SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [38] pdf download

 Model Test Question-38 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-9: Lesson-3(C)
Have you ever thought of a very delicate career? Have you dreamt of a rosy environment full of colour and fragrance? How much would you love it if you were placed in a house full of flowers to deal all the day? I’m just going to give you some clues for a way of business, a job.
Yes. Daises, violets, tulips, marigolds, dahlias, bellies, jasmines, roses and all those things of beauty can also earn your livings if you handle them professionally. In fact, a florist’s career is rather a good choice as an unconventional job for many around the world. Wherever you see eye-catching floral displays, you actually see the professional performance of a floral designer. They are also known as florists and they create superb arrangements with flowers. Using both real and artificial flowers with other greeneries, florists prepare flower displays for a variety of events such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, marriage days, Valentine’s day, official receptions and even funerals. Every flower is with its distinct colour, design, significance and meaning which flower designers have to know well. There are conventions and significance associated with flower. We know that conventionally roses are meant for romance and anniversaries and tulips for birthdays.
Although formal education or diploma is not essential always, florists must have a good taste, good eye for colours, shapes and proportion. They have to have good sense for selecting flowers, ribbons and other accessories to make beautiful arrangements. Professional florists are knowledgeable about not only flowers but also designs and techniques. Most florists learn the trade mainly through apprenticeship in a previous flower farming job and also by attending formal floral schools and courses. However, a true passion for flowers and a bit of aesthetic sense are all that can make a florist’s career successful.
Flower designers earn fairly handsome money. But the bonus is that they belong to a fresh fun job. They work in flowers all day long in a nice atmosphere with fresh air, pleasant smells and vivid colours around. But there is a disadvantage too, if you are inclined to see so. Florists deal with flowers, but miss their honey.!

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Florists are for flowers but not----.
i) for honey ii) for money iii) for beauty iv) for energy
b. Tulips are conventionally meant for ----.
i) birthday ii) romance iii) weddings iv) funerals
c. As a conventional job, a florist’s career is ----.
i. rather a bad choice ii) an excellent
iii) the worst choice iv) rather a good choice
d. --- is essential to be successful in floral carrier.
i) Good taste ii) Aesthetic sense iii) passion iv) Good eye for colours
e. Florists are knowledgeable about not only flowers but also ----.
i) size ii) ribbons iii) beauty iv) shapes and proportion
f. Roses are meant for ----.
i) colour ii) travel iii) romance and anniversaries iv) new year
g. Conventions and significance are associated with ----.
i) fruits ii) flowers iii) fish iv) birds

Extra Practices
h. ---- earn fairly handsome money.
i) flower designers ii) flower buyer iii) flower seller iv) flower business men
i. Florists create superb arrangements with ----.
i) fruits ii) flowers iii) leaves iv) plants
j. --- prepare flower displays.
i) Farmers ii) Land owners iii) Floral designers iv) Flower sellers
k. Florists deal with flowers but ——.
(i) lase their money (ii) miss their honey
(iii) miss their beauty (iv) lose their energy
Answer: 1. a. i) for honey; b. i) birthdays; c. iv) rather a good choice; d. i) Good taste; e. iii) beauty; f. iii) romance and anniversaries; g. ii) flowers; h. i) flowers designers; i. ii) flowers; j. iii) Floral designers; k. (ii).

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What qualities do florists need?
b. How do the florists prepare displays?
c. How do the most florists learn the trade?
d. What can make a florist’s career successful?
e. How much do flower designers earn?

Extra Practices
f. What do you mean by florists?
g. What do the florists do?
h. What do the florists have to know well?
i. What is the bonus for the flower designers?
j. How is the career of a florist?
Answer: 2. a. Florists must have a good taste, good eye for colours, shapes and proportion. Formal education or diploma is not essential always.
b. The florists prepare displays using both natural and artificial flowers.
c. The most florists learn th4e trade mainly through apprenticeship in a previous flower farming job and also by attending formal floral schools and courses.
d. A true passion for flowers and a bit of aesthetic sense are all that can make florist’s career successful.
e. Flower designers earn fairly handsome money.
f. By florists we mean floral designers.
g. The florists create superb arrangement with flowers.
h. The florists have to know well that every flower is with its distinct colour, design, significance and meaning.
i. The bonus for the flower designers is that they work in flowers all day long in a nice atmosphere with fresh air, pleasant smells and vivid colours around.
j. The career of a florist is rather a good choice as an unconventional job.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. Florists (a) ---- superb arrangements (b) ---- flowers. They (c) --- flower display using both (d) ---- and artificial (e) ----. They arrange flowers in such a (f) ---- that they (g) --- used in birth days. Every flower (h) ---- distinct colour. Flower designers must (i) ---- it. There are (j) – associated with flowers.

Extra Practices
ii. Flowers (a) ------- earn a lot of (b) -------. The extra (c) ------- of job of (d) ------- is that they belong to a (e) ------- fun job. They (f) ------- in flowers all day long in a (g) ------- atmosphere with fresh (h) ------- and fragrance. The (i) ------- is that they deal with flowers but miss their (j) -------.
iii. Florists (a) ---- superb arrangements (b) ----- flowers. They make flower (c) ----- using both (d) ----- and artificial flowers. They arrange flowers categorically (e) ----- as (f) ----, birthdays, (h) -----, marriage days, Valentine's day, (i) ----- receptions and even (j) -------.
Answer: 3. 
i. a .make; b. of ; c. make; d. natural; e. flowers; f. way; g. are; h. has; i. know; j. conventions.
ii. (a) designers; (b) money; (c) advance; (d) florists; (e) fresh; (f) work; (g) nice; (h) air; (i) disadvantage; (j) honey.
iii. (a) create; (b) with; (c) displays; (d) natural; (e) arrange; (f) such; (g) wedding; (h) anniversaries; (i) official; (j) funerals.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Emperor Babur is known as the founder of the Mughal empire in India. He was born on the 14th February 1483 in Fargana province, Uzbekistan. Babur was a military genius and a skilful warrior. He was also a lover of fine arts and poetry. He was a direct descendant of Timur Lang and Genghis Khan. In 1495, at twelve years of age Babur succeeded his father as the ruler of Fargana. His uncles were against him so Babur spent a large portion of his early life without shelter or in exile. In 1497 he gained control of the city of Samarkhand. He lost it again. In 1501, he captured Samarkhand again. In 1504, he was able to cross the snowy Hindukush, mountains and captured Kabul. However, in the battle of Panipath in 1526, Babur defeated the ruler of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodi and took possession of Delhi and Agra. Thus he founded the Mughal Empire in India. He died at the age of 47 on January 5, 1531.







(a) ¾



(b) ¾ Ibrahim Lodi


(c) ¾


(d) ¾

(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) Uzbekistan, (b) defeated, (c) 1526, (d) died, (e) 1531.

5. From your reading of the above passage fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use one word only in each blank. 1×5=5
Babur was an emperor in India. He (a) ___ the Mughal Empire. He was born in Uzbekistan. He was very interested in art and (b) ___. He became the controller of (c) ___ in 1497. By (d) ___ Ibrahim Lodi in the Battle of Panipath, he took the possession of Delhi and Agra. Thus he (e) ___ the Mughal Empire in India.
Answer: 5. The founder of the Mughal empire in India. Emperor Babur was born in Fargana, Uzbekistan. He was a military genius and skilful warrior. At the age of 12 Babur succeeded his father as the ruler of Fargana. In the battle of Panipath Babur defeated the ruler of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodi and took possession of Delhi and Agra and finally founded Mughal Empire in India.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. We observe the 21st February

i. people going to the Shaheed Minar

b. On this important day, our national flag

ii. attend the morning procession singing ‘Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano Ekushe February’

c. We also offer flowers at the

iii. as the Shaheed Day with due respect and solemnity

d. The day was declared as the

iv. was covered with flowers

e. People of all walks of life spontaneously

v. is kept at half mast on all public and private buildings

vi. International Mother Language Day by UNESCO

vii. foot of the Shaheed Minar bare-footed to pay respect to the martyrs.

Answer: 6. (a+ iii) : We observe the 21st February as the Shaheed Day with due respect and solemnity.
 (b+ v) : On this important day, our national flag is kept at half mast on all public and private buildings.
 (c+ vii) : We also offer flowers at the foot of the Shaheed Minar bare-footed to pay respect to the martyrs.
 (d+ vi) : The day was declared as the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO
 (e+ ii) : People of all walks of life spontaneously attend the morning procession singing ‘Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano Ekushe February.’

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) When Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, Einstein was in America as a visiting professor.
(b) Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists of modern age, was born of Jewish parents in Germany in 1879.
(c) But he resigned the post to become a full Professor at a German University.
(d) At the age of twenty-one, he graduated from the Federal Institute in Zurich.
(e) For Hitler’s cruelty to the Jews, he did not return to his homeland and stayed in America.
(f) He obtained his doctorate degree in 1905 and joined a service in Berne.
(g) Einstein became famous for his Theory of Relativity and received Nobel Prize in physics in 1921.
(h) Four years after his doctorate, he took the post of Associate Professor at the University of Zurich.
Answer: 7. b → d → f → h → c → g → a → e
SSC English First Paper Unit-9: Lesson-3(C)

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