SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [20] pdf download

 Model Test Question-20 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-6: Lesson-1(A)
Known as the Land of Everest, Nepal is one of the most charming countries in Asia. It is also known as the only Hindu Kingdom in the world. The Kingdom of Nepal is a small land of sublime beauty. It has some of the world’s best and very important temples. It is a country that is rich in scenic luxury and cultural treasures.
Nepal lies between India and the Tibetan part of China. This small country has an area of 147,181 square kilometers. Southern Nepal is tropical lowland known as the Tarai Plain. This part of Nepal has hot summers and warm winters. Here the temperatures reach up to 40°C in April and May and monsoon rains drench this region from June to September. The central hill-lands including the Kathmandu and Pokhara valleys have a temperate climate and are also influenced by the monsoon. North of that is the slope of the main section of the Himalayan range. This part of Nepal has some of the highest peaks of the world including Everest.
Nepal is home to nearly 29,000,000 people. The population is primarily rural. Kathmandu, the capital city, has less than one million inhabitants. Nepal's demographic features are complicated not only by dozens of ethnic groups, but by different castes. In total, there are 103 castes and ethnic groups living in this small country. The two largest of such groups are known as Chetri and Bahun. Others include Magar, Tharu and Tamang, Newar, Muslim, Gurung and Damai. About 48 percent of the people speak Nepali. Among other languages spoken are Maithali, Bhojpuri, Tharu and Tamang.
Nepal is the holy land of Lord Pashupatinath and Gautam Buddha where the Hindus and Buddhists have lived together in harmony for centuries. The Temple of Pashupatinath is the most sacred Hindu shrine and one of the four most important cities in the world for Shiva worshippers. Lord Buddha, the light of Asia, was born in Lumbini in Nepal’s southern plains, which makes this a scared pilgrimage destination for the Buddhists as well. In fact, many Nepalese combine Hindu and Buddhist practices; many temples and shrines are shared between the two faiths, and some deities are worshipped by both Hindus and Buddhists.
The Kathmandu Valley is the rich cultural heritage centre of Nepal. The three ancient cities of the Valley- Patan, Kathmandu and Bhaktapur- represent an epitome of harmony in urban design, elegant architecture and refined culture. These cities are famous for religious monuments unequalled in the world. The seven monument zones situated within the Valley have been named as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.
Adding dazzling colour to Nepal’s vibrant culture are the many festivals that are celebrated throughout the year. Dasain or Dusherra is celebrated nationwide in October. This is the most important of all Nepalese celebrations and includes the biggest animal sacrifice of the year. Tihar is celebrated in November. Other festivals include the Holi and Chaitra Daisan. Some Hindu festivals are the Haribodhini Ekadashi, Maha Shivaratri And the Krishna Jayanti. There are Buddhist celebrations too and those include Mani Rimd, Buddha Jayanti and Losar which marks the Tibetan New Year.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Nepal is known as the only ___ kingdom in the world.
(i) Muslim (ii) Buddhist (iii) Christian (iv) Hindu
b. The area of Nepal is ___.
(i) 147,181 kilometres (ii) 147,187 kilometres
(iii) 147,181 square kilometers (iv) 147,071 square kilometers
c. Nepal has some of the world’s best and very important ___.
(i) temples (ii) mosques (iii) pagodas (iv) churches
d. People of Nepal celebrate Tihar in ___.
(i) September (ii) November (iii) December (iv) October
e. The population of Nepal is nearly ___.
(i) 2 crore 90 lakh (ii) 2 crore 9 lakh (iii) 29 crore 9 lakh (iv) 29 crore 90 lakh
f. Nepal is situated in which continent?
(i) Australia (ii) Asia (iii) Africa (iv) South America
g. Kathmandu has less than one million inhabitants. Notice the underlined words. What does it indicate?
(i) 1 000 000 (i) 1000 (iii) 10 0000 (iv) 1 000 0000

Extra Practices
h. Which of the following is a World Heritage Site of Nepal?
(i) Tarai Plain (ii) Chetri and Bahun
(iii) The seven monument zones (iv) Mount Everest
i. The people of Nepal are called ___.
(i) Nepalians (ii) Nepolese (iii) Nepalese (iv) Nepali
j. Adding dazzling colour to Nepal’s vibrant culture are the many festivals that are celebrated throughout the year. Notice the underlined word. Which parts of speech is it?
(i) verb (ii) adjective (iii) adverb (iv) noun
k. Nepal is one of the charming countries in ——.
(i) Asia (ii) Europe (iii) Africa (iv) Australia
l. Nepal is known as the only —— Kingdom in the world.
(i) Muslim (ii) Buddhist (iii) Christian (iv) Hindu
m. Nepal has some of the world's best and very important ——.
(i) temples (ii) mosques (ii) pagodas (iv) churches
n. The kingdom of Nepal is a ——.
(i) large land (ii) small land (iii) very big land (iv) very small land
o. The area of Nepal is ——.
(i) 147,181 Kilometers (ii) 147,181 square kms
(iii) 147,187 kms (iv) 147,781 square kms
p. Which is one of the charming countries in Asia?
(i) Nepal (ii) Bhutan (iii) Russia (iv) America
q. Which country is also known as the only Hindu kingdom in the world?
(i) Bhutan (ii) Nepal (iii) Bangladesh (iv) Brazil
Answer: 1. a. (iv) Hindu; b. (iii) 147,181 square kilometres; c. (i) temples; d. (ii) November; e. (i) 2 crore 90 lakh; f. (ii) Asia; g. (i) 1 000 000; h. (iii) The seven monument zones; i. (iii) Nepalese; j. (ii) adjective; (k) + (i); (l) (iv); (m) + (i); (n) + (ii); (o) + (ii); (p) + (i); (q) + (ii).

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What’s the area of Nepal?
b. How many castes and ethnic groups are there in Nepal?
c. What are the names of two largest ethnic groups?
d. Which country is known as the only Hindu Kingdom in the world?
e. What are the three ancient cities of the Kathmandu Valley?

Extra Practices
f. What do you know about Nepal?
g. Where is Nepal situated?
h. What is the population of Kathmandu?
i. What is the Kathmandu Valley?
j. When do people celebrate dasain or dusherra?
Answer: 2. a. The area of Nepal is 147, 181 square kilometers.
b. There are 103 castes and ethnic groups in Nepal.
c. The name of two largest ethnic groups are Chetri and Bahun.
d. Nepal is known as the only Hundu Kingdom in the world.
e. The three ancient cities of the Kathmandu Valley are Patan, Kathmandu and Bhaktapur.
f. Nepal is the land of Everest. It is one of the charming countries in Asia. It is also known as the only Hindu Kingdom in the world.
g. Nepal lies between India and the Tibetan past of China.
h. The population of Kathmandu is less than one million.
i. The Kathmandu Valley is the rich cultural heritage centre of Nepal.
j. People celebrate dasain or dusherra in October.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information from the text. 0.5×10=5
i. Nepal is (a)___ as the land of (b)___. It is one of the most (c)___ and charming countries in (d)___. It is also known as the only (e)___ kingdom in the (f)___. The kingdom of Nepal is a small (g)___ of sublime beauty. The world’s (h)___ and very important (i)___ are here. Nepal is rich in scenic (j)___.

Extra Practices
ii. Nepal is (a)___ in size but (b)___ in scenic luxury. Nepal (c)___ between India and the Tibetan past of (d)___. Southern Nepal is tropical (e)___. Here the temperatures reach (f)___ to C in April and May. Nepal is (g)___ by almost 2 crore and 90 lakh (h)___. The (i)___ city has less then 10 lakh (j)___.
iii. Nepal is (a) ----- in size but (b) ----- in scenic luxury and cultural (c) -----. Nepal lies between (d) ----- and the Tibetan part of (e) -----. Southern Nepal is tropical lowland. Here the temperatures (f) ----- up to 40ºC in April and (g) -----. Nepal is home to (h) ----- 2 crores and 90 lakhs (i) -----. The capital city has less than one million (j) -----.
Answer: 3. i. (a) known; (b) Everest; (c) beautiful; (d) Asia; (e) Hindu; (f) globe; (g) land; (h) best; (i) temples; (j) luxury.

 ii. (a) small; (b) rich; (c) lies; (d) China; (e) lowland; (f) up; (g) population; (h) people; (i) capital; (j) inhabitants.
iii. (a) small; (b) rich; (c) treasures; (d) India; (e) China; (f) reach; (g) May; (h) around; (i) people; (j) inhabitants.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Marie Curie was born in Poland in 1867. She was a very talented woman who knew several languages. He studied physics and mathematics. She married in 1895. She got Nobel Prize for physics. She became a professor of physics in 1904. She received Nobel Prize for the second time in 1911. She got it for chemistry. She was a very reputed scientist. She died on 4 July in 1934.
Ernest Rutherford was a very famous scientist. He was born in New Zealand in 1871. He was a very good student in childhood. He received BA in 1893. He was very good at mathematics and Physics. He invented director of identifying radio wave. He became a professor at Maegil University at 27 only. He got Nobel Prize in 1911. He died in 1937.





(a) ¾

New Zealand

Birth time


(b) ¾


(c) ¾


Death year

(d) ¾

(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) Poland, (b) 1871, (c) Professor, (d) 1936, (e) 1937.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. A very talented woman, Marie Curie was born in Poland. This reputed scientist got Nobel Prize first time in Physics and second time in Chemistry. Another Nobel laurete Earnest Rutherford, a famous scientist, was born in New Zealand. He was good at Mathematics and Physics.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Stephen Hawking was one of

i. converts his message into sounds.

b. Unfortunately, his fate did not permit him to

ii. over the muscles of his body and fell a victim to Gehrig’s disease.

c. He underwent gradual loss of control

iii. the age of thirty.

d. He had been confined to a wheelchair since

iv. enjoy the great rewarding things.

e. But such a tremendous physical handicap

v. reputation soared higher and higher.

vi. is not able to dishearten or slow him down.

vii. the greatest scientists in the world.

Answer: 6. (a + vii) : Stephen Hawking was one of the greatest scientists in the world.
(b + iv) : Unfortunately, his fate did not permit him to enjoy the great rewarding things.
(c + ii) : He underwent gradual loss of control over the muscles of his body and fell a victim to Gehrig’s disease.
(d + iii) : He had been confined to a wheelchair since the age of thirty.
(e + vi) : But such a tremendous physical handicap is not able to dishearten or slow him down.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) So, they went back to the Queen and informed her that the great scientist had not come by the train.
(b) He could not think that these people were there actually to received him.
(c) Einstein, however, walked the whole way from the station with a suitcase in one hand and a violin in the other. When he reached the palace, the Queen said to him, “I sent a car for you, Dr.
(d) “But,” Einstein added, “I assure you, I greatly enjoyed the walk.”
(e) Once Einstein went to Brussels at the invitation of the Queen of Belgium.
(f) When he got down from the train of Brussels, he saw many gorgeously dressed people present at the station.
(g) The officials also expected to see somebody who would appear to be rich and aristocratic to them. They never imagined that this shabbil dressed man would be Einstein himself.
(h) With a smile on his face, he replied, “I did not expect that, you Majesty.”
Answer: 7. e → f → b → g → a → c → h → d
SSC English First Paper Unit-6: Lesson-1(A)

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