SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [53] pdf download

 Model Test Question-53 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-14: Lesson-7(A)
This time Rosamond was really disappointed as her mother wanted nothing. However, while they were passing by a chemist’s shop, she saw some jars---blue, green, red, yellow and purple---and she seemed to have a fascination for a purple jar. But her mother answered as before, “Of what use would they be to me, Rosamond?”
Oh, Mamma, I would use it for a flower pot.’
“But you have a flower pot and the jar you are dying for buying is not a flower pot.”
“Yet, Mamma, I like it so much …!”
Then suddenly she cried, “Ouch! A stone, mamma, a stone has got in my shoe. It hurts!”
“Oh! How did it get there?”
“See, there’s a hole in my shoe, Mamma. In fact, my shoes are quite worn out. Would you be so good as to buy me another pair?”
“But, Rosamond, I haven’t got money enough to buy shoes, jars, jewellary, buckles and all that you wish to buy.”
Rosamond became sad again. Her mind flashed back to all those beautiful things she had seen that morning.
“But, Mamma, I like the purple jar very much. And now my foot hurts. Could you buy me only these two things --- the jar and a pair of shoes, please?”
“No, Rosamond, you can buy only one thing. However, you may buy the other thing next month. And you have to decide which one you would like to buy now.’
“I need the shoes badly,” Rosamond began to argue with herself, but my heart is in that beautiful jar.”
Then looking at her shoes, she told her mother, “These shoes are not so bad, except for the hole in one. I think I can make them last till the end of the month, can’t I? Don’t you think so, Mamma?”
“I want you to think for yourself, dear.”
“Okay, if you please, I would like to have the purple jar.’
“Very well, you will have it.”

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. The phrase "dying for" used in the passage is used to mean —.
i) death for the jar ii) hatred for the jar
iii) distraction for the jar iv) desire for the jar
b. The purple jar was—.
i) a flower pot ii) not a flower pot iii) a chemical pot iv) a Jewellery pot
c. At first, Rosamond's mother was against buying—.
i) nothing ii) the flower pot iii) anything iv) none of the above
d. Rosamond preferred buying the purple jar — a pair of shoe.
i) than i) from iii) to iv) over
e. Who made the final decision to buy the purple jar?
i) Rosamond ii) Her mother iii) both collectively iv). none of them
f. Rosamond preferred buying the purple jar — a pair of shoe.
i) than i) from iii) to iv) over
g. Who made the final decision to buy the purple jar?
i) Rosamond ii) Her mother iii) both collectively iv). none of them
Answer: 1. (a) iv. desire for the jar; (b) ii. not a flower pot; (c) iii. anything; (d) iii. to; (e) i. Rosamond.

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What types of jars did Rosamond saw in the chemist's shop?
b. How were Rosamond's shoes?
c. What did Rosamond mean when she said "my heart is in that beautiful jar"?
d. What did Rosamond buy finally? On what argument?
e. What was Rosamond's mother's financial condition?
Answer: 2. 
a. Rosamond saw blue, green, red, yellow and purple jars in the chemist's shop.
b. Rosamond's shoes were quite worn out and mere was a hole in of her shoes.
c. By saying these words, Rosamond meant that she wanted the purple jar whole-heartedly she liked the jar heart and soul.
d. Rosamond finally decided to buy the purple jar on the argument that her shoes were not so bad except for the hole in one.
e. Rosamond's mother did not have much money. Her money could afford only one thing to be bought for Rosamond.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
The chemist's shop (a) — different types of colourful jars, (b) — were blue, some green, some red, some yellow and some purple. Rosamond was (c) — with a purple jar (d) —- had no use to her mother. She (e) — her mother that she could use it (f) — a flower pot, (g) — she already had one. She (h) — that the (i) — of her shoes were very bad. But her longing for the purple jar was more (j) —.
Answer: 3. (a) contained; (b) some; (c) fascinated; (d) which; (e) told; (f) as; (g) though; (h) know; (i) condition; (j) intense/ powerful.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
John Milton is the greatest poet after Shakespeare. John Milton was born in London in Bread Street on the 9th December, 1608. He received early education at home under private tutors and was then admitted to St. Paul’s school, perhaps in 1620. At school he studied Latin and Greek besides his subject. In 1625 Milton matriculated at Christ’s College Cambridge. He obtained his B. A. Degree in 1629 and his M. A. in 1632 at the same university. Early in 1628 he wrote the earliest of his English poems “On the death of a Fair Infant”. His great poem in English was “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity’ probable in the long vacation of 1631. After taking his M. A. degree, Milton went to stay at his father’s country house at Horton. In 1637 Milton’s mother died and the poet set out on the continental tour of Europe in 1638. In April of this year he reached Italy. While in Naples, he received the news of Civil war (1642-1646) break in out in England. So he returned to England in 1639. He resolved to throw himself to the civil war to secure civil and religious liberty of his countrymen. He wrote about twenty five pamphlets on the current social, political problems.
In 1649 Charles-I was executed and Milton wrote his political tract Tenure of Kings and Magistrates in which he supported the execution of the deposed king. In the same year he was made Secretary on Foreign Tongue to the council of state under Cromwell. The second period of his life Began from (1641-1643), Milton went into the country on a commission for his father, met Mary Powell and married her. In 1652 he became blind. Then came the Restoration in 1660 with this began's period of dishonour and danger in the life of the poet. Charles If was restored to the throne. The poet was arrested but be was released under the Act of Amnesty and Oblivion. Milton now retired to his solitary abode and once again devoted himself to the service of poetry. The Paradise Lost was completed in 1663. Its sequel paradise Regain followed in 1665. Finally in 1667 came the masterpiece of classical Tragedy Samson Agonists. He died 1674.







(a) ¾



(b) ¾

Christ’s College

(c) ¾


Completed (d) ¾

(e) ¾.

Answer: 4. (a) London, (b) Matriculating, (c) 1625, (d) Paradise Lost, (e) 1663.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. John Milton, the greatest poet after Shakespeare, was born in London. He wrote 'On the Death of a Fair Infant'. His great poem in English was 'On the Morning of Christ's Nativity'. He wrote about twenty five pamphlets on the current social, political problems. Milton recited to his solitary abode and once again devoted himself to the service of poetry. The 'Paradise Lost' was completed in 1663.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Malnutrition causes

i. to control the high birth rate.

b. Even high death rate fails

ii. inadequate medical facilities.

c. The people of Bangladesh enjoy

iii. disease and death.

d. All health and disease mars

iv. no harm to us.

e. Population of Bangladesh is increasing

v. the skill of the people.

vi. more medical facilities.

vii. at an alarming rate.

Answer: 6. (a + iii) : Malnutrition causes disease and death.
(b + i) : Even high death rate fails to control the high birth rate.
(c + ii) : The people of Bangladesh enjoy inadequate medical facilities.
(d + v) : All health and disease mars the skill of the people.
(e + vii) : Population of Bangladesh is increasing at an alarming rate.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) The old woman was very good and kind.
(b) One day Taimur became very hungry.
(c) She was very moved to hear Taimur’s word.
(d) He was moving here and there in search of food.
(e) He asked her to give him something to eat.
(f) He did not get anything to eat.
(g) He came to a house.
(h) An old woman lived in the house.
Answer: 7. b → f → d → g → h → e → a → c
SSC English First Paper Unit-14: Lesson-7(A)

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