SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [45] pdf download

 Model Test Question-45 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-12: Lesson-2(D)
Mainul Islam is a qualified farmer in Naogaon. Mr Islam was very brilliant as a student. He took his higher education from Bangladesh Agricultural University in Mymensingh. After completing his higher education Mainul came back home and started advanced farming. He has two other brothers who are graduates in different areas. The specialty of Islam family is that they all are living in their village and all have fame in their own fields. His younger brother, who is a Rajshahi University graduate, is a science teacher in a local school. His youngest brother is a social science graduate and he too would like to start a local NGO to work for this area. When asked “What makes you decide to stay here in this village?”, Mr Islam smiled. He said, “Look, it’s true that we could leave this village for a city life. I could be an officer or my brother could be a bureaucrat. But it didn’t attract us. We are sons of this soil. Yes, we have education but does education prepare a person only to be an officer? Don’t we have any obligation to the soil that has made us what we are?” He also added that every educated individual shouldn’t be a job seeker. He continued that since his discipline was Agriculture, after his education he took the occupation of a farmer. In response to the question whether they have any frustrations to live in a village, he confirmed that they were very pleased with their life. He said, “I work in my own farm, stay with my family members, pass time with my old friends, and sleep at my own home. All these count a lot.”
Mr Islam is right. Many people go to cities and forget or loosen their roots knowingly or unknowingly. Mr Islam and his brothers are great - they never forgot their roots. They not only stuck to their own roots, they have been torch bearers for others to be respectful of their own roots.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Who is Mainul Islam?
i) Teacher ii) Farmer iii) Doctor iv) Agricultural officer
b. How was Mr Islam?
i) Brilliant student ii) Middle student iii) Bad student iv) Normal student
c. Where did he take his higher education?
i) BAUM ii) DU iii. RU iv) BAUD
d. What did he start?
i) Gardening ii) Fishing iii) Farming iv. Swimming
e. Who is a science teacher?
i. Mainul's younger brother ii) Mainum’s elder brother
iii. Rahim's elder brother iv. Mainum’s younger brother
f. Who are great?
i. Mainum & his brothers ii) Mainul’s & brothers
iii) Rahim & his brothers iv) only Mainul
g. What do Mainul & his brothers like?
i. service ii. village iii) roots iv) city life
h. Mainul Islam took the occupation of a —.
i) physician ii) science teacher iii) farmer iv) officer
Answer: 1. a. ii) Farmer; b. i) Brilliant student; c. i) BAUM; d. iii) Fanning; e. i) Mainuls younger brother; f. ii) Mainul & his brothers; g. iii) roots; h. farmer.

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. Where do Mr Islam and his two brothers live?
b. Who took higher education from BAUM?
c. When did Mr Islam start farming?
d. How many brothers does he have?
e. What do they do?

Extra Practices
f. What is Mr Mainuls occupation?
g. What did Mainul Islam want?
h. Who never forgot their roots?
i. Who was brilliant?
j. Who have been torch bearers?
Answer: 2. a. Mr Islam and his two brothers live in Noagaon.
b. Mr Mainul Islam took higher education from Bangladesh Agricultural University in Mymensingh. 
c. After completing his higher education Mainul came back home and started advanced farming.
d. He has two brothers.
e. First one is science teacher in a local school, who is a Rajshahi University graduate. Second one is a local NGO worker, who is social science graduate.
f. Mr Mainul's occupation is farming. Mr Mainul is a farmer.
g. Mainul Islam wanted to work in his own farm, to stay with his family members, to pass time with his old friends and to sleep at his own home.
h. Mr Islam and his brothers never forget their roots.
i. Mr Mainul Islam was very brilliant as a student. 
j. Mr Islam and his two brothers have been torch bearers for others to be respectful of their own roots.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
Mr Islam who (a) — very brilliant as a student, (b) — a qualified farmer in Naogaon. After (c) --- his higher education from Bangladesh Agricultural University in Mymensingh he (d) — home and (e) — advanced (f) —. His another two brothers (g) — graduates in different areas. They all (h) — fame in their own fields. They were very (i) — with their life. They never (j) — their roots.
Answer: 3. a. was; b. is; c. completing/finishing; d. came back/returned; e. started; f. farming; g. are; h. have; i. pleased; j. forgot.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Charles Babbage was an English mathematician. He was a mechanical engineer who is best known for originating the concept of computer. He was born on 26 December, 1791 in London. He entered Trinity College in October, 1810. He was transferred to Porterhouse, Cambridge. He was the top mathematician there. He received an honours degree without examination in 1814. He was elected a fellow of the Ryan Society in 1816. From 1828 to 1839 Babbage was Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University. Babbage is famous for inventing the first mechanical computer in 1822 that eventually led to today’s computer. He died at his home in London on 18 October, 1871.







(a) ¾

(b) ¾



(c) ¾ College



(d) ¾ of Mathematics

Cambridge University

(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) London, (b) 1791, (c) Trinity, (d) professor, (e) 1828-1839.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. The great mathematician Charles Babbage was an English. He was also a mechanical engineer. He is mostly known for originating the concept of computer. He received an honours without examination. He was lucasian professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. We have many natural advantages

i. as ours is a tropical country

b. They have big cities, deserts and waters

ii. which many countries do not have

c. Moreover, our soil gets enough sun, and water

iii. which are good for cultivation

d. Some cold countries like Britain

iv. occupying much of their cultivable land

e. They need green houses which are

v. can’t grow green plants so easily because of the lack of sufficient sun

vi. to make for producing green crops

vii. where, we can easily grow crops.

Answer: 6. (a + ii) : We have many natural advantages which many countries do not have.
(b + iv) : They have big cities, deserts and waters occupying much of their cultivable land.
(c + i) : Moreover, our soil gets enough sun, and water as ours is a tropical country.
(d + v) : Some cold countries like Britain can’t grow green plants so easily because of the lack of sufficient sun.
(e + vi) : They need green houses which are to make for producing green crops.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) So, they wanted to buy a sheep skin for making a new coat.
(b) So he lived with his wife Matron in the hut of a farmer in a village.
(c) It was winter.
(d) Once there was a poor cobbler in Russia called Simon.
(e) So, they thought that with this amount of money they would be able to make a new leather coat.
(f) They had only one leather coat to wear.
(g) His wife had managed to save three rubles and villagers owed him five rubles.
(h) He did not have a house of his own.
Answer: 7. d → h→ b →c → f → a → g → e
SSC English First Paper Unit-12: Lesson-2(D)

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