SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [56] pdf download

 Model Test Question-56 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-14: Lesson-12(C)
I was a custom-house officer in 1827. At that time there was much smuggling in this country. There were government officials to check this unlawful trade, but many of them were bribed to hear and see nothing. It is, therefore, not surprising that many captures slipped through our fingers.
I was then a young man. For some years of good work, I had been raised to the rank of a riding officer with a good salary that enabled me to marry.
My station was on the South Coast near the town of Dover. In those days, most of the sailors along the coast took part in smuggling. On several occasions when I did my duty properly, I received warnings from the well-known townsmen that I was too active to carry out my duties. But I did not want to be a silent, toothless watchdoglike old Captain Peabody who had for forty years looked with blind eyes after the rights of the country. My chiefs had always praised me as I was very honest and dutiful. They were already talking of raising my rank further.
Once in a stormy autumn night, I successfully led my team to a secret place where the smuggled goods were stored. The hiding place was a cave forty feet below the surface of a chalk- hill in the south of England.
After this capture my Chief came to Dover to report on it. He praised me and promised to reward me. Filled with joy, I began to care even less for the threatening letters of the smugglers.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. The word 'smuggling’ is related to —.
i) normal market ii) black market iii) white market iv share market
b. The customs officer could marry because of his —.
i) good job ii) good wages
iii) modesty iv) good salary and high rank.
c. The officer was —.
i) reluctant to his work ii) dutiful
iii) insincere iv) lazy
d. The government officials were—.
i) engaged in smuggling ii) active in removing smuggling
iii) bound to check smuggling iv) aware of smuggling.
e. Dover is in —.
i) the USA ii) the UK iii) the Middle East iv) the East
f. We have been introduced with the season— in the story.
i) dew ii) summer iii) late autumn iv) winter
g. The word' warning' is a—.
i) verb ii) noun iii) adjective iv) adverb

Extra Practices
h. The officer said in his speech "the captures slipped through our fingers" means.
i) They were unable to arrest them. ii) They would not escape from the officials
iii) They were powerful iv) The bribed officials would help them to escape.
i. The night was —.
i) dark ii) stormy iii) lightly iv) snowing
j. Captain Peabody had served for—.
i) one decade ii) two decades iii) three decades iv) four decades
k. Once in a stormy — night.
(i) summer (ii) autumn (iii) winter (iv) raing season
l. He was a custom house officer in —.
(i) 1827 (ii) 1817 (iii) 1837 (iv) 1828
m. For — years of good work.
(i) one (ii) three (iii) some (iv) lot of
n. He was to active to carry out his —.
(i) office (ii) study (iii) job (iv) duties
o. He was very — and dutiful.
(i) honest (ii) dishonest (iii) lazy (iv) hard worker
p. My chiefs had always praised me as I was very ― and dutiful.
(i) honest (ii) dutiful (iii) praised (iv) chief
q. They were already talking of raising my rank―.
(i) raising (ii) talking (iii) further (iv) already
Answer: 1. a. ii) black market; b. iii) good salary and high rank; c. ii) dutiful; d. iii) bound to check smuggling; e .i) the UK; f. i) dew; g. ii) noun; h. iv) the bribed officials would help them to escape i, ii) stormy; j. iv) four decades,  k. ii); l. i); m. iii); n. iv); o. i); p. i); q. iii).

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. How could the customs officer achieve the high rank?
b. Which one is an unlawful trade?
c. What was the surprising matter to him?
d. Why did the people of Dover warn him?
e. Who was Captain Peabody?

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f. Where was his workplace?
g. When did he get the post of a riding officer?
h. When did he get married?
i. Who were engaged in smuggling?
j. Who gave him the threatening letters?
k. When he was a custom house officer?
l. Why did the chief the customs officer?
m. Where did the smugglers keep their smuggled goods?
n. Where are the chalk-hill?
o. Who were there to check the unlawful trade?
p. What is not surprising?
q. What had he been raised to?
r. When did he successfully lead his team?
s. How was the hiding place?
Answer: 2. a. By giving good services in his duty for some years, he could achieve the high rank.
b. Smuggling is an unlawful trade.
c. Slipping of many captures through their fingers was the surprising matter.
d. People of Dover warned him for his much activeness in discharging his duty.
e. Captain Peabody was an officer who had worked for forty years but played silent role after the rights of country.
f. His work place was on the South coast near the town of Dover.
g. By giving good service in his duty for some years, he could achieve the high rank.
h. After getting a high rank of the post with a handsome salary, he got married.
i. The government officials were engaged in smuggling.
j. The smugglers gave him the threatening letters.
k. He was a custom-house officer in 1827.
l. The chifes had always praised him as he was very honest and dutiful.
m. He successfully led his team to a secret place where the smuggled goods were stored.
n. The hiding place was cave forty feet below the surface of a chalk-hill in the south of England.
o. There were government officials to check this unlawful trade, but many of them were bribed to hear and see nothing. 
p. It is not surprising that many captures slipped through our fingers.
q. For some years of good work, he had been raised to the rank of a riding officer with a good salary that enabled him to marry.
r. Once in a stormy autumn night, he successfully led his team to a secret place where the smuggled goods were stored. 
 s. The hiding place was a cave forty feet below the surface of a chalk- hill in the south of England.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. When all the (a) — officials of (b) — receiving (c) — from the smugglers (d) — silent without taking (e) — steps to (f) — them, the custom officer, who (g) — very honest and (h) — to his own duty, was (i)—to catch the (j) —.

Extra Practices
ii. For (a) — years of goods work. I had been (b) — to the (c) — of a riding officer (d) — a good (e) — that enabled me to (f) —. He (g) — me and promised to (h) — me. Filled with (i) —, I began to (j) — even less for the tereatening letter of the smugglers.
iii. In those days, most of the (a) — along the Boast took part in (b) —. One several (c) — when I did my (d) — properly. I received (e) — from the well-known (f) — that I was too (g) — to carry out my duties. But I did not (h) — to be a (i) —, toothless (j) — old captain Peabody who had for forly years looked with blind eyes after the rights of the country.
Answer: 3. i. a) high; b) government; c) bribe; d) remained; e) any; f) arrest; g) was; h) responsible; i) able; j) criminals.
 ii. (a) some (b) raised (c) rank (d) with (e) salary (f) marry (g) praised (h) reward (i) joy (j) cavre
 iii. (a) sailors (b) smuggling (c) occasions (d) duty (e) warnings (f) towns man (g) active (h) want (i) silent (j) watchdoglike

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Jonathan Swift, the great satirist was born in Dublin of English parents on 30 November 1667. He was graduated from Trinity College, Dublin in 1686 and was educated to be a clergyman like his grand father. After graduating from Trinity College Swift left Ireland in 1688. He spent much of his time in the nineties as secretary to Sir William Temple at Moor Park. While in England Swift was never happy with his dependent status and so in 1694 he went back to Ireland. He again left Dublin in 1696 to be with Sir Temple at Moor Park. On the death of Temple in 1699 Swift went back to Ireland. However, he found several occasions to visit London. Eventually a religious mission grew into an almost continuous stay from 1708 when he wrote with sharp irony on church questions. His most interesting and popular satirical book Guliver’s Travels was published in 1726. Before his death in 1745 Swift underwent a mental decline.







(a) ¾



(b) ¾

Trinity College

(c) ¾

Gulliver’s Travels

(d) ¾

(e) ¾.

Answer: 4. (a) Dublin, (b) graduated, (c) 1667, (d) publication, (e) 1726.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. The great satirist Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin. He was educated to be a clergyman like his grandfather. He wrote 'Guliver's Travels'. Before his death, Swift underwent a mental decline.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Irrigation facility is

i. yet to be brought under programme irrigation

b. Many low-lifts pumps are being used

ii. to produce more crops

c. Many lands of our country are

iii. inadequate in our country

d. Irrigation is necessary

iv. yes to be brought under cultivation

e. The farmers can afford to buy

v. for the purpose of irrigation

vi. sufficient in our country.

vii. shallow tube-well.

Answer: 6. (a + iii) : Irrigation facility is inadequate in our country
(b + v) : Many low-lifts pumps are being used for the purpose of irrigation
(c + vi) : Many lands of our country are sufficient in our country.
(d + ii) : Irrigation is necessary to produce more crops
(e + vii) : The farmers can afford to buy shallow tube-well.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) One said, “I have lost my husband.”
(b) A poor woman once came to Buddha.
(c) Another said, our youngest child died last year.
(d) The hole man was touched by the great sorrow of the woman.
(e) The sorrowful mother went from door to door seeking the mustard seeds but at every door she met with sad replies.
(f) She asked him whether he could give her any medicine to restore her dead child to life.
(g) He told her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where death had never entered.
(h) He told her that there was only one medicine which could revive her son.
Answer: 7. b → f → d → h → g → e → a → c
SSC English First Paper Unit-14: Lesson-12(C)

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