Voice Change কি? Voice Change করার সহজ নিয়ম জেনে নিন

Transformation of Sentences
Voice Change
Customer: Are vegetables sold here?
Grocer: Yes! We sell vegetables here.
Customer: Do you sell sugar?
Grocer: No, sugar is not sold here.

উপরের We sell vegetables here বাক্যটিতে দেখা যাচ্ছে We শব্দটি বাক্যের subject এবং vegetables বিক্রির কাজটি করেছে We। অর্থাৎ We হলো doer of the action। আবার, vegetables শব্দটি বাক্যে object এবং এটার উপর কাজটি করা হয়েছে। অর্থাৎ এটা receiver (গ্রহণকারী) of the action. কিন্তু সব সময় আমরা এভাবে বাক্য গঠন করি না। মাঝে মাঝে doer কে বাক্যের subject না করে receiver কে subject করা হয়। আর এভাবে উপরের বাক্যটিকে বললে বাক্যটি হতো:
Vegetables are sold here (by us).

এখন দেখা যাচ্ছে এ পরিবর্তনের ফলে বাক্যের অর্থগত পরিবর্তন হয়নি। শুধু structure (গঠন) পরিবর্তন হয়েছে। আর সে পরিবর্তনগুলো হলো:
(i) receiver টি subject হয়েছে
(ii) Subject এর পর অতিরিক্ত একটি 'be' verb বসানো হয়েছে।
(iii) মূল verb টির past participle করা হয়েছে।
(iv) by যোগে doer টি বসানো হয়েছে।

এভাবে আমরা বলতে পারি doer যখন sentence এর subject থাকে তখন তাকে active voice বলে। এবং receiver যখন sentence এর subject হয় তখন তাকে passive voice বলে।

Rules of Voice Change
Rule- 1: Receiver + সাহায্যকারী verb (যদি থাকে) + অতিরিক্ত be verb + মূল verb এর past participle + বাকি অংশ + by যোগে doer.

Rule- 2: Person ব্যবহারের নিয়ম:
Pronoun - এর subject ও object form ভিন্ন। তাই pronoun এর subject ও object form শিখতে হবে। নিচের ছকটি লক্ষ কর:
1st Person Singular => Subject: I => Object: me
1st Person Plural => Subject: We => Object: us
2nd Person Singular => Subject: You => Object: you
2nd Person Plural => Subject: You => Object: you
3rd Person Singular => Subject: He/ She/ It => Object: him/ her/ it
3rd Person Plural => Subject: They => Object: them

Active voice: I gave him a pen.
Passive voice: He was given a pen by me.

সাহায্যকারী verb গুলো হল:
Principal auxiliary: am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had (বাক্যে আছে বা ছিল অর্থে যখন ব্যবহৃত হয় তখন এগুলো মূল verb) do, does, did (না বোধক বা প্রশ্নমূলক বাক্য গঠনে ব্যবহৃত হলে)

Modal auxiliary: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, had to, ought to, is going to

Semi - modals: need, dare, used

Rule- 3: অতিরিক্ত be verb - এর ব্যবহার:
অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি বসাবার সবচেয়ে সহজ উপায়:
❖ প্রদত্ত বাক্যে যদি have to, going to; এবং modal auxiliary থাকে তবে অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি অপরিবর্তিত বসে
❖ প্রদত্ত বাক্যে যদি be verb (be, been, am, is, are, was, were) থাকে তবে অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি being হবে
❖ প্রদত্ত বাক্যে যদি have, has, had থাকে তবে অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি been হবে
❖ কোনো সাহায্যকারী verb না থেকে যদি মূল verb - টি present হয় অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি Subject অনুযায়ী am/is/are হবে এবং মূল verb - টি যদি past হয় তবে অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি Subject অনুযায়ী was/ were হবে।

Active ⇒ Passive
They write a letter. ⇒ A letter is written by them.

এখানে মূল verb write এবং verb টি যেহেতু present form এ আছে তাই অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি present form গ্রহণ করে is হয়েছে।

They are writing a letter. ⇒ A letter is being written by them.
এখানে are থাকায় অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি being হয়েছে।

They have written a letter. ⇒ A letter has been written by them.
এখানে have থাকায় অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি been হয়েছে।

They have been writing a letter. ⇒ A letter has been being written by them.
এখানে been থাকায় অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি being হয়েছে।

They wrote a letter. ⇒ A letter was written by them.
এখানে মূল verb wrote এবং verb টি যেহেতু past form এ আছে তাই অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি was হয়েছে।

They should write a letter. ⇒ A letter should be written by them.
এখানে should থাকায় অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি be হয়েছে।

They are going to write a letter. ⇒ A letter is going to be written by them.
এখানে going to থাকায় অতিরিক্ত be verb - টি be হয়েছে।

Rule- 4: Receiver/ Object চেনার উপায়:
মূল verb - এর পরের noun/pronoun হল Object। Verb - কে কাকে/কী/ কারা দিয়ে প্রশ্ন করলে Object পাওয়া যায়। তবে মূল verb এর পরে যদি participle (ing যুক্ত/ ed যুক্ত) বা infinitive (to+verb) বা preposition (বিশেষ করে of) যুক্ত কোনো অংশ থাকে তখন পুরো অংশটাই subject হিসাবে ব্যবহার করতে হবে।

ing যুক্ত:
Active: He knows a boy reading at Dhaka University.
Passive: A boy reading at Dhaka University is known to him.

ed যুক্ত:
Active: I bought a shirt made in China.
Passive: A shirt made in China was bought by me.

Preposition যুক্ত:
They entertained the guests of the bridal party heartily.
The guests of the bridal party were entertained heartily by them.

Rule- 5: Extension (modifier of verb) চেনার উপায়:
verb - এর কাজ কোথায়/ কখন/ কীভাবে/ কেন হল - - - - এমন তথ্য প্রকাশক শব্দ বা শব্দ সমষ্টি হলো extension।
Active: I found a man in the field.
Passive: A man was found in the field by me.
Active: Everyone should practice frugality to make a well planned family.
Passive: Frugality should be practiced by everyone to make a well planned family.
Active: The farmers use water in time of cultivation largely.
Passive: Water is used by the farmers in time of cultivation largely.

Rule- 6: একটি বাক্যে দুটো (object of verb) থাকলে:
(a) Indirect object (অর্থাৎ প্রাণী/ব্যক্তিবাচক) কে subject করা শ্রেয়।
Active: I gave him a book.
Passive: He was given a book by me.

(b) অন্য object টিও subject হতে পারে, তবে এক্ষেত্রে direct object এর পূর্বে অর্থানুসারে অতিরিক্ত to/for বসাতে হবে।
Active: I gave him a book.
Passive: A book was given to him by me.
Active: I bought him a book .
Passive: A book was bought for him by me.

The old man wants money. 
Ans: Money is wanted by the old man.
They were digging a canal.
Ans: A canal was being dug by them.
He will have done the work. 
Ans: The work will have been done by him.
They ran a race.
Ans: A race was run by them.
You kept me waiting. 
Ans: I was kept waiting by you.
Panic seized the young writer. 
Ans: The young writer was seized with panic.
I saw him going across the field.
Ans: He was seen going across the field by me.
He has not broken the axe - handle.
Ans: The axe - handle has not been broken by him.
We ought to obey our parents. 
Ans: Our parents ought to be obeyed by us.
You must not drive the car. 
Ans: The car must not be driven by you.
The orange tastes sour.
Ans: The orange is sour when it is tasted.

Note to Remember:
একমাত্র Transitive Verb অর্থাৎ যার Object থাকে তাকেই Passive Voice করা যায়। Intransitive verb এর passive voice হয় না।
Active: It happened yesterday. √
Passive: It was happened yesterday.
Active: The man died yesterday. √
Passive: The man was died yesterday.

Transformation of Sentences Voice Change pdf download

Rule- 7: Active Voice এ দ্বিতীয় verb - টির পূর্বে যদি to না থাকে তবে passive করার সময় to টি লিখতে হবে। (active voice এর ক্ষেত্রে সাধারণত: need, bid, dare, make, hear, feel, know, behold, watch প্রভৃতি verb এর পরবর্তী verb টির পূর্বে to উহ্য থাকে)

He made me go. (এখানে ২য় verb হলো go এবং এর পূর্বে কোনো to নেই। কিন্তু passive করার সময় অবশ্যই to টি লিখতে হবে।)
I was made to go by him.
Active: We heard her sing a song.
Passive: She was heard to sing a song by us.
Active: We watched him play in the field.
Passive: He was watched to play in the field by us.
Active: They beheld a bright star shine in the sky.
Passive: A bright star was beheld to shine in the sky by them.

উল্লেখ্য: 'let' verb এর পরবর্তী verb এর পূর্বে কোনো সময় to বসে না।
Active: He let me do the work.
Passive: I was let do the work by him.

Rule- 8: Reflexive object এর ক্ষেত্রে doer কে object বা receiver কে subject করার প্রয়োজন নেই।
Active: He killed himself.
Passive: He was killed by himself.
Active: She fans herself.
Passive: She is fanned by herself.
Active: She feeds herself.
Passive: She is fed by herself.
Active: He cut himself.
Passive: He was cut by himself.
Active: The man repented himself.
Passive: The man was repented by himself.

N.B: self/selves যুক্ত pronoun কে reflexive pronoun বলে। (myself, himself, herself, themselves ইত্যাদি reflexive pronoun।)

Rule- 9: কিছু কিছু verb আছে যাদের পর by না বসে অন্য preposition বসে। মনে রাখবে, agent এর পূর্বে by এবং instrument এর পূর্বে with বসে।
known to, pleased with (person), pleased at (thing), annoyed with (person), annoyed at (thing), shocked at, surprised at, seized with, relieved of, made up of, filled with, vexed at
Active: I know the boy.
Passive: The boy is known to me.
Active: His behaviour surprised me.
Passive: I was surprised at his behaviour.
Active: The news shocked him.
Passive: He was shocked at the news.
Active: Light filled the room.
Passive: The room was filled with light.
Active: Panic seized the writer.
Passive: The writer was seized with panic.

Note to Remember:
🍭 যে ব্যক্তি/ প্রাণী/ প্রাকৃতিক শক্তি কাজ করে তাকে agent বলে।
🍭 যার সাহায্যে কাজ করা হয় তাকে instrument বলে।

Interrogative Sentence
Rule- 10: Interrogative sentence - কে প্রথমে assertive - এ রূপান্তর করে নিতে হবে। এর পরে ঐ রূপান্তরিত assertive sentence - কে passive করা যায়। সর্বশেষে, প্রথম auxiliary verb - কে subject এর পূর্বে লিখতে হবে।
Active: Have you eaten rice?
(Active Assertive: You have eaten rice.)
(Passive Assertive: Rice has been eaten by you.)
Passive: Has rice been eaten by you?
Active: Are you doing the work?
Active Assertive: You are doing the work.
Passive Assertive: The work is being done by you.
Passive: Is the work being done by you?
Active: Was he doing the sum?
(Active Assertive: He was doing the sum.)
(Passive Assertive: The sum was being done by him.
Passive: Was the sum being done by him?

NB: উপর্যুক্ত ব্রাকেটের বাক্য দুটিকে উত্তরপত্রে লেখা যাবে না। প্রয়োজনবোধে খসড়া করে নিতে হবে। আরও কিছু উদাহরণ লক্ষ কর:
Example 1:
Active: Does he play football? 
(Active Assertive: He plays football.)
(Passive Assertive: Football is played by him.)
Passive: Is football played by him?

Example 2:
Active: Did he play football? 
(Active Assertive: He played football.)
(Passive Assertive: Football was played by him.)
Passive: Was football played by him?
do/ does/ did থাকলে তা বাদ যাবে। did থাকলে verb - টি past হবে।

Rule- 11: যদি শুরুতে which+ noun/ how many+ noun/ who/ what/when/ where/ why থাকে এবং এগুলো ও মূল verb এর মাঝে যদি কোনো subject থাকে তবে এগুলো বাক্যে object হিসাবে আছে। প্রথমে sentence - টি কে assertive করতে হবে এবং passive voice করতে হবে। মনে রাখবে, whom থাকলে who হবে।
Example 1:
Active: Whom did you want now? 
(Active Assertive: You wanted whom now.)
Passive: Who were wanted now by you?
do/ does/ did থাকলে তা বাদ যাবে। did থাকলে verb - টি past হবে। does থাকলে verb এর সাথে s/es ধরতে হবে।

Example 2:
Active: What are they reading in the morning? 
(Active Assertive: They are reading what in the morning.)
Passive: What is being read in the morning by them?
do/ does/ did থাকলে তা বাদ যাবে। did থাকলে verb - টি past হবে। does থাকলে verb এর সাথে s/es ধরতে হবে।

Example 3:
Active: How many boys has he rebuked in the class?
(Active Assertive: He has rebuked how many boys in the class.)
Passive: How many boys have been rebuked in the class by him?

NB: উপর্যুক্ত ব্রাকেটের বাক্য দুটিকে উত্তরপত্রে লেখা যাবে না। প্রয়োজনবোধে খসড়া করে নিতে হবে।

Rule- 12: যদি শুরুতে which+ noun/ how many+ noun/ who/ what থাকে এবং এর পর যদি সরাসরি মূল verb থাকে তবে এগুলো বাক্যে subject হিসাবে আছে এবং তাই assertive করে নেয়ার দরকার নেই; সরাসরি passive voice করতে হবে। সর্বশেষে, by + wh word ও auxiliary verb - কে subject এর পূর্বে লিখতে হবে। মনে রাখবে, by who না হয়ে by whom হবে।

Example 1:
Active: Who is calling you?
(Passive: You are being called by whom.)
Passive: By whom are you being called?

Example 2:
Active: What pains me? 
(Passive: I am pained by what.)
Passive: By what am I pained?

Example 3:
Active: How many people have asked you? 
(Passive: You have been asked by how many people.)
Passive: By how many people have you been asked?

NB: উপর্যুক্ত ব্রাকেটের বাক্য দুটিকে উত্তরপত্রে লেখা যাবে না। প্রয়োজনবোধে খসড়া করে নিতে হবে।

More Examples
Who broke the glass?
Ans: By whom was the glass broken?
What do you want? 
Ans: What is wanted by you?
Whom do you prefer? 
Ans: Who is preferred by you?
Where did you find these fishes? 
Ans: Where were these fishes found by you?
Did the old sailor kill the albatross?
Ans: Was the albatross killed by the old sailor?
Will you buy a pen? 
Ans: Will a pen be bought by you?

Imperative Sentence
Rule- 13: Let + object/receiver টি subject + অতিরিক্ত be verb + মূল verb এর past participle + বাকি অংশ+ (by যোগে subject/doer টি object)
Active: Write the letter without delay.
Passive: Let the letter be written without delay (by you).

🍭 বাক্যটি negative হলে do not বাক্য থেকে বাদ দিয়ে let not লিখতে হয় আর বাক্যে never থাকলে, শব্দটি be verb এর পরে যাবে।
Active: Do not tell a lie.
Passive: Let not a lie be told.
Active: Never tell a lie.
Passive: Let a lie be never told.
Active: Post the letter.
Passive: Let the letter be posted.
Active: Always speak the truth.
Passive: Let the truth be always spoken.
Active: Do not speak ill of others.
Passive: Let not ill of others be spoken.

Rule- 14: মূল verb + indirect object/ব্যক্তিবাচক object (me, us, you ইত্যাদি)/+ direct object (বস্তুবাচক) এর ক্ষেত্রে:
Let + direct object (বস্তুবাচক) + 'be' verb + মূল verb এর Past Participle + to/for যোগে indirect object (ব্যক্তিবাচক)
Active: Ask me a question.
Passive: Let a question be asked to me.
Active: Buy me a shirt.
Passive: Let a shirt be bought for me.
Active: Give me the grammar book.
Passive: Let the grammar book be given to me.
Active: Lend me your bicycle.
Passive: Let your bicycle be lent to me.
Active: Bring him the book.
Passive: Let the book be brought for him.

Rule- 15: Let + ব্যক্তিবাচক object + verb যুক্ত বাক্যের ক্ষেত্রে:
Let + মূল verb এর object + অতিরিক্ত 'be' verb + মূল verb এর Past Participle + বাকি অংশ + by যোগে মূল verb এর subject.
Active: Let me do the work.
Passive: Let the work be done by me.
Active: Let him tell the truth.
Passive: Let the truth be told by him.
Active: Let us play football.
Passive: Let football be played by us.
Active: Let him post the letter.
Passive: Let the letter be posted by him.
Active: Let her sing a song.
Passive: Let a song be sung by her.

Some Special Structure
Rule- 16: Clause object:
কোনো verb - এর object যদি clause হয় তবে ঐ clause - কে subject হিসাবে প্রথমে আনতে হবে এবং উভয় clause - এর voice change করতে হবে।

Active: We must endure what we cannot cure.
Passive: What cannot be cured must be endured.
তবে that clause - কে প্রথমে আনা যায় না এবং প্রথম অংশ it is/was + verb3+ that clause হবে।
Active: We believe that the earth moves round the sun.
Passive: It is believed that the earth moves round the sun.
Active: We thought that he was the right man for the job.
Passive: It was thought that he was the right man for the job.
Active: The newspapers say that his company is in trouble.
Passive: It is said that his company is in trouble.
Active: Everybody thought that he was a spy.
Passive: It was thought that he was a spy.

Rule- 17: It is/ was time + infinitive:
It is/was time এর পর infinitive - এর পরিবর্তে that + infinitive এর object - টি subject হবে + অতিরিক্ত should be + verb - এর 3rd form
Active: It is time to do the work.
Passive: It is time that the work should be done.

অথবা, It is/was time এর পর for + infinitive এর object - টি subject হবে + অতিরিক্ত to be + verb - এর 3rd form
Active: It is time to do the work.
Passive: It is time for the work to be done.
Active: It is time to say the prayer.
Passive: It is time for the prayer to be said.
Active: It is time to watch the movie.
Passive: It is time for the movie to be watched.
Active: It is time to take execise.
Passive: It is time for exercise to be taken.

Rule- 18: It is/ was + adjective + infinitive:
It is/was +adjective + infinitive - এর পরিবর্তে that + infinitive এর object - টি subject হবে + অতিরিক্ত should be + verb - এর 3rd form
Active: It is necessary to call in doctor.
Passive: It is necessary that a doctor should be called in.

অথবা, It এর পরিবর্তে infinitive এর object - টি বসবে; to এর পর be বসবে এবং verb - এর 3rd form বসবে; অন্য কোনো পরিবর্তন হবে না।
Active: It is necessary to call in a doctor.
Passive: A doctor is necessary to be called in.
Active: It is useful to take exercise.
Passive: Exercise is useful to be taken.
Active: It is essential to eat a balanced diet.
Passive: A balanced diet is essential to be eaten.
Active: It is important to learn English.
Passive: English is important to be learnt.
Active: It is urgent to eradicate dowry.
Passive: Dowry is urgent to be eradicated.

Rule- 19: Quasi passive (taste, feel, smell, sound - এ জাতীয় verb থাকে) বাক্যের ক্ষেত্রে শুধু মূল verb - টির 3rd form এবং এর পূর্বে একটি অতিরিক্ত be verb বসবে।
Active: Green mangoes taste sour.
Passive: Green mangoes are tasted sour.
Active: The book is printing.
Passive: The book is being printed.

অথবা, Complement থাকলে প্রদত্ত অংশের verb - টির পরিবর্তে be verb বসবে এবং when/ if যুক্ত একটি অতিরিক্ত clause বসিয়েও করা যায়।
Active: Green mangoes taste sour.
Passive: Green mangoes are sour when/ if (they are) tasted.
Active: The bed feels soft.
Passive: The bed is soft when it is felt.
Active: The beli smells sweet.
Passive: The beli is sweet when it is smelt.
Active: The music sounds melodious.
Passive: The music is melodious when it is sounded.

Rule- 20: Verb + object + infinitive: (to + verb - কে infinitive বলে)
object - এর পর infinitive থাকলে আমরা সাধারণত infinitive অংশকে extension ধরে সাধারণ নিয়মে voice change করি। যেমন:
Active: He invited me to go.
Passive: I was invited to go.
Active: Father asked me to read.
Passive: I was asked to read by father.
Active: The doctor advised me to take rest.
Passive: I was advised to take rest by the doctor.
Active: Rana prosposed me to play chess.
Passive: I was proposed to play chess by Rana.
Active: He suggested me to go out for a walk.
Passive: I was suggested to go out for a walk.

Rule- 21: তবে, liking/ loving/ wanting/ wishing verb - এর object - এর পর infinitive থাকলে:
প্রথমে subject + verb লিখতে হবে + infinitive এর object - টি + to এর পর be বসবে এবং verb - এর 3rd form বসবে + by + প্রথম verb - এর object
Active: He wants me to take photographs.
Passive: He wants photographs to be taken by me.
Active: You like me to take tea.
Passive: You like tea to be taken by me.
Active: I wish you to lead a happy life.
Passive: I wish a happy life to be led by you.
Active: You want me to lend some money.
Passive: You want some money to be lent by you.
Active: Children like grandfather to tell a story.
Passive: Children like a story to be told by grandfather.

Rule- 22: Verb + infinitive/ gerund:
প্রথম verb পর্যন্ত + that বসবে + ২য় verb - এর object + should be + ২য় verb - এর 3rd form
N.B: to + verb - কে infinitive বলে; verb - এর সাথে ing যোগ করলে gerund বলে

Active: He recommended using bullet - proof glass.
Passive: He recommended that bullet - proof glass should be used.
Active: He decided to sell the house.
Passive: He decided that the house should be sold.
Active: He thought to memorize the poem.
Passive: He thought that the poem should be memorized.
Active: He planned to complete the work.
Passive: He planned that the work should be completed.
Active: He wants to buy the book.
Passive: He wants that the book should be bought.

Rule- 23: কোনো Simple sentence - এ অথবা একটি মাত্র clause এ Double Passive হয় না।
Active: I like to take fresh milk.
Passive: Fresh milk is liked to take by me.
Active: He wants to drink tea.
Passive: Tea is wanted to drink by him.

Rule- 24: Complex/ Compound sentence - এর ক্ষেত্রে উভয় clause - এর voice change করতে হবে। তবে কোনো অংশের verb যদি intransitive হয় তবে ঐ অংশের voice change করতে হবে না।
Active: He ate rice and I drank coffee.
Passive: Rice was eaten by him and coffee was drunk by me.
Active: He ate rice and (he) drank coffee.
Passive: Rice was eaten (by him) and coffee was drunk by him. (এখানে উভয় অংশের subject/ doer একই হওয়ায় শুধু ২য় অংশে + by যোগে doer - টি Object হিসাবে লেখা হয়েছে।)

Active: If you buy a sari, I will buy a shirt.
Passive: If a sari is bought by you, a shirt will be bought by me.
Active: Rana read a book but Sumi wrote a letter.
Passive: A book was read by Rana but a letter was written by Sumi.
Active: We were playing cricket and you were watching the movie.
Passive: Cricket was being played by us and the movie was being watched by you.

Passive থেকে Active
Structure: by যোগের object টি subject হবে + শুধুমাত্র মূল verb এর ঠিক পূর্বে be verb টি বাদ যাবে। verb টি tense অনুসারে বসবে + subject টি object হবে + বাকি অংশ বসবে।
(i) Active: The report was made by Sirajul.
Passive: Sirajul made the report.

(ii) Active: The sum has been done by Ripa.
Passive: Ripa has done the sum.

(iii) Active: The work was being done by the boys.
Passive: The boys were doing the work.

অনেক সময় by যোগের object নাও থাকতে পারে। সেক্ষেত্রে sense বুঝে একটি subject আনতে হবে।
(i) Active: My pocket has been picked.
Passive: Someone (a pickpocket) has picked my picket.

(ii) Active: The snatcher was arrested.
Passive: The police arrested the snatcher.

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