SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [50] pdf download

 Model Test Question-50 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-14: Lesson-9(B)
Once upon a time in Venice, there was a very rich merchant named Antonio. He had many ships, that sailed in the sea. His ships carried different types of merchandise to other countries. He sold those goods in foreign countries. He bought spices and other valuables with the money and sold them in Venice.
Antonio was a good and kind man. He always helped the poor. The people of Venice loved him very much for his honesty and kindness.
Antonio had a close friend named Bassanio. He was a handsome young man and was born in a noble family. Bassanio like to live a very luxurious life. He loved grandeur and style. He spent more money than his earning. As a result, he was very often short of money. In such situations, Bassanio would go to his best friend Antonio for help. Antonio would, on the other hand, help him with cash.
It so happened that, Bassanio fell in love with a wealthy lady named Portia. Portia was known not only for her beauty but also for her wisdom. Portia, on the other hand, had softness towards Bassanio too. He wanted to visit Portia in a grand manner but he did not have any money. So he went to Antonio.
Bassanio said, “ Dear friend Antonio, I am in great need of some money. I would like to visit Portia at Belmont, grandly dressed and with many servants. But I don’t have any money right now. Please help me to fulfill my intention.”
Antonio said, “ This is not a problem my friend, how much do you need?”
“ Three thousand ducats (Venetian currency) will do.”
“I don’t have that much money with me now as all my ships have gone out in the sea with merchandise. But don’t worry my friend, I’ll arrange three thousand ducats for you.”
So he decided to borrow the sum from a moneylender named Shylock. Shylock was a very crooked man. Antonio and Shylock hated each other. Shylock sued to lend money with high interest. He would even send the debtor to prison if he failed to pay his debt. On the contrary, Antonio used to lend money to help those who need it and would not charge any interest.
Shylock agreed to lend him money but on one condition. If he failed to repay the money in three month’s time then he has to pay a penalty. Shylock would cut a pound of flesh from any part of Antonio’s body.
Antonio willingly agreed thinking that his ships would soon return with all the rich merchandise and he can easily return the money to Shylock by selling them. Shylock made Antonio sign a bond before giving him the money. Antonio took the money and gave it to Bassanio.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
(a) — was a good and kind man.
(i) Bassanio (ii) Portia (iii) Antonio (iv) Shylock
(b) Antonio was — man.
(i) rich (ii) handsome
(iii) young (iv) ii + iii
(c) Shylock was a very — man.
(i) rich (ii) poor (iii) crooked (iv) miser
(d) Shylock would cut a — of flesh from Antonio's body.
(i) kilogram (ii) bar (iii) piece (iv) pound
(e) Shylock made Antonio sign a — before giving him the money.
(i) bond (ii) paper (iii) oath (iv) stamp
(f) He wanted to visit Portia in a ― manner but he did not have any money.
(i) grand (ii) manner (iii) visit (iv) money
(g) So he decided to borrow the ― from a moneylender named Shylock.
(i) borrow (ii) named (iii) sum (iv) from

Extra Practices
(h) Shylock was a very crooked man. ― and Shylock hated each other.
(i) each (ii) Shylock (iii) crooked (iv) Antonio
(i) Shylock sued to lend money with high ―.
(i) high (ii) interest (iii) money (iv) lend
(j) He would even send the debtor to prison if he ― to pay his debt.
(i) failed (ii) debtor (iii) even (iv) pay
(k) Shylock agreed to lend him money but on one ―.
(i) money (ii) agreed (iii) but (iv) condition
(l) Shylock would cut a pound of flesh from any ― of Antonio’s body.
(i) body (ii) part (iii) pound (iv) cut
Answer: 1. a. (iii); b. (iv); c. (iii); d. (iv); e. (i); f. (i); g. (iii); h. (iv); i. (ii); j. (i); k. (iv); l. (ii).

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
(a) Why was Bassanio short of money all the time?
(b) Why did Bassanio go to Antonio?
(c) Why did Antonio go to Shylock?
(d) Why did Shylock bring forward the bond?
(e) What could be written on the bond?

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(f) Where did Antonio live?
(g) What did his ships carry?
(h) What did he buy?
(i) Why did the people of Venice love him?
(j) Where was he born?
(k) How was Bassanio?
(l) Why would Bassanio go to Antonio?
(m) With whom did Bassanio fall in love?
(n) How was Portia?
Answer: 2. (a) Bassanio lived a luxurious life and spent more than his earning and so he was short of money.
(b) Bassanio went to Antonio for help to get money.
(c) Antonio went to Shylock to borrow money for Bassanio.
(d) Shylock bring the bond forward to be signed by Antonio.
(e) It could be written on the bond that Shylock would cut a pond of flesh from Antonio's body if he failed to repay the money in three months.
(f) Once upon a time in Venice, there was a very rich merchant named Antonio. 
(g) His ships carried different types of merchandise to other countries. 
(h) He bought spices and other valuables with the money and sold them in Venice.
(i) The people of Venice loved him very much for his honesty and kindness.
(j) He was a handsome young man and was born in a noble family. 
(k) Bassanio like to lived a very luxurious life. He loved grandeur and style. 
(l) In such situations, Bassanio would go to his best friend Antonio for help. 
(m) It so happened that, Bassanio fell in love with a wealthy lady named Portia. 
(n) Portia was known not only for her beauty but also for her wisdom.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. Antonio decided to (a) — the sum from a money lender named Shylock for his friend Bassanio. Shylock was a very (b) — man. Antonio and Shylock hated (c) — other. Shylock sued to (d) — money with high interest. He would even send the debtor to (e) — if he failed to pay his debt. On the (f) — Antonio used to lend money to help those who (g) — it and would not charge any interest. Shylock agreed to lend him (h) — on one condition. If he failed to repay the money in three month's time then he has to pay a (i) —. Shylock would cut a pound of (j) — from any part of Antonio's body.

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ii. Antonio had a (a) — friend named Bassanio. He was a handsome (b) — man and was born in a noble family. Bassanio like to live a (c) — luxurious life. He loved (d) — and style. He spent more money than his earning. As a (e) —, he was very often short of money. In such (f) —, Bassanio would go to his (g) — friend Antonio for help. Antonio would, on the (h) — hand, help him with cash. It so happened that, Bassanio fell in love with a (i) — lady named Portia. Portia was known not only for her beauty but also for her (j) —.
Answer: 3. i. (a) borrow (b) crooked (c) each (d) lend (e) prison (f) contrary (g) need (h) money (i) panalty (j) flesh
 ii. (a) close (b) young (c) very (d) grandeur (e) result (f) sisuations (g) best (h) other (i) wealthy (j) wisdom

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. It is an old city. During the reign of Mughal Emperor Jahangir, Subedar Islam Khan founded it in 1612. It was then named Jahangirnagar after the name of Emperor Jahangir. Many people and dignified foreigners visited Dhaka for different purposes. Farashgonj, Armanitola, Fuller Road, Johnson Road, Mintoo Road, Northbroook Hall Road, Waizghat, etc. Bear the memories of those foreigners. Dhaka has two parts, the old town and the new town. The Ramna is called the new town. Curzon Hall, Dhaka University, High Court and Supreme Court are in the new town. The foundation of the Curzon Hall was laid by Lord Curzon, then the Viceroy of India in 1904. In 1905 ‘All India Muslim League’ was formed here. Dhaka Collegiate School which was the first govt. school was established in 1835. After six years in the same building Dhaka College started its functioning. The University of Dhaka was formally established in 1921. Dhaka is the place of many historical events. The great Sepoy movement was occurred in Dhaka in 1857. After partition India, Dhaka became the capital of the then East Pakistan. In 1952 Bengali Language movement took place. Salam, Rafiq laid their lives for mother tongue. After the liberation was of 1971 Dhaka became the capital of independent Bangladesh.





Islam khan


(a) ¾

(b) ¾

Lord Curzon

(c) ¾

Curzon Hall


Capital of Bangladesh


(d) ¾

(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) Dhaka, (b) 1612, (c) founded, (d) Dhaka, (e) 1971.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. It was founded in 1612, named Jahangirnagar. Many people and dignified foreigners visited Dhaka in different purposes. Dhaka has two parts, the old town and the new town. Dhaka is the place of many historical interest. After partition India, and again after liberation war Dhaka became the capital of independent Bangladesh.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. The Japanese are very

i. a driver will keep the vehicle standing on the road

b. They never drive or cross the roads

ii. law-abiding people

c. No Japanese, even he or she is alone on the street

iii. someone is found waiting on the road for the green signal

d. So long as the red signal continues

iv. in violation of traffic rules

e. At dead of night , when there is no transport on the road

v. industrious and gentle.

vi. will cross it until there is the green signal

vii. fond of discipline and cleanliness.

Answer: 6. (a) + ii) : The Japanese are very law-abiding people.
(b + iv) : They never drive or cross the roads in violation of traffic rules.
(c + vi) : No Japanese, even he or she is alone on the street will cross it until there is the green signal.
(d + i) : So long as the red signal continues a driver will keep the vehicle standing on the road.
(e + iii) : At dead of night , when there is no transport on the road someone is found waiting on the road for the green signal.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) The woodcutter answered in the negative both the two times and the goddess being satisfied with his honesty, gave him all the three including the real axe.
(b) One day while cutting wood a river, suddenly his axe slipped out of his hand and fell into deep water.
(c) His crying drew the attention of the water-goddess who took pity on him.
(d) Once there lived a poor woodcutter who was very honest.
(e) The man was very grieved and began to weep bitterly at the loss of the axe, the only means of his livelihood.
(f) Then diving again brought a silver axe and asked the same question if it was his one.
(g) Everyday he went to the jungle to cut wood and earned his livelihood by selling the wood in the market.
(h) She, diving into the water, brought a golden axe and asked him if it was his one.
Answer: 7. d → g → b → e → c → h → f → a
SSC English First Paper Unit-14: Lesson-9(B)

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