SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [47] pdf download

 Model Test Question-47 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-13: Lesson-1(C)
Let’s imagine a citizen’s ordinary day at work. The morning probably starts with a cup of coffee/tea, followed by greeting the colleagues. Then comes the inevitable, which is the logging in the computer. For many of us the third step has become an automatic behavior and it dominates the rest of our work day, receiving and sending dozens of emails.
An e-mail is an electronic mail. It is a computer-aided way of exchanging digital text messages from a sender to one or multiple recipient/s. Emails operate through a network of computers linked by the Internet. There are commercial server agencies such as Yahoo, Gmail, Ymail, Hotmail, etc. that accept the text message from the sender, forward it and deliver instantly to the digital mailbox of the recipient. If the recipient is not online, the message is stored and delivered later when the recipient is online. It works instantly just with the click of your mouse. It has been a powerful communication tool in modern life.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. The text is about—.
i) logging in the computer ii) digital operation of computer
iii) modern communication system iv) digital system
b. 'Logging in’ refers to —.
i) cutting down the logs of trees ii) making logs
iii) activities to start a device iv) pushing a log into a computer
c. The initial activity in the morning is —.
i) logging in the computer ii) cooking food
iii) going to office iv) reading
d. What is a must in the morning —.
i) taking a cup of tea ii) cooking food
iii) logging in the computer iv) going to the washroom
e. What has become automatic behavior?
i) receiving emails ii) sending emails
iii) working with emails iv) writing emails
f. How is an email?
i) Mail stored in a box ii) Mail exchanged electronically
iii) Mail received from a postman iv) Mail received from a post office
g. How many recipients can be of an email?
i) Many ii) Only one
iii) None knows iv) 50 to 60

Extra Practices
h. Internet is—.
i) computer-linked ii) computer-system iii) computer-graphic iv) computer-writing
i. We are dependent on email, because—.
i) it is modern ii) it is fashionable iii) it is our need iv) it is challenging
j. By which will you click?
i) Mouse ii) Keyboard iii) Monitor iv) CPU
k. The morning probably starts with a — followed by greeting the colleagues.
(i) morning walk (ii) reading paper (iii) with a cup of tea (iv) eating breakfast
l. Emails operate through a network of computers linked by the —.
(i) mobile phone (ii) facebook
(iii) internet (iv) world wide web (www)
m. It works instantly just with the click of your —.
(i) keyboard (ii) hard disk (iii) mouse (iv) CPU
n. It has been a — communication.
(i) slow (ii) fast (iii) rapid (iv) powerful
o. An e-mail is an electronic —.
(i) mail (ii) current (iii) metal (iv) thing
p. With what does the morning probably start?
(i) a cup of coffee/tea (ii) a cup of soup
(iii) a mug of water (iv) a jug of milk
q. What should be imagined?
(i) a citizen’s good day (ii) a gun man’s day
(iii) a citizen’s ordinary day (iv) a servant’s day
Answer: 1. a. iii) modern communication system; b. iii) activities to start a device; c. i) logging in the computer; d. iii) logging in the computer; e. iii) working with emails; f. ii) Mail exchanged electronically; g. i) Many; h. i) computer-linked; i. iii) it is our need; j. i) Mouse; k. (iii); m. (iii); n. (iii); o. (iii); p. (iii); q. (i); r. (iii).

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What is an e-mail?
b. How do we get up normally in the morning?
c. What has become inevitable now in the morning?
d. What does dominate our work day?
e. How many e-mails in a day do we handle?

Extra Practices
f. What is Gmail?
g. How are e-mails operated?
h. What will be done if the recipient is not online?
i. How does an email work?
j. What is a powerful communication tool in modern life?
k. How do emails operate?
l. How do the commercial servers serve in the process of an email?
m. Has it been a powerful communication tool in modern life.
n. How do emails affect our daily work schedule?
Answer: 2. a. E-mail is an electronic mail.
b. We get up normally in the morning with a cup of coffee/tea.
c. Logging in the computer has become inevitable now in the morning.
d. Computer dominates our work day.
e. We handle many e-mails in a day.
f. Gmail is a commercial server agency.
g. E-mails are operated through a network of internet
h. If the recipient is not online, the message is stored.
i. An e-mail works instantly.
j. Email is a powerful communication tool in modern life.
k. Emails operate through a network of computers linked by the internet.
l. The ommercial servers serve in the process of an emial by accepting the text message from the sender and doing other things.
m. Yes, it has been a powerful communication tool in modern life.
n. Emails affect our daily work schedule greatly.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. In the morning it (a) — inevitable to (b) — in the computer. We (c) — become linked with emails. It (d) — our daily work. We pass our day (e) — and sending (f) —. We cannot (g) — run our day with emails. It is (h) — on computer which has (i) — connection. By it we can (j) — digital text.

Extra Practices
ii. An e-mail is an electronic —. It is a computer aided way of exchanging digital text messages from a sender to one or — recipients. Emails operate through a network of computers linked by the —. There are commercial server — such as Yahoo, Gmail, Ymail, Hotmail etc. that accept the text message from the sender forward it and deliver — to the digital mailbox of the recipient. If the recipient is not online, the message is — and delivered later when the recipient is online. It works instantly jush with the — of our mouse. It has been a — communication in modern —.
iii. An e-mail is an — mail. it is a computer aided way of — digital text messages from a sender to one or multiple recipients. Emails — through a network of computers linked by the internet. There are — sever agencies such as Yahoo, Gmail, Ymail, Hotmail etc. that — the text message from the sender farward it and — instantly to the digital mailbox of the —. If the recipient is not online, the message is stored and delivered — when the recipient is online. It works — just with click of your mouse. It has been a powerful — tool in modern life.
Answer: 3. i. (a) becomes; (b) log; (c) automatically; (d) dominates; (e) receiving; (f) e-mails; (g) but; (h) based; (i) internet; (j) exchange. .
 ii. (a) mail (b) multiple (c) internet (d) agencies (e) instantly (f) stored (g) click (h) powerful (j) tool (j) life
 iii. (a) electronic (b) exchanging (c) operate (d) commercial (e) accept (f) deliver (g) recipient (h) later (i) instantly (j) communication

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Rabindrnath Tagore was one of the most leading poets in the history of world’ literature. He was born in the renowned Tagore family in March, 1861. After the completion of his house education he was sent to school. But he did not like institutional education. At the age of seventeen he was sent to London to study law. But he studied literature with Professor Henry Morley only for a few months and then returned home.
Only at the age of eight he started composing pomes. He wrote his poetic novel; Banaphul at the age of fifteen. When he was sixteen, his poems and essays were being published in journals. After returning from England, he began to write tirelessly all branches of literature.
In 1911 he translated his poems of “The Gitanjali” “into English which brought him the highest honour in the form of the Nobel Prize in 1913.
One year after his awarding of the Noble Prize, he was made a Knight by the British government which he rejected as a protest against the atrocities of British, government at Jalianwalabagh. The University of Oxford honoured the poet with D Lit in 1940. Earlier in 1921, he laid the foundation of Viswa Bhrati. At the age of eighty, Rabindranath Tagore breathed his last.







(a) ¾

(b) ¾


Published (c) ¾


The poet

Got (d) ¾ Prize

(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) Calcutta, (b) 1861, (c) Sadhna, (d) Nobel, (e) 1913.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. The leading poet in the history world's literature. Rabindranath Tagore was born in India. He did not like institutional education but completed house education but completed house education. Only at the age of eight he started composing poems. When he was sixteen his poems and essays were being published in journals. He translated his poems of 'Gitanjali' that brought him highest honour in the form of 'Nobel Prize' in 1913.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. A national flag is the symbol

i. stands for everlasting youth, freshness and vigour of the nation

b. As we are a free nation,

ii. of independence of a nation

c. It is the symbol of our national

iii. we have to uphold its dignity

d. The green colour of our national flag

iv. the greenery of Bangladesh

e. It also symbolizes

v. integrity, solidarity and sovereignty

vi. our existence as a free nation

vii. we have a national flag of our own.

Answer: 6. (a + iii) : A national flag is the symbol we have to uphold its dignity
(b + vii) : As we are a free nation, we have a national flag of our own.
(c + v) : It is the symbol of our national integrity, solidarity and sovereignty
(d + i) : The green colour of our national flag stands for everlasting youth, freshness and vigour of the nation
(e + iv) : It also symbolizes the greenery of Bangladesh

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) He told the crow that she was most beautiful with the excellent feathers but it was a great pity that she could not sing.
(b) One day while going through the forest all on a sudden, he found a crow sitting on the branch of a tree.
(c) At once the piece of meat fell down from her mouth and the cunning fox ate it with great enjoyment.
(d) The cunning fox being really very greedy wanted to have the piece of meat.
(e) She had a piece of meat in her beak.
(f) Once there was a cunning and shrewd fox.
(g) He made a plan.
(h) The crow being influenced by the speech of the fox, began to sing.
Answer: 7. f → b → e → d → g →a → h → c
SSC English First Paper Unit-13: Lesson-1(C)

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