Synonym কাকে বলে? একটি word এর সমার্থক বা অর্থগতভাবে প্রায় কাছাকাছি শব্দকে Synonym বলে।
Antonym কাকে বলে? বিপরীত অর্থপ্রকাশক শব্দকে Antonym বলে।
Synonyms and Antonyms
accept: গ্রহণ করা Synonym take, receive Antonym reject
achievement: অর্জন/সাফল্য Synonym success, attainment Antonym failure
actual: প্রকৃত Synonym real, definite, authentic Antonym imaginary, fictitious
actually: প্রকৃতপক্ষে Synonym really, absolutely
acute: তীব্র Synonym severe Antonym mild
add: যোগ করা Synonym annex, join, unite Antonym delete
aggressive: আগ্রাসী Synonym destructive, hostile Antonym calm, easy-going
agitating: উদ্বেগজনক Synonym alarming Antonym calm
agree: সম্মত হওয়া Synonym suit, conform Antonym disagree, differ
aim: লক্ষ্য Synonym goal
amenable: সংবেদনশীল Synonym agreeable, flexible Antonym intractable
appealing: আকর্ষনীয় Synonym temptating, attractive Antonym repulsive
apprehend: উপলব্ধি করা Synonym realise Antonym misunderstand
aspect: উপাদান Synonym element
atmosphere: পরিবেশ Synonym environment
attach: সংযুক্ত করা Synonym connect, annex Antonym detach, separate
avoid: এড়িয়ে যাওয়া Synonym escape Antonym face, meet
awfully: ভয়ানকভাবে/ভীষণভাবে Synonym terribly, horribly Antonym wonderfully
basic: মৌলিক Synonym fundamental, elementary Antonym inessential, minor
bear: সহ্য করা Synonym endure
beautiful: সুন্দর Synonym pretty, charming, lovely Antonym ugly, awkward
believe: বিশ্বাস করা Synonym trust Antonym disbelieve, doubt
benefit: উপকারিতা Synonym advantage Antonym disadvantage
bewildering: বিভ্রান্তিকর Synonym confusing, perplexing Antonym clear
boredom: বিরক্তি, একঘেয়েমি Synonym dullness, monotony Antonym satisfaction, amusement
break: ভেঙে ফেলা Synonym smash, shatter, split Antonym mend, repair, connect
bring: আনা Synonym fetch Antonym take away
build: নির্মাণ করা Synonym construct Antonym destroy, ruin
busy: ব্যস্ত Synonym active Antonym idle, inactive
buy: ক্রয় করা Synonym purchase Antonym sell
catastrophe: বিপর্যয় Synonym disaster, adversity Antonym blessing, aid
celebrate: উদ্যাপন করা Synonym observe, perform Antonym
cheaper: অধিকতর সস্তা Synonym reasonable, economical Antonym costlier
civilized: সভ্য Synonym cultured Antonym wild, barbarous, savage
closer: নিকটবর্তী Synonym nearer, adjacent Antonym distant
comfort: আরাম Synonym ease Antonym discomfort
command: আদেশ/আদেশ করা Synonym authority, order Antonym request, beg, ask
common: সাধারণ Synonym general, ordinary Antonym rare
compensate: ক্ষতিপুরণ করা Synonym recompense, refund Antonym penalize, damage
competence: যোগ্যতা Synonym ability, capability Antonym inability, incompetence
confine: সীমাবদ্ধ করে রাখা Synonym imprison Antonym free, release
conflict: দ্বন্দ্ব Synonym clash, combat, rivalry Antonym agreement, harmony, concord
congestion: গাদাগাদি করা Synonym overcrowding, Antonym clear, empty, free
conscious: সচেতন Synonym aware, sensible Antonym unaware, careless
consider: বিবেচনা করা Synonym think, discuss Antonym ignore, neglect
considerate: সুবিবেচক Synonym kind, generous, gracious Antonym selfish, thoughtless
construction: নির্মাণ Synonym building, edifice Antonym destruction, ruin
continue: চালিয়ে যাওয়া Synonym carry on, proceed Antonym stop, discontinue
control: নিয়ন্ত্রণ Synonym authority, command Antonym lawlessness, chaos
convince: কাউকে বোঝানো Synonym assure, persuade Antonym dissuade
cordial: আন্তরিক Synonym affable, amicable Antonym hostile
create: সৃষ্টি করা Synonym discover, form, generate Antonym destroy, demolish
curse: অভিশাপ Synonym Antonym blessing
decide: সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়া Synonym determine, settle
declare: ঘোষণা দেওয়া Synonym announce
decrease: হ্রাস পাওয়া Synonym reduce, diminish Antonym increase
degrade: অধঃপাতিত করা হওয়া Synonym debase, abase Antonym upgrade, honour, enhance
demand: দাবি করা Synonym claim. ask Antonym offer, request
dependent: নির্ভরশীল Synonym subordinate Antonym independent
destroy: ধ্বংস করা Synonym demolish, ruin Antonym build, create
destruction: ধ্বংস Synonym ruin, demolition Antonym construction, creation
devastating: ধ্বংসাত্মক Synonym destructive Antonym constructive
develop: উন্নতি করা Synonym build up, flourish, grow Antonym retrogress
difference: পার্থক্য Synonym diversity, inequality Antonym similarity, equality, harmony
different: ভিন্ন Synonym dissimilar, varied Antonym similar
difficult: কঠিন Synonym problematic, troublesome Antonym easy, simple
disability: অসামর্থ্য Synonym inability, incapability Antonym ability, capacity
disaster: দুর্যোগ Synonym calamity, catastrophe, mishap Antonym
discharge: মুক্ত করা/খালাস দেওয়া Synonym release Antonym hold, keep
discrimination: বৈষম্য Synonym inequality, inequity Antonym equity
dishearten: হতাশ করা Synonym deject, discourage Antonym encourage, hearten, praise
distinction: সম্মান Synonym honour Antonym dishonour
dominate: শাসন করা Synonym control, command Antonym obey, follow
earn: উপার্জন করা Synonym acquire, obtain Antonym spend
easy: সহজ Synonym simple Antonym tough
ecology: বাস্তব্যবিদ্যা Synonym ecosystem
economic: অর্থনৈতিক Synonym monetary, financial
effect: প্রভাব Synonym impact Antonym cause
effective: কার্যকর Synonym active, useful Antonym ineffective
element: উপাদান Synonym component, aspect Antonym whole
emphasis: জোর/গুরুত্ব প্রদান Synonym stress, importance Antonym unimportance, triviality
enchant: মুগ্ধ করা Synonym charm, attract, captivate Antonym bore, disenchant
encompass: বেষ্টন করা Synonym circumscribe, surround Antonym
encourage: উৎসাহিত করা Synonym cheer, favour Antonym discourage
endeavour: প্রচেষ্টা Synonym effort Antonym inactivity, passivity
endure: সহ্য করা Synonym tolerate, bear, undergo Antonym yield, surrender
ensure: নিশ্চিত করা Synonym guarantee, certify
entertain: আপ্যায়ন করা Synonym amuse Antonym bore
essential: অত্যাবশ্যক Synonym necessary, fundamental Antonym unnecessary, minor, trivial
establish: প্রতিষ্ঠা করা Synonym found, build, institute Antonym destroy, ruin
evidence: প্রমাণ Synonym proof, affirmation Antonym disproof, contradiction
exceptional: ব্যতিক্রমী Synonym extraordinary, uncommon Antonym ordinary, unexceptional
exchange: বিনিময় Synonym replace
expand: প্রশস্ত করা Synonym spread, swell, enlarge, inflate Antonym compress, shrink
exploit: শাসন করা Synonym dominate
extinction: লোপ, বিলুপ্তি Synonym abolition, oblivion Antonym survival
familiar: পরিচিত Synonym well-known, acquainted Antonym unfamiliar, unacquainted
far: দুরে Synonym a long way, distant Antonym near, close
find: খোঁজ করা Synonym search
fine: সুন্দর Synonym attractive, beautiful Antonym coarse, ugly, poor
flourish: সমৃদ্ধি লাভ করা Synonym thrive, grow, prosper Antonym deteriorate
foolish: বোকা Synonym idiotic, silly, stupid Antonym wise, prudent
force: বাধ্য করা/ জোর করা Synonym compel Antonym ease
foreigner: বিদেশী Synonym alien, newcomer Antonym native
forget: ভুলে যাওয়া Synonym disregard Antonym remember
form: গঠন করা/ গঠন Synonym type, shape Antonym disarrangement, shapelessness
fort: দুর্গ Synonym citadel
fragmentation: খন্ডন Synonym disintegration, croak Antonym join
freedom: স্বাধীনতা Synonym liberty, independence Antonym restriction, bondage
frequent: বারবার Synonym recurrent, repeated Antonym rare, inconstant
friend: বন্ধু Synonym pal, companion Antonym foe, antagonist, enemy
friendly: বন্ধুত্বপুর্ণ Synonym affable, amiable Antonym reserved, hostile
gigantic: বিশাল Synonym massive, vast Antonym tiny
global: বৈশিবক Synonym spherical, international Antonym local, regional
great: বিখ্যাত/মহান Synonym famous, well-known, renowned, noble Antonym infamous, notorious
grow: জন্মানো Synonym develop, increase Antonym cease, decrease
hamper: ব্যাহত করা Synonym hinder, obstruct Antonym facilitate
happiness: সুখ Synonym gladness, cheerfulness Antonym sadness, unhappiness
help: সাহায্য করা Synonym assist, aid, service Antonym blockage, hindrance
helpless: অসহায় Synonym dependent Antonym self-reliant, independent
homemaker: গৃহিণী Synonym housewife
horizontally: আনুভূমিকভাবে Synonym flat, parallel Antonym vertically
huge: বিশাল Synonym vast, enormous, massive Antonym tiny, small
humanitarian: জনহিতকর Synonym charitable, philanthropic Antonym unkind, inhumanitarian
illiterate: নিরক্ষর Synonym ignorant, uneducated Antonym literate, educated
imbalance: ভারসাম্যহীনতা Synonym inequity, disparity Antonym balance, equity
immense: বিশাল Synonym great, enormous Antonym minute, tiny
impart: বহন করা Synonym convey Antonym conceal, cover
imperial: রাজকীয় Synonym grand, majestic, royal Antonym ordinary, normal
important: গুরুত্বপুর্ণ Synonym significant, crucial, vital Antonym insignificant, unimportant, minor
impress: অভিভূত হওয়া Synonym amaze, astonish Antonym depress, discourage
impressive: মুগ্ধকর Synonym imposing Antonym unimpressive
improve: উন্নতি করা Synonym ameliorate, enhance, develop Antonym deteriorate, worsen
increase: বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া Synonym expansion, development Antonym decrease, decline
independent: স্বাধীন Synonym free, sovereign Antonym dependent, subordinate
infancy: শৈশব Synonym childhood Antonym adulthood
inferiority: হীনতা Synonym humbleness, lowliness Antonym superiority
influence: প্রভাব Synonym effect, manipulation
insanitary: অস্বাসহ্যকর Synonym unhygienic, contaminated Antonym sanitary, hygienic
insist: চাপিয়ে দেওয়া Synonym claim, persist
instability: অস্থিতিশীলতা Synonym fluctuation, uncertainty Antonym stability, consistancy
integral: অবিচ্ছেদ্য Synonym essential, indispensable Antonym nonessential, supplementary
intellectual: বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিক Synonym scholar, logical, rational Antonym ignoramus, lawbrow
interact: মিথষ্ক্রিয়া Synonym intermingle
international: আন্তর্জাতিক Synonym global Antonym domestic
interrelated: আন্তঃসমঙর্কিত Synonym interconnected Antonym
invent: উদ্ভাবন করা Synonym create, discover Antonym destroy, ruin
investigation: তদন্ত Synonym analysis, exploration, enquiry
jail: কারাগার Synonym prison, lockup
join: যোগদান করা Synonym attend, add, attach Antonym divide, leave, separate
kingdom: রাজ্য Synonym empire
known: পরিচিত Synonym recognised, familiar Antonym unknown, unfamiliar
large: খুবই বড় Synonym huge, big Antonym small, tiny
largest: বৃহত্তম Synonym biggest Antonym smallest
liberate: মুক্ত করা Synonym free, rescue Antonym enslave
liberation: স্বাধীনতা Synonym freedom Antonym captivity
likely: সম্ভবত Synonym probably Antonym unlikely
link: সংযোগ স্থাপন করা Synonym relate Antonym separate, unfasten
lonely: একাকী Synonym alone, lonesome Antonym sociable, befriended
longest: দীর্ঘতম Synonym lengthiest Antonym shortest
malnutrition: অপুষ্টি Synonym anorexia, hunger Antonym nutrition
maltreat: দুর্ব্যবহার করা Synonym mistreat, hurt, harm Antonym well-treat, aid, assist
mental: মানসিক Synonym psychological Antonym physical
minimize: কমানো Synonym lessen, reduce Antonym maximise
miserable: শোচনীয় Synonym distressed, wretched Antonym happy
misuse: অপব্যবহার করা/ অপব্যবহার Synonym maltreatment, waste Antonym use
mode: ধরন Synonym form
modernised: আধুনিকায়ন Synonym updated Antonym backdated
mysterious: রহস্যময় Synonym mystifying, mystical Antonym apparent, clear
native: দেশীয় Synonym domestic, local Antonym foreign
natural: প্রাকৃতিক Synonym normal Antonym artificial, unnatural
necessary: প্রয়োজনীয় Synonym essential, imperative Antonym unnecessary, inessential
necessity: প্রয়োজনীয়তা Synonym need Antonym auxiliary, trivial
negative: নেতিবাচক Synonym contradictory Antonym positive
notice: লক্ষ করা Synonym observe, heed, detect Antonym overlook, ignore
nuclear: একক Synonym single Antonym extended
objective: উদ্দেশ্য Synonym purpose
observe: পর্যবেক্ষণ করা Synonym examine, notice Antonym violate, miss
occur: ঘটা Synonym happen
open: খোলা Synonym Antonym close, shut
organization: সংগঠন Synonym institution, association Antonym disorganization
organize: সংগঠিত করা Synonym arrange Antonym disorganize
originality: মৌলিকতা Synonym uniqueness Antonym
outlook: দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি Synonym attitude Antonym indifference
outside: বাহির/বহির্ভাগ Synonym exterior, external Antonym inside
overcome: জয়লাভ করা Synonym triumph Antonym fail
pass: অতিক্রম করা Synonym overtake
perpetual: চিরস্থায়ী Synonym eternal, permanent Antonym temporary, transient
planned: পরিকল্পিত Synonym designed, schemed, plotted Antonym unplanned
platform: মঞ্চ Synonym podium, floor Antonym
poisonous: বিষাক্ত Synonym toxic, lethal Antonym innocuous
pollute: দুষিত করা Synonym contaminate Antonym clean, decontaminate
pool: ডোবা Synonym lake
popular: জনপ্রিয় Synonym well-liked Antonym despised, unpopular
possible: সম্ভব Synonym hopeful, feasible Antonym impossible
precaution: পুর্ব সতর্কতা Synonym provision, care, protection Antonym harm, negligence
precondition: পুর্বশর্ত Synonym prerequisite Antonym
prestige: সম্মান Synonym status, fame, honour Antonym humbleness
prevent: প্রতিরোধ করা Synonym stop, bar, block, defend Antonym allow, foster
preventive: প্রতিষেধক Synonym precautionary protective Antonym causative, fostering
probe: তদন্ত করা Synonym investigate
process: পদ্ধতি Synonym method, procedure
produce: উৎপাদন করা Synonym grow, beget Antonym consume
profuse: সুগভীর/অপরিমিত Synonym abounding, ample, plenty Antonym scanty, lacking
progress: উন্নতি Synonym development Antonym downfall
project: প্রকল্প Synonym plan
promote: পদোন্নতি করা Synonym upgrade, improve, develop Antonym demote
properly: সঠিকভাবে Synonym accurately, exactly Antonym improperly
protect: রক্ষা করা Synonym defend, guard, preserve Antonym threaten, destroy, endanger
protest: প্রতিবাদ করা/ প্রতিবাদ Synonym object, revolt, challenge Antonym harmony, peace, accept
prove: প্রমাণ করা Synonym verify, justify Antonym disprove, hide, conceal
purpose: উদ্দেশ্য Synonym aim, intention
quicken: দ্রুততর করা Synonym accelerate Antonym slow down
rapid: দ্রুত Synonym swift, quick Antonym slow
realize: বুঝতে পারা Synonym understand, comprehend Antonym ignore, neglect
receiver: গ্রাহক Synonym acceptor Antonym sender
recklessly: বেপরোয়াভাবে Synonym irresponsibly, heedlessly Antonym carefully, cautiously
reclamation: পুনরুদ্ধার Synonym recovery
recognize: স্বীকৃতি দেওয়া/সনাক্ত করা Synonym admit, know, identify Antonym deny, refuse
reduce: হ্রাস পাওয়া Synonym decrease, lessen Antonym increase
reflect: প্রতিফলিত হওয়া Synonym replicate, display
refute: কাউকে অসত্য প্রমাণ করা Synonym confute Antonym prove
regime: রাজত্বকাল Synonym rule
remember: স্মরণ করা Synonym recall Antonym forget
remove: দুর করা Synonym delete, erase, abolish Antonym add, insert
renowned: বিখ্যাত Synonym famous, celebrated Antonym anonymous, unknown, obscure
repair: মেরামত করা Synonym mend, fix, renovate Antonym break
replace: বদলি করা Synonym substitute, change Antonym hold, keep
require: প্রয়োজন Synonym need, essential Antonym inessential
research: গবেষণা করা/ গবেষণা Synonym study, analyse, investigate Antonym ignorance
respect: শ্রদ্ধা করা Synonym honour, regard Antonym disrespect, dishonour
responsible: দায়ী Synonym liable, accountable Antonym irresponsible
rest: বিশ্রাম Synonym leisure, vacation Antonym action, restlessness
restricted: সীমাবদ্ধ Synonym barred, closed, confined Antonym open, free, unlimited
restriction: বাধা Synonym constraint Antonym allowance, liberation
result: ফলাফল Synonym consequence Antonym cause
return: ফিরে আসা Synonym come back Antonym depart, leave
revolutionary: বৈপ-বিক Synonym radical Antonym conventional
rewarded: পুরস্কৃত Synonym pleased, remunerated Antonym rebuked, punished
right: অধিকার/ সঠিক Synonym privilege, correct, appropriate Antonym wrong, false
role: ভূমিকা Synonym task
rule: শাসন করা Synonym reign
run out: ফুরিয়ে যাওয়া Synonym finish
sadness: দুঃখ Synonym melancholy, depression Antonym happiness
safety: নিরাপত্তা Synonym security Antonym danger, insecurity
self-sufficient: স্বয়ংসম্পূর্ণ Synonym independent Antonym dependent
sell: বিক্রি করা Synonym barter Antonym buy
send: প্রেরণ করা Synonym deliver, dispatch, post Antonym receive, retain, take
severe: তীব্র Synonym acute, serious Antonym mild, amenable, slight
show: দেখানো Synonym exhibit Antonym cover, hide
signal: সংকেত Synonym indication, beacon, gesture
significance: গুরুত্ব Synonym importance Antonym insignificance
situate: অবস্থান করা Synonym locate
slow: ধীর Synonym sluggish Antonym fast
solicitor: আইনজীবী Synonym advocate, lawyer
sorrow: দুঃখ Synonym woe, misery Antonym happiness, gladness
specialist: বিশেষজ্ঞ Synonym expert Antonym amateur
sponsor: ব্যয়ভার বহন করা Synonym pay for, patron
start: শুরু করা Synonym begin, commence Antonym finish
stay: থাকা Synonym dwell, remain, abide Antonym depart, leave
step: পদক্ষেপ Synonym measure, stride, action
stop: থামানো Synonym discontinue Antonym continue, begin, commence
subconscious: অবচেতন Synonym unconscious Antonym conscious, deliberate
success: সফলতা Synonym achievement Antonym failure
suffer: ভোগা Synonym endure, undergo Antonym calm, yield
suffering: ভোগান্তি Synonym misery, affliction Antonym blessing, comfort
summit: শিখর, চূড়া Synonym apex, peak Antonym nadir, base, bottom
tallest: সবচেয়ে লম্বা Synonym towering Antonym shortest
teach: শিক্ষা দেওয়া Synonym educate Antonym mislead, ignore
testimony: প্রামাণিক সাক্ষ্য Synonym indication, proof
think: চিন্তা করা Synonym imagine, anticipate
thinner: অধিকতর পাতলা Synonym lean Antonym thicker
threat: হুমকি Synonym danger, warning
throw: নিক্ষেপ করা Synonym fling, toss Antonym catch
tired: ক্লান্ত Synonym distressed, fatigued Antonym relaxed, fresh
tolerable: সহনীয় Synonym bearable, endurable Antonym intolerable, unbearable
torture: অত্যাচার Synonym afflict, torment Antonym comfort, contentment
toxic: বিষাক্ত Synonym poisonous Antonym innocuous, harmless
traditional: গতানুগতিক Synonym conventional, customary Antonym abnormal, modern, uncommon
train: প্রশিক্ষণ দেওয়া Synonym coach, direct, drill
trait: বৈশিষ্ট্য Synonym characteristic
transport: পরিবহন করা Synonym transfer Antonym stay, remain
tremendous: চমৎকার Synonym amazing, appealing, awesome Antonym awful, underwhelming
trick: চালাকি/ছলনা Synonym deception, deceit Antonym authentic, real
troublesome: পীড়াদায়ক Synonym annoying, irritating Antonym helpful
understand: বুঝতে পারা Synonym realize, comprehend Antonym misunderstand
unknown: অপরিচিত Synonym anonymous, foreign, unfamiliar Antonym known, familiar
unsafe: অনিরাপদ Synonym insecure, hazardous Antonym safe, secure
updated: হালনাগাদ Synonym modern, advance Antonym backdated, antique
use: ব্যবহার করা Synonym utilise, apply Antonym misuse
useful: উপকারী Synonym advantageous, convenient Antonym useless, harmful, disadvantageous
usually: সচরাচর Synonym normally, generally Antonym rarely, exceptionally
vary: পৃথক হওয়া Synonym differ,alter, diversify Antonym match, resemble
venue: স্থান Synonym place
victim: শিকার Synonym sufferer Antonym attacker, criminal
view: মতামত Synonym opinion, notion, outlook
viewer: দর্শক Synonym spectator, observer, witness Antonym participant
violence: সহিংসতা Synonym bloodshed, clash Antonym peace, calm, order
vital: গুরুত্বপুর্ণ Synonym crucial, essential, important Antonym unimportant, insignificant
vocation: ঝোঁক, পেশা Synonym profession
vulnerable: অরক্ষিত Synonym susceptible, accessible Antonym protected, strong
wagon: ঘোড়া/গরুর গাড়ি Synonym cart
waste: বর্জ্য Synonym rubbish
wealth: সম্পদ Synonym asset
welfare: মঙ্গল/কল্যাণ Synonym betterment, well-being Antonym loss
widely: ব্যাপকভাবে Synonym extensively Antonym narrowly
widen: প্রশস্ত করা Synonym broaden Antonym shorten, abridge
widespread: প্রশস্ত Synonym broad, extensive Antonym limited
বিপরীত অর্থপ্রকাশক শব্দকে Antonym বলে।
Antonym বা বিপরীত শব্দ তিনভাবে গঠিত হতে পারে। যেমন:
(i) By adding a prefix like - un, non, dis, mis, anti, de, il, im, in, ir etc.
(ii) By adding a suffix like - less, full or ful
(iii) By using a new word
(i) Prefix দ্বারা গঠিত Antonyms
Prefix: anti
dote (সংক্রমণ) ➜ antidote (প্রতিষেধক)
climax (চরম পরিণতি) ➜ anticlimax (পূর্ববর্তী উত্থানের সঙ্গে বৈপরীতসূচক পতন)
sympathy (সহানুভূতি) ➜ anti - pathy (বিরূপতা)
septic (পচন সৃষ্টিকারী) ➜ anti - septic (পচন নিরোধক)
social (সামাজিক) ➜ anti - social (সমাজ বিরোধী)
toxin (বিষক্রিয়া) ➜ anti - toxin (বিষক্রিয়া - প্রতষষেধক)
Prefix: de
control (নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা) ➜ decontrol (নিয়ন্ত্রণ তুলে দেওয়া)
merit (গুণ) ➜ demerit (দোষ)
hoard (মজুত করা) ➜ dehoard (মজুত উদ্ধার করা)
code (নীতিমালা) ➜ decode (নীতিমালা পাঠ করা)
entrain (ট্রেনে ওঠা) ➜ detrain (ট্রেন থেকে নামা)
enthrone (সিংহাসনে বসানো) ➜ dethrone (সিংহাসন থেকে নামানো)
Prefix: dis
agree (সম্মত হওয়া) ➜ disagree (অসম্মত হওয়া)
allow (অনুমোদন দেওয়া) ➜ disallow (নামঞ্জুর করা)
comfort (আরাম) ➜ discomfort (অস্বাচ্ছন্দ্য)
honest (সৎ) ➜ dishonest (অসৎ)
honesty (সততা) ➜ dishonesty (অসততা)
honour (সম্মান) ➜ dishonour (অসম্মান)
like (পছন্দ করা) ➜ dislike (অপছন্দ করা)
obey (মান্য করা) ➜ disobey (অমান্য করা)
obedient (বাধ্য) ➜ disobedient (অবাধ্য)
please (খুশি করা) ➜ displease (অখুশি করা)
appear (আবির্ভূত হওয়া) ➜ disappear (অদৃশ্য হওয়া)
Prefix: il
legal (বৈধ) ➜ illegal (অবৈধ)
legible (যা সহজে পড়া যায়) ➜ illegible (যা সহজে পড়া যায় না)
logical (যুক্তিসঙ্গত) ➜ illogical (যুক্তিহীন)
liberal (উদার) ➜ illiberal (অনুদার)
literate (সাক্ষর) ➜ illiterate (নিরক্ষর)
Prefix: im
balance (ভারসাম্য) ➜ imbalance (ভারসাম্যহীন)
partial (পক্ষপাতিত্বপূর্ণ) ➜ impartial (নিরপেক্ষ)
possible (সম্ভব) ➜ impossible (অসম্ভব)
patient (ধৈর্যশীল) ➜ impatient (অধীর)
personal (ব্যক্তিগত) ➜ impersonal (নৈর্ব্যক্তিক)
potent (বীর্যশীল) ➜ impotent (নিবীর্য)
probable (সম্ভব) ➜ improbable (অসম্ভব)
pure (বিশুদ্ধ) ➜ impure (অশুদ্ধ)
moral (নৈতিক) ➜ immoral (অনৈতিক)
mortal (মরণশীল) ➜ immortal (অমর)
mature (পরিণত) ➜ immature (অপরিণত)
mobile (চলনশীল) ➜ immobile (অনড়)
movable (হস্তান্তরযোগ্য) ➜ immovable (অহস্তান্তরযোগ্য)
measurable (পরিমাপযোগ্য) ➜ immeasurable (অপরিমেয়)
Prefix: in
ability (ক্ষমতা) ➜ inability (অক্ষমতা)
able (সক্ষম) ➜ inable (অসক্ষম)
active (সক্রিয়) ➜ inactive (নিস্ক্রিয়)
capable (সক্ষম) ➜ incapable (অক্ষম)
animate (প্রাণী) ➜ inanimate (জড়)
accurate (সঠিক) ➜ inaccurate (সঠিক নয়)
credible (বিশ্বাসযোগ্য) ➜ incredible (অবিশ্বাস্য)
attentive (মনোযোগী) ➜ inattentive (অমনোযোগী)
decent (শোভন) ➜ indecent (অশোভন)
definite (নির্দিষ্ট) ➜ indefinite (অনির্দিষ্ট)
distinct (স্পষ্ট) ➜ indistinct (অস্পষ্ট)
divisible (ভোজ্য) ➜ indivisible (অবিভাজ্য)
discipline (শৃগুখলা) ➜ indiscipline (বিশৃগুখলা)
justice (ন্যায়) ➜ injustice (অন্যায়)
sensible (বোধশক্তিসম্পন্ন) ➜ insensible (বোধশক্তিহীন)
separable (পৃথক করার যোগ্য) ➜ inseparable (পৃথক করা যায় না যা)
stability (স্থিরতা) ➜ instability (অস্থিরতা)
sufficient (পর্যাপ্ত) ➜ insufficient (অপর্যাপ্ত)
valid (বৈধ) ➜ invalid (অবৈধ)
visible (দৃষ্টিগোচর) ➜ invisible (অদৃশ্য)
Prefix: ir
rational (যুক্তিসঙ্গত) ➜ irrational (অযৌক্তিক)
regular (নিয়মিত) ➜ irregular (অনিয়মিত)
relevant (প্রাসঙ্গিক) ➜ irrelevant (অপ্রাসঙ্গিক)
repairable (সংস্কারযোগ্য) ➜ irrepairable (সংস্কারের অযোগ্য)
recoverable (আরোগ্যের যোগ্য) ➜ irrecoverable (আরোগ্যের যোগ্য নয়)
resistible (প্রতিরোধ্য) ➜ irresistible (অপ্রতিরোধ্য)
responsible (দায়ী) ➜ irresponsible (দায়িত্বহীন)
resolute (দৃঢ়প্রতিজ্ঞ) ➜ irresolute (অস্থিরচিত্ত)
Prefix: mal
practice (অভ্যাস) ➜ malpractice (অসৎ অভ্যাস)
nutrition (পুষ্টি ) ➜ malnutrition (অপুষ্টি)
Prefix: mis
conduct (ব্যবহার) ➜ misconduct (দুর্ব্যবহার)
fortune (সৌভাগ্য) ➜ misfortune (দুর্ভাগ্য)
interpret (ব্যাখ্যা করা) ➜ misinterpret (ভুল ব্যাখ্যা করা)
lead (চালনা করা) ➜ mislead (ভুলপথে চালনা করা)
happening (ঘটনা) ➜ mishap (দুর্ঘটনা)
use (ব্যবহার) ➜ misuse (অপব্যবহার)
understand (বোঝা) ➜ misunderstand (ভুল বোঝা)
Prefix: non
sense (অর্থযুক্ত বিষয়) ➜ nonsense (অর্থহীন কথা)
stop (বিরাম) ➜ non - stop (অবিরাম)
violence (সহিংসতা) ➜ non - violence (অসহিংসতা)
Prefix: un
able (সক্ষম) ➜ unable (অক্ষম)
armed (সশসত্র) ➜ unarmed (নিরসত্র)
kind (দয়ালু) ➜ unkind (নির্দয়)
common (সাধারন) ➜ uncommon (অসাধারণ)
fit (উপযুক্ত) ➜ unfit (অনুপযুক্ত)
fortunate (সৌভাগ্যবান) ➜ unfortunate (হতভাগ্য)
conscious (সচেতন) ➜ unconscious (অচেতন)
developed (উন্নত) ➜ undeveloped (অনুন্নত)
controlled (নিয়ন্ত্রিত) ➜ uncontrolled (অনিয়ন্ত্রিত)
pleasant (আনন্দিত) ➜ unpleasant (অপ্রীতিকর)
popular (জনপ্রিয়) ➜ unpopular (অপ্রিয়)
wise (জ্ঞানী) ➜ unwise (অজ্ঞানী)
social (সামাজিক) ➜ unsocial (অসামাজিক)
(ii) Suffix দ্বারা গঠিত Antonyms
Suffix: less
careful (সতর্ক) ➜ careless (অসতর্ক)
less colourful (রঙিন) ➜ colourless (রঙহীন)
hopeful (আশাবাদী) ➜ hopeless (আশাহীন)
fearful (ভীতিকর) ➜ fearless (ভয়হীন)
cheerful (আনন্দদায়ক) ➜ cheerless (আনন্দহীন)
faithful (বিশ্বস্ত) ➜ faithless (বিশ্বাসহীন)
merciful (দয়ালু) ➜ merciless (নির্দয়)
useful (প্রয়োজনীয়) ➜ useless (অপ্রয়োজনীয়)
(iii) USING new words
এ ক্ষেত্রে আমরা তিন ধরনের antonym ব্যবহার করি: Graded antonym, Complementary antonym ও Relational antonym
Graded antonyms
🍭 Abundant and scarce
🍭 Bad and good
🍭 Best and worst
🍭 Big and small
🍭 Clever and foolish
🍭 Cool and hot
🍭 Dangerous and safe
🍭 Dark and light
🍭 Dull and interesting
🍭 Early and late
🍭 Empty and full
🍭 Excited and bored
🍭 Fast and slow
🍭 Fat and skinny
🍭 Foolish and wise
🍭 Happy and sad
🍭 Hard and soft
🍭 Ignorant and educated
🍭 Joy and grief
🍭 Last and first
🍭 Late and early
🍭 Married and unmarried
🍭 Optimistic and pessimistic
🍭 Pretty and ugly
🍭 Rich and poor
🍭 Risky and safe
🍭 Sane and crazy
🍭 Simple and challenging
🍭 Smart and dumb
🍭 Warm and cool
🍭 Wet and dry
🍭 Wide and narrow
🍭 Worried and calm
🍭 Young and old
Complementary antonyms
🍭 Absent and present
🍭 Before and after
🍭 Brother and sister
🍭 Crooked and straight
🍭 Day and night
🍭 Dead and alive
🍭 Exhale and inhale
🍭 Exit and entrance
🍭 Fantasy and reality
🍭 Former and latter
🍭 Hired and fired
🍭 Idle and active
🍭 Import and export
🍭 Interior and exterior
🍭 Leave and arrive
🍭 Man and woman
🍭 Natural and artificial
🍭 Occupied and vacant
🍭 Off and on
🍭 Pass and fail
🍭 Pre and post
🍭 Push and pull
🍭 Question and answer
🍭 Raise and lower
🍭 Sharp and dull
🍭 Silence and noise
🍭 Single and double
🍭 Sink and float
🍭 True and false
🍭 Wet and dry
🍭 Yes and no
Relational antonyms
🍭 Above and below
🍭 Before and after
🍭 Behind and ahead
🍭 Borrow and lend
🍭 Buy and sell
🍭 Come and go
🍭 Divisor and dividend
🍭 Doctor and patient
🍭 East and west
🍭 Employer and employee
🍭 Floor and ceiling
🍭 Front and back
🍭 Give and get
🍭 Give and receive
🍭 Husband and wife
🍭 Instructor and pupil
🍭 Left and right
🍭 Lost and found
🍭 Mother and daughter
🍭 North and south
🍭 Offense and defense
🍭 On and off
🍭 Parent and child
🍭 Part and whole
🍭 Predator and prey
🍭 Seller and buyer
🍭 Servant and master
🍭 Slave and master
🍭 Teach and learn
🍭 Toward and away
🍭 Trap and release
🍭 Up and down
🍭 Win and lose
List of Synonyms
Ability - Capability
Abroad - Overseas
Abundance - Plenty
Abundant - Ample
Accept - Receive
Accord - Agreement
Achieve - Gain
Active - Diligent
Add - Supplement
Admire - Adore
Admit - Confess
Advancement - Progress
Afford - Manage
Agree - Consent
Alike - Same
Allow - Permit
Amity - Friendliness
Amount - Quantity
Ample - Abundant
Anger - Annoyance
Angry - Mad
Answer - Response
Anxiety - Worry
Apparently - Manifestly
Appropriate - Proper
Arrangement - Organization
Arrest - Catch
Ask - Inquire
Assembly - Conference
Assign - Appoint
Assist - Help
Association - Involvement
Attire - Dress
Attract - Fascinate
Away - Absent
Awful - Terrible
Baby - Infant
Back - Return
Basic - Fundamental
Beautiful - Pretty
Beauty - Charm
Because - As
Becoming - Fitting
Beg - Implore
Begin - Commence
Begin - Start
Behind - Backside
Believe - Trust
Belly - Stomach
Better - Finer
Big - Large
Bigger - Larger
Bizarre - Weird
Blank - Empty
Blessing - Benediction
Block - Barrier
Blunder - Mismanage
Brave - Bold
Bring - Carry
Broad - Wide
Bucket - Pail
Burden - Load
Busy - Active
Buy - Purchase
Calamity - Disaster
Candy - Sweet
Cause - Reason
Celebrate - Observe
Center - Middle
Central - Main
Change - Transform
Cheap - Reasonable
Cheat - Deceive
Chiefly - Mainly
Choosy - Picky
Clear - Distinct
Cling - Adhere
Close - Shut
Cloudy - Overcast
Code - Maxim
Collect - Gather
Comfortable - Pleasant
Common - General
Comparatively - Relatively
Compassion - Condolence
Complete - Total
Complexity - Complication
Complicated - Complex
Comprise - Consist of
Concentrate - Absorb
Concept - Idea
Conference - Assembly
Confine - Restrict
Conflict - Disagreement
Confuse - Bewilder
Confuse - Mixed up
Connection - Link
Conscience - Ethics
Conservative - Conventional
Considerate - Thoughtful
Consist - Form
Contact - Touch
Contain - Absolute
Contain - Hold
Contentment - Satisfaction
Continue - Carry on
Contrary - Opposite
Contrast - Dissimilarity
Cordial - Sincere
Cordially - Sincerely
Correct - Right
Create - Make
Cunning - Clever
Customize - Make
Damage - Harm
Dash - Sprint
Daybreak - Dawn
Death - Demise
Debate - Argument
Decide - Settle
Declining - Decaying
Decorate - Adorn
Dedicated - Committed
Definite - Specific
Deliberate - Planned
Delicate - Fragile
Deprived - Deceived
Desirable - Preferable
Destiny - Fate
Devoted - Ardent
Difficult - Hard
Directive - Dictate
Disappointing - Frustrating
Disclose - Reveal
Discount - Reduction
Discover - Invent
Discrimination - Inequity
Disgrace - Shame
Disrespect - Dishonour
Disrupt - Spoil
Dissolve - Disappear
Distant - Faraway
Division - Separation
Domestic - Native
Drastically - Extremely
Dream - Fantasy
Due - Owing
Dull - Boring
Duty - Responsibility
Eager - Keen
Early - Beforehand
Earn - Gain
Earnestly - Ardently
Easy - Simple
Education - Schooling
Effect - Impact
Effective - Productive
Efficiency - Proficiency
Elect - Choose
Elevate - Raise
Employed - Engaged
Enclose - Bound
Endeavour - Effort
Enemy - Foe
Enjoy - Relish
Enjoyable - Amusing
Enlightened - Educated
Enormous - Huge
Enough - Sufficient
Enquire - Investigate
Ensure - Certify
Entertainment - Recreation
Envy - Covetousness
Equal - Equivalent
Eradicate - Remove
Escort - Safeguard
Essential - Important
Ethically - Morally
Evaluate - Assess
Evil - Bad
Exactly - Precisely
Exaggerated - Amplified
Except - Apart From
Excessive - Extreme
Exhaust - Emission
Exit - Leave
Experience - Observation
Experiment - Research
Expert - Specialist
Extra - Additional
Facility - Advantage
Fair - Unbiased
False - Untrue, Fake
Falsehood - Untruthfulness
Famous - Renowned
Fantastic - Great
Fascinate - Attract
Fast - Quick
Fast - Quickly
Fat - Fatty
Favourite - Dearest
Fertile - Productive
Field - Sphere
Financially - Commercially
Finish - Complete
Flourish - Bloom
Foe - Enemy
Follow - Pursue
Force - Aggression
Forgive - Pardon
Formerly - Previously
Fortunate - Lucky
Forward - Advance
Free - Independent
Freedom - Independence
Frustrating - Disappointing
Fun - Entertaining
Function - Activity
Function - Operate
Fundamental - Basic
Funny - Amusing
Gain - Achieve
Garbage - Trash
Generation - Production
Genius - Meritorious
Gentle - Tender
Get - Receive
Gigantic - Enormous
Glad - Happy
Glamour - Beauty
Glitter - Flash
Glitter - Sparkle
Good - Excellent
Good - Fine
Grab - Seize
Grumble - Grouse
Habit - Routine
Habitat - Abode
Hall - Corridor
Handsome - Good looking
Happily - Fortunately
Happy - Cheerful
Hard - Difficult
Hard - Difficult
Harder - Tougher
Hardly - Rarely
Harmful - Injurious
Harsh - Ruthless
Hazard - Danger
Help - Assist
Heroic - Brave
Hint - Tip
Honesty - Fairness
Hotter - Warmer
Huge - Enormous
Huge - Vast
Hurry - Rush
Hurt - Injure
Idea - Concept
Ignorance - Inexperience
Ignore - Snub
Ill - Sick
Illegal - Invalid
Illogical - Absurd
Imitate - Mimic
Immediate - Instant
Immoral - Dishonest
Impact - Effect
Impact - Effect
Impart - Convey
Impartial - Neutral
Impatient - Restless
Imply - Denote
Important - Significant
Improve - Develop
Incident - Affair
Inconsiderate - Thoughtless
Increase - Enhance
Independence - freedom
Infamous - Notorious
Infect - Contaminate
Informal - Casual
Information - Message
Injurious - Harmful
Injustice - Bias
Innocence - Guiltlessness
Innocent - Harmless
Insincerity - Faithlessness
Inspect - Examine
Instructions - Directions
Instructive - Informative
Insufficient - Inadequate
Intellectual - Mental
Intelligent - Smart
Intend - Mean
Intention - Aim
Interested - Keen
Internal - Domestic
Intrinsic - Natural
Invention - Discovery
Inventory - Stock
Invitation - Call
Invite - Call
Invoice - Bill
Involve - Include
Irregular - Occasional
Irrelevant - Inappropriate
Jealous - Envious
Job - Work
Job - Work
Join - Attend
Joy - Delight
Jungle - Forest
Kid - Child
Kind - Benevolent
Know - Recognize
Knowledge - Wisdom
Known - Familiar
Lament - Mourn
Last - Final
Latest - Newest
Launch - Commence
Lazy - Idle
Learn - Memorize
Lethal - Deadly
Liberate - Emancipate
Light - Brightness
Listen - Hear
Little - Small
Lose - Mislay
Lots - Many
Loving - Fond
Loyal - Faithful
Lucid - Clear
Mad - Crazy
Magnificent - Elegant
Maiden - First
Mainly - Principally
Maintain - Preserve
Major - Main
Make - Build
Make - Create
Manic - Crazy
Massacre - Butchery
May be - Perhaps
Meeting - Assembly
Merely - Barely
Mild - Gentle
Minority - Inferiority
Miserable - Deplorable
Misery - Distress
Mode - Manner
Modern - Contemporary
Morality - Honesty
More - Extra
Motionless - Aimless
Movie - Film
Mystery - Secret
Narrow - Confined
Native - Local
Near - Close
Necessarily - Essentially
Necessary - Essential
Necessity - Importance
New - Recent
Nice - Pleasant
Noon - Midday
Notice - Observe
Notify - Inform
Notorious - Infamous
Numerous - Many
Numerous - Many
Oath - Promise
Objective - Unbiased
Occasion - Function
Occasionally - Irregularly
Odd - Strange
Often - Frequently
Old - Mature
Omit - Eliminate
Open - Uncover
Opinion - View
Opportunity - Advantage
Oppression - Brutality
Orally - Vocally
Originally - Initially
Ornament - Decoration
Outcome - Result
Outgoing - Friendly
Outward - Apparent
Overcome - Conquer
Overlook - Miss
Oversee - Supervise
Part - Section
Particular - Specific
Passerby - Pedestrian
Patriot - Nationalist
Pay - Repay
Peaceful - Pacific
Pebble - Stone
Perception - Insight
Perfect - Flawless
Perform - Execute
Peril - Danger
Permit - Allow
Pleasure - Joy
Plight - Difficulty
Pluck - Collect
Pollution - Contamination
Popular - Famous
Pose - Position
Possibility - Opportunity
Powerful - Dominant
Pragmatic - Efficient
Praise - Compliment
Precious - Valuable
Present - Current
Prestige - Dignity
Prestigious - Honourable
Price - Cost
Private - Personal
Problem - Trouble
Proficiency - Efficiency
Profit - Benefit
Progressive - Advanced
Prosperity - Progress
Prove - Ascertain
Provide - Supply
Purchase - Buy
Purpose - Aim
Quake - Tremble
Quickly - Rapidly
Quite - Fairly
Rainy - Showery
Raise - Lift
Raze - Demolish
Real - Genuine
Reason - Cause
Reasonable - Cheap
Receive - Get
Recognize - Know
Recurrence - Frequency
Reduce - Decrease
Refer - Recommend
Regret - Remorse
Related - Associated
Relationship - Bond
Reliable - Dependable
Remain - Stay
Remark - Comment
Remember - Recall
Remove - Abolish
Renew - Regenerate
Reputation - Fame
Request - Beg
Require - Need
Research - Study
Residence - Abode
Respect - Honour
Respond - Reply
Responsibility - Liability
Rest - Relax
Restrain - Hinder
Restriction - Restraint
Retard - Delay
Revenge - Requital
Rewarded - Honoured
Rich - Wealthy
Rock - Stone
Rude - Impolite
Rule- Reign
Run - Operate
Rural - Pastoral
Sacrifice - Relinquish
Sad - Unhappy
Safe - Secure
Same - Alike
Satisfied - Contented
Save - Protect
Scared - Afraid
Scene - Act
School - Instruct
Security - Safety
See - Look
Select - Choose
Seriousness - Severity
Shed - Drop
Shine - Prosper
Show - Display
Sign - Symbol
Significant - Meaningful
Silent - Quiet
Silly - Foolish
Similar - Same
Sincere - Honest
Sincerity - Cordiality
Sleepy - Drowsy
Slim - Sender
Social - Sociable
Solvent - Well-off
Speaker - Orator
Specific - Definite
Spend - Pass
Spiritual - Divine
Spot - Place
Starvation - Hunger
Status - Grade
Steady - Firm
Stop - Cease
Storehouse - Treasurer
Strike - Walk-out
Study - Research
Subject - Affair
Success - Prosperity
Successful - Prosperous
Suddenly - Abruptly
Sufferer - Victim
Suffering - Distress
Sufficient - Adequate
Suggest - Propose
Superior - Higher
Support - Assist
Sure - Certain
Surprised - Wondered
Symbolize - Represent
Sympathy - Condolence
System - Method
Talk - Speak
Tasty - Appetising
Telecast - Broadcast
Temper - Mood
Temporary - Transitory
Think - Ponder
Thirst - Dryness
Thirsty - Dry
Threat - Danger
Tide - Current
Tiny - Small
Torment - Distress
Traditional - Conventional
Transform - Convert
Treatment - Behaviour
Trend - Tendency
Trustworthy - Reliable
Try - Attempt
Unable - Incapable
Uncommon - Unusual
Unconscious - Unaware
Uncooked - Raw
Under - Below
Undoubtedly - Boldly
Undoubtedly - Certainly
Unfamiliar - Unknown
Unfortunate - Unlucky
Unyielding - Uncompromising
Upper - Higher
Up-to-date - Latest
Use - Utilize
Usually - Generally
Utility - Usage
Vague - Indistinct
Valuable - Precious
Vanquish - Conquer
Vary - Differ
Vast - Enormous
Vast - Huge
Vice - Sin
Victory - Conquest
View - Opinion
Violent - Destructive
Virtue - Goodness
Vision - Dream
Wage - Salary
Wait - Pause
Want - Desire
Warm - Heated
Warrior - Fighter
Weak - Feeble
Welfare - Benefit
Wide - Specious
Win - Achieve
Withstand - Resist
Wonder - Astonishment
Wonderful - Magnificent
Work - Job
World - Globe
Worried - Anxious
Worry - Anxiety
Wound - Injury
Wretch - Miscreant
Wrong - Incorrect
Yell - Shout
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