An email about a farewell party

An email writing for JSC/SSC/HSC examination
Imagine, you are Neloy. Recently you attended a farewell party as one of the guests. Now, send an email to your cousin telling him about the party.

From    : "Neloy" <>
To    : <>
Sent    : Friday, February 8, 2022; 10:00 am.

Subject : About a farewell party.

My dear Ali,
Take my cordial love. You will be happy to know that I attended a farewell party in my school. The school arranged the party to bid our English teacher farewell who was transferred to Rajbari Zilla High school. In spite of being a student, I was one of the, guests in the farewell party. I attended the function as a singer. The function began in due time. Some students of higher classes delivered speech on the occasion. All the guests spoke highly of the departing teacher. The Headmaster as the chief of the function made a inspiring speech.

Yours ever,


An email about the picnic I enjoyed

An email writing for JSC/SSC/HSC examination
Suppose, you and some of your friends had recently been to a picnic at a place of historical importance. You have a friend named 'Shikha' at Dhanmondi in Dhaka. He/She is very much interested to know how you have enjoyed it. Now, send an email to him/her about the picnic.

From    : "Shahida"<>
To.     : <>
Sent    : Tuesday, 12 February 2022; 9:00 am.

Subject :  About the picnic I enjoyed.

Dear Shikha,
We went to a popular and lovely picnic spot Kuakata. Our journey was by launch. The charming sights and sounds of the surrounding area of Kuakata moved us greatly. The waves of the coastal sea stirred the waves of our mind. We had a hearty meal of steaming roast meat. We enjoyed dance, songs, jokes performed by ourselves. I missed you greatly.
No more today.

Yours ever,


An email about the visit to the Dhaka Zoo

An email writing for JSC/SSC/HSC examination
Imagine, you have a non-Bangladeshi friend Newton who lives at 141/A Brooke Lane Road, 11743 UK. Your friend wants to know about the Dhaka Zoo from you. Now, send an email to him describing your visit to the zoo.

From    :   "Ali" <>
To      :  <>
Sent    :  Tuesday, 12 February 2022; 6:20 pm.

Subject : About the visit to the Dhaka Zoo.

Dear Newton,
Hope, you're well. You've wanted to know about my visit to the Dhaka Zoo. Last Friday I went to the zoo. with some of my native friends. Buying entry tickets we all entered the zoo. It seemed to me that the zoo was another new world. We saw peacock, deer, monkey, apes, chirping birds, snakes, and many other animals. The Royal Bengal Tiger is the most attractive to me.
No more today.

Yours ever,


An email describing co-curricular activities of our school

An email writing for JSC/SSC/HSC examination
Suppose, you are Monir/Monira living at Sonapur, Chandpur and a student of Nurpur High School. Your Mend, Nazim/Nazma is a rural student living at Kaptai, Rangamati. He/She wants to know about the co-curricular activities of your school. Now, send an. email to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your school.

From     :   "Monira" <>
To       :  <>
Sent     :  Saturday, January 05, 2022; 5:03 pm.

Subject  :   Co-curricular activities of our school.

Dear Nazma,
You wanted to know about the co-curricular activities of our school. Besides academic activities, we regularly play football, cricket, table tennis, volleyball etc. We work in our school garden by turns. We take part" in debates, extempore speeches and many other cultural activities. A school magazine is published annually and picnic and study-tour are arranged every year. With best wishes.

Yours ever,


An email regarding the preparation of SSC/HSC examination

An email writing for JSC/SSC/HSC examination
Suppose, you are Sohan/Sohana. Your friend Shakil/Shakila has wanted to know about your preparation for the SSC/HSC exam. Now, write an email informing your friend about your preparation for the SSC/HSC examination.

From: "Sohan" <>
To    :  <>

Sent : Thursday, 17 January 2024; 8:30 am.

Subject: Regarding the preparation of SSC/HSC examination.

Dear Shakil,
I have received your e-mail. You have wanted to know about my preparation for the coming SSC/HSC Examination. You will be glad to know that I have taken quite a good preparation for it. I think I will do well in my all subjects.

No more today. I am waiting for your next email. Convey my regards to your parents.

Yours ever,

Write a letter congratulating on brilliant success

Letter writing for jsc, ssc, hsc exam preparation
Suppose, you are Sakil/Sakila of 15, Shamoli Road, Dhaka. You have a friend (cousin) living at Rajshahi. He/She has got GPA-5 in the SSC Examination this year. Now write a letter congratulating him/her on his/her brilliant success in the Exam. 

15 Shamoli Road, Dhaka
April 23, 2023

Dear Munir,
I am glad to know that you are keeping sound mind in a sound body by the grace of Almighty/Almighty Allah. Yesterday I received your letter. In this letter I came to know that you have got GPA-5 in the S.S.C Examination this year. Hearing your brilliant result, I became very glad. Take my heartily congratulation on your brilliant success. I hope your future will be bright through your perseverance and industry.

No more today. I am so so. Please convey my best regards to your parents and love to the younger.

With best love to you.

Yours ever
Sakil Zaman





Address: YYYYYY




Address: GGGGGG



Write a letter about Bangladesh and her people

Letter writing for jsc, ssc, hsc exam preparation
Imagine, you are Monir/Monira living at Shaheed Mainul Road, Dhaka-1000. Very recently you have made friendship with Edmund Lee, a non-Bangaladeshi, friend who lives at Parkville Street, Melbourne, Australia.  He is interested to know about Bangladesh and her people. Now, write a letter to your friend telling him about Bangladesh and her people.

My dear Edmund Lee,
Welcome to you. Take my sincere love. I am glad to know that you are keeping sound mind in a sound body by the grace of Almighty/Almighty Allah. Yesterday I received your letter. In this letter you have wanted to know about Bangladesh and her people. Now I am going to describe it.

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. The main crops are rice, jute, tea, wheat, sugarcane, pulse etc. They earn their livelihood by agriculture but educated people serve in offices and factories. A few people are working in foreign countries.

There are many tourist spots in Bangladesh. The Sundarbans, Coxs-bazar sea-beach, Paharpur Buddhist Bihara, Mainamati, the temple of Kantaji, Kuakata sea-breach, the Shat Gambuj Mosque at Bagerhat etc. are very noted.

No more today. I am so so. Please convey my best regards to your parents and love to the younger.
With best love to you.

Yours ever





Address: YYYYYY




Address: GGGGGG



A letter about your intention after the SSC examination

Suppose, you are Hasan/Hasna of Kalabagan, Dhaka and you have a friend named Nabil/Nabila who lives in Sonapur, Rangpur. He/She wants to know what you intend to do after your SSC examination. Now, write a letter to your friend telling him/her about your intention after the SSC examination.
A letter to my friend telling him the intention after the SSC examination
A letter to my friend telling him/her about the intention after the SSC examination.
22 October, 2023
Kalabagan, Dhaka

My dear Nabila,
I am very glad to know what you did during the summer vacation. Now I am telling you what I wish to do after my SSC Exam.

After the SSC exam I shall go to my village home. You know that many people of our villages are illiterate. So I have decided to start a course for adult literacy in my village. I shall use the primary school building as the center of the course. I shall ask the adult illiterate villagers to join the course. I hope they will respond to my call positively and make the course a success. During this course I shall come in contact with the villagers, know their problems and have the first knowledge of social work.

How do you like my plan? With best wishes,

Lovingly yours,





Address: YYYYYY




Address: GGGGGG



Write a letter to your friend describing your SSC Exam preparation

Letter writing for jsc, ssc, hsc exam preparation
Suppose, you are Nahid/Nahida and you are a candidate of JSC, SSC, HSC Examination. Your friend is Salam/Salma who lives in 25, Hazi Mohsin Road, Jessore. He/She is very much interested to know about your preparation for the coming JSC, SSC, HSC Examination. Now, write a letter to your friend describing it.

15 Shamoli Road, Dhaka
January 30, 2020

My dear Salam,
I am glad to know that you are keeping sound mind in a sound body by the grace of Almighty Allah. Yesterday I received your letter. In this letter you have wanted to know about my preparation for the coming SSC Examination. Now I am going to describe it.

Our SSC Examination is knocking at the door. It will start from November 2, 2020. You will be very glad to hear that I have prepared quite well in all subjects. You need not to be worry because I shall be able to do very well in the SSC Examination by getting G.P.A-5. Pray to Allah for my sound health and brilliant result.

No more today. I am so so. Please convey my best regards to your mother and love to the younger.

Yours ever





Address: YYYYYY




Address: GGGGGG



A Greedy Farmer Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.
Once there lived a poor man. He had a goose. It was a wonderful goose........................
Story for JSC, SSC and HSC

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 Once there lived a poor man. He had d goose. It was a wonderful goose. Because, it laid golden eggs. The man sold the eggs in the market and earned his livelihood. The man was very happy with the goose. In course of time, he became very greedy. He thought that the stomach of the goose was full of eggs. If he could get all the eggs at a time, he would be a rich man quickly. In order to satisfy his greed, he cut the belly of the goose open but found no egg there. He became extremely disappointed and lost the valuable goose forever. Far mm becoming rich, he became poorer. Through this incident the farmer understood that over greediness brought misfortune for him.


The Lion and the Mouse Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of the following story and complete it.
One day a lion was sleeping in its cave. A mouse was playing nearby. While playing it by chance it ran over the lion’s body.......................
The Lion and the Mouse story for JSC, SSC and HSC exam

pdf download


The Lion and the Mouse

One day a lion was sleeping in its cave. A mouse was playing nearby. While playing it by chance it ran over the lion's body. At this, the lion woke up and became very angry. With a terrible roar he caught the mouse and said, "You are tiny creature, how dare you tease me? I will kill you." The mouse began to tremble in fear and begged for its life. It also said, "Please let me go, sooner or later, I may help you." Hearing this, the lion burst into laughter. However, he set the mouse free. After sometime, the lion fell into a hunter's trap. The lion tried his best to be free from the net but could not. He began to roar. Listening this, the mouse came swiftly and found the lion in a trap. The mouse cut the net inter pieces and the lion became free; Being free, the lion said. "You are small in size but worthy. You have saved my life and many thanks to you." In fact, the strong or mighty someone Is also dependent on the weak one. From then, the lion was kind hearten to the tiny creatures. From the story we learn that we should have fellow-feelings among us and the rich should show kindness to the poor.


Slow and Steady Wins the Race Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of the following story and complete it.
Long ago there lived a hare in a forest. He was always proud of his speed. A tortoise also lived nearby. The hare always teased the tortoise for his slow speed...............

Story for JSC, SSC and HSC
pdf download

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Pride Goes Before a Fall
Long ago there lived a hare in a forest. He was always proud of his speed. A tortoise also lived nearby. The hare always teased the tortoise for his slow speed. Being angry at this, one day the tortoise made a proposal to run a race with the hare. The hare gladly accepted his proposal. On the appointed day, they met a cross road. The destination of the race was also marked. Finally, the unequal race began. The hare, from the beginning, started running at the top speed and soon left the tortoise far behind. Crossing almost half of the distance the hare looked back. He found no sign of the tortoise. The hare smiled and said to himself, I am really a fool. I have run so fast for nothing. I am perhaps, ten times as fast as a tortoise. Why should I run so fast in the hot sun with the slow speed tortoise? I will start again when the tortoise will about to catch me and before that I can take test for a while." The hare took rest and at one point he fell asleep. On the contrary, the tortoise continued running as fast as he could. On the way he found the hare sleeping and silently ran past him. While the hare was sleeping, the tortoise came near the destination. In the meantime, the hare woke up and started running very fast. But it was too late. When he reached near the destination, he found the tortoise sitting on the last line i.e. the goal. The hare had no way to defeat the tortoise and he failed. Winning the race, the tortoise became very happy and the hare felt ashamed of his tall talk.


An Honest Woodcutter Completing Story pdf download

Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.
Once there lived a poor woodcutter in a village near a jungle. He used to cut wood from the forest and sold it in the market. But one day, while cutting wood his axe fell into the river. The river was deep. The woodcutter did not know how to swim and dive. So he was sitting there sadly. Then a wonderful thing happened. A beautiful fairy appeared. before the woodcutter. The fairy asked him why he looked so sad. He told her everything………
Story for JSC, SSC and HSC
pdf download


Once there lived a poor woodcutter in a village near a jungle. He used to cut wood from the forest and sold it in the market. But one day, while cutting wood his axe fell into the river. The river was deep. The woodcutter did not know how to swim and dive. So he was sitting there sadly. Then a wonderful thing happened. A beautiful fairy appeared before the woodcutter. The fairy asked him why he looked so sad. He ibid her everything. The fairy took pity on him. She went into the river and came back with a golden axe. She asked the woodcutter if it was his axe. The woodcutter replied in the negative. She then again went into the water and returned with a silver one. This time also the woodcutter refused to take it. Finally, she brought the axe of the woodcutter from the water. The woodcutter was delighted to get back his iron axe. The fairy became pleased with the woodcutter for his honesty and gave him the two valuable axes as reward. Honesty is thus always rewarded.


Devotion to Mother Completing Story pdf download

Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to it. [BB'16; Dinaj B'15; BB '11; SB’09]
Bayazid was a small boy. His mother was ill. One day he was studying by the side of the bed of his ailing mother. All on a sudden his mother woke up, raised her head and told her son to give her a glass of water .........
Completing Story

Devotion to Mother

Bayazid was a small boy. His mother was ill. One day he was studying by the side of the bed of his ailing mother. All on a sudden his mother woke up, raised her head and told her son to give her a glass of water. The boy Bayazid took the glass to pour water from the pitcher. But the pitcher was empty. There was not a single drop of water in the house.

Bayazid remembered a stream from where he could bring water. But it was far from his house and was in one corner of the village. The night was quite dark. Bayazid took the pitcher and went to fetch water from the stream. When he returned with water, he found his mother in deep sleep. Bayazid thought that if he made his mother awaken, she might feel disturbed. So, he decided to stand beside his mother's bed with the glass of water. When she woke up, he would serve her with the water.

The whole night passed. Bayazid's mother opened eyes in the morning and saw her son standing with a glass of water. Seeing that, her eyes became full of tears. She took him in her arms with motherly affection and blessed him from the core of her heart. Her blessings made him a great saint later.

pdf download
বায়েজিদ ছিল একজন ছোট বালক। তার মা অসুস্থ ছিল। একদিন সে তার অসুস্থ মায়ের বিছানার পাশে বসে পড়ছিল। হঠাৎ তার মা জেগে ওঠে, এবং তার (মা) পুত্রকে এক গ্লাস পানি দিতে বলে। বায়েজিদ গ্লাস নিয়ে কলসি থেকে পানি ঢালতে গেল। কিন্তু কলসি খালি ছিল। বাড়িতে এক ফোঁটা পানিও ছিল না। বায়েজিদ ঝরণা থেকে পানি আনতে যাওয়ার কথা ভাবল। কিন্তু এটি ছিল বাড়ি থেকে অনেক দূরে এবং গ্রামের এক প্রান্তে। রাত তখন গভীর। বায়েজিদ কলসিটি নিল এবং ঝরণা থেকে পানি আনতে গেল। 

যখন সে পানি নিয়ে আসল, তখন সে তার মাকে গভীর ঘুমে পেল। বায়েজিদ ভাবল যে যদি তার মাকে জাগানো হয় তাহলে সে বিরক্তি বোধ করতে পারে। তাই সে গ্লাসে পানি নিয়ে মায়ের বিছানার পাশে সারারাত দাঁড়িয়ে থাকার সিদ্ধান্ত নিল। 

রাত শেষ হল। সকালে বায়েজিদের মা চোখ খুললেন এবং দেখলেন যে তার ছেলে এক গ্লাস পানি নিয়ে দাঁড়িয়ে আছে। এটা দেখে, তার মা কেঁদে ফেললেন। তিনি (বায়েজিদের মা) তার ছেলেকে মাতৃত্বসুলভ স্নেহে বাহুবন্ধনে আবদ্ধ করলেন এবং অন্তরের অন্তস্তল থেকে আশীর্বাদ করলেন। তার (মায়ের) আশীর্বাদে পরবর্তীতে তিনি বড় পীর হলেন।

A dialogue about opening a bank account

Suppose, you are Nabil/Nabila. You want to open a bank account. Now, write a dialogue between you and the manager of a bank about the way of opening a bank account.
A dialogue about opening a bank account

Opening a bank account

A dialogue between me (Nabil) and the Manager about the way of opening a bank account:

Nabil : May I come in, sir?

Manager : Yes, come in.

Nabil : Would you help me, sir?

Manager : Yes, you can discuss your problem with me.

Nabil : Sir, I need to open a savings account.

Manager : What do you do?

Nabil : I'm a student.

Manager : Why do you need to open a bank account?

Nabil : I've received an amount of scholarship money and I want to keep it with your bank.

Manager : I'm happy to hear of your scholarship. I encourage you to open a bank account. So, you can take an application form, fill it up with the recommendation of a person who has an account with this bank. Then you can attach two attested copies of your photograph and deposit your money against your account.

Nabil : Let me come tomorrow with the forms filled in, sir.

Manager : Ok. Thank you.


A dialogue about the importance of learning English

A dialogue about the importance of learning English
English is an international language. Hence, it is very essential for many reasons. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and your friend Tareq about the importance of learning English.

Importance of learning English

A dialogue between myself and Tareq about the importance of learning English:

Myself : Good morning, Tareq. How are you?

Tareq : I am fine, thank you.

Myself : How is your study going on?

Tareq : Well, and I am very attentive to English.

Myself : Do you learn communicative English in your school?

Tareq : Yes, We do. My elder brother, who reads in the University of Chittagong, advised me to read English heart and soul.

Myself : Why is English so important?

Tareq : English is an international language. We cannot get a good job without learning English. English helps us enter the vast realm of knowledge.

Myself : I agree with you. No one can prosper in life without a good command of English. English helps us enter the vast realm of knowledge.

Tareq :  All students must learn to read, write and speak good English.

Myself : You are right. Thank you.

Tareq : Thank you and goodbye.


A dialogue about the importance of reading newspaper

A dialogue about the importance of reading newspaper For JSC, SSC and HSC Exam
Suppose, you are Rashed/Rasheda and your friend is Rahil/Rahela. Make a dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of reading newspaper.

Importance of reading newspaper

Rasheda: Hello, Rahela! What are you doing?

Rahela: I am reading a newspaper.   

Rasheda: Do you read newspaper daily?

Rahela: Yes. Every day, before breakfast I read newspaper. Don't you read newspaper?

Rasheda: No. I don't. What is the importance of reading newspaper?

Rahela: Newspaper is an indispensable part of our life. It helps us in many ways.

Rasheda: Would you please tell-me how it helps us?

Rahela: It has removed the global distance. It gives us news about politics, economics, cultures, literatures, games and sports of the whole world.

Rasheda: You are right. I am devoid of so many things. So from now on I will read newspaper daily. Thanks for your suggestion.

Rahela: You are most welcome.


A dialogue about the bad effects of smoking

A dialogue about the bad effects of smoking for JSC, SSC and HSC Exam
Smoking is really a bad habit. Now, write a dialogue between Reza and Babu about the bad effects of smoking.

Bad effects of smoking

A dialogue between Reza and Babu about the bad effects of smoking :
Reza : Hello, Babu. How are you?

Babu : I am not well. I have been suffering from cough.

Reza : I have come to know that you have become a chain smoker. Smoking is most probably of the major reasons of your sickness.

Babu : My doctor is also of the same opinion.

Reza : Why don't you give up smoking? Don't you know the dangers of smoking?

Babu : I tried to give it up, but I could not. I cannot even concentrate oh my study without smoking.

Reza : If you had thought seriously about its bad effects, you would not have smoked any more.

Babu : How is it harmful?

Reza : Smoking causes many fatal diseases such as cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis, etc. Besides, it is also very expensive.

Babu : Is there anything good in smoking?

Reza : Of course not. Nobody could put up any positive aspect of smoking.

Babu : Well, within a short time I will give up smoking totally.

Reza : Thank you. The sooner you give it up. the better it will be for you.


A dialogue about what you will do after SSC exam

A dialogue about what we will do after SSC exam for JSC, SSC and HSC Exam
Suppose, your close friend, Rupak, wants to go to his village to educate the illiterate villagers after his SSC examination but you want to complete a three months long English Language Course. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend Rupak about these matters.

What we will do after SSC exam

A dialogue between myself and my friend Rupak about what we will do after SSC exam:

Myself : Hi, Rupak, how are you?

Rupak : I'm fine, what about you?

Myself : I'm also fine. What are you going to do after our SSC examination is over?

Rupak : Well, I have a mind to educate, the illiterate villagers. So, I will start for my native village tomorrow. But what will you do in this period.

Myself : Your idea is good. I encourage you in this respect. But you know that I am a bit weak in English. So, I want to complete a two months long English Language Course.

Rupak : I think your plan is also appropriate. You will get enough time after the SSC examination. In this long gap, you will be able to improve your English. But where will you complete the English Language Course?

Myself : You know that British Council is a number one institution, which teach English worldwide. I shall get myself admitted there.

Rupak : It will be good for you, no doubt. But I prefer to educate the illiterate villagers after the SSC examination. I consider this, more important.

Myself : This is a humanitarian service. We all should do it. But for my weakness in involve myself in educating the illiterate.

Rupak : Thank you for your wise suggestion.

Myself : Goodbye. See you again.


Renewable Energy Paragraph

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Renewable Energy'.

(a) What is our source of energy? (b) What is renewable energy? (c) Why is it needed? (d) What are the different sources of energy? (e) How can we get them?



Our source of energy is electricity. Renewable energy means the energy that can be restored to original condition. It is one that comes from resources which are continually replenished such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat. About 16% of global final energy consumption comes from renewable resources. Because huge amount of energy is consumed everyday and the age of oil and natural gas will come to an end. And to meet the crisis, we need alternative sources. Solar energy is renewable. Solar energy units can be installed on open rooftops or at any open place where sunlight is available. Wind energy captured with wind turbines can produce electricity. Sunshine and the wind can turn water into an energy called hydroelectric energy. We can have bio-energy from bio-mass of plants. Hydrogen is a source of energy. If hydrogen is separated from another element, it can be burned as a fuel to produce electricity. We can get geothermal energy from inside the earth. We can have ocean energy from the tide and waves of the ocean. Temperature on the surface of the ocean can be used as a source of energy. However, renewable energy provides 19% of electricity generation worldwide. Renewable power generators are spread across many countries, and wind power alone already provides a significant share of electricity in some areas. On the pthef hand, solar hot water makes an important contribution to renewable heat in many countries. Renewable biofuels have contributed to a significant decline in all consumption. But it is true that all the renewable energies come from neutral sources.

Our School Magazine Paragraph

Our School Magazine

A school magazine is an annual journal that contains the literary writings of students and teachers. Every year our school publishes a school magazine. The name of our school magazine is “Provati.” It is published with an interesting and significant title usually every year. To publish the magazine there is a magazine committee of the school. Our English teacher is in the charge of guiding the work of publication. The students work together with much encouragement. Our Headmaster is the chief patron of the magazine. The magazine editor invites writings on different subjects from the students. They compose poems, articles, stories, rhymes etc. for the magazine. Some students also write short comics and quizzes to submit. The expenditure of publication comes from the magazine fund. Our school has a magazine fund. Students contribute to this fund every year with their session charge. A school magazine is quite useful. Students with literary aptitudes find scope to express their imaginations and emotions.
Our School Magazine Paragraph

Social Network Services Paragraph

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Social Network Services'.

(a) What do you mean by social network services? (b) Which is the most popular network? (c) What are the other social network services? (d) How do they give services? (e) Why are social networks expanding fast?



Social network services are actually online services. There are a good number of social networking services such as facebook, Twitter, Linked in, YouTube, Hi5, Skyrock, Friendster, Orkut, Skype etc. Among these, now facebook is the most popular social networking service. All kinds of social network services are web-based. These services have made it possible to connect people sharing interests and activities across the borders and thus have made a lot for the users to feel that they really live in a global village. At present, mobile phone users can now create chat rooms, hold private conversations, share photos and videos, and share blogs by using their mobile phone. So, nowadays social networks are expanding so fast. Besides most of the social services are cost-free. We can make use of them free, paying a Very little to the Internet service providers. We can make our personal profile before the entire online community. It is really like presenting ourselves before the entire world. We can also look into other people's profile if we are interested. It is simple and easy. Besides these, social networks allow users to upload pictures, multimedia contents and modify the profile. But there are privacy protection measures too. A user himself or herself decides over the number of visitors or viewers and what information should be shared with other. Because of all these stated above, social networks are expanding so fast. So, it can be said emphatically that everything, good or bad, depends on the users of the social networking services. The users will be greatly benefited if they use these services properly.


A Winter Morning Paragraph

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'A Winter Morning'.

(a) How is the weather on a winter morning? (b) How do people feel? (c) How do they keep them warm? (d) What delicious dishes do we usually have in a winter morning? (e) Do you like a winter morning? Why? (f) How do common people experience it?

A WINTER MORNING | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


A winter morning is a cold morning of the winter season. Sometimes, it dews. The environment is dull and dismal. It is covered with mist and fog. Everything looks hazy. One can hardly see and identify things at a distance. The animals lose their spirits. They look sullen and distressed. People put on different kinds of warm clothes to protect themselves from cold. The old people and children shiver in cold. They gather straw and make fires at different places to warm themselves in the heat. By and large, people do not feel like leaving the bed early. They get up late when the sun, peeps through the pall of mist. Thife touch of the sun-rays make the birds and beasts happy. Farmers start going to the fields to begin their day's work. With the advancing sun, mist and fog disappear and the people shirk off the feeling of-cold to set about their daily duties. But a winter morning-becomes enjoyable when we are entertained with various items of delicious food such as various cakes, paes .prepared with date-juice, .and various delicious curries prepared with fishes. Those who are government and non-government employees have to get early in the morning. They ignoring all the sufferings of bitter cold, take preparation and start for their respective work-places. In a winter morning, people go through different experiences according to their economic background. Those who are poor cannot afford warm cloths and so suffer from the bitter cold. But the rich people enjoy sleep or staying under warm blanket. So, to the poor the sun-ray becomes more precious than gold.


Mobile Phone Paragraph

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Mobile Phone'.

(a) What is a mobile phone? (b) Who are the users of it? (c) How are the people benefited from it? (d) Its demerits, (e) How and where does it work?

MOBILE PHONE | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


Mobile phone is an important medium of communication which helps intercommunication with the people-in the shortest, possible time. The introduction of mobile phone has made our life easy and comfortable. The use of a mobile phone is more convenient than that of land phone. The man who sends the message will have to pay the bill but the receiver can respond to the message free of cost. Specially businessmen and the servicemen are much benefited through the use of mobile phone. It is useful for the doctor, businessmen and high officials. But it is also useful for the people who are shopping and supplying valuable information sitting in their house. The world is getting smaller in circumference due to the rapid expansion of mobile phone. Now, man feels for each other and very close in terms of exchange of views, information and counselling by the blessing of mobile phone. In education, technical sectors, offices, industrial sectors, in information sectors above all, in global communication, mobile phone plays a very vital role. All professionals depend on mobile phone for keeping close contact with one another for any urgent issue. Despite numerous advantages of mobile phone, sometimes it becomes the cause of health hazard to the users. Specially the children are affected much. Scientists believe that mobile phone causes brain tumours, genetic damage and many other incurable diseases. Sometimes, the criminals use this phone to maintain their secrecy. By using the mobile phone, the terrorists and criminals carry on their evil desires and commit crimes without much difficulty. In spite of some such drawbacks, no better alternative to mobile phone in communicating with people at home and abroad.


An application for seeking permission to go on a study tour

Write an application to the Principal for seeking his permission to go on a study tour
Suppose, you are the student of Dewanganj College, Mymensingh. The students of your class want to go on a study tour / to go on the excursion. So you need permission of the Principal. Now write an application to the Principal of your college seeking his permission to go on a study tour.

February 7, 2023
The Principal,
Dewanganj College,

Subject: Prayer for permission to go on a study tour.

With due respect and humble submission, I, on behalf of the students of your college, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that we the students of class X / XII wish to go to a study tour/excursion to Rangamati, a natural place to relieve of the monotony of routine life and to increase our knowledge. A study tour/excursion is very interesting and instructive to the students.

Mr. Y, our English teacher, will accompany us as our leader. The party consists of 40 members. So we are in great need of TK.5,000.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to go on a study tour and oblige thereby.

I remain,


Your most obedient pupil,
“XII” , Class Captain,
On behalf of the students of our class.


Application for providing multimedia facilities in the classrooms

Write an application to the Principal of your college to provide multimedia facilities in the classroom. [RB-2017; CtgB-2015]
Application for providing multimedia facilities in the classrooms

15 February 2023
The Principal
Charfasson Govt College

Subject: Application for providing multimedia facilities in the classrooms.

We, the students of your college, would like to inform you that ours is a renowned college in Bhola. We have good academic records. But it is a matter of regret that we cannot compete with other colleges for a silent threat. Our classes have traditional arrangements while many colleges in our district are providing multimedia facilities in their classrooms. We cannot learn many things for not having modern classroom settings. We are lagging behind just for this reason.

We, therefore, hope that you would kindly take necessary steps so that we can have multimedia facilities in our classrooms and oblige thereby.

We remain
Yours sincerely,
The students of Charfasion Govt College


Application for a seat in the college hostel

Write an application to the Principal of your college for a seat in the college hostel. [DB-2016;DjB-2010;DB-2015; RB-2015; BB-2009]
Application for a seat in the college hostel.

 15 March 2023
 The Principal
 'Y' Model College

Subject : Application for a seat in the college hostel.

With due respect I would like to inform you that I am a student of Class XII, in your college.
My father is a government officer and he has recently been transferred to Comilla. Our family is going to be shifted there soon. But I want to continue my study in your college till my HSC Examination. Now, my problem is that I have no place to live in Sylhet. So, I am badly in need of a seat in the college hostel. If I do not get a seat, I have to leave your college, which would greatly hamper my studies.
Therefore, I hope and pray that you would kindly allot me a seat in the college hostel and oblige thereby.

Yours sincerely pupil,
 Shakil Ahmed
 Roll no 3, Class XII
 'Y' Model College, Sylhet


An application for setting up a canteen in college campus

Write an application to the Headmaster for setting up a canteen in your school
Suppose, there is no canteen in your college. The students have to stay for a long time in the college. So they need Tiffin. Write an application to the Principal, Bandarban Govt. College for setting up a canteen in your college campus.

July 25, 2024
The Principal,
Bandarban Govt. College,
Chittagong Hill Tracts.

Subject: Prayer for setting up a canteen in our college campus.

With due respect and humble submission, I, on behalf of the students of your college, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that our college is a reputed college in the town where about 600 students are studying. So, it is a very regretful matter that we have no canteen. We have to stay in the college six hours because our college begins at 10 a.m. and breaks up at 4:00 p.m. Most of the students come from long distance. So they have to take Tiffin in the leisure period going to nearby restaurants. These restaurants are expensive and unhygienic. Moreover, we have to lose valuable time. That’s why we request you to set up a canteen considering the above mentioned circumstances.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant our prayer and oblige thereby.

I remain,
Your most obedient pupil,
On behalf of the students of your college.

July 25, 2024
The Principal,
Bandarban Govt. College,
Chittagong Hill Tracts.

Subject: Prayer for setting up a canteen in our college campus.

With due respect and humble submission, I, on behalf of the students of your college, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that our college is a reputed college in the town where about 600 students are studying. So, it is a very regretful matter that we have no canteen. We have to stay in the college six hours because our college begins at 10 a.m. and breaks up at 4:00 p.m. Most of the students come from long distance. So they have to take tiffin in the leisure period going to nearby restaurants. These restaurants are expensive and unhygienic. Moreover, we have to lose valuable time.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to set up a canteen in our college campus and oblige thereby.

I remain,
Your most obedient pupil,
“XII” , Class Captain,
On behalf of the students of our class.


An application for repairing the damaged road

Write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad to repair the damaged road
Suppose, you are an inhabitant of the village Shibpur in Roypur union in the district of Gazipur. The roads of your village have been damaged during the recent flood. The villagers face difficulties to go from one place to another. Vehicles cannot ply along the roads. Now, write an application to the Chairman of your Union Parishad to repair the damaged roads immediately.

June 7, 2023
The Chairman,
Roypur Union Parisad.

Sub:  Prayer for preparing the damaged road.

I, on behalf of the inhabitants of the village Shripur, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that all the roads of our village have been damaged due to the recent flood of April, 2019. Rickshaw, van etc. vehicles can not move from one place to another with loads, children, women and old people.
I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to repair the damaged roads immediately.

Yours faithfully,
On behalf of the people of Shibpur village.
