A Memorable Event in My Life Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of the given story and complete it in your own way with a title to it.
Once upon a time, in my childhood, I went to a village fair with my father. It was a big fair with lots of attractions for the children.............

A Memorable Event in My Life
Once upon a time, in my childhood, I went to a village fair with my father. It was a big fair with lots of attractions for the children. Father started to take me from here to there. Due to heavy crowd, suddenly I was lost. I searched for my father for an hour, but failed. I started to weep in a corner of the fair. Suddenly an old man saw me. He came to me and asked the reason of my crying. I told him that I  had lost my father. He told me not to cry.

Then we began to search my father here and there. Suddenly I noticed that my father was talking to a stranger. When my father looked at me, he took me in his arm and gave me a lot of kisses. From that incident I came to know how much my father loved me. After that we resumed our visit. My father bought me sweets and many other things. He also bought me some toys. He took me to enjoy the puppet show. 
After visiting for a long time we returned home safely. I will never forget this event in my life.

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আমার জীবনের একটি স্মরণীয় ঘটনা
একদা আমার ছেলেবেলায় আমি আমার বাবার সাথে গ্রাম্য মেলায় গিয়েছিলাম। এটি খুব বড় একটি মেলা ছিল যা শিশুদের জন্য চিত্তাকর্ষক। বাবা আমাকে এখানে সেখানে নিয়ে যাচ্ছিলেন। হঠাৎ করে প্রচণ্ড ভিড়ের কারণে আমি হারিয়ে গেলাম। আমি আমার বাবাকে এক ঘণ্টা ধরে খুঁজেছিলাম। কিন্তু আমি ব্যর্থ হয়েছিলাম। আমি মেলার এক কোণায় দাঁড়িয়ে কাঁদছিলাম। হঠাৎ একজন বৃদ্ধ লোক আমাকে দেখলেন। তিনি আমার নিকট আসলেন এবং আমার কান্নার কারণ জানতে চাইলেন। আমি তাকে বললাম যে আমি আমার বাবাকে হারিয়ে ফেলেছি। তিনি আমাকে কাঁদতে নিষেধ করলেন।

A Memorable Event in My Life Completing Story

তারপর আমরা আমার বাবাকে এখানে ওখানে খোঁজা আরম্ভ করলাম। হঠাৎ আমি দেখলাম আমার বাবা একজন অপরিচিত লোকের সাথে কথা বলছেন। যখন আমার বাবা আমাকে দেখলেন তিনি আমাকে কোলে তুলে নিলেন এবং অনেক চুমু দিলেন। ঐ ঘটনার পরে আমি জানতে পেরেছি আমার বাবা আমাকে কত ভালোবাসেন। এরপরে আমরা আবার আমাদের পরিদর্শন শুরু করলাম। আমার বাবা আমাকে মিষ্টি এবং আরও অনেক কিছু কিনে দিলেন। তিনি আমাকে কিছু খেলনাও কিনে দিলেন। তিনি আমাকে পুতুল নাচ উপভোগ করতেও নিয়ে গেলেন।

অনেকক্ষণ পরিদর্শনের পর আমরা নির্বিঘেœ বাসায় ফিরে আসলাম। আমি আমার জীবনে এই ঘটনা কোনোদিন ভুলবো না।

An email to him describing the importance of physical exercise

Your younger brother does not know the importance of physical exercise. Now, write an email to him describing the importance of physical exercise.

To : towhidul@gmail.com

Subject : importance of physical exercise

My dear brother
I am very glad to know that you are regular in studies. But I am worried about your health because you are often suffering from different complaints. In order to keep in good health you should take physical exercise. I am writing a few words about its importance.
Physical exercise is good for us in a number of ways. It helps our muscles and nerves to work properly. It helps to breathe more deeply and get more oxygen into our lungs. The person who takes physical exercise can eat enough and does not have any indigestion. It helps the blood to circulate all over the body properly.
Regular physical exercise with proper food and rest can help a man to build good health and maintain it. So I am advising you to take exercise. I hope you will follow my advice.
I am well. With best love to you.

Your elder brother
An email to him describing the importance of physical exercise


An email about the person who helps the needy

Suppose you are Reba of Jhenidah and your friend Shefa lives in Jessore. Now write an email to your friend about the person who helps the needy.

To : shefahaque@gmail.com

Subject : a noble man

Hi, Shefa
How are you? I hope that you are well. I am fine too. You have written that you are bothered by a needy relative. She always disturbs you and presses you for financial help.
I shall tell you of a person of our neighbourhood. He is very kind and helps the poor and the distressed. Everyone here loves and respects him.
It is an age of economic instability. Anyone can become poor any time. So an aid to the poor is always praiseworthy. As you are well off, you can easily help your needy friends and relatives. We all should follow that kind and generous man.
No more today. Be in happiness.

Your ever
An email about the person who helps the needy


An email about the benefits of reading newspaper

Write an email to your friend telling him/her about the benefits of reading newspaper.

To : aminislam@yahoo.com

Subject : benefits of reading newspaper

Hi, Amin/Amina
I am very glad to receive your email. You wanted to know about the benefits and importance of reading newspaper. Many thanks for such an email.
Reading newspaper has a lot of benefits. If you read newspaper regularly, you can know what happens around the world. Reading newspaper will make you a conscious and good citizen. It will increase your general knowledge and will develop your vocabulary. Newspaper tells you about market price, job opportunities, lost and found things and advertisements. You can know weather report and views of important people as well as policy of the Government. Remember one thing, never read newspaper leaving your lessons.
I am fine. With love to you.

Yours ever
An email about the benefits of reading newspaper


An email describing the co-curricular activities of college

Write an email to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your college.

To : nazimhossain@gmail.com

Subject : co-curricular activities

Hi, Nazim/ Najma
Thanks for your email. You wanted to know about the co-curricular activities of our college. Here is a brief description of co-curricular activities of our college.
As a part of co-curricular activities our college includes debate, publication of magazine, cultural activities such as singing, dancing, games and sports etc. Co-curricular activities help us to foster good will. They teach students to be polite, modest, gentle, loyal, diligent and persevering. They also tighten the bondage of friendship and brotherhood among the students. This is why, our college authority gives much emphasis on co-curricular activities as our routine work in the college.
No more today. Write to me about the co-curricular activities of your college.

Your loving friend
An email describing the co-curricular activities of college


An email describing the importance of ICT knowledge

Write an email to your younger brother describing him the importance of ICT knowledge.

To : nayeemislam@gmail.com

Subject : importance of ICT knowledge

Hi, Nayeem
Thank you for your email. You have wanted to know the importance of ICT knowledge from me.
I have realized that you know almost nothing of ICT. But you cannot keep pace with modern day life without it.
ICT means 'Information and Communication Technology'. It is mainly related to computer system. With the use of a computer, you can easily store any information, you can communicate with others through email, facebook and twitter. You can search through wikipedia for any general knowledge. In fact, computer and ICT have brought a revolution in communication system around the world.
So you should not keep aloof from it. Try to know about ICT and computer from now on.
No more today, with best wishes.

Your brother
Write an email to your younger brother describing him the importance of ICT knowledge.


A Boy with Ready Wit Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.
One sunny morning a boy of eleven years was tending cattle by the side of a railway line. Suddenly he noticed that.....................

A Boy with Ready Wit
One sunny morning a boy of eleven years was tending cattle by the side of a railway line. Suddenly he noticed that a small railway slipper was about to collapse. A little while later, he remembered that a mail train was supposed to cross in about half an hour. He was at a loss thinking about what to do. He discussed the matter with his friends. But nobody could give an exact solution so that they could save the next train to come immediately.

Suddenly a fantastic plan came into the mind of Ratan. Once he heard that by showing something red, one can stop train. By his ready wit he put off his red shirt and hoisted it in the air when he heard a train coming along the crack line. He tried to attract the attention of the driver. Unbelievably the driver saw the red shirt of the boy and stopped the train just before the crack. The driver got down from the train and noticed the line. All the passengers and the driver praised the witty boy for whom all of them got a new life.

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একটি উপস্থিত বুদ্ধি সম্পন্ন ছেলে
এক রৌদ্রোজ্জ্বল সকালে এগারো বছরের একটি বালক রেল লাইনের পাশে তার গবাদিপশু চড়াচ্ছিলো। হঠাৎ সে লক্ষ্য করল যে একটি ছোট রেলের úীপার ভগ্নদশায় আছে। কিছুক্ষণ পর তার মনে পড়লো আধা ঘণ্টার মধ্যে একটি মেইল ট্রেন সেখান দিয়ে যাবে। সে কী করবে এই নিয়ে খুব চিন্তামগ্ন ছিল। সে তার বন্ধুদের সাথে এই বিষয় নিয়ে আলোচনা করল। কিন্তু কেউ নিকটবর্তী ট্রেনকে রক্ষা করার কোনো উপযুক্ত সমাধান দিতে পারলো না।

A Boy with Ready Wit Completing Story

হঠাৎ করে রতনের মাথায় একটি চমৎকার পরিকল্পনা এলো। একবার সে শুনেছিল যে লাল কিছু দেখিয়ে, ট্রেন থামানো যায়। যখন সে ওই ভাঙা লাইন দিয়ে আগত একটি ট্রেনের শব্দ শুনলো সে তার উপস্থিত বুদ্ধির মাধ্যমে তার লাল শার্ট খুলে বাতাসে উড়াতে থাকলো। সে চালকের দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণের চেষ্টা করছিল। অবিশ্বাস্যভাবে চালকটি ছেলেটির লাল শার্ট দেখতে পায় এবং ঠিক ভাঙ্গা অংশটির সামনে ট্রেন থামায়। চালকটি ট্রেন থেকে নেমে লাইনের দিকে লক্ষ্য করে। চালকটি এবং ট্রেনের সকল যাত্রী বুদ্ধিমান ছেলেটির প্রশংসা করছিল, যার জন্য তারা সকলে নতুন জীবন পেয়েছে।


Write an email inviting to join Cox's Bazar

Imagine you are Rimon. You are going to visit Cox's Bazar the next month. Your friend Jasim wanted to know about this charming place. Now send an email to your friend telling him about Cox's Bazar and inviting him to join you.

To : jasim_kishoregonj@yahoo.com

Subject : Cox's Bazar

Hi, Jasim
How are you? I am fine. I have already informed you that I am going to visit Cox's Bazar the next month. You have wanted to know about that place. How can I tell you? I have not yet seen that place. To the best of my knowledge, it is a famous tourist spot as Cox's Bazar sea beach is the longest one in the world.
Please join us. That will give you a real experience of the place and also increase our pleasure. So I earnestly request you to join our team. Awaiting your decision.

Your loving friend
Write an email inviting to join Cox's Bazar


Send a video clips to your friend through email and ask for comments

Suppose you are Susana. You performed in a school programme on the Victory Day. Now send the video clips to your friend Natasha through email and ask for her comments.

To : natasha_chowdhury@gmail.com

Subject : video clips

Hi, Natasha
I hope that you are well. Recently on the Victory Day, our college has arranged a cultural programme. I participated in the events of recitation and Tagore song and won the second and the third prize respectively.
I have sent some video clips of the programme to you. I hope you will like these clips. Please let me know of your appreciations of the clips in your next email.
No more today. Take care.

Your bosom friend
Send a video clips to your friend through email and ask for comments


An email to your friend greeting him happy new year

Compose an email to your friend greeting him/her happy new year.

To : shayon_wari@gmail.com

Subject : happy new year

Hi! Shayon
"Happy New Year". I wish you a happy and joyous new year. I hope the New Year will bring good luck to your life.

Lovingly yours
An email to your friend greeting him happy new year


An email congratulating for good performance in a cricket match

Write an email to your friend congratulating him for his good performance in a cricket match.

To : sajibhasanjoy@gmail.com

Subject : greeting for good performance

Hi, Sajib
How are you? I hope that you are fine. Really my joys knew no bounds when I heard from Jasim that you scored a century in the last cricket match against Palakhal Rustom Ali College cricket team. Congratulations for playing a match winning innings. I hope you will be able to continue such type of performance in the next matches.
Best of luck. Take care.

Yours ever
An email congratulating for good performance in a cricket match


An email asking to give up the habit of taking drugs

Write an email to your friend asking him to give up the habit of taking drugs.

To : masum_billah@yahoo.com

Subject : giving up drug

Hi, Masum
Hope you are well. I have heard that you have recently been addicted to drugs. It is really unexpected. Drug addiction leads a person to physical and mental destruction. It is a curse on the society. So you have to give up this habit. In a week's time, I want to hear that you have given it up.
Wish you all the best.

Yours ever
An email asking to give up the habit of taking drugs


An email describing about your extended family

Write an email to your friend describing about your extended family.

To : shimul¬_sharmin@gmail.com

Subject : my family

Hi Sharmin
Hope you are fine. I am OK. You have wanted to know about my family. My family is an extended & large one. We live along with my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. There are at least 20 members in my family. Yet we live together in peace. Thank you for showing interest.
Take care.

Yours ever
An email describing about your extended family


An email describing a historical place

Write an email to your friend describing a historical place.

To : mohiuddinjilaniju@gmail.com

Subject : a visit to the Taj Mahal

Hi, Mahi
I hope that you are well and good. I returned home yesterday from a visit to India. I went to visit Agra with my parents and uncle. I passed there about a week. It's my pleasure to inform you that I was able to see the beauty of the magnificent Mughal monument Taj Mahal with my own eyes. The beauty of the Taj is in a word beyond description. The construction of the Taj was a token of love, the eternal feeling of humans in the form of a monument. However, the pattern, structure, design and overall setting of this beautiful building catch a spellbound effect to the onlookers. However, we also visited many other places surrounding it. No more today.
An email describing a historical place

Yours ever

Write an email to your father describing your exam

Write an email to your father describing your exam.

To : islamjakir@yahoo.com

Subject : about exam

Dear Abbu
I hope that you all are well. I have just returned from exam hall that was my last exam of this term. I have done well in all my subjects and hope to get A in all the subjects. I was slightly afraid of English, because I was feeling ill on that day. But thanks to Allah, I could do well in that subject. However, I hope to come home the next week. What about mother and apu?
Take care of your health.

Your loving son
Write an email to your father describing your exam


Write an email to your friend about the annual sports of your college

Write an email to your friend about the annual sports of your college.

To : fahimahmed@gmail.com

Subject : annual sports

Hi, friend
Thank you for your email about the annual sports of your college. The annual sports of our college also came off yesterday. It was a very pleasant occasion.
The field was colorfully decorated. The UNO was the chief guest. Our Principal presided over the function. The chief guest made a short speech and inaugurated the function. The events began. There were twenty events. About one hundred boys were the participants. I was one of them. The winners shook hands with the chief guest and took the prizes with greetings. Then the president made his concluding speech and the function ended.
I am closing here with best love to you.

Yours ever
Write an email to your friend about the annual sports of your college


An email about the harmful effects of Ebola Virus

Inform your friend through email about the harmful effects of Ebola Virus and its remedy.

To : mizan@yahoo.com

Subject : about Ebola virus

Hi, Mizan
How are you? I hope that you are well. Today I am going to tell you about Ebola virus. Ebola virus was first discovered in Congo in 1976. It is a fatal disease. Many people died of Ebola in Africa. The patient who is affected with Ebola suffers from fever, severe headache, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal (stomach) pain and unexplained hemorrhage (bleeding). The recovery from Ebola depends on good supportive clinical care and the patient's immune response. To prevent us from Ebola, we should practice careful hygiene. We should wash our hands with soap and water and keep ourselves away from the contact with an infected person's blood.
No more today. Write to me.

Yours ever
An email about the harmful effects of Ebola Virus


An email of sympathy to your sick friend in hospital

Suppose your friend has become seriously ill. He has been hospitalized. Your examination is very near. So it is not possible for you to visit him in the hospital. Now send an email of sympathy to your sick friend in hospital.

To : nazrul_haq97@yahoo.com

Subject : your illness saddens me

Hi, Nazrul
I have come to know that you have dengue fever and been hospitalized. This news has made me sad.
I could have come to visit you but unfortunately my annual examination is very near. Due to this unavoidable circumstances, I am unable to come.
Therefore, I apologise. But don't worry. As you have been hospitalized in time, you will soon come round. I pray for your recovery. Come round and relieve us all from anxiety.
With best wishes.

Your friend
An email of sympathy to your sick friend in hospital


An email about creative question pattern

Suppose you are going to participate in a debate competition. Your topic is "Creative question pattern makes students dependent more on guides than textbooks". Your elder brother who is a student of Dhaka University is a renowned debater. Now write an email to him requesting him to send you necessary information through email.

To : abir_dhaka@yahoo.com

Subject : information for debate

Dear brother
How are you? I am fine.
My college is going to arrange a debate competition this week. I have been selected to participate in it. The topic is "Creative question pattern makes students dependent more on guides than textbooks".
As I have had no experience in debate, I seek your help earnestly this moment. Please send me necessary information on the topic through email. Please do it for me, brother. Take my salam.

Your brother
An email about creative question pattern


A Memorable Night Completing Story pdf download

Read the following story. It is not complete. Complete the story by using your imagination with a suitable title to it :
You are a student of class 12. You live in the hostel of your school. During the Ramadan vacation you came to our.................

A Memorable Night
I am a student of class 12. I live in the hostel of our school. During the Ramadan vacation I came to our village house and spent the whole vacation there. After the Ramadan vacation had been over I went to the railway station at a distance of twenty kilometres from my house on foot. I reached the station at 9 o'clock at night.

After reaching the station I came to know that the train had left the station a few minutes before.

I decided to wait for the next train. The station master informed me that there was no scheduled train for that night. I became frustrated to some extent. It was quite impossible for me to return home on that dark night. Actually there was no suitable transport by which I could return home. There was no residential hotel where I could take shelter. I could not think anything more.

In the meantime, the station master was preparing to leave the station. He noticed me and proposed to spend the night in his house. Nothing could be a more pleasant to me than that proposal. 

The next morning I started for my destination. I would never forget such a night and remain grateful to such a kind-hearted man.

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একটি স্মরণীয় রাত
আমি দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর একজন ছাত্র। আমি আমাদের স্কুলের ছাত্রাবাসে থাকি। রমজান মাসের ছুটিতে আমি আমার গ্রামের বাড়িতে এসেছিলাম এবং পুরো ছুটি সেখানে কাটিয়েছিলাম। রমজানের ছুটির শেষে আমি পায়ে হেঁটে আমাদের বাড়ি থেকে ২০ কিলোমিটার দূরের রেলস্টেশনে গিয়েছিলাম। আমি রেলস্টেশনে রাত ৯.০০ টায় পৌঁছাই।

A Memorable Night Completing Story

স্টেশনে পৌঁছে আমি জানতে পারি যে কয়েক মিনিট আগেই ট্রেনটি স্টেশন ছেড়ে গেছে। আমি সেখানে পরবর্তী ট্রেনের জন্য অপেক্ষা করার সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছিলাম। স্টেশন মাস্টার আমাকে জানালো যে সেই রাতে আর কোনো ট্রেনের সময়সূচি নেই। আমি কিছুটা হতাশাগ্রস্ত হলাম। ঐ অন্ধকার রাতে আবার বাড়ি ফেরা আমার জন্য অসম্ভব ছিল। আসলে বাড়ি ফিরে যাওয়ার মতো পর্যাপ্ত কোনো যানবাহন সেখানে ছিল না। সেখানে আশ্রয় নেওয়ার মতো কোনো আবাসিক হোটেলও ছিল না। আমি আর কিছুই ভাবতে পারছিলাম না।

ঐ একই সময়ে স্টেশন মাস্টার স্টেশন ছেড়ে যাওয়ার প্রস্তুতি নিচ্ছিলো। সে আমাকে লক্ষ করল এবং তার বাড়িতে রাত্রি যাপনের প্রস্তাব দিলো। ঐ প্রস্তাবের চেয়ে আনন্দময় আর কিছুই হতে পারে না।
পরের দিন সকালে আমি আমার গন্তব্যে যাত্রা শুরু করলাম। আমি এই রাতটি কখনো ভুলতে পারবো না আর আজীবন এমন দয়ালু লোকের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞ থাকবো।

An email about how you physically feel after recovery from an ailment

Write an email to your mother about how you physically feel after recovery from an ailment.

To : sharmin_islam74@gmail.com

Subject : my physical condition

Dear mother
How are you? I suffered from cold and fever for about a week. Now I have recovered.
I missed my classes through the whole week. That's why I am sad. But I have no physical problem anymore.
I hope to see you soon in the coming vacation. With love and respect.

Your son
An email about how you physically feel after recovery from an ailment


An emai about your country and its natural beauty

Suppose you have a pen friend. He/She wants to know about your country. Now write an email to him/her describing about your country and its natural beauty.

To : John_anderson_nyork@yahoo.com

Subject : a beautiful country

Hi, John
Thank you for email. You wanted to know about Bangladesh, our country.
Bangladesh is a secular and democratic republic. It gained independence from Pakistan in 1971 through a bloody war.
Our country has an area of 1,47,570 square kilometres. About 160 million people live here.
Ours is a poor country. Most of the people live below poverty line. Besides natural calamities like flood, drought and cyclone hamper our economic progress.
However, ours is also a country of extraordinary natural beauty. It is adorned with green fields and innumerable rivers. It is a land of six seasons. The natural landscape changes with the advent of each new season. We shall be very glad if you come. So please try to come here.
Take care.

Sincerely yours
An emai about your country and its natural beauty


An email about the experience of visiting a book fair

Write an email to your pen friend informing him about the experience of visiting a book fair.

To : sakira_2011@yahoo.com

Subject : visit to a book fair

Hi, Sakira
How are you? I hope that you are fine. Today I am going to inform you about my experience of visiting a book fair. Last week I visited a book fair. There were hundreds of book stalls. I spent there more than 3 hours. I bought some books including a book of short stories written by Hasan Azizul Hoque with his autograph. Really I enjoyed the visit very much.
Let me know how you are passing your days. Write you again. Till then, bye.

Your friend
Din- Islam
An email about the experience of visiting a book fair


An email about the sufferings of the flood affected people

Write an email to your friend narrating the sufferings of the flood affected people.

To : rahmanaminur@yahoo.co.uk

Subject : sufferings of flood affected people

Hi, Amin
We are now miserably suffering from a severe flood across the country. As you have been living in London for a couple of years, I have felt it a duty to inform you.
Our sighs and sorrows know no limit. Specially poor people are suffering much.
Do something if you can.

Your friend
An email about the sufferings of the flood affected people


An email about the experience of visiting the Shat Gambuj Mosque

Write an email to your friend about the experience of visiting the Shat Gambuj Mosque.

To : farjanabobi@gmail.com

Subject : visiting the Shat Gambuj Mosque

Hi, Farjana
How are you? I'm passing my days quite well. You will be very glad to know that recently I have paid a visit to the Shat Gambuj Mosque. I enjoyed the terrific beauty of the mosque. I also visited the Majar of Khan Jahan Ali and Ghora Dighi. I spent there more than four hours. Really it was a great experience for me. If you do not visit the place, you will not be able to imagine how nice the mosque is.
No more today. Best wishes to you.

Yours ever
An email about the experience of visiting the Shat Gambuj Mosque


An email about preparation for the exam

Write an email to your father about your progress in studies and preparation for the exam.

To : monirahmed@gmail.com

Subject : about studies

My dear father
Take my salam. I have come to know that you are anxious about my progress in studies and preparation for the coming examination. I request you not to be anxious. I am going on well with my studies. I have learnt the answers to all important and probable questions. Now my revision is going on. You will be glad to know that this is my second time revision. I hope I shall do very well. Now I need blessings of you and mother. Convey my regards to mother. I am fine.
With best regards to you.

Yours affectionately
An email about preparation for the exam


An email advising to be regular in studies

Write an email to your younger brother advising him to be regular in studies.

To : mahfuz-2001@gmail. com

Subject : be regular in studies

Hi, Mahfuz
How are you? I hope that you are fine. From mother I have heard that you are not attentive to your study. You are wasting your valuable time by playing and making fun with your friends. It's not good at all. You have to study attentively to make a good result in the coming exam. I hope you will start to study regularly.
No more today. Take care.

Your elder sister
An email advising to be regular in studies


An email to attend the wedding ceremony of elder sister

Write an email to your friend inviting him to attend the wedding ceremony of your elder brother/ sister.

To : ahmedsharif@yahoo.com

Subject : invitation

Hi, Sharif
How are you? I hope that you are fine. I am passing my days in business. Because the wedding ceremony of my elder sister will be held on 17 instant. You are heartily requested to attend the ceremony. Converse with you on meeting. Till then bye.

Yours ever
An email to attend the wedding ceremony of elder sister


An email to a pen friend asking to visit Bangladesh

Write an email to your pen friend asking him/her to visit Bangladesh.

To : edward12@yahoo.com

Subject : invitation to visit our country

Hi, Edward
I hope you are well. It is late autumn in Bangladesh. Gentle breeze is blowing from the north. The fields are covered with paddy. I am inviting you to come to my beautiful country. Bangladesh is endowed with many historically important places. The Lalbagh Fort of Dhaka is a reminiscent of Mogul architecture, The National Museum at Shahbagh will tell you many things of our glorious days. The Liberation War Museum will let you know about people's sacrifice and our glorious victory in the war of 1971.
No more today. You are cordially invited to Bangladesh once again. And wherever you are, live happily and peacefully.

Your friend
An email to a pen friend asking to visit Bangladesh


An email to inform your result has been published

Write an email to your father informing him of your result that has been published recently.

To : jahidulislam@gmail.com

Subject : result

Dear father
Take my salam. Today I am very happy. My half yearly exam's result has been published today. You will be glad to know that I have stood first in the examination. Pray for me so that I can continue my study attentively and cut a good figure in the next exams.
With best regards to mother and love to younger brother and sister.

Yours affectionately
An email to inform your result has been published


An email to return the book

Suppose, you are Munira and your friend is Labonnya. Your friend borrowed a book from you. But your examination is near. Now write an email to your friend to return the book.

To : labonnoya_2010@gmail.com

Subject : returning the book

Hi, Labonnya
How are you? I hope that you are fine by the grace of the Almighty Allah. I'm also fine. I think you have already finished reading the book that you borrowed from me last month. My examination is knocking at the door. That is why, I'm badly in need of the book. Please send the book as quickly as possible.
No more today. Pray for me. Best wishes to you.

Yours ever
An email to return the book


An email to help by sending a suggestion on the subject

Suppose, your examination is near, but your preparation in English is not good. Request your friend through email to help you by sending a suggestion on this subject.

To : anirban_shantinagar@gmail.com

Subject : request for suggestion

Hi, Anirban
How are you? I am OK. But my annual examination is knocking at the door. I have taken good preparation on all other subjects except English. However, I am always weak in English. Even this year my preparation in English is not good. I am anxious about my English exam.
So my dear friend, I entreat you to send a suggestion on English as soon as possible, please help me.

Your friend
An email to help by sending a suggestion on the subject


An email for congratulating on grand success in software programming competition

Write an email to your friend Badhon congratulating him on his grand success in software programming competition 2022.

To : badhon_sahamirpur@yahoo.com

Subject : congratulations!

Hi, Badhon
I am very glad to know that you have won the first prize in the software programming competition 2022 organized by Notre Dame College, Dhaka. The news had caused our joy a lot.
I personally congratulate you on this grand achievement. Congratulations and very well done!
Take care. With best wishes to you.

Your bosom friend
An email for congratulating on grand success in software programming competition


An email for thanking whose home you have visited recently

Write an email to your friend thanking him whose home you have visited recently.

To : nasir25@yahoo.com

Subject : thanks
Hi, Nasir
Love to you. I hope you are fine. However, just a note to tell you about the fine time at your home. Rafi and I were so pleased to meet your family and they made us really welcome.
I'll never forget climbing the mountain and bathing in the fountain. My legs ached for days, but it was worth remembering those fantastic views!
We're both at work now and very busy. However this weekend we're going to decorate the spare room. So I hope you'll come and visit us soon.

Your friend
An email for thanking whose home you have visited recently


An email for congratulating on brilliant success

Write an email to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her brilliant success.

To : nasir25@yahoo.com

Subject : congrats

Hi, Nasir
Your letter is just to my hand. I am very much glad at your excellent result in the SSC examination. I offer my heartiest congratulation on your brilliant success. I am very much pleased with your result. I knew that you would cut an excellent figure in the SSC examination. But I was really in some doubt whether you could do such outstanding result. However, the result will inspire you to make further brilliant success.
With best wishes to you and your parents.

Your loving friend
An email for congratulating on brilliant success


An email describing the prize giving ceremony of college

Write an email to your friend describing the prize giving ceremony of your college.

To : jahangir@gmail.com

Subject : Prize giving ceremony

Hi, Jahangir Alam
Thanks for your email. I'm very glad to know that you are very interested to know about the prize giving ceremony of our college. I'm giving a short description of it. Last week the prize giving ceremony of our college was held. It was a very enjoyable and interesting one. The winners received prizes from the chief guest. I personally got two prizes. The ceremony was finished with a cultural function.
Love to you and all of your family.

Yours ever
Abdul Mannan Hawlader

An email describing the prize giving ceremony of college


An email requesting to send some money to buy books

Write an email to your father requesting him to send you some money to buy books.

To : jahid_64@gmail.com

Subject : money for buying books

My dear father
Please accept my salam first. I hope that you are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. You know that I have been promoted to the next higher class. Our new class has already been started. That's why I have to buy some new books for the new class. I need some 1500/= taka to buy the books. If you send the money by post as early as possible it will be much helpful for me. Please bless me so that I can build up a successful career.
With best regards to mother and love to younger brother and sister.

Yours affectionately
An email requesting to send some money to buy books


Write an email to your friend about your aim in life

Write an email to your friend about your aim in life.

To : momin_2009@yahoo.com

Subject : aim in life

Hi, Momin
Thanks for your email. You have asked me about my aim in life. Of course, I have my own aim in life.
My aim in life is to be a doctor. There are many reasons for choosing this profession. The poor village people of our country suffer from various diseases. But there is no qualified doctor to serve them. They have to depend on the quacks. Many people meet premature death. So, I have decided to serve the people of my country through the profession of a doctor. After obtaining the MBBS degree I shall go back to my village to serve the villagers. Even I have a plan to set up a charitable dispensary.
No more today. Pray for me so that I may achieve my goal. My best regards to your parents.

Your loving friend
Write an email to your friend about your aim in life


An email thanking for sending a birthday gift

Suppose, you are Rina and your friend is Tony. Now, email your friend thanking him for his sending you a birthday gift. [BB '21]

To : tony_bashabd@yahoo.com

Subject : thanks for birthday gift

Hi, Tony
I hope that you are fine. Yesterday you did not attend my birthday party but sent a nice gift. It would add to my pleasure if you came.
However, your gift has given me immense joy. As you are my best friend I shall always keep the gift with care.
Thanks a lot. Take care.

Yours ever
An email thanking for sending a birthday gift


Black Will Take No Other Hue Completing Story pdf download

Complete the following story following the cue.
Once in a cold winter morning when a villager was going to his field he found a snake half dead with cold, lying by the side of the road ... ... ... ...

Black Will Take No Other Hue
Once in a cold winter morning when a villager was going to his field he found a snake half dead with cold, lying by the side of the road. He felt a great pity for the miserable snake. He put it into his basket and brought it home. He placed it with care by a fire-place, gave it warm milk and made it comfortable. It was all right with it and it got quite well very soon. It began to play with the children of the farmer. For some time it played and behaved very well.

One day while playing with the children of the farmer, it bit one of them. Now, the farmer realised his mistake. Actually, what was inherent in its blood could not go off. He understood that an evil always remains an evil. So he became very angry and killed the snake with a stick.

“Oh,” cried the farmer with his last breath, “I am rightly served for pitying a scoundrel. The greatest kindness will not change the ungrateful.”

Then he started saying “Black will take no other hue, black will take no other hue.”

pdf download
কয়লা ধুলে ময়লা যায় না
একদা একটি ঠাণ্ডা শীতের সকালে যখন একজন গ্রামের লোক তার মাঠের দিকে যাচ্ছিল সে একটি সাপ ঠাণ্ডায় অর্ধমৃত অবস্থায় রাস্তার পাশে শুয়ে থাকতে দেখল। সে দুর্দশাগ্রস্ত সাপটিকে দেখে খুব দয়া অনুভব করল। সে এটি তার বাক্সে রাখল এবং বাড়ি নিয়ে এলো। সে এটি সাবধানতার সাথে আগুনের পাশে রাখল, গরম দুধ দিল এবং আরামদায়ক করল। এটি জীবিতই ছিল এবং অল্প কয়েকদিনে সুস্থ হয়ে উঠল। এটি কৃষকের বাচ্চাদের সাথে খেলা করা শুরু করল। কিছু সময়ের জন্য এটি খুব ভালোভাবে খেলত ও আচরণ করত। একদিন যখন এটি কৃষকের বাচ্চাদের সাথে খেলছিল তখন এটি তাদের মধ্যে একজনকে কামড়ালো। এখন কৃষকটি তার ভুল বুঝতে পারল। মূলত যা এর স্বভাবসিদ্ধ ছিল তা কখনো বদলায় নি। সে বুঝতে পেরেছিল একজন দুষ্ট সবসময় দুষ্টই তাকে। সুতরাং সে খুব রাগান্বিত হলো এবং লাঠি দ্বারা সাপটিকে হত্যা করল।

Black Will Take No Other Hue Completing Story

‘ওহ’, কৃষকটি তার শেষ নিশ্বাস ফেলার সময় চিৎকার করল, আমি একটা দুষ্টের সেবা করার উপযুক্ত সাজা পেয়েছি। মহত্ত¡ কখনো অকৃতজ্ঞকে পরিবর্তন করতে পারে না।

তখন সে বলতে শুরু করল “কয়লা ধুলে ময়লা যায় না, কয়লা ধুলে ময়লা যায় না।”

Write an email to your friend to join a picnic

Write an email to your friend inviting him to join a picnic. [SB '21]

To : keya_1996@gmail.com

Subject : invitation

Hi, Keya
How are you? I am passing my days quite well. Our college will be closed for winter vacation on Thursday next. You will be glad to know that we are going to have a picnic on the 15th instant. We have decided to go to Patenga Sea Beach, Chittagong. I hope we will have a nice time if you join us.

No more today. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngers.

Yours ever
Write an email to your friend inviting him to join a picnic


An email for congratulating

Suppose, your friend got first prize on a debate competition. Now, write an email congratulating him. [CtgB '21]

To : adiat15@gmail.com

Subject : congratulation

Dear Adiat
I received your email just a few minutes ago. We all are going very well. I am very glad to know about your recent success on a debate competition where you got first prize. My parents are also happy after hearing this. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on this glorious achievement. In fact, your hard work and your splendid performance bring you success every time.

That's all for today. Convey my regards to your parents. My best wishes for your bright future.

Yours ever,
An email for congratulating


Honesty Is Always Rewarded Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.
Rahmat Mia is a rickshaw puller. He is only 23 years old. He is very poor. One day a lady from Australia hired his rickshaw. When she got down, she forgot her purse. Rahmat saw the purse after a while. He took it and thought.......

Honesty Is Always Rewarded
Rahmat Mia is a rickshaw puller. He is only 23 years old. He is very poor. One day a lady from Australia hired his rickshaw. When she got down, she forgot her purse. Rahmat saw the purse after a while. He took it and thought for a while what he would do with the purse. He thought he might find money in that purse, so he could have it for himself. But after some moments another thought came to his mind. He realized that such an act would mean dishonesty. As he believed in  the Creator, he became worried with the thought that he might be punished in the afterlife for such a misdeed. And it would definitely not differ from stealing. So he went to the place where he had dropped the Australian lady. It was the house of the lady's friend who gave her address to the rickshaw puller. Then he found out the addressee, i.e. the lady, and returned her the purse. The lady was pleased at the rickshaw puller's honesty and gave him a lot of money as his reward.

pdf download
সততা সর্বদা পুরস্কৃত হয়
রহমত মিয়া একজন রিকসাচালক। তার বয়স মাত্র ২৩ বছর। সে খুবই গরিব। একদিন অস্ট্রেলিয়ান একজন মহিলা তার রিকসা ভাড়া করে। যখন তিনি নেমে যান, তিনি তার টাকার থলে ভুলে রেখে যান। কিছুক্ষণ পর রহমত তার টাকার থলেটি দেখতে পায়। সে এটি নেয় এবং এই থলেটি নিয়ে সে কী করবে সেটা কিছুক্ষণ ভাবতে থাকে। সে ভাবল যে সে ঐ থলেতে টাকা পেতে পারে, সুতরাং এটি সে নিজের জন্য রাখতে পারে।

Honesty Is Always Rewarded Completing Story

কিন্তু কিছু মুহূর্ত পর অন্য আরেকটি চিন্তা তার মনে এলো। সে অনুভব করল যে এমন ধরনের কাজকে অসৎ কাজ বোঝায়। যেহেতু সে স্রষ্টায় বিশ্বাস করে, সে এ বিষয়টি নিয়ে চিন্তিত যে এ ধরনের মন্দ কাজের জন্য মৃত্যু পরবর্তী সময়ে তাকে শাস্তি ভোগ করতে হতে পারে এবং এটি চুরি করা থেকে ভিন্ন কিছু নয়। সুতরাং সে যেখানে অস্ট্রেলিয়ান মহিলাটিকে নামিয়ে ছিলো সেখানে গিয়েছিল। এটি ঐ মহিলার বন্ধুর বাসা ছিল তিনি রিকসাচালককে তার ঠিকানা দিয়েছিলেন। তারপর সে প্রাপকটির অর্থাৎ ঐ মহিলার খোঁজ করল এবং তার টাকার থলে ফেরত দিল। মহিলাটি রিকসাচালকের সততা দেখে খুশি হলো এবং পুরস্কার হিসাবে তাকে অনেক/প্রচুর অর্থ দিল।

Write a letter to the parents of your friend expressing your condolence

Write a letter to the parents of your friend expressing your condolence on the tragic death of your friend in an accident.

Palakhal, Chandpur
15 May 2023

Dear Uncle
Yesterday I heard the news of Asif's tragic accident. It was just like a bolt from the blue. I do not know how to console you and I have no words to do so. It is very difficult to accept the death of one's child. But no one can change the decree of Allah. We cannot get him back. He has become a sweet memory to us. Though it has made us all dumb founded, we must accept it as undeniable. Please don't lose heart. Whenever I get time, I will surely come to meet you. Asif was like my brother, so you can consider me as your son.
No more today.

Your ever

✉️ Draw an envelope with address
Write a letter to the parents of your friend expressing your condolence


Write a letter the importance of ICT knowledge

Write a letter to your younger brother describing him the importance of ICT knowledge.

10 August, 2023
Bandar, Sylhet

Dear Nayeem
Thank you for your letter. You wanted to know the importance of ICT knowledge from me.
I have realized that you know almost nothing of ICT. But you cannot keep pace with modern day life without it.
ICT means 'Information and Communication Technology'. It is mainly related to computer system. With the use of a computer, you can easily store any information, you can communicate with others through Email, Facebook and Twitter. You can search through Wikipedia for any general knowledge. In fact, computer and ICT have brought a revolution in communication system around the world.
So you should not keep aloof from it. Try to know about ICT and computer from now on. 
No more today. With best wishes to you.

Your brother

✉️ Draw an envelope with address
Write a letter the importance of ICT knowledge
