internet.
An email describing how to use internet

To :

Subject : how to use internet

Hi, Bashir
Thanks for your email. You wanted to know about the method of using internet. I am writing you about it.
At first, start the computer. Then connect the modem with the computer. Now a red light will be seen in the modem which will later turn to blue, The blue light indicates that internet is on. Then run the search engine (like Mozilla Firefox) to get entrance into Internet software. You can do various useful tasks like sending email, chatting, knowing something from encyclopedia, listening music or watching movies through internet.
That's all. No more today. Take care.

Yours ever


An email about how to improve English

Imagine you are Sourav/Raya of 105 Mirpur Road, Dhaka. One of your friends is very weak in English. Now, write an email to your friend Nabil/Raka telling him/her about how to improve English.
An email about how to improve English

To :

Subject : how to improve English

Hi, Nabil
I am glad to receive your email. You wanted to know about the way of improving English. So I am telling you how to improve your English learning.
You must read this subject regularly. You have to learn vocabulary and their uses. You should know the basic rules of grammar. They will help you make correct sentences. Besides, you should practise the four language skills—listening, speaking, reading and writing. Without practising these four skills, you can never learn a foreign language. I want you to follow my advice.
Take care.

Your loving friend
Sourav/ Raya


An email describing the importance of learning computer

Suppose you have a friend named Habib. He is not very much interested in computer subject. Now write an email to him describing the importance of learning computer.
An email describing the importance of learning computer

To :

Subject : importance of learning computer

Hi, Habib
Take my love. I have come to know that you do not know much about computer. You cannot compose anything or send email or even chat on facebook. I am worried that you are not interested in this subject.
Computer is very important in our daily life. It does benefit to us in many ways. It is used in research, printing works, composing books and translating literary works. If you know how to use a computer, you can compose anything you need, get a printout, store photos and songs, send messages to others and even chat with others just staying at home.
There is a proverb "Better late than never." You have not yet learnt about computer but opportunities have not ended. So break a leg!
No more today, wish you all the best.

Your friend


Write an email to your friend showing sympathy for his father's death

Write an email to your friend showing sympathy for his father's death.

To :

Subject : 'do not break down, my friend'

Hi, friend
I am sorry to hear that your father has passed away. He was a noble and benevolent person indeed. I respect and honour such a good man.
Yet what can we do? As a law of nature, man must die. We all have the same fate in this world. So do not grieve too much. It will tell upon your health and you will not be able to do your duties properly.
No more today. Keep patience. Take care.

Your bosom friend
Write an email to your friend showing sympathy for his father's death


A Scholar And an Illiterate Boatman Completing Story pdf download

Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.
In a small village once a scholar was crossing a river on a boat. The weather was very pleasing. The river was very cool and calm..................

A Scholar And an Illiterate Boatman
In a small village once a scholar was crossing a river on a boat. The weather was very pleasing. The river was very cool and calm. The scholar was enjoying a lot. The boatman was a simple illiterate man. His bookish knowledge was nil.

The scholar started talking to him when he was sailing the boat. The scholar asked the boatman whether he had read the Gita and whether he could explain the verse of the Gita. The boatman replied that he had heard about that but had not read that. The scholar then said that he had wasted one fourth of his life. The scholar again said, "But tell me have you read the Arthashastra?" Again the boatman showed his ignorance. The scholar then undervalued the boatman and arrogantly said, "Then my friend, you have wasted two-fourths of your life." It was about to become dark as the sun was going to set.

Noticing the sun the scholar again asked the boatman if he knew the reason behind the sun rise and sun set. Being helpless the boatman again expressed his ignorance. The scholar haughtily said, "Then my friend, you have wasted three-fourths of your life."

After sometime suddenly a thick cloud covered the sky and a storm rose from the river bed. Being anxious the boatman asked the scholar, "Sir, do you know swimming?" "No I don't know how to swim," the scholar answered with anxiety. The boatman said with sigh, "Then my friend, I see your whole life is going to be wasted and meaningless."

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একজন পণ্ডিত এবং একজন নিরক্ষর মাঝি
একটি ছোট গ্রামে একবার এক পণ্ডিত নৌকা দিয়ে নদী পার হচ্ছিল। আবহাওয়া খুব মনোরম ছিল। নদীটি খুব ঠাণ্ডা এবং শান্ত ছিল। পণ্ডিত খুব উপভোগ করছিল। নৌকার মাঝি ছিল খুব সাধারণ নিরক্ষর লোক। তার পুঁথিগত বিদ্যা/জ্ঞান ছিল একদম শূন্য।

যখন সে নৌকা চালাচ্ছিল তখন পণ্ডিত তার সাথে কথা বলা শুরু করল। পণ্ডিত মাঝিকে জিজ্ঞাসা করল সে গীতা পড়েছে কিনা এবং গীতার কোনো স্তবক বর্ণনা করতে পারবে কিনা। মাঝি বলল যে সে এ সম্পর্কে শুনেছে কিন্তু কখনো পড়েনি। তখন পণ্ডিত তাকে বলল যে সে তার জীবনের এক চতুর্থাংশ নষ্ট করে ফেলেছে। পণ্ডিত আবার বলল “কিন্তু বলো তুমি কি অর্থশাস্ত্র পড়েছ?” আবার মাঝি তার অজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করল। পণ্ডিত তখন মাঝিকে তাচ্ছিল্য করে উদ্ধতভাবে বলল, “অতএব আমার বন্ধু, তুমি তোমার জীবনের দুই চতুর্থাংশ নষ্ট করে ফেলেছ। তখন অন্ধকার হয়ে গিয়েছিল। কারণ সূর্য অস্ত যাচ্ছিল।

A Scholar And an Illiterate Boatman Completing Story

সূর্যকে লক্ষ করে পণ্ডিত আবার মাঝিকে জিজ্ঞাসা করে যে সে সূর্যোদয় এবং সূর্যাস্তের কারণ জানে কিনা। অসহায় হয়ে মাঝি আবার তার অজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করল। পণ্ডিত গর্বের সাথে বলল, “তাহলে আমার বন্ধু, তুমি তোমার জীবনের তিন চতুর্থাংশ নষ্ট করে ফেলেছ।”

কিছুক্ষণ পরে একটি ঘন মেঘ আকাশ ঢেকে ফেলল এবং নদীগর্ভ থেকে একটি ঝড় উঠল। উদ্বিগ্ন হয়ে মাঝি পণ্ডিতকে জিজ্ঞেস করল, “জনাব, আপনি কি সাঁতার জানেন?” পণ্ডিত আতঙ্কিত হয়ে জবাব দিল, “না, সাঁতার কী করে কাটতে হয় আমি জানি না।” মাঝি দীর্ঘশ্বাস ছেড়ে বলল, “তাহলে আমার বন্ধু আমি দেখছি যে, আপনার পুরো জীবনটাই নষ্ট এবং অর্থহীন হয়ে যাচ্ছে।”

A Wolf And a Crane Completing Story pdf download

Complete the following story following the cue.
There lived a wolf / tiger in a wood. He killed a lamb, but as he went on eating the flesh, a bone stuck.................                

A Wolf And a Crane
There lived a wolf in a wood. He killed a lamb, but as he went on eating the flesh, a bone stuck in his throat. This gave him pain and he went about not knowing what to do.

He was howling on in agony. While moving here and there, suddenly he saw a crane at a distance. He asked the crane towards him and requested it to help him in his great trouble. The wolf lured the crane that it would give lot of rewards. The greedy crane immediately agreed. It put its long beak into the wolf’s throat and removed the piece of bone. The wolf was relieved of his pain. Then the crane asked for the rewards.

The wolf laughed at the crane and said, "Why? You have already had sufficient rewards in having been permitted to draw out your beak and head in safety from the mouth and jaws of a wolf." "So I have already rewarded you without biting your head. Run away from here, else I will kill you." The crane was very much disappointed and ran away to save its life.

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নেকড়ে ও সারস পাখি
এক বনে এক নেকড়ে বাস করতো। সে একটি মেষশাবককে হত্যা করেছিল, কিন্তু যখন সে তার মাংস খেতে গেল, একটি হাড় তার গলায় আটকে গেল। এটা তাকে খুব পীড়া দিল এবং সে জানত না যে সে কী করবে।

সে নিদারুণ যন্ত্রণায় কাতরাচ্ছিল। এখানে-সেখানে ঘুরতে ঘুরতে হঠাৎ কিছু দূরে সে একটি সারস পাখি দেখতে পেল। সে সারস পাখিটিকে তার কাছে আসতে বলল এবং এই কঠিন সমস্যা থেকে সাহায্য করার জন্য তাকে অনুরোধ করল। নেকড়েটি সারস পাখিটিকে এই বলে প্রলুব্ধ করল যে এই কাজটিতে সে অনেক বড় পুরস্কার পাবে।

লোভী সারস পাখিটি তৎক্ষণাৎ রাজি হয়ে গেল। সে তার লম্বা ঠোঁটটি নেকড়ের গলার মধ্যে ঢুকিয়ে দিল এবং হাড়ের টুকরোটি বের করে আনল। নেকড়ে তার ব্যথা থেকে মুক্তি পেল। তারপর সারস পাখিটি তার পুরস্কার চাইলো।

A Wolf And a Crane Completing Story

সারস পাখির কথা শুনে নেকড়ে হাসলো এবং বলল, “কেন? তুমি একটি নেকড়ের গলার মধ্যে তোমার ঠোঁট ও মাথা ঢোকানোর অনুমতি পেয়ে এবং তার মুখ ও চোয়াল থেকে নিরাপদে এগুলো বের করতে পেরে যথেষ্ট পুরস্কার পেয়েছো।” “সুতরাং তোমার মাথা না কামড়িয়ে আমি তোমাকে যথারীতি পুরস্কার দিয়ে দিয়েছি। এখান থেকে চলে যাও, তা না হলে আমি তোমাকে হত্যা করব।” সারস পাখিটি খুবই হতাশ হল এবং তার জীবন বাঁচানোর জন্য দৌঁড়ে পালাল।

The Honest Caretaker Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Now complete the story and give a title of it.
Once, there lived a rich man in a village. He had a mango orchard. He engaged a caretaker for his orchard...............

The Honest Caretaker
Once, there lived a rich man in a village. He had a mango orchard. He engaged a caretaker for his orchard. He always had a look over the garden and its trees. The rich man usually ate mangoes everyday in season. One day he became irritated when eating mangoes in the morning. He called the caretaker. He asked him, "Why are the mangoes so sour?" He expressed his anger that the caretaker could not bring him some sweet mangoes. The caretaker was pale. The rich man began to scold him in indecent language. The caretaker mildly said, "Sir, you allowed me to look after the garden but didn't allow to have a taste of the mangoes."

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সৎ তত্ত্বাবধায়ক
একদা এক গ্রামে একজন ধনী মানুষ বাস করতেন। তার একটি আমের বাগান ছিল। তিনি তার আমের বাগানে একজন তত্ত্বাবধায়ক নিযুক্ত করলেন। তাকে সবসময় বাগান এবং বাগানের গাছগুলো দেখতে হতো। ধনী লোকটি সাধারণত আমের মৌসুমে প্রতিদিন আম খেতেন। একদিন সকালে আম খাওয়ার সময় তিনি বিরক্ত হলেন।
The Honest Caretaker Copleting Story

কিন্তু তত্ত্বাবধায়ককে ডেকে জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন “কেন আমগুলো এত টক?” তিনি এমনভাবে রাগান্বিত ভাব দেখালেন যেন তত্ত্বাবধায়ক তাকে মিষ্টি আম এনে দেয়নি। তত্ত্বাবধায়কের মুখমণ্ডল ফ্যাকাশে হয়ে গেল। ধনী লোকটি তাকে অশ্লীল ভাষায় গালিগালাজ করলেন। তত্ত্বাবধায়ক শান্তগলায় বলল, “জনাব, আপনি আমাকে বাগান দেখাশোনার দায়িত্ব দিয়েছেন কিন্তু আমের স্বাদ গ্রহণ করার অনুমতি দেননি।”

Bad Company Ruins a Man Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story:
Once a man had a son who had some bad friends and he passed all his time with them. The father was very sorry for his son. He gave his son much advice to...............

Bad Company Ruins a Man
Once a man had a son who had some bad friends and he passed all his time with them. The father was very sorry for his son. He gave his son much advice to leave the bad company and to give attention to study. But all the advice went in vain. The boy continued to mix with bad boys. His character was growing worse day by day; he started gambling and drinking. He soon started taking drugs. Once his father stopped providing him with money. He found himself in an awkward situation. He joined a group of smugglers for money. He even began to hijack on the street. One day while hijacking, he fell in the grip of the police; they took him to the police station and filed a case against him for criminal act. At the local court, he was sentenced to five years imprisonment.

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অসৎ সঙ্গে সর্বনাশ
একদা এক লোকের একটি সন্তান ছিল যার কিছু খারাপ বন্ধু ছিল এবং সে তার সমস্ত সময় তাদের সাথে কাটাত। ছেলের কারণে বাবা খুবই বিষণ্ণ ছিলেন। তিনি তার ছেলেকে খারাপ বন্ধুদের সঙ্গ ত্যাগ করতে এবং পড়াশোনায় মনোযোগ দিতে অনেক উপদেশ দিয়েছিলেন। কিন্তু সব উপদেশ ভেস্তে গেল। ছেলেটি খারাপ ছেলেদের সাথে অনবরত মিশতে থাকল। তার চরিত্র দিনের পর দিন খারাপের দিকে যেতে থাকল। সে জুয়া খেলতে এবং মদ্যপান করতে শুরু করল। অতি তাড়াতাড়ি সে নেশা গ্রহণ করতে শুরু করল।
Bad Company Ruins a Man Completing Story

একবার তার বাবা তাকে টাকা দেওয়া বন্ধ করে দিল। সে বেকায়দায় পড়ে গেল। সে টাকার জন্য চোরাচালানকারী দলের সাথে জড়িয়ে পড়ল। এমনকি সে টাকার জন্য রাস্তায় ছিনতাই করা শুরু করল। একদিন ছিনতাইকালে সে পুলিশের কাছে ধরা পড়ল; তারা তাকে থানায় নিয়ে গেল এবং তার বিরুদ্ধে ফৌজদারি দন্ডবিধিতে মামলা দায়ের করল। স্থানীয় আদালতে তাকে পাঁচ বছরের জেল দেওয়া হল।