SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [54] pdf download

 Model Test Question-54 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-14: Lesson-8(A)
Rosamond and her mother were going back to the chemist’s shop. As they were walking, Rosamond had to stop once again to take another stone out of the broken shoe, and she often limped with pain.
When they got back to the shop, Rosamond’s mother asked her to carefully examine the jar before she bought it. But Rosamond was so excited that she bought it even without looking at what was inside the jar.
Happily she came back home with her mother. Then Rosamond quickly brought some flowers from the garden and was going to put them into the jar. But as soon as she took the top off, she saw something dark inside, which gave off an unpleasant smell.
“What is it, Mamma? I didn’t want this black thing and the terrible smell.”
“Nor did I, my dear.”
“But what shall I do with it?”
“That I can’t tell.”
“Okay, Mamma, I must pour it out and fill the jar with fresh water.”
Then she made the jar empty. But to her great disappointment, she found that it was no longer a purple jar --- it was a plain white glass jar. With its coloured water gone, the jar did no longer look beautiful.
Rosamond cried with tears of disappointment in her eyes. She was to cry more for her folly. Every day her shoes grew worse and worse, and she could neither run, dance, jump, nor go shopping with her mother.
Thus Rosamond suffered for a whole month and learned a lesson the hard way. She hoped that she would be wiser in future.
adapted from The Purple Jar by Maria Edgeworth

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Rosamond was — excited to look at the jar while buying.
i) so ii) that iii) too iv) very
b. Rosamond finally decided to buy ----.
i) the ornament ii) buckle iii) the purple jar iv) a pair of shoes
c. An unpleasant smell came out of the jar.
i. stink ii) scent iii) perfume iv) liquid ..
d. With its coloured water gone, the jar did no longer look beautiful. Look at the underlined word. What parts of speech is it?
i) noun ii) verb iii) adjective iv) adverb
e. Rosamond could neither run, dance, jump, nor go shopping.
Look at the sentence above. What does it imply?
i) Rosamond was happy to run, dance, jump, and go shopping.
ii) Rosamond could run, dance, jump but she could not go shopping.
iii) Rosamond could not run, dance, jump, go shopping
iv) none of them
f. Rosamond had to stop once again to take another — out.
(i) piece of brick (ii) stone (iii) metal (iv) sand
g. Her mother told her to carefully — the jar.
(i) test (ii) saw (iii) examine (iv) choose

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h. Rosamond quickly — some flower from the garden.
(i) plucked (ii) took (iii) brought (iv) bought
i. As soon as she took the top off, she saw something — inside.
(i) liquid (ii) as water (iii) dark (iv) like juice
j. She hoped that she would be — in future.
(i) meritorious (ii) wiser (iii) bright (iv) brilliant
k. Thus Rosamond ― for a whole month and learned a lesson the hard way.
(i) suffered (ii) gone (iii) quickly (iv) careful
l. “Okay, Mamma, I must― it out and fill the jar with fresh water.”
(i) must (ii) fresh (iii) pour (iv) fill
m. Then she made the jar ―.
(i) eyes (ii) jar (iii) made (iv) empty
n. With its coloured water ―, the jar did no longer look beautiful.
(i) longer (ii) gone (iii) want (iv) water
o. Rosamond cried with ― of disappointment in her eyes.
(i) tears (ii) eyes (iii) longer (iv) Antonio
p. She was to cry ― for her folly.
(i) countries (ii) suffer (iii) rich (iv) more
Answer: 1. a. iii) too; b. iii) purple jar; c. i) stink; d. iii) adjective; e. iii) Rosamond could not run, dance, jump, go shopping.
f. ii); g. iii); h. iii); i. iii); k. iii); l. i); m. ii); n. iv); o. ii); p. i); q. iv).

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What was the problem with Rosamond?
b. Why did Rosamond choose the purple jar instead of a pair of shoes?
c. How did the shoes trouble Rosamond?
d. What do you think the purple jar was?
e. What lesson did Rosamond learn?

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f. Where did they go back?
g. Why did Rosamond stop once again?
h. Why did she limp often?
i. How was inside the jar?
j. What didn't Rosamond want?
k. Where were they going to?
l. Why did Rosamond stop?
m. What did Rosamond ask her mother?
n. Why was Rosamond so excited?
o. What happened to her shoes?
Answer: 2. a. Rosamond wanted to buy the thing which she saw.
b. She chose the purple jar instead of a pair of shoes because the jar charmed him much.
c. The shoes had a hole from which little stones could get to her feet and hurt her.
d. The purple jar was a chemist product. The people who study chemistry work with chemical and jar to do research.
e. Rosamond learnt that she should not do anything out of emotions rather; she should be sensible and practical.
f. They went back to a chemist's shop.
g. Rosamond had to stop once again to take another stone out of the broken shoe.
h. She limped often with pain.
i. It was dark inside the jar and filled with black thing.
j. Rosamond didn't want the black thing and the terrible smell inside the jar.
k. Rosamond and her mother were going back to the chemist’s shop. 
l. As they were walking, Rosamond had to stop once again to take another stone out of the broken shoe, and she often limped with pain.
m. When they got back to the shop, Rosamond’s mother asked her to carefully examine the jar before she bought it. 
n. But Rosamond was so excited that she bought it even without looking at what was inside the jar.
o. Every day her shoes grew worse and worse, and she could neither run, dance, jump, nor go shopping with her mother.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. Although Rosamond had a problem with her shoes, she went on (a) — the purple jar. Her of mother told her to examine the thing before buying it but she was (b) —. In fact, she was too excited to do so. When Rosamond opened the (c) — of the jar, she found a dark object inside which was spreading bad (d) —. She had to shed (e) — out of disappointment. She (f) — that it was a bad decision to go for the jar instead (g) — shoes. It was a great (h) — that she learnt. So, the (i) — of the story is, don't do anything without judging its (j)—.

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ii. As soon as Rosamond took the (a) — off. She saw something (b) — inside, which gave (c) — an unpleasant smell. She (d) — her mother what it was. She didn't want that (e) — thing and the terrible (f) —. Her mother replied that she also didn't (g) — that. Then she made the jar (h) —. But to her great disappoinment, she (i) — that it was no longer a (j) — jar it was a plain glass jar.
iii. Rosamond and her mother were going (a) — to the (b) — shop. As they were walking, Rosamond had to stop (c) — again to take another (d) — out of the broken (e) —, and she often (f) — with pain. When they got back to the (g) —, Rosamond's mother asked her to carefully (h) — the jar before she bought it. But Rosamond was so (i) — that she bought it even without looking at what was (j) — the jar.
Answer: 3. i. (a) buying; (b) careless; (c) top; (d) smell; (c) tears; (f) realized; (g) of; (h) lesson; (i) moral; (j) consequence.
 ii. (a) top (b) dark (c) off (d) asked (e) blak (f) smell (g) want (h) empty (i) found (j) purple
 iii. (a) back (b) chemist's (c) once (d) stone (e) shoe (f) limped (g) shop (h) examine (i) excited (j) inside

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Robert Frost a famous American poet, was born in San Francisco, California on March 26, 1874. He joined the Dartmouth college in 1892 and soon left it, saying that he had enough of scholarship. He was for a time a teacher but he spent a greater part of his life as a farmer in New Hampshire and Vermont. In 1895, he married his beautiful school fellow, Elsinore White and tried to lead a settled life as a school teacher. When he was twenty-six years old, a doctor warned him that his recurrent illness might indicate tuberculosis. During the winter of 1906 he came so near of death from pneumonia that both he and his doctor were surprised when he was recovered. Then he turned more and more to the writing of poetry. Being failed to meet both ends meet as either a poet or a farmer, he turned to school teaching.
At the age of thirty eight Frost decided to make poet his vocation in life. He sold his farm and with his wife and children went to England where they settled in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire.
His first volume of Lyrics ‘A Boy’s Will’ was accepted for publication by the first publisher to whom he offered it. It was the year of 1913. His second book of dramatic dialogues was published in 1914. In 1915 when Frost returned there he found that it had already become a best seller. Frost was elected to the membership of The National Institute of Arts and Letters in 1916, to membership in the American Academy in 1930. He had been professor of poetry at Harvard in 1936. He was crowned with the rare distinction of having been awarded the D. Litt Degree by both Oxford and Cambridge Universities. He embraced death in 1962







(a) ¾



(c) ¾

Dartmouth College



became (d) ¾

Haravard University

(e) ¾.

Answer: 4. (a) California, (b) 1874, (c) Joined, (d) professor, (e) 1936.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. A famous American poet, Robert Frost was born in San Francisco, California. He was for a time teacher but he spent a great part of his life as a farmer. At the age of thirty eight frost decided to make poet his vocation in life. His first volume of lyrics is 'A Boy's Will'. He was crowned with the rare destination of having been awarded the D. Lit degree by both Oxford and Cambridge Universites.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Women constitute

i. half of the work force.

b. Women labour do not get

ii. at proper age.

c. Islam is dead against

iii. at tender age.

d. Fifty percent of the girls have never

iv. attended school.

e. Girls in our country are married off

v. one third of the work force.

vi. their due Wage.

vii. gender discrimination.

Answer: 6. (a) + v) : Women constitute one third of the work force.
(b + vi) : Women labour do not get their due Wage.
(c + vii) : Islam is dead against gender discrimination.
(d + iv) : Fifty percent of the girls have never attended school.
(e + iii) : Girls in our country are married off at tender age.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) They can only reflect the sun light.
(b) Planets are not stars.
(c) Their number is nine.
(d) It is often called the ‘Evening slar’.
(e) Venus is one of them.
(f) It has a light.
(g) It is a beautiful planet.
(h) They have no light of their own.
Answer: 7. b → h → a → c → e → g → f → d
SSC English First Paper Unit-14: Lesson-8(A)

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