SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [31] pdf download

 Model Test Question-31 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-7: Lesson-8(A)
A car mechanic Paul Jobs and his wife Clara Jobs adopted Steve Jobs. Steve was abandoned at birth. Paul and Clara loved Steve very much. They made him feel that he was 'chosen' and very 'special'.
One of his colleagues, Del Yocam said about Steve, "I think his desire for complete control of whatever he makes derives directly from his personality and the fact that he was abandoned at birth."
Jobs' mother taught him how to read and write before he went to the elementary school. So when he went to school, he found out that he knew everything that the teachers were teaching. He got bored and played pranks to keep him busy. This continued for the first few years. It was clear from his behaviour that he could not accept other people's authority. He said, "I encountered authority of different kind that I have never encountered before, and I did not like it."
A turning point came when he was in grade four. His teacher Imogene Hill watched him very closely for some time and soon found out how to handle him and get things done by him. In order to get things done she used to give him money and food. One day after school, she gave Jobs a workbook with math problems in it. She said, " I want you to take it home and do this." She showed Jobs a huge lollipop and said, " When you are done with it, if you get it mostly right, I will give you this and five dollars." Within two days, Jobs solved the math and returned the book to his teacher. This continued for a couple of months and Jobs enjoyed learning so much that he did not need any return. Also he liked his teacher very much and wanted to please her. In Ms. Hill's class, Jobs felt he was special. At the end of the fourth grade, Jobs did very well. It was clear not only to Jobs and his parents but also to the teachers that he was exceptionally intelligent. The school proposed that Jobs should skip two classes and go into seventh grade. This would mean that Jobs would find the study challenging and he would be motivated to study. His parents had him skip only one grade.
Steven Paul Jobs was the pioneer of the personal computer revolution. He was famous for his career in the electronic field of computers and consumers. Source: Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Paul Jobs was a ----.
i) driver ii) car mechanic iii) pilot iv) helper
b. Steve did not accept other people’s ---.
i) advice ii) dominance iii) request iv) command
c. The school ---- that Jobs should skip two grades.
i) opposed ii) ordered iii) proposed iv) observed
d. Steve Jobs --- Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs.
i) were adopted by ii) was adopted by iii) was discarded iv) were discarded
e. A turning point came when Steve was in grade ---.
i) four ii) five iii) six iv) two
f. Paul and Clara – Steve very much.
i) hated ii) loved iii) rebuked iv) abhorred
g. Del Yocam was the --- of Steve Jobs.
i) colleague ii) friend iiii) brother iv) cousin

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h. Mother of Jobs taught him how to ---.
i) swim ii) play football iii) read and write iv) fight
i Jobs solved the math’s within ---.
i) two months ii) two weeks iii) two days iv) five days
j. His teacher was ---.
i) Mr Imogene Hill ii) Ms Imogene Hill ii) Bill Gates iv) Del Yocam
k. Paul jobs was a ——.
(i) driver (ii) pilot (iii) car mechanic (iv) bus conductor
l. Steve Jobs was adopted by Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs. Here adopted means——.
(i) legally raised another person's child (ii) left alone
(iii) encountered (iv) motivated
m. When steve was in —— a turning point came.
(i) grade three. (ii) grade four (iii) grade five (iv) grade seven
n. The school proposed that Jobs should skip ——.
(i) one class (ii) two classes (iii) no class (iv) three classes
o. Steve did not accept other people's ——.
(ii) advice (ii) request (iii) authority (iv) command
p. Who was Paul Jobs?
(i) teacher (ii) driver (iii) maker (iv) pilot
q. Who was Steve Jobs?
(i) baby (ii) daughter (iii) son (iv) kid
Answer: 1. a. i) car mechanic; b. ii) dominance; c. i) proposed; d. ii) was adopted by; e. i) four; f. ii) loved; g. i) colleague; h. iii) read and write; i) two days; j) iii) Ms Imogene Hill; k. (iii); l. (i); m. (ii); n. (ii); o. (iii); p. (i); q. (iii).

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What was Steve Jobs famous for?
b. What did the teacher find out watching him very closely?
c. When did a turning point come?
d. What did the school propose?
e. Why did Steve get bored?

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f. What is Paul Jobs?
g. What did Job’s mother teach him?
h. What was the name of his teachers?
i. What did the teacher do to get things done by him?
j. What was Steve Jobs’ role?
Answer: 2. a. Steve Jobs was famous for his career in the electronic field of computers and consumers.
b. The teacher watching him very closely found out soon how to handle him and get things done by him.
c. A turning point came when he was in grade four.
d. The school proposed that Jobs should skip two grades and go into seventh grade.
e. Steve got bored as he found out that he knew everything that the teachers were teaching. So he got no interest in the class.
f. Paul Jobs was a car mechanic. He and his wife adopted Steve Jobs.
g. Jobs’ mother taught him how to read and write.
h. His teacher's name was Ms Imogene Hill.
i. The teacher used to give him money and food in order to get things done by him.
j. Steven Paul Jobs was the pioneer of the personal computer education. He was also famous for his career in the electronic field of computers and consumers.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. When Steve Jobs (a) ---- to school, he (b) ---- out that he (c) ---- everything the (d) ---- were (e) ----. He (f) --- him busy in (g) ---- work. A (h) ---- point came (i) --- he was in (j) --- four.

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ii. Steve was exceptionally (a) ----- student. He got (b) ----- interest in going to the (c) -----. What the teachers (d) ----- in the (e) ----- is known to Jobs. He was not ready to (f) ----- other people's command. The school (g) ----- that Jobs should (h) ----- two classes. The teachers thought that he would be (i) ----- to study in this way. His parents had him skip only one (j) -----.
iii. Jobs (a) ----- to read and (b) ----- from her mother before going to (c) ---- school, After going to (d) ---- he comes to know the (e) ----- that teach is known to him, So found no interest in (f) ----- to school. He got (g) ----- and played pranks to (h) ----- him busy. This (i) ----- for the first (j) ----- years.
Answer: 3. i. a. went; b) found; (c) knew; (d) teachers; (e) teaching; (f) kept; (g) other; (h) turning; (i) when; (j) grade.
 ii. (a) intelligent; (b) no; (c) school; (d) teach; (e) class; (f) accept; (g) proposed; (h) skip; (i) motivated; (j) grade.
 iii. (a) learnt; (b) write; (c) primary; (d) school; (e) teachers; (f) going; (g) bored; (h) keep; (i) continued; (j) few.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
William Shakespeare was one of the greatest poets and dramatists of the world. He was born on the 23rd April, 1564 in the small village of Stratford-on-Avon. His father’s name was John Shakespeare. His mother’s name was Marry Arden. Shakespeare was sent to Free Grammar School at Stratford at the age of seven. But he did not proceed to Oxford or Cambridge.
He married Anne Hathaway, a farmer’s daughter eight years older then himself when he was of 18. Susanna was their first child. They had two other children. They were Hamlet and Judith who were twin getting their birth in 1585. Shakespeare worked as a school master for some years.
Shakespeare left village and came to London in 1585 to try his luck.
Shakespeare was interested in the theatre and very soon he became an actor. By 1592, he established himself as a dramatist of the age. In the next twp years, Shakespeare wrote two long poems named : 'Venus and Adonis' and 'Rope of Lucre.' In 1594, he became a member of the newly formed Lucre Chamberlains Company. His son Hamlet died in 1596. He was ranked the greatest dramatist in 1598.
Shakespeare composed both tragedies and comedies. He also composed a series of sonnets. Amount his tragedies the following are worth mentioning Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, etc. Comedies : As you like it, A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Love’s Lavour’s lost. Twelfth Night, etc.
Shakespeare became a rich man. He possessed property both in Stratford and in London. He retired sometime before 1613. He died in 1616 in Paris.





(a) ¾


Strafford on Avon

(b) ¾



(c) ¾



(d) ¾

(e) ¾


Answer: 4. (a) Shakespeare, (b) 1564, (c) London, (d) died, (e) Paris.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. The world greatest poet and dramatist William Shakespeare was born in the small village of Stratford-on-Avon. He was interested in theatre and became an actor. He was ranked the greatest dramatist in 1598. He composed both tragedies and comedies. He composed 'Romeo and Juliet', 'Hamlet', 'Macbeth', etc.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

(a) Nowadays, most of the students are

(i) using facebook

(b) As a result they cannot

(ii) worried about the matter.

(c) Their parents are

(iii) satisfied with the matter

(d) They pass their time

(iv) indifferent to their studies

(e) This is how they waste

(v) their most valuable time.

(vi) cut a good figure in the exam as per expectation

(vii) can play an important role in this regard.

Answer: 6. (a+iv) : Nowadays, most of the students are indifferent to their studies.
 (b+vi) : As a result, they cannot cut a good figure in the exam as per expectation.
 (c+iii) : Their parents are worried about the matter.
 (d+i) : They pass their time using Facebook.
 (e+v) : This how they waste their most valuable time.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) The tortoise accepted the challenge.
(b) Covering a considerable distance, the hare stopped to rest and while taking rest fell asleep.
(c) Being very proud of his fast pace and speed, they hare challenged the tortoise to a race
(d) The hare ran very swiftly but the tortoise ran very slowly.
(e) They both went to a fox and requested him to act as a judge and the fox agreed.
(f) The tortoise ran nonstop and defeated the hare in the race.
(g) Long ago there lived a hare and a tortoise in a jungle.
(h) Next day, as soon as the fox waved the flag, the two contestants started running.
Answer: 7. g → c → a → e → h → d → b → f
SSC English First Paper Unit-7: Lesson-8(A)

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