SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [51] pdf download

 Model Test Question-51 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-14: Lesson-10(B)
Bassanio went to Belmont to visit Portia grandly dressed, with many servants. Portia’s father had died lately. Before his death he had thought of an unusual plan to find a good husband for his daughter. He wanted a man to marry Portia for herself and not for her wealth. He had three caskets made, one of gold, one of silver and one of lead. One of the caskets had Portia’s portrait in it. The suitor, who would first choose the casket with the portrait would marry her. Many suitors went away when they heard about such a strange condition.
The first one to try was the prince of Morocco. He thought that silver and lead are poor metals. It is the casket made of precious metal that can hold the precious picture. So he chose the gold casket. But all he found was a picture of a skull with a message that said, “All that glitters is not gold.” The prince was very sad and went back home. Then came the prince of Spain. He looked at the silver casket for a long time. On it was written, “He who chooses me will get what he deserves.” The prince had a very high opinion about himself. He thought that he deserved the best. He therefore chose the silver casket and opened it. Inside the casket he found the picture of a blinking fool. He was very disappointed and offended. He immediately rode away.
Then it was Bassanio’s turn. He looked at the caskets for a long time. He thought, “ Appearances are often misleading. Bad men appear good and they hide their inner ugliness under fine clothes.” So he chose the plain looking lead casket. On opening the casket, he found the portrait of Portia inside.
Bassanio and Portia got married. There was great joy at Belmont and the newly married couple were spending their time happily.
But soon their happiness turned into sorrow by a piece of news. A messenger came with a letter from Antonio. The letter said, “ Dear friend Bassanio, all my ships have been lost at sea. I cannot pay the money I owe to Shylock. So I have to pay the penalty. Dear friend, come and see me if possible. I would like to see you once before I die.” Bassanio quickly left for Venice.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
(a) Bassanio went to — to visit Portia.
(i) Greece (ii) Italy (iii) Belmont (iv) Athens
(b) Portia's father had died —.
(i) early (ii) before (iii) ago (iv) lately
(c) Portia's father had — caskets.
(i) only one (ii) some (iii) many (iv) three
(d) The first trial was for the prince of —.
(i) Spain (ii) Morocco (iii) Bassanio (iv) none of them
(e) Bassanio choose the plain looking — casket.
(i) platinam (ii) gold (iii) silver (iv) lead
(f) The first one to try was the prince of ―.
(i) Morocco (ii) prince (iii) try (iv) was
(g) He thought that silver and lead are ― metals.
(i) silver (ii) lead (iii) poor (iv) metals

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(h) But all he found was a picture of a ― with a message that said.
(i) picture (ii) message (iii) found (iv) skull
(i) The prince was very sad and ― back home.
(i) back (ii) went (iii) prince (iv) sad
(j) He looked at the silver ― for a long time.
(i) casket (ii) long (iii) silver (iv) looked
(k) The prince had a very high ― about himself.
(i) high (ii) himself (iii) prince (iv) opinion
(l) He thought that he ― the best.
(i) best (ii) deserved (iii) thought (iv) wisdom
Answer: 1. a. (iii); b. (iv); c. (iv); d. (ii); e. (iv); f. (i); g. (iii); h. (iv); i. (ii); j. (i); k.(iv); l. (ii).

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
(a) How was Portia's father's plan?
(b) Why did many suitors go away?
(c) Who has the first trial to find the portrait out?
(d) What was mentioned in second casket?
(e) Finally who was selected Portia's husband?

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(f) How did Bassanio go to Belmont?
(g) What did he think of his daughter?
(h) What did one of the caskets have?
(i) How were the newly married couple spending their time?
(j) What did he want?
(k) How many caskets did he have?
(l) Who went away?
(m) What happen to bad men?
(n) What happened to him?
Answer: 2. (a) Portia's father had an unusual plan to find a good husband for Portia by three caskets made of gold, silver and lead.
 (b) Many suitors went away hearing about such a strange plan of Portia's father.
 (c) The first trial was for the prince of Morocco to find out the portrait of Portia.
 (d) It was mentioned in the second casket that "He who chooses me will get what he deserves."
 (e) Finally Bassanio was selected as Portia's husband.
 (f) Bassanio went to Belmont to visit Portia grandly dressed, with many servants. 
 (g) Before his death he had thought of an unusual plan to find a good husband for his daughter. 
 (h) One of the caskets had Portia’s portrait in it. The suitor, who would first choose the casket with the portrait would marry her. 
 (i) There was great joy at Belmont and the newly married couple were spending their time happily. 
 (j) He wanted a man to marry Portia for herself and not for her wealth. 
 (k) He had three caskets made, one of gold, one of silver and one of lead. 
 (l) Many suitors went away when they heard about such a strange condition. 
 (m) Bad men appear good and they hide their inner ugliness under fine clothes.
 (n) He was very disappointed and offended. He immediately rode away.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. The first trial was for the (a) — of Morocco. "Silver and lead are poor metals". He thought himself. "It is the casket made of (b) — metal that can (c) — the precious picture." Thinking that he choose the (d) — casket. But all he found was a picture of a (e) — with a message that said, "All that (f) — are not gold." The Prince was very sad and went back home. Then came the prince of Spain. He looked at the (g) — casket for a long time. On it was written, "He who chooses me will get what he deserves." The prince had a very high opinion about (h) —. He thought that he deserved the (i) —. He therefore chose the silver casket and (j) — it.

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ii. Portia's father had died (a) —. Before his death (b) — had thought of an (c) — plan to find a good husband for his (d) —. He wanted a man to marry (e) — for herself and not for her (f) —. He had three (g) — made one of gold, one of (h) — and one of lead. One of the caskets had Portia's (i) — in it. The suitor, who would first choose the casket with the portrait would (j) — her.
Answer: 3. i. (a) prince (b) precious (c) hold (d) gold (e) skull (f) glitters (g) silver (h) himself (i) best (j) opened
 ii. (a) lately (b) he (c) unusual (d) daughter (e) Portia (f) wealth (g) caskets (h) silver (i) portrait (j) marry

Read the passage. Answer the question no 4, 5.
Cricket is one of the most popular games, specially one day cricket. The first one day cricket was played in Australia. One day World Cup Cricket Tournament was held first in England in 1975. The west Indies won the trophy. The 2nd and 3rd Tournaments were also held in England in 1979 and 1983 respectively. In 1987 Pakistan and India were host countries. In 1992 Pakistan won the trophy from Australia and New Zealand. Bangladesh became champion in ICC in 1997 in Malaysia; The World Cup Tournament of 2003 was held in South Africa be the first tournament of the 21st centre. Australia won it. World Cup competition was held in Bangladesh in 1998. In 1996 Pakistan, India and Srilanka jointly arranged 2 tournament and Srilanka won the trophy. The latest news for cricket world that Bangladesh has got test status from ICC, dated 26th June, 2000. So Bangladesh is now 10 th test playing country. Bangladesh as a test playing country can be participate every world cup cricket.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Name of tournament




World Cup Cricket first


(a) ¾

(b) ¾

Would cup Cricket first 21st century

South Africa

(c) ¾


ICC Trophy

(d) ¾


(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) 1975, (b) West Indies, (c) 2003, (d) Malaysia, (e) Bangladesh.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. Cricket is one of the most popular games in the world. Specially One Day cricket is very popular. One Day World Cup Cricket Tournament was held first in 1975. Bangladesh became champion in ICC in 1997 in Malaysia. World cup competition was held in Bangladesh in 1998. Bangladesh has got test status from ICC in 2000.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Smoking is one of the worst

i. the nose and unsettles the mine.

b. It irritates the eyes, offends

ii. other people too

c. Smoking causes cough in the old age

iii. habits of man.

d. The young smokers sometimes

iv. and diminishes the longevity of life.

e. Moreover it is merely a

v. social evils and problems.

vi. create various social evils.

vii. cause of wastage of money.

Answer: 6. (a) + iii) : Smoking is one of the worst habits of man.
(b + i) : It irritates the eyes, offends the nose and unsettles the mine.
(c + iv) : Smoking causes cough in the old age and diminishes the longevity of life.
(d + vi) : The young smokers sometimes create various social evils.
(e + vii) : Moreover it is merely a cause of wastage of money.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) The king followed the advice of the physician.
(b) He advised the king to move a heavy club in the air till he got tired.
(c) He did not undergo physical labour.
(d) The doctor was very wise.
(e) He became bulky and could not do anything.
(f) There was once an idle king.
(g) He did not prescribe any medicine.
(h) He called in a doctor.
Answer: 7. f → c → e → h → d → g → b → a
SSC English First Paper Unit-14: Lesson-10(B)

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