SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [57] pdf download

 Model Test Question-57 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-14: Lesson-13(A)
One dark December afternoon, a letter, but of a different nature, arrived. It was stamped with ‘On His Majesty’s Service’. The letter was written by one of my chiefs. It informed me that, according to secret news they had received, a great cargo was going to be landed that very night on the coast between Dover and Folkstone. I was told to go to a particular place of the cliff exactly at eleven o’clock that very night. There the chief and his men would wait for me. He wanted to use my knowledge and experience to catch the smugglers. Also he ordered me to come alone and not to speak of his letter or the meeting place to any person in Dover.
All that evening while I was preparing for my night ride, Lucy was looking at me sadly. I was oiling and loading my guns, getting ready my sword and belt, my heavy coat and high boots. And all the time she was looking at me with her blue tearful eyes.
“Are you quite sure,” she asked, “that the letter is in the Chief’s handwriting?” I laughed at her, but she wanted an answer. I had to admit that I did not know his official handwriting. However, I assured her that he had been newly appointed and he must have good intention to protect our national interest from the smugglers. Still Lucy was doubtful.
I tried to cheer her up by talking to the bright future awaiting us after tonight’s expedition. I told Lucy that after the capture I am sure I would be rewarded with a rise and a position in the London main Custom House. I talked of a nice cottage at Islington, with a garden, and of the best school for our son Alex. Lucy tried to smile but all in vain.
After supper when I began to set out, Lucy trembled in fear and said, “Alfred, dear, are you quite, quite sure that the letter really came from your Chief?” I laughed, told her not to be afraid, and hurried out of the room and walked down the street.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. The letter was ---- with ‘On His Majesty’s Service.
i) written ii) embossed iii) implemented iv) placed
b. The officer went --- to them.
i) quickly ii) slowly iii) gladly iv) sadly
c. His hands were — fastened.
i) prudently ii) recklessly iii) insecurely iv) uncautiously.
d. He had to go there—.
i) after 12 am ii) just at 11 pm iii) the night before iv) just at 10pm.
e. The officer—his wife.
i) jeered at ii) looked at iii) smiled at iv) short at
f. Lucy stared at him when he was — the guns.
i) preparing ii) marking iii) using iii) re-pairing
g. After the capture he would get a ---- he thought.
i) promotion ii) demotion iii) prize iv) notification

Extra Practices
h. Alex would go to —.
i) a new school ii) the best school of the city
iii) the ancient school in the city iv) a famous school in the city
i. Alfred didn't know at the handwriting of the —.
i) smugglers ii) his wife iii) his Chief iv) his son
j. His Chief was—.
i) an old officer of his office ii) a new officer of his office
iii) the eldest officer of his office iv) the newest officer of his office
Answer: 1. a. ii) embossed; b. i) quickly; c. ii) prudently; d. ii) just at 11 pm; e. i) jeered at; f. i) prepared; g. i) promotion; h. ii) the best school in the city. i. iii) his chief; j. ii) new officer,

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What was inscribed on the letter?
b. Why do you think the officer was obedient to his Chief?
c. Where was the meeting place located?
d. Which questions answer was Lucy waiting for?
e. Do you think Lucy didn't smile? Why?

Extra Practices
f. What might happen in Alfred's future?
g. Why was Lucy looking at Harvey with tearful eyes?
h. When did he start for the meeting place?
i. What did Alfred say to Lucy about his new house?
j. How did he go there?
Answer: 2. a. "On His Majesty's Service'—this phrase was inscribed on the letter.
b. The officer was ready to abide by the Chiefs order which was given to him by a letter without any delay. So I think that the officer was obedient to Chief.
c. The meeting place was on the large cliff. 
d. Lucy asked her husband if he was sure of the handwriting of the letter and she was waiting for his answer of her questions.
e. Yes, I think Lucy didn't smile because she was afraid of her husband's going to the meeting place alone.
f. Alfred's future might be bright after the mission he was going to handle. 
g. Lucy was looking at her husband with tearful eyes because she was doubtful about the hand writing of the letter.
h. After he had finished his night meal, he started for the meeting place.
i. The new house would be a nice cottage in Islington, with a garden and of the best school for his son.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
Alfred Harvey (a) — to gladden his wife by talking to the glaring (b) — which was awaiting for (c) — after that mission of that (d) — night. Though he was not (e) — about the (r) — of the strange letter, he received, he made up his (g) — to carry out the (h) — of his Chief. He had to (i) — to the meeting place on his (j) —. He made him ready accordingly.
Answer: 3. a. tired; b. future; c. them; d. very; e. sure; f. hand-writing; g. mind; h. order; i. go; j. own

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
George Bernard Shaw, the greatest English dramatist, after Shakespeare was born on the 26th July, 1856 in Dublin. He came from a middle class family of the Irish stock. Bernard Shaw had to lead his boyhood in the midst of poverty. Because of poverty, G.B. Shaw could not get sufficient scope for formal education . At first he was taught by a private tutors. He was sent to Wesleyan Conexional School when he was eleven years old. In 1869 Shaw entered Central Model Boy’s School at Dublin. His school career however, finally come to a close in 1871.
For earning livelihood, Shaw first worked as a Junior clerk for a Dublin state Agent. He worked here for four years and a half. He was determined to be a writer. So, he resigned his post in 1876 and joined his mother in London. In London he found and opportunity to enter the field of literature. Shaw’s first novel. 'Immaturity' was finished in 1879. It was in 1882 in the reading room of the British Museum, that Shaw first read Karl Marx. In 1884 he joined the Fabian society. In 1898, Shaw published the first collection of plays entitled Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant in two volumes. There years later followed another volume entitled. There plays for Puritan with the publication Man and Superman in 1903 Shaw attained his fully stature as a dramatist. Shaw won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1925.
After celebration his ninety fifth birthday Bernard Shaw died in November 1950, leaving a vacuum in the literary world.







(a) ¾



(c) ¾

Central Model Boy’s School



(d) ¾

(e) ¾.

Answer: 4. (a) Dublin, (b) 1856, (c) entered, (d) publication, (e) 1903.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. The greatest dramatist after Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin. He was from a middle class family. For earning livelihood, Shaw first worked as a Juinor clerk for a Dublin state agent. He was determined to be a writer. Shaw's first novel is 'Immaturity'. He got Nobel Prize for literature in 1925.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Man

i. irrational by nature.

b. Peace and amity are

ii. of his duties and rights.

c. We should be

iii. self centered.

d. Education makes a man conscious

iv. his livelihood.

e. Man himself earns

v. prerequisite for living in society.

vi. is social being.

vii. respectful to others.

Answer: 6. (a + vi) : Man is social being.
(b + v) : Peace and amity are prerequisite for living in society.
(c + vii) : We should be respectful to others.
(d + ii) : Education makes a man conscious of his duties and rights.
(e + iv) : Man himself earns his livelihood.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) He had ammunition business at Leningrad.
(b) He undertook plan to give an award for encouraging the creative work.
(c) Dr. Alfred Nobel was born on 21st October, 1833 at Stockholm, Sweden.,
(d) He earned a lot of money from his dynamite business.
(e) He was an engineer.
(f) His father Emanuel Nobel was an architect and researcher.
(g) In 1850 Alfred joined his father’s company.
(h) After some years Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.
Answer: 7. c → e → f → a → g → h → d → b
SSC English First Paper Unit-14: Lesson-13(A)

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