SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [48] pdf download

 Model Test Question-48 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-13: Lesson-2(B)
The advantages of the Internet technology have made it possible to emerge a good number of web sites to facilitate social relations among people around the world. These are known as social networking services or social networks. At present, Facebook is the most popular. Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. are other frequently used social services. Social network services are web-based and hence, provide ways for the users to interact through the Internet. These services make it possible to connect people sharing interests and activities across the borders and thus have made a lot for the users to feel that they really live in a global village.
Why are social networks expanding so fast? The answer is simple. Most of the social l services are cost free. You can make use of them free, paying a very little to your Internet service provider. Secondly, you can make your personal profile public before the entire online community. It is like presenting yourself before the entire world. You can also look into other people’s profile if you are interested. It is simple and easy. Thirdly, social networks allow users to upload pictures, multimedia contents and modify the profile. Some like Facebook allow users to update their profiles. Fourthly, networks allow users to post blog entries. User profiles have a section dedicated to comments from friends and other users. Finally, there are privacy protection measures too. A user himself or herself decides over the number of visitors/viewers, and what information should be shared with others.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. What does Internet increase?
i) family relation ii) social relations iii) friends relation iv) brother relation
b. Which is the most popolar?
i) Google ii) Twitter iii) Facebook iv) LinKedln
c. How are social network services?
i) web-based ii) networking iii) related iv) technological
d. The advantages of the Internet technology are known as —.
i) social networking services ii) social networks
iii) Facebook iv) Google+
Which of the above answer/s is/are correct?
A) i and ii B) i and iii C) iv D) i
e. Look at the following information below:
i) Tweets are publicly visible ii) Users really live in a global village
iii) Linkedln is the most popular iv) Social networks are expanding so fast.
Which of the above answers is/are correct?
A) i. and iii B) i and iii C) iii D) i
f. Who are sharing interests?
i) Man ii) People iii) Villagers iv) Only students
g. Which services are cost free?
i) Most of the social services ii) Twitter
iii) Computer iv) Internet

Extra Practices
h. The — technology has made social networking sites to emerge.
i) Linkedln ii) Google+ iii) Twitter iv) Internet
i. At present — is the most popular social network.
(i) Google+ (ii) LinkedIn
(iii) Facebook (iv) Twitter
j. — network services are web-based.
(i) Phone (ii) Personal
(iii) Social (iv) Mobile
k. Social networks help people connect people across the —.
(i) planets (ii) borders
(iii) galaxy (iv) homes
l. Most of the social services are — free.
(i) trouble (ii) cost
(iii) advantages (iv) burden
m. There are — protection measures too.
(i) band (ii) privacy
(iii) personal (iv) massages
n. Some like Facebook allow ----- to update their profiles.
(i) global (ii) users
(iii) masses (iv) band
o. Fourthly, networks -----users to post blog entries.
(i) allow (ii) provide
(iii) information (iv) social
Answer: 1. a. ii) social relations; b. iii) facebook; c. i) web-based; d. A) i and ii; e. B) ii and iv; f. iii. people; g. i) Most of the social services; h. iv) Internet; i. (iii) facebook; j. (iii) social; k. (ii) borders; l. (ii) cost; m. (ii) privacy; o. (ii) users; p. (i) allow.

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What is social network?
b. Why do people use Internet for social networks?
c. Which is the most popular among social services?
d. Why are social networks expanding so fast?
e. Who gets a very little pay?

Extra Practices
f. What can facebook do?:
g. What are the some uses of social networks?
h. What do social networks allow?
i. Where has a section?
j. What is web based?
k. What has made possible to facilitate social relation?
l. What is the most popular social networking site?
m. What is a global village?
n. What do you mean by social networks?
o. What does the social networks provide?
Answer: 2. a. Social network is to facilitate social relations among people around the world.
b. People use Internet for social networks to interact quickly and easily.
c. Facebook is the most popular social networking service.
d. Social networks are expanding so fast because most of the social services are cost tree.
e. Internet service provider gets a very little pay.
f. Facebook can unite people with common interests or beliefs through groups and other pages and has been known to reunite lost family members and friends because of the widespread reach of its network.
g. The users can interact through the internet. Their services make it possible to connect people sharing interests and activities across the borders.
h. Social networks allow users to upload pictures, multimedia contents and modify the profile. Some like Facebook allow users to update their profiles.
i. User profiles have a section dedicated to comments from friends and other users.
j. Social network services are web-based, and hence, provide ways for the users to interact through the Internet.
k. The advantages of the internet technology has made possible to facilitate social relations through a good number of websites.
l. Facebook is the most popular social networking site.
m. Global village is the sense of modern civilization with the thinking of borderless world in the field of communication.
n. A number of websites to facilitate social relations among people around the world are known as the social networking services.
o. Social networking services provide different ways for the users to interact through internet.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. The advantages of the Internet have (a) — to (b) — a good number of websites. They are (c) — as social networking services. Google+, Twitter, Linkedln etc are other frequently (d) — social services. They are (e) —. They (f) — ways for the users to (g) — through the Internet. These services (h) — it possible to (i) — people sharing interests and activities across the borders and thus have made a lot for the users to (j) — that they really live in a global village.

Extra Practices
ii. Most of the social services are (a) — free. One can make use of them (b) —, paying a very (c) — to (d) — internet service provider. Secondly one can make one's personal (e) — public before the (f) — online community. It is like presenting (g) — before the entire world. S/he can also look (h) — other people's profile if s/he is (i) —. It is (j) — and easy.
iii. Internet technology has made it (a) — to emerge a good number of (b) — to facilitate social relations (c) — people around the (d) —. These are known as (e) — networking services. Now (f) — is the most popular. (g) — network services (b) — webbased and these provide (i) — for the users to (j) — through the internet.
Answer: 3. i. a) made; b) emerge; c) known; d) used; e) web-based; f) Provide; g) interact; h) make; i) connect; j) feel.
 ii. (a) cost (b) free (c) little (d) one's (e) profile (f) entire (g) oneself (h) into (i) interested (j) simple
 iii. (a) possible (b) websites (c) among (d) world (e) social (f) facebook (g) social (h) are (i) ways (j) interact

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Jivananda Das was born in Barisal in 1899. He took his Master’s Degree in English from Dhaka University at the age of 22. The next year he started his teaching career as professor of English at the Calcutta City College. He lost his job in 1928 on the charge of publishing a poem. He got an appointment in Brajomohan College, Barisal in 1935. In 1947 when the partition was made, Jivanada Das left Bangladesh for India. He was awarded Rabindra Purashkar in 1953. He met with a tram accident on the 14th October, 1954. After a few days he passed away on October 22, 1954. His major woks are Banalata Sen, Dhusar Pandulipi, Rupasi Bangla, etc.
Born on December 9, 1608 in London, Milton spent most of his boyhood in this city. At the age of seventeen he went to Cambridge for study and spent there seven years. He took M. A. from that university. Leaving Cambridge, when he was twenty three, Milton entered no profession and spent six years at Horton in unprofessional study. In 1638 he started his foreign tour which helped in molding his cultured and poetic mind. In the year 1640 Milton married Mary Powell, a young girl of seventeen. His wife died in 1672 leaving him with three daughters.
His old age was, nevertheless, healthful and he died in 1674 His major works are Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Aeropagitica, etc.







(a) ¾

(b) ¾


took (c) ¾ in English

Dhaka University

at 22



(d) ¾

(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) Barisal, (b) 1899, (c) MA, (d) London, (e) 1608.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. Jivananda Das was born in Barisal. He started his career as professor of English at Calcutta City College. His major works are Banalata Sen, Dhusar, etc. A renowned poet Milton was born in London. He went to Cambridge University to study. His major works are paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, etc.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. A village market is a place

i. to improve their economic condition

b. In fact, it is the primary centre

ii. has a great social importance too.

c. It also serves as a centre of the villagers

iii. to meet the needs of people.

d. A village market is also a meeting place here

iv. thousands of villagers come every day

e. In that way, a village market

v. where the villagers buy and sell different kinds of daily necessaries

vi. their friends and relatives come to buy and sell things

vii. has a great spiritual importance too.

Answer: 6. (a) + v) : A village market is a place where the villagers buy and sell different kinds of daily necessaries.
(b + iii) : In fact, it is the primary centre to meet the needs of people.
(c + i) : It also serves as a centre of the villagers to improve their economic condition.
(d + vi) : A village market is also a meeting place here their friends and relatives come to buy and sell things.
(e + ii) : In that way, a village market has a great social importance too.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) One day he received a most heart breaking news that his father had died.
(b) Once there was a prince named Hamlet.
(c) He thought that Claudius himself might be the snake who had killed his father for the crown and his mother.
(d) He was told that a snake had killed his father.
(e) But when he saw his mother being married with his uncle Claudius, he got greatly shocked and suspicion filled his mind.
(f) He had a son called prince Hamlet.
(g) He rushed home with a heavy hearty.
(h) Prince hamlet was studying philosophy in a university abroad.
Answer: 7. b → f → h → a → g → d → e → c
SSC English First Paper Unit-13: Lesson-2(B)

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