SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [26] pdf download

 Model Test Question-26 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-7: Lesson-2(B)
In the primitive age communications took place between humans through signs and gestures. As humans began to use their vocal chords, these silent gestures were no longer used as the primary means of communication. But they did not completely disappear. They evolved as a form of art, used to entertain thousands, and came to be known as ‘mime’.
Mime touched a little boy’s heart while he was watching a performance in his village. He was so fascinated by the show that he was determined to master this art. He is no other than Partha Pratim Majumder, who won the world’s highest award in mime --- Moliere Award.
Partha is undoubtedly a forerunner in the field of mime in Bangladesh. He started as a musician and his keen sense of rhythm helped him to let his limbs move and express his surroundings through gestures.
Partha Pratim Majumder is the first Bangladeshi to take up mime as a profession. He performed in a number of television shows in Bangladesh and gained popularity. In his mime, Majumder depicted the day-to-day life of the people. There was sadness, tears as well as happiness and laughter.
Majumder’s turning point of life came in 1979, when he was asked to give a solo performance in Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy. The then French ambassador Loic Moreau happened to be among the audience. Mr. Moreau noticed the talent in Mojumder. In 1981, the French Government offered him a scholarship so that he could get professional training in mime. This was the first time that a student was granted a French scholarship in mime. Mojumder started his training under the legendry maestro, Etiene Decroux. Through Decroux, he met another celebrated mime artist named Marcel Marceau. Marceau has transformed modern mime by taking it to an unimaginable height.
Marceau was very impressed by the Bangladeshi young talent and offered him a place in his school for mime, named ‘Ecole Internationale de Mimodrame de Paris-Marcel Marceau’. This school is the biggest and the best in the world.
During his three years training period, Majumder practiced 16-18 hours daily till each and every bone in his body would feel like breaking.
After his time with Marceau, there was no looking back for Majumder. He staged solo performances in England, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy and the USA. French, Canadian and American TV channels enthusiastically aired his shows.
[adapted from the Star: Weekly Publication of The Daily Star, 27 January 2012]

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Partha Pratim Majumder won the _ highest award in mime.
(i) world’s (ii) American (iii) Indian (iv) African
b. Partha is a forerunner in the field of _ in Bangladesh.
(i) mime (ii) art (iii) literature (iv) song
c. The turning point of Majumder’s life came in _.
(i) 1979 (ii) 1978 (iii) 1997 (iv) 1987
d. The govt of _ offered Majumder a scholarship.
(i) French (ii) India (iii) Nepal (iv) Pakistan
e. Majumder practiced 16-18 hours daily during his _ training period.
(i) Three months (ii) three years (iii) six months (iv) five months
f. In what form have the silent gestures evolved into?
(i) drama (ii) cinema (iii) mime (iv) dance
g. Before the use of speech, communication took place through _ language.
(i) art (ii) sign (iii) written (iv) spoken

Extra Practices
h. In older times the actors who performed mime used to put white paint on their _.
(i) limbs (ii) body (iii) face (iv) hair
i. In the sentence “It touched a little boy’s heart while he was watching a performance in his village.” Here touched means _.
(i) appealed (ii) requested (iii) advised (iv) taught
j. The French govt offered him a _.
(i) award (ii) scholarship (iii) reward (iv) prize
k. Before the use of speech, communication took place through — language.
(i) written (ii) sign (iii) spoken (iv) art
l. In what form have the silent gestures evolved into?
(i) drama (ii) cinema (iii) mime (iv) dance
m. In older times the octors who performed mime used to put write pain on their —.
(i) limbs (ii) body (iii) face (iv) hair
n. In the sentence "It touched a little boy's heart while he was watching a performance in his village". Here "touched" means——.
(i) appealed (ii) requested (iii) taught (iv) broke
o. During his three years training. Majumder practiced 16-18 hours——.
(i) daily (ii) monthly (iii) weekly (iv) fortnightly
p. In the passage primary’ is a on——.
(i) verb (ii) adverb (iii) adjective (iv) noun
q. The synonym of ‘forerunner’ is ——.
(i) harbinger (ii) hardihood (iii) locum (iv) above all
Answer: 1. a. (i) world’s; b. (i) mime; c. (i) 1979; d. (i) French; e. (ii) three years; f. (iii) mime; g. (ii) sign; h. (iii) face; i. (i) appealed; j. (ii) scholarship; k. (ii); l. (iii); m. ; n. (i); o. (i); p. (iii); q. (i).

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. When did mime touch Majumder’s heart?
b. When did the turning point of life of Majumder come?
c. When did the French Govt offer Partha a scholarship?
d. What is mime?
e. What is the name of school where Partha is placed?

Extra Practices
f. What did Majumder depict in his mime?
g. Why did the French Govt offer him scholarship?
h. Who was Marcel Marceau?
i. Who was Loic Moreau?
j. How did Partha gain popularity?
k. When did the French government offer Partha a scholarship?
l. When did the turning point of life of Majumder come?
m. When did mime touch Majumder's heart?
Answer: 2. a. Mime touched Majumder’s heart when he was a little boy and was watching a performance in his village.
b. The turning point of life of Majumder came in 1979.
c. The French Govt offered Partha a scholarship in 1981.
d. In ancient time communications took place between humans through signs and gestures. These silent gestures, at one point, evolved as a form of art and came to be known as mime.
e. The name of the school where Partha is placed is “Ecole Internationale de Mimodrame de Paris Marcel Merceau.”
f. Majumder depicted the day-to-day life of the people in his mime.
g. The French Govt offered him scholarship so that Partha could get professional training in mime.
h. Marcel Marceau was another celebrated mime artist.
i. Loic Moreau was the then French ambassador.
j. Partha performed a number of television shows in Bangladesh and thus he gained popularity.
k. The Faench Government offered Partha a scholarship in 1981.
l. The turning point of life of Majumder came in 1979.
m. Mime touched Majumder's heart when he was a little boy and was watching a performance in his village.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. In ancient (a)___ communication took (b)___ between humans (c)___ signs and (d)___. The silent gestures (e)___ as a form of (f)___ and came to be (g)___ as mime. Partha is the (h)___ in the field of mime of Bangladesh. He (i)___ up mime as a profession. He gained (j)___.

Extra Practices
ii. Majumder was a (a) ------- boy. He was watching a (b) ------- in his village. The performance (c) ------- the heart of the boy. He was so (d) ------- by the show that he was determined to master this art. He tried his (e) ------- best and got training in abroad. He became the (f) ------- mime artiste. He was able to win the world's highest (g) ------- in mime. In Bangladesh, he is the (h) ------- in this (i) ------ of mime. He is the first man in Bangladesh who takes up mime as (j) -------.
iii. In (a) -------time communications took (b) ------- between humans (c) ------- signs and gestures. The (d) ------- gestures evolved as a form of art and came to be known as (e) -------. Partha is the (f) ------- in the (g) ------- of mime in Bangladesh. He took up mime as a profession. He was able to (h) ------- popularity. He (i) ------- in a number of television (j) ------- in bangladesh.
Answer: 3. i. (a) time; (b) place; (c) through; (d) gestures; (e) evolved; (f) art; (g) known; (h) pioneer; (i) took; (j) popularity.
 ii. (a) little; (b) performance; (c) touched; (d) fascinated; (e) level; (f) renowned; (g) award; (h) forerunner; (i) field; (j) profession.
 iii. (a) ancient; (b) place; (c) through; (d) silent; (e) mime; (f) pioneer; (g) field; (h) gain; (i) performed; (j) shows.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Jahir Raihan was a great film maker. He was born in Feni on 19 August in 1935. He had great passion for literature. He completed BA Hons. from Dhaka University in 1958. His great film is ‘Jibon Theke Neya’ that was made in 1970. His great documentary film is Stop Genocide. He played a very important role during our liberation war. He is a well known Bangladeshi. He wrote novels of which 'Borafgala Nadi' was famous. He got many awards. He received Admji literature Award in 1964. He was lost on 30 January in 1972. It is strongly thought that he was killed by the Rajakars for his role in our independence.
Joynul Abedin was a great painter of Bangladesh. He was born in Kishoreganj of Bangladesh in 1914. He was a very brilliant student. He did a great deal of work for the improvement of art and painting in Bangladesh. His great paint work is ‘Monpura 70’. He got the title of D.Litt from Delhi University in 1973. He died in 1976.
Kamrul Hasan was a great artist. He was born in Kolkata in 1921. He had a very exclusive talent in art. He wrote many books. His great book is “Kherokhata’. He was very dead against oppression and injustice. He died in 1988.




Birth year

(a) ¾

(c) ¾



(d) ¾


(b) ¾

(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) 1935, (b) Film maker, (c) 1914, (d) Kishoreganj, (e) Painter.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. A great film maker, Jahir Raihan was born in Feni. His great film is 'Jibon Theke Neya' and documentary is 'Stop Genocide'. The great painter of Bangladesh, Joynul Abedin was born in Kishoreganj. His great paint work is 'Monpura'. A great artist Kamrul Hasan was born in Kolkata. His great book is 'Kherokhata'.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Unemployment is now universally

i. and create the large opportunities for self-employment.

b. It destroys the physical and

ii. recognized as a social curse.

c. Young people are inclined more

iii. is the best help.

d. Rather they should change their attitude

iv. mental power of the young generation.

e. In fact, that is the best solution

v. depend on the government to proved them with jobs.

vi. to the problem of unemployment in our country.

vii. to any type of jobs than to self-employment.

Answer: 6. (a) + ii) : Unemployment is now universally recognized as a social curse
(b + iv) : It destroys the physical and mental power of the young generation
(c + vii) : Young people are inclined more to any type of jobs than to self-employment.
(d + i) : Rather they should change their attitude and create the large opportunities for self-employment.
(e + vi) : In fact, that is the best solution to the problem of unemployment in our country

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) Grameen Bank and his micro-credit programmes have been very successful in poverty reduction all over the world.
(b) In consequence of it, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 2006.
(c) His father’s name is Hazi Dula Mia and mother’s name is Sufia Khatun.
(d) He was born on 18 June of Bathua village in Hathazari of Chittagong.
(e) You must have heard the name of Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus.
(f) His activities of poverty alleviation and promotion of peace have been famous all over the world.
(g) His project for the promotion of peace through poverty reduction has been taken as a model all over the world.
(h) He established Grameen Bank in 1976 and started his micro-credit programmes from Jobra village.
Answer: 7. e→ d → c → h → a → f → g → b
SSC English First Paper Unit-7: Lesson-2(B)

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