SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [32] pdf download

 Model Test Question-32 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit- 8: Lesson-1(B)
‘Heritage’ is what we inherit from the past, live with them in the present and then pass on to our children or future generation. Our unique source of life and inspiration is our cultural and natural heritage. When we speak of ‘World Heritage’, it indicates places and sites that we got from the past and pass on to the future generation of the entire world.
The ‘Shat Gambuj Mosque’ in Bagerhat is such a heritage. It became a world heritage site in 1985.
Originally, the historic Mosque City was known as ‘Khalifatabad’. It is situated at the outskirts of Bagerhat town--- not very far from the dense mangrove forest of the Sundarbans. Khalifatabad was a Muslim colony. It was founded by the Turkish general, a saint warrior Ulugh Khan Jahan in the 15th century. The infrastructure of the city reveals significant technical skills in many mosques as well as early Islamic monuments. Baked bricks are used for the construction of the buildings. The planning of the city is distinctly dominated by Islamic architecture and the decorations are a combination of Mughal and Turkish architecture.
Khan Jahan built a network of roads, bridges, public buildings and reservoirs to make the city habitable. There are about 360 mosques in the city. Among them the most remarkable is the multi-domed Shat Gombuj Mosque. The mosque is unique in the sense that it has 60 pillars that support the roof, with 77 low height domes. The 4 towers at 4 corners have smaller domes on the roof as well. The vast prayer hall has 11 arched doorways on the east and 7 each on the north and south for light and ventilation. It has 7 aisles running along the length of the mosque and 11 deep curves between the slender stone columns. These columns support the curving arches created by the domes. The thickness of the arches is 6 feet and have slightly narrowing hollow and round wall.
The west wall in the interior has 11 ‘mihrabs’ (niche in mosque pointing towards Makkah). These mihrabs are decorated with stonework and terracotta. The floor of the mosque is made of brick.
Besides being used as a prayer hall, Khan Jahan used the mosque as his court also. Today, it is one of the greatest tourist attractions and one of the best architectural beauties of Bangladesh.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Khalifatabad was a colony where the lived ---.
i) Muslims ii) Hindus iii) Buddhists iv) Christians
b. Shat Gambuj Mosque got the status of a world heritage site from ---.
i) 1980 ii) 1985 iii) 1982 iv) 1984
c. The mosque is situated in ---.
i) Bogra ii) Magura iii) Bagerhat iv) Barisal
d. The surface of the mosque is of ----.
i) wood ii) stage iii) brick iv) iron
e. Khan Jahan built the mosque in the ---- century.
i) 15th ii) 16th iii) 17th iv) 14th
f. The mosque was established by a person who was ---.
i) Turkish ii) British iii) Arabian iv) Bangladeshi
g. The mosque has --- pillars.
i) 50 ii) 40 iii) 30 iv) 60

Extra Practices
h. There are almost ---- mosques in the city.
i) 350 ii) 360 iii) 370 iv) 380
i. The --- was decorated.
i) west wall ii) arches iii) domes iv) roof
j. The thickness of the arches is --- feet.
i) less than 6 ii. more than 6 iii) exactly 6 iv. about 6
k. Shat Gambuj Mosque became a world heritage site in ——.
(i) 1958 (ii) 1985 (iii) 1858 (iv) 1885
l. The floor of the mosque is made of ——.
(i) wood (ii) brick (iii) stone (iv) soil
m. Khan Jahan built the mosque in the ——.
(i) 15th century (ii) 16th century (iii) 25th century (iv) 14th century
n. Shat Gambuj Mosque is situated ——.
(i) in Bogra (ii) at Mohammadpur, Dhaka
(iii) in Bagerhat (iv) in Barisal
o. Khalifatabad was a —— colony.
(i) Hindu (ii) Christian (iii) Buddhist (iv) Muslim
p. 'Heritage' is what we inherit from the—.
(i) past (ii) present (iii) future (iv) long ago
q. The 'Shat Gambuj Mosque' is at the outskirts of—.
(i) Mirpur (ii) Bagerhat (iii) Sundarbans (iv) Tongi
Answer: 1. a. i) Muslims; b. ii) 1985; c. iii) Bagerhat; d. iii) brick; e. i) 15th; f. i) Turkish; g. iv) 60; h. ii) 360; i. i) west wall; j. iii) exactly 6; k. (ii); l. (ii); m. (i); n. (iii); o. (iv); p. (i); q. (ii).

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What is heritage?
b. What is the floor of the mosque made of?
c. When did the mosque become a world heritage site?
d. How many mosques are there in the city?
e. Who built the Shat Gambuj Mosque?

Extra Practices
f. What does the infrastructure of the city reveal?
g. Where is Khalifatabad situated?
h. What is “World Heritage”?
i. What do you know about Khalifatabad?
j. What did Khan Jahan build to make the city habitable?
k. Who did build the Shat Gambuj Mosque?
Answer: 2. a. Heritage is what we inherit from the past, live with them in the present and then pass on to our future generation.
b. The floor of the mosque is made of brick.
c. The mosque became a world heritage site in 1985.
d. There are about 360 mosques in the city.
e. The Turkish general, a saint warrior, Ulugh Khan Jahan built the Shat Gambuj Mosque.
f. The infrastructure of the city reveals significant technical skills in many mosques as well as early Islamic monuments.
g. Khalifatabad is situated at the outskirts of Bagerhat town not far from the Sundarbans.
h. “World Heritage” indicated places and sites that we got from the past and pass on to the future generation of the entire world.
i. The historic mosque city was originally known as Khalifatabad.
j. Khan Jahan built a network of roads, bridges, public buildings and reservoirs to make the city habitable.
k. The Turkish general a saint warrior Ulugh Khan Jahan built the Shat Gambuj mosque.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. The Shat Gambuj Mosque is (a) ---- by the Turkish (b) ---. He was a (c) ---. His (d) --- was Ulugh Khan Jahan. He (e) --- the mosque (f) --- the 15th (g) ---. He (h) --- a network of (i) ---- and bridges to make the city habitable there are about 360 (j) --- in the city.

Extra Practices
ii. The Shat Gambuj Mosque is (a) ------ by the Turkish General. He was a (b) ------. His (c) ------ was Ulugh Khan Jahan. He (d) ------ the mosque in the 15th century. He built a (e) ------ of roads, bridges to (f) ------ the city habitable. About 360 (g) ------ are there in the (h) ------. The Shat Gambuj Mosque (i) ------ the most remarkable (j) ------ them.
iii 'Heritage' is what we — from the —, live with them in the present and then pass on to our children or future generation. Our — source of life and inspiration — our cultural and natural heritage. When we — of 'World Heritage', it — places and sites that we — from the past and pass on to the future generation of the entire world. The 'Shat Gambuj Mosque' in Bagerhat is such a heritage. It — a world heritage site in 1985. Originally the historic mosque city was — as 'Khalifatabad'. It is — at the outskirts of Bagerhat town.
Answer: 3. i. (a) founded; (b) General; (c) saint; (d) name; (e) built; (f) in; (g) century; (h) built; (i) roads; (j) mosques.
 ii. (a) founded; (b) saint; (c) name; (d) built; (e) netwook; (f) make; (g) Mosques; (h) city; (i) was; (j) among.
 iii. (a) inherit (b) past (c) unique (d) is (e) speak (f) indicates (g) got (h) became (i) known (j) situated.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Bangladesh is an independent country of Asia. It is located in the east of South Asia. It gained independence from Pakistan in 1971 through a bloody war of nine months. Though it is a small country, its population is very large. Its capital is Dhaka. It is the biggest city in country. Almost all people of the country speak Bangla. There are also some tribal languages. The currency of Bangladesh is taka. India is the largest country in South Asia. It gained freedom from Britain in 1947. India is a country of variation in culture, language and religion. Though there are many languages in India, its state language is Hindi. Hindi is the medium of communication among different nations. New Delhi is the capital of India. It is an old Mughal city of India. Its currency is rupee. Pakistan is another county of South Asia. Pakistan too gained freedom from Britain in 1947. In 1947 all India was divided into India and Pakistan. Its capital is Islamabad. As Pakistan has nations, they speak different languages. But the state language Urdu. Its currency is also rupee.




Independence year


(a) ¾


(b) ¾


New Delhi

(c) ¾



(d) ¾


(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) Dhaka, (b) 1971, (c) Hindi, (d) Islamabad, (e) 1947.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. Bangladesh, India and Pakistan are independent country of South Asia. Bangldesh gained independence from Pakistan in 1971 through a bloody war. Its capital is Dhaka. Bangla is its state language. India and Pakistan both gained independence from Britain in 1947. The state language of India is Hindi. New Delhi is its capital. Pakistan's Capital is Islamabad. Its state Language is Urdu.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Robinson Crusoe, a famous sailor

i. and became a cabin boy on a sailing ship.

b. His father desired his dear son

ii. was born in England.

c. But he wanted to be a sailor from

iii. that he should got to sea.

d. Pressed by his father, he ran away from home

iv. to study law and he will be a reputed lawyer.

e. Once a storm arose in one of his voyages

v. a clever sailor in a few days.

vi. his boyhood and so he did not like the idea of his father.

vii. and drove the ship on to a sand bank.

Answer: 6. (a + ii) : Robinson Crusoe, a famous sailor was born in England.
(b + iv) : His father desired his dear son to study law and he will be a reputed lawyer.
(c + vi) : But he wanted to be a sailor from his boyhood and so he did not like the idea of his father.
(d + i) : Pressed by his father, he ran away from home and became a cabin boy on a sailing ship.
(e + vii) : Once a storm arose in one of his voyages and drove the ship on to a sand bank.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) A caravan of merchants was attacked by a gang of robbers and one of the robbers said that the small boy might have something with him.
(b) She advised him never to tell a lie.
(c) He also said, “Mother has advised me never to tell a lie even in danger.”
(d) Hazrat Abdul Quader’s mother decided to send Quader to Baghdad with a view to educating him there.
(e) Boy Abdul Quader spoke out, “No, no, I have forty gold coins sewed in my shirt”.
(f) The gang leader said that perhaps the boy had nothing with him.
(g) That time roads were unsafe; often gangs of robbers fell upon the travellers and plundered their belongings and money.
(h) The robbers felt ashamed of their deeds and gave up robbery.
Answer: 7. d → b → g → a → f → e → c → h.
SSC English First Paper Unit- 8: Lesson-1(B)

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