SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [49] pdf download

 Model Test Question-49 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-12: Lesson-3(C)
Can you think of a classroom where there is no blackboard or desks? Do you believe that you can be a student without a traditional book or writing pad or even pen/pencil? Are you not thrilled to imagine that you have asked a question and your tutor is answering that while flying midair in a Boeing from California to Tokyo? These are all possible in a ‘virtual campus’ in the system of e-learning. No kidding! For quite a long time, educationists have been utilizing the advantages of computer technology. The social networking services have a huge potential to help educationists in this sector. They have access to millions of people worldwide. Educationists have noticed that a large number of social network users come from young generation and especially belong to student community. So side by side with computer assisted teaching-learning software, online education programmes are evolving fairly rapidly to assist conventional education system. But is that e-learning?
We may confuse distant education or computer-based learning or computer-assisted training or even online education programmes with e-learning. But we should be cautious about the mix-up. What happens in an online education programme? Maybe you get some materials online from your tutor. Maybe you submit your assignment through email. Or even you may take your test online. But there must be some conventional campus, a department/institute from where your certificate will come. But in e-learning, as said by global e-learning guru Dr Badrul H Khan, every step such as, registration, admission, classroom entry and exit, class work, attendance, discussion with course mates, feedback, exams and finally certification must take place electronically through computer and the Internet technology in a virtual campus. Everything is digitized and conducted by a system called Learning Management System (LMS). So online education programmes blend various components of e-learning.
The revolutionary concept of e-learning is already in its practice phase in many parts of the world. Professor Khan has developed a framework and important literatures on e-learning which have been praised by pundits worldwide including Bangladesh. Professor Khan is especially enthusiastic about the prospect of e-learning in Bangladesh. In fact, Bangladesh is going to establish the region’s first virtual university (http://bangladeshvirtualuniversity.com/), thanks to Professor Khan, which must be a pioneering step in the world of e-learning.
*Note: Dr. Badrul H Khan is a Bangladeshi professor teaching at the George Washington University and the University of Texas, USA.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Everything is digitaized and conducted by a system called —.
i) SMS ii) LMS iii)MLSS iv) LPS
b. The concept of e-elarning is in its practice phase in —.
i) our country ii) India ii) Pakistan iv) many parts of the world
c. Global e-learning guru is —.
i) Dr. Badrul H. Khan ii) Dr. Baidul H. Khan
iii) Dr. Badirul H, Khan iv) Dr. Badrul Khan
d. They have access to —people worldwide.
i) many ii) few iii) thousands iv) billions
e. Educationists have been utilizing the advantages of computer technology for----.
i) a long time ii) five years iii) three years iv) two years
f. One may be — by distant education with e-learning.
i) Confused ii) explain iii) understand iv) forget
g. We ought to be cautious about the—.
i) mix-up ii) distant education iii) e-learning iv) computer-based learning

Extra Practices
h. One can submit one's assignment through —.
i) e-mail ii) SMS iii) post office iv) by post
i. Some — campus are essential.
i) modem ii) decorated iii) conventional iv) excellent
j. One may — online.
i) take one's test ii) give his test iii) take his money iv) give his money
k. For quite a long time, —— have been utilizing the advantages of computer technology.
(i)scientists (ii)philosophers (iii)educationists (iv)psychologists
l. The social networking service have a —— potential to help educationalists.
(i) large (ii)small (iii)long (iv)huge
Answer: 1. a. (ii) LMS; b. i) our country; c. i) Dr. Badrul H. Khan; d. i) many; e. i) a long time; f. i) confused; g. i) mix-up; h. i) e-mail; i. in) conventional; j. i) take one's test; k. (iii); l. (iv).

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. Who is regarded as the guru of global e-learning?
b. Should we be cautious about the mix-up?
c. What have the educationists noticed?
d. Who are utilising the advantages of computer technology?
e. What must be there to get certificate?

Extra Practices
f. What has Prof Khan developed?
g. What is Mr Khan enthusiastic about?
h. What is Bangladesh going to establish?
i. What may we confuse?
j. Where do a large number of social network users come from?
k. Who is the guru of global e-learning?
l. Who are utilizing the advantages of computer technology?
m. What have the educationists noticed?
n. What must be there to get certificate?
o. What should we be cautious about?
Answer: 2. a. Dr Badrul H Khan is regarded as the guru of global e-learning.
b. Yes, we should be cautious about the mix-up.
c. The educationists have noticed that a large number of social network users came from young generation and especially belong to student community. 
d. The education experts are utilising the advantages of computer technology.
e. There must be some conventional campus, a department or institute to get certificate. 
f. Prof Khan has developed a framework and important literatures.
g. Mr Khan is enthusiastic about the prospect of e-learning in Bangladesh.
h. Bangladesh is going to establish the region's first virtual university.
i. We may confuse distant education with e-learning.
j. A large number of social network users come from young generation and especially belong to student community.
k. Dr. Badrul H Khan is the guru of global e-learning.
l. The education experts are utilizing the advantages of computer technology.
m. Educationists have noticed that a large unmber of social network users come from young generation and especially belong to student community.
n. There must be some conventional campus, a department or institute to get certificate.
o. We should be cautious about the mix-up.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. E-learning is one of the (a) — modern concept of (b) —- . In this process a traditional classroom (c) — campus is not needed. As it is an internet (d) — learning system, we only need a computer and internet (e) —. The student can (f) — questions and get (g) — from anywhere of the (h) —. They (i) — also submit project work and (j) — result through e-learning process.

Extra Practices
ii. Is it (a) ------ to think of a (b) ------ without (c) ------ or desks? Is it (d) ------ to be a (e) ------ without book, writing pad, pen or (f) ------? Yes these (g) ------ possible in a 'virtual campus' in the (h) ------ of (i) ------. The global e-learning (j) ------ is Professor Dr Badrul H khan.
iii. The (b) ------ of e-learning is in (b) ------ in many parts of the (c) ------. Professor Khan has (d) ------ a framework on (e) ------. The (f) ------ of the world have (g) ------ this Professor Khan is especially (h) ------ regarding the (i) ------ of e-learning in (j) ------.
Answer: 3. i. (a) latest; (b) education; (c) or; (d) based; (e) connection; (f) ask; (g) answers' (h) world; (i) can;(j)get.
 ii. (a) possible; (b) classroom; (c) blackboard; (d) possible; (e) student; (f) pencil; (g) are; (h) system; (i) e-learning; (j) guru.
 iii. (a) concept; (b) practice; (c) world; (d) developed; (e) e-learning; (f) scholars; (g) praised; (h) eager; (i) prospect; (j) Bangladesh.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1306 B. S. (1899 A D.) at Churulia in the district of Burdwan. Even is his childhood he showed the signs that he would once be a great poet. He lost his father at the age of eight. At he age of eleven he showed his poetic genius. In 1914 when the First World War broke out he wanted to the army. Then he was minor. At fast at the age of 19 when was a student of class nine he joined the army as an ordinary soldier on the side of the Allies. On his return from the battle field, he gave up the sword for the pen and began to write poems.
He wrote a lot of poems, songs short stories, gajal, novels, etc. He travelled all branches of Bengali literature. His famous poem "Bidrohi" stirred the whole nation and he turned the rebel poet. He was always against the slavery. His poems inspired our Freedom Fighters in the Liberation War. Bangladesh became independent in 1971 and he was taken to Bangladesh in 1972 from Calcutta and was declared our national poet. It was a tragedy that he had been suffering a cruel disease since 1942 and almost half dead for the rest of life. He died on the 29th August, 1976 and was buried in the compound of Dhaka University Mosque.






(a) ¾


(b) ¾

Liberation War



(c) ¾

(d) ¾

became national poet

(e) ¾


Answer: 4. (a) born, (b) 1899, (c) 1971, (d) Nazrul, (e) Bangladesh.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. Rebel poet, our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1306 BS in Burdwan. At the age of eleven, he showed his poetic genius. At the age of nineteen, he joined the Army. Returning from the battle field, he started to write poem. His famous poem 'Bidrohi' stirred the whole nation. In 1971 Bangladesh became independent and he was brought him here from Calcutta and was declared our national poet. He died in 1976 and was buried in the compound of Dhaka University Mosque.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Television which is a modern means of communication

i. if they watch education programmes

b. Nowadays, it has become

ii. in our day-to-day life in many ways

c. We are benefited by television

iii. by watching regular programme

d. The modern world, it is the easiest

iv. is a wonderful invention of science

e. Students can be greatly benefited by television

v. and most popular means of recreation and amusement

vi. a part and parcel of our life.

vii. a very popular means of communication.

Answer: 6. (a + iv) : Television which is a modern means of communication is a wonderful invention of science
(b + vi) : Nowadays, it has become a part and parcel of our life.
(c + ii) : We are benefited by television in our day-to-day life in many ways
(d + v) : The modern world, it is the easiest and most popular means of recreation and amusement
(e + i) : Students can be greatly benefited by television if they watch education programmes

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) The queen politely asked the king to identify the natural garland.
(b) He was most famous for his wisdom and kindness.
(c) So, the queen in a planned way, took with him two garlands-one was of natural flowers and the other was of artificial flowers.
(d) Many yeas ago there lived a king named Solomon.
(e) Believing not that he was so wise and wealthy, she decided to meet him personally.
(f) The queen of Sheba a heard about the name and fame of King Solomon.
(g) The bees flying into the room sat on the natural garland and thus he could identify the real one.
(h) The intelligent king seeing some bees flying outside the window and asked one of his countries to open the window.
Answer: 7. d → b → f → e → c → a → h → g
SSC English First Paper Unit-12: Lesson-3(C)

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