SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [35] pdf download

 Model Test Question-35 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-8: Lesson-4(C)
Lake Baikal is the deepest and one of the biggest and most ancient lakes of the world. It is situated almost in the centre of Asia. Lake Baikal is a gigantic bowl set 445 meter above sea level. This grand, enormous, unusual and charming miracle of nature is located in the south of Eastern Siberia, in the Buryat Autonomous Republic and region of Irkutsk, Russia.
The lake covers 31,500 sq.km. It is 636 km long and an average of 48 km wide. The widest point of the lake is 79.4 km. The water basin occupies 557,000 sq. km. and contains 23,000 cu.km.(cubic kilometer) of water, which is about one fifth of the world’s reserves fresh surface water.
The average water level in the lake is never higher than 456m. The average depth of Lake Baikal is 730 m., and its maximum depth in the middle is 1,620 m. It would take about one year for all the rivers of the world to fill Baikal’s basin, and would take four hundred years for all the rivers, streams and brooks now flowing into Siberian lake-sea to do the same.
There are hot springs in the surrounding area of Lake Baikal. The quality of the water of these springs is excellent. The lake acts as a powerful generator and bio filter producing this water. Baikal is a stormy lake. Autumn is the most stormy time. The wind blows various directions.
The weather depends on the wind. If it is blowing from the north, the weather is bright and sunny. The water of the lake looks green and dark blue. But if the winds get stronger, Baikal turns black, waves rising high with white crest. The beauty of Lake Baikal is exceptional.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a) To fill the basin of Baikal, it will take about --- for all the rivers of the world.
(i) four hundred years ii) one month iii) one year iv) two weeks
b) Lake Baikal turns ---- when wind gets stronger.
i) black ii) blue iii) green iv) dark blue
c) This exceptional lake is a----.
i) stormy sea ii) stormy lake iii) pacific lake iv) Siberian lake sea
d) The water of the lake looks ----.
i) green and blue ii) black iii) green iv) blue
e) Lake Baikal is situated in ----.
i) Asia ii) America iii) Africa iv) Arabia
f) The lake area is ----.
i) 31,500 sq. km ii) 31,500 km. iii) 557,000 sq km iv. 23,000 sq km
g) The length of the lake is ----.
i) 636 km ii) 630 km iii) 650 km iv) 536 km

Extra Practices
h) The look of Lake Baikal ---.
i) fine ii) wonderful iii) excellent iv) exceptional
i) The maximum depth of the lake is ----.
i) 1600 km ii) 1620 km iii) 1620m iv) 1550 m
j) Baikal is a ——.
(i) stormy sea (ii) pacific lake (iii) stormy lake (iv) pacific sea
k) The water of the lake looks——.
(i) green and blue (ii) green and dark blue
(iii) green (iv) blue
l) When wind gets stronger. Lake Baikal turns——.
(i) green (ii) blue (iii) dark blue (iv) black
m) The average depth of the lake is ——.
(i) 703 m (ii) 730 m (iii) 70.3 m (iv) 730 cm
n) To fill the basin of Baikal, it will take about one year for all the ——.
(i) ponds of the world (ii) rivers of Bangladesh
(iii) rivers of the world (iv) ponds and rivers of Bangladesh
o) — is the deepest and must ancient lakes of the world.
(i) Lake Panama (ii) Lake Baikal (iii) Lake Sahara (iv) Lake Shaikh
p) It is situated in the center of —
(i) Africa (ii) Asia (iii) Europe (iv) Sudan
Answer: 1. a. iii) one year; b. i) black; c. ii) stormy lake; d. i) green and blue; e. i) Asia; f. i) 31,500sq. km; g. i) 636 km; h. iv) exceptional; i. iii) 1629 m; j. (iii) ; k. (ii) ; l. (iv) ; m. (ii); n. (iii) ; o. (ii) Lake Baikal; p. (ii) Asia.

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What is lake Baikal?
b. What is the average depth of the lake?
c. What does the water of the lake look?
d. Where is the lake situated?
e. What is the quality of the water of the surrounding springs?

Extra Practices
f. What’s the length of the lake?
g. What’s the average depth of the lake?
h. What type of lake is Baikal?
i. What’s the maximum depth of the lake?
j. What does the weather depend on?
k. How does the water of the lake look like?
Answer: 2. a. Lake Baikal is the deepest and one of the biggest and most ancient lakes of the world.
b. The average depth of the lake is 730 m.
c. The water of the lake looks green and dark blue.
d. The lake is situated almost in the centre of Asia.
e. The quality is of the nature of the surrounding springs is excellent.
f. The length of the lake is 636 km.
g. The average depth of the lake 730 m.
h. Baikal is a stormy lake.
i. The maximum depth of the lake is 1620 m.
j. The weather depends on the wind.
k. The water of the lake looks green and dark blue.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. Baikal is a (a) ---. It is the (b) ---- and one of the biggest and most ancient (c) ---- of the world. Hot springs (d) ---- available in the (e) ---- area of the lake. The water of these springs are very (f) ---. It creates storms (g) --- in Autumn. The wind comes (h) --- various directions. The weather (i) ---- depended on the wind. The water (j) --- black during a storm.

Extra Practices
ii. The lake (a) ------ situated almost in the centre of (b) ------. It is a gigantic bowl set 445 metre (c) ------ sea level. The (d) ------ basin of the lake (e) ------ about one fifth of the world's reserves fresh surface (f) -----. It would take (g) ------ hundred years for (h) ------ the rivers, streams and brooks (i) ------ flowing into Syberian lake sea to fill Baikal's (j) ------.
iii. The average water (a) — in the lake is never higher than (b) — m. The average (c) — of lake (d) — is 730 m and its maximum depth in the (e) — is 1620 m. It would take about (f) — year for all the rivers of the world to fill Baikal's (g) — and would take four (h) — years for all the river streams and brooks now flowing into (i) — lake-sea to do the (j) —.
Answer: 3. i. a. lake; b. deepest; c. lakes; d. are; e. surrounding; f. excellent; g. mostly; h. form; i. is; j. looks.
 ii. (a) is; (b) Asia; (c) above; (d) water; (e) contains; (f) water; (g) four; (h) all; (i) now; (j) basin.
 iii. (a) level (b) 456 (c) depth (d) Baikal (e) middle (f) one (g) basin (h) hundred (i) Siberian (j) same.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia Alabama, USA She was a healthy and happy baby. She grew up on her family's large farm called Ivy Green. When Helen was around one and a half years and she became very sick. She had a high fever and a bad headache for several days. Although Helen survived, her parents soon realized that she had lost both her eye sight and her hearing. They realized that she needed special help. They contacted the Perkins Institute for Blind in Boston. The Director suggested a former student named Annie Sullivan. Annie had been blind but had her eye sight restored by surgery. Perhaps her unique experience would allow her to help Helen. Annie came to work with Helen on March 3, 1887 and helped her for the next 50 years. Annie began to teach Helen words. She would press the letters of words into Helen’s hand. Next Annie taught Helen how to read. Helen must have been very bright and Annie an amazing teacher, because soon Helen could read entire books in Braille. At sixteen, Helen attended Radcliffe college for women in Massachusetts. Annie attended school with her and helped sign the lectures into Helen’s hand. Helen graduated from Radcliffe in 1904 with honors. She wrote many books about her experiences being deaf and blind. She published The World I Live In` in 1908.







(a) ¾

(b) ¾


began to help Helen

(c) ¾


(d) ¾

(e) ¾


Answer: 4. (a) Alabama, (b) 1880, (c) 1887, (d) graduation, (e) Radcliffe.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. Helen Keller was born in Tuscumbia Alabama, USA. Bcause of illness she lost her eyesight but didn't lose hope. She started to read in Braille. She graduated from Radcliffe with honours. She wrote many books, one of them is 'The world I Live in'.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. A poor Farmer living in a certain

i. wife though he was poor

b. He earned his livelihood by daily labour

ii. had to go without necessary food.

c. He worked hard from morning till evening in

iii. village led a very tough and challenging life

d. Unless he worked a single day, he

iv. farmer and could not sleep at night

e. He had a rich neighbour who was one

v. of the wealthiest persons of the town

vi. his fields and slept happily at night

vii. and he was very happy in spite of poverty.

Answer: 6. (a) + iii) : A poor Farmer living in a certain village led a very tough and challenging life
(b + vii) : He earned his livelihood by daily labour and he was very happy in spite of poverty.
(c + vi) : He worked hard from morning till evening in his fields and slept happily at night
(d + ii) : Unless he worked a single day, he had to go without necessary food.
(e + v) : He had a rich neighbour who was one of the wealthiest persons of the town

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) She had to work very hard in the kitchen.
(b) That is why, she was called Cinderella.
(c) She had two elder sisters.
(d) Her mother was dead.
(e) Sometimes, to keep warm, she crept among the cinders.
(f) Once upon a time there lived a maiden named Cinderella.
(g) Her sister were unkind to Cinderella.
(h) They made her stay among the pots and kettles and do all the hard work about the house.
Answer: 7. f → d → c → g → h → a → e → b
SSC English First Paper Unit-8: Lesson-4(C)

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