SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [29] pdf download

 Model Test Question-29 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-7: Lesson-6(A)
Mother Teresa was moved by the presence of the sick and dying on the streets of Kolkata. She founded the home for the dying destitute and named it ‘Nirmal Hridoy’, meaning ‘Pure Heart’. She and her fellow nuns gathered the dying people off the streets of Kolkata and brought them to this home. They were lovingly looked after and cared for. Since then men, women and children have been taken from the streets and carried to Nirmol Hridoy. These unloved and uncared for people get an opportunity to die in an environment of kindness and love. In their last hours they get human and Divine love, and can feel they are also children of God. Those who survive, the Missionaries of Charity try to find jobs for them or send them to homes where they can live happily for some more years in a caring environment. Regarding commitment to family, Mother Teresa said, “ Maybe in our own family, we have somebody, who is feeling lonely, who is feeling sick, who is feeling worried. Are we there? Are we willing to give until it hurts in order to be with our families, or do we put our interest first? We must remember that love begins at home and we must also remember that future of humanity passes through the family”.
Mother Teresa's work has been recognised throughout the world and she has received a number of awards. These include the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971), the Nehru Prize for Promotion of International Peace & Understanding (1972), the Balzan Prize (1978), the Nobel Peace Prize (1979) and the Bharat Ratna (1980).
Mother Teresa died at the age of 87, on 5 September 1997.The world salutes her for her love and compassion for humanity. She has taught us how to extend our hand towards those who need our love and support irrespective of creed, caste and religion. Draped in a white and blue-bordered sari, wrinkled face, ever soft eyes and a saintly smile, is the picture of Mother Teresa in our mind.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Mother Teresa founded the home for the ___.
(i) old (ii) lame (iii) blind (iv) dying destitute
b. She has taught the world how to extend our hands towards the ___.
(i) rich (ii) powerful (iii) needy (iv) thief
c. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in ___.
(i) 1979 (ii) 1975 (iii) 1976 (iv) 1978
d. She along with her ___ treated the dying people with care and love.
(i) fellow nuns (ii) sisters (iii) brothers (iv) friends
e. She breathed her last on ___.
(i) September 5, 1979 (ii) September 5, 1997
(iii) March 3, 1997 (iv) March 5, 1979
f. The world salutes Mother Teresa for her ___ for humanity.
(i) love and affection (ii) honesty
(iii) truthfulness (iv) love and compassion
g. She wore a ___ sari.
(i) white and blue-bordered (ii) blue
(iii) black (iv) white

Extra Practices
h. She died in the ___ century.
(i) 18th (ii) 19th (iii) 20th (iv) 21st
i. She got the Bharat Ratna Prize in ___.
(i) 1981 (ii) 1988 (iii) 1980 (iv) 1989
j. Mother Teresa said that love begins at ___.
(i) home (ii) school (iii) college (iv) university
k. Mother Teresa received —— award in 1979.
(i) The Balzan Prize (ii) The Nobel Peace Prize
(iii) The Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (iv) The Bharat Ratna
l. Mother Teresa passed away on ——.
(i) September 5, 1979 (ii) December 5, 1997
(iii) September 5, 1997 (iv) December 5, 1979
m. Teresa founded the home for ——.
(i) The old people (ii) The blind people
(iii) The lame people (iv) The dying destitute
n. Mother Teresa along with her —— gathered the dying people.
(i) sisters (ii) brothers (iii) students (iv) fellow nuns
o. Mother Teresa has taught the world how to ——.
(i) become rich overnight (ii) exploit the general masses
(iii) take bribe from people (iv) extend our hand towards the needy
p. Mother Teresa brought —— to Nirmal Hridoy
(i) only men (ii) only women (iii) only children (iv) all of them
q. Mother Teresa and her fellow nuns brought —— to ‘Nirmal Hridoy’.
(i) the poor people (ii) the old people
(iii) the blind people (iv) sick and dying people
Answer: 1. a. (iv) dying destitute; b. (iii) needy; c. (i) 1979; d. (i) fellow nuns; e. (ii) September 5, 1997; f. (iv) love and compassion; g. (i) white and blue-bordered; h. (iii) 20th; i. (iii) 1980; j. (i) home; k. (i); (l) (iii); (m) (iv); (n) (iv); (o) (iv); (p) (iv); (q) (iv).

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What do you think the world salutes Mother Teresa?
b. What has she taught us?
c. What opportunity did the unloved and uncared people get in touch of Mother Teresa?
d. When did she receive the Nobel Peace Prize?
e. When did she pass away?

Extra Practices
f. What is the picture of Mother Teresa in our mind?
g. What prize did she get in 1980?
h. What moved Mother Teresa?
i. Why did she found Nirmal Hridoy for?
j. What did she and her fellow nuns do?
k. Why does the world salute Mother Teresa?
l. What did she teach us?
m. When did Mother Teresa die?
n. What was the feeling of the unloved and uncared people in touch of Mother teresa?
Answer: 2. a. The world salutes Mother teresa for her motherly love and compassion for humanity.
b. She has taught us how to extend our helping hands towards the dying destitute.
c. The unloved and uncared people got an opportunity to die in environment of kindness and love.
d. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
e. She passed away on September 5, 1997.
f. Drapped in a white and blue-bordered sari, wrinkled face, ever soft eyes and a saintly smile is the picture of Mother Teresa in our mind.
g. She got the honour of Bharat Ratna in 1980.
h. The presence of the sick and dying on the streets of Kolkata moved Mother Teresa.
i. She founded Nirmal Hridoy for the dying destitute.
j. She and her fellow nuns gathered the dying people off the streets of Kolkata and brought them to Nirmal Hridoy.
k. The world salutes mother Teresa for her motherly love and compassion for humanity.
l. She has taught us how to extend our helping hands towards the dying destitute.
m. Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997.
n. The unloved and uncared people got an opportunity to die in an environment of kindness and love. They would feel the that they are also the childnen of Mighty Lord.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. Mother Teresa (a)___ a glazing (b)___ for saving (c)___ all over the (d)___. So long (e)___ the world (f)___ the people will (g)___ her with (h)___ honor and (i)___. She has become the ideal (j)___ for saving humanity.

Extra Practices
ii. Mother Teresa has (a) ------ the helpless people througout the (b) ------ in her whole life. Her work has been recognised all over the globe. She also received The (c) ------ Peace Prize for her outstanding (d) ------ for the humanity. The whole world salutes her with great (e) ------ for her motherly love and (f) ----for humanity. She has (g) ------ us how to (h) ------ the humanity (i) ------ of caste, creed and (j) -----.
iii. Mother Teresa (a) ------ a very soft and vast (b) ------. She was deeply (c) ------ by the presence of the (d) ------ and dying destitutes. She (e) ------ a home named "Nirmal Hridoy" (f) ------ them. The (g) ------ and uncared people get an (h) ------ to die in an (i) ------ of kindness, love and (j) ------.
Answer: 3. i. (a) is; (b) example; (c) humanity; (d) world; (e) as; (f) survive; (g) remember; (h) great; (i) dignity; (j) personality.
 ii. (a) served; (b) world; (c) Nobel; (d) service; (e) honour; (f) compassion; (g) taught; (h) serve; (i) irrespective; (j) religion.
 iii. (a) had; (b) heart; (c) moved; (d) sick; (e) founded; (f) for; (g) unloved; (h) opportunity; (i) environment; (j) compassion.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Dr. Muhammad Yunus was born in the seaport city of Chittagong in 1940. Professor Yunus studied Economics at Dhaka University. Then he received a full bright scholarship to study Economics at Vanderbilt University, USA. He received his PhD in Economics from Vanderbuilt University, USA in 1969. And the following year he became an Assistant Professor of Economics at Middle Tennessee State University. Returning to Bangladesh, he became the Chairman of the department of Economics at Chittagong University. He established the Grameen Bank in 1983. He believed that credit is a fundamental human right. His objective was to help poor people escape from poverty by providing loans on terms suitable for them and by teaching them a few sound financial principles so that they can help themselves. Muhammad Yunus received the Nobel Prize for peace in 2006 for the attempt to remove poverty from the society.





Dr. Yunus



(a) ¾


received (b) ¾

Vanderbuilt University of (c) ¾


The Grammen Bank


(d) ¾

(e) ¾

Nobel Prize


Answer: 4. (a) 1940, (b) PhD, (c) America, (d) 1983, (e) Yunus.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Younus was born in Chittagong. He received a full bright scholarship and studied in USA. Returning Bangladesh, he became the chairman of the department of Economics at Chittagong University. He believed that credit is fundamental human right. To help the poor people to escape from poverty, he established the Grameen Bank.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. We cannot lead our lives smoothly

i. that money gives us happiness and delight.

b. The reason is

ii. only money cannot give us happiness.

c. A person without money has

iii. absolutely a personal matter.

d. Today nobody pays any respect

iv. he has to do a lot of jobs.

e. In fact, it is also true that

v. without money.

vi. to depend on the pity of others.

vii. a person who is not in possession of enough money.

Answer: 6. (a) + v) : We cannot lead our lives smoothly without money.
(b + i) : The reason is that money gives us happiness and delight.
(c + vi) : A person without money has to depend on the pity of others.
(d + vii) : Today nobody pays any respect a person who is not in possession of enough money.
(e + ii) : In fact, it is also true that only money cannot give us happiness.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) He took the feathers one by one and stuck them in among his own feathers.
(b) When he returned to the crows, they also drove him away.
(c) One day, the crow found some beautiful feathers of a peacock in a jungle.
(d) They attacked him, pulled out the feathers and drove him away.
(e) He looked at himself and became glad and proud because he was no longer ugly like other crows.
(f) The crow realized his fault and promised he would never be false or over ambitious.
(g) Once a crow thought that he was ugly to look at and wanted to be beautiful.
(h) So, he made up his mind to go to the peacocks and live with them but the peacocks thought that he was a crow in the guise of a peacock.
Answer: 7. g → c → a → e → h → d → b → f
SSC English First Paper Unit-7: Lesson-6(A)

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