SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [44] pdf download

 Model Test Question-44 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-12: Lesson-1(B)
Eid is the main religious festival of the Muslims in Bangladeh. Eid` means happiness. Eveyone wants to share this happiness with their near and dear ones. So most of the people, who are living outside their home for different reasons have a strong desire to get back home during the Eid vacations. As a result, there is a mad rush in the buses, trains, or launches for the home-bound people. This often causes transport accidents that take away many lives. However, it cannot stop people’s desire to meet their family, in-laws, or friends. What makes people rush for their homes in spite of serious hazards? This is the pull of the roots. Do human beings have roots like the trees? The answer is ‘yes’ but unlike the roots of the trees they are invisible, they lie in our minds. It’s these roots that make a bond between us and family members, in-laws, friends, neighbours or even between us and the the land where we were born and grew up. In that sense our families, land of birth, relatives, our culture, traditions, or surroundings are our roots. And whereever we stay, we have a continuous pull of our roots. It’s our roots that develop our identity making us what we are. When we lose that bond, we become rootless. A human being who doesn’t have any roots or context, is a non entity. In other words, he or she doesn’t have any own identity. Such a person is devoid of values, humanity, and social responsibilities. The person doesn’t know where he or she is from, and/or where he or she is heading towards. This often makes the person feel empty and lost.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Who celebrate the Eid festival?
i) Muslims ii) Christians iii) Buddhists iv) Hindus
b. People become desperate to ---- during Eid vacation.
i) leave home ii) leave the country iii) leave the station iv) get back home
c. A mad rush is found everywhere for the — people.
i) . village-bound ii) home-bound iii) town-bound iv) Dhaka-bound
d. What happens is nothing but—.
i) the pull of the roots ii) the fascination
iii) the call of parents iv) the push of the roots
e. Nothing is able to stop people's desire to —.
i) meet their family, in-laws and friends ii) meet friends
iii) meet parents iv) meet neighbours
f. The roots lie in our —.
i) minds ii) lands iii) legs iv) feet
g. The mad rush causes — accidents.
i) road ii) transport iii) bus iv) train

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h. Everybody would like to share the —.
i) sufferings ii) pangs iii) sorrows iv) happiness
i. The roots of the trees are —.
i) invisible ii) visible iii) unvisible iv) nonvisible
j. People become — when they lose the bond.
i) rootless ii) toothless iii) unhappy iv) serious
k. Eid is the religious festival of the ——.
(i) Muslims (ii) Christians (iii) Hindus (iv) Buddhists
l. People become serious to —— during Eid vacation.
(i) leave home (ii) get back home (iii) leave the country (iv) leave the station
m. Eid is the main religious — of the Muslims in Bangladesh.
(i) organisation (ii) festival (iii) glad (iv) occassion
n. Every people wants to share their happiness with their —.
(i) near ones (ii) near and dear ones (iii) their relatives (iv) their neighbours
Answer: 1. a. i) Muslim; b. iv) get back home; c. ii) home-bound; d. i) the pull of the roots; e. i) meet their family, in-laws and friends; f. i) minds; g. ii) transport; h. iv) happiness; i. ii) visible; j. i) rootless; k. (i); l. (ii); m. (iii) festival n. (iii) near and dear ones.

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. Why is a mad rush found in the transport?
b. What do you mean by Eid?
c. What happens when any person does not have any own identity?
d. What do people do during Eid vacation?
e. Why do they get back home?

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f. Who is a non-entity?
g. When do we become rootless?
b. What is the condition of a non entity?
i. What does everyone want to share?
j. Do human beings have roots like the trees?
k. What is Eid?
l. What do the people do outside their home?
m. Why do they return home?
Answer: 2. a. A mad rush is found in the transport for the home-bound people.
b. Eid means happiness. It is the main religious festival of the Muslims. 
c. When any person does not have any identity, he is devoid of values, humanity and social responsibilities.
d. People try their best to get back home during the Eid vacation.
e. They get back home as they want to share the Eid happiness with their near and dear ones.
f. A human being who doesn't have any roots or context is a non-entity. 
g. When we lose the bond, we become rootless. 
h. A non entity is devoid of values, humanity, and social responsibilities.
i. Everyone wants to share the happiness with his near and dear ones.
j. Yes, human beings have roots like the trees. But unlike the roots of the trees they are invisible.
k. Eid is the main religious festival of the muslims all over the world. It means happiness.
l. People outside their home try their level best to get back home during the Eid vacations.
m. They want to share the Eid happiness with their dear and near ones.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. Human beings (a) — round their roots. The root (b) — to the (c) — between a person and his/her family members, relatives, familiar persons, birth place, etc. The root is the (d) — factor which (e) — the identity and entity of a person. A person (f) — of any root seems to . (g) — nothing. It is the root for the (h) — of which people become (i) — to return their home, neglecting any danger, (j) — the fear of death.

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ii. Eid is the biggest religious — of the muslims. Most of the people have a strong desire to get back home — Eid vacations. As a result. this is a — rush in the buses, trains or launches. This often causes transport — that take away many lives. It cannot — people's desire to meet their family. It makes people rush for their homes in spite of serious —. This is the — of the roots. It's our roots that develops our — making us what we are such a person is — of values, humanity and social responsibilities. This often — the person feel empty and lost.
iii. Eid is the religious (a) --- of the Muslim all over the (b) ----. Eid means (c) ----. Everybody wants to (d) ---- his happiness with the dear and (e) ---- ones. As a result. most of the (f) ---- who live (g) ---- their home have a strong (h) --- to get (i) ---- home during the Eid (j) -----.
Answer: 3. i. (a) centre; (b) refers; (c) bond; (d) prime; (e) shapes; (f) devoid; (g) be; (h) attraction; (i) desperate; (j) even.
 ii. (a) festival (b) during (c) mad (d) accidents (e) stop (f) hazards (g) pull (h) identity (i) devoid (j) makes
 iii. (a) festival; (b) world; (c) happiness; (d) share; (e) near; (f) people; (g) outside; (h) desire; (i) back; (j) vacation.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. He was an American astronaut. He was also an aerospace engineer. Armstrong was born on 05 August, 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio, the USA. He experienced his first flight in Warren, Ohio on July 20, 1936. He earned his flight certificate in 1945 at the age of only 15. In 1947, at the age of 17, he began to study aeronautical engineering in Purdue University, the USA. He received BSc degree in Aeronautical Engineering in 1955 and he did MSc in Aerospace engineering from the university of Southern California in 1970. In 1958 he was selected for the US Air Force’s Man in Space Soonest programme. Neil Armstrong, along with his group, launched the mission to the moon with Apollo 11 July 1969. He was the commander of the voyage, "Apollo 11" and landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong walked first on the surface of the moon. He died on August 25, 2012.







(a) ¾

(b) ¾


earn flight certificate

(c) ¾



the (d) ¾

(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) USA, (b) 1930, (c) 1945, (d) Moon, (e) 1969.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. American astronaut, aerospace engineer Neil Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta. He was the first man to walk on the moon. He received his BSc in aeronautical engineering and MSc in aerouspace engineering. He with his group launched the mission to the moon with Apollo 11.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Nobody can make progress and prosperity in life

i. life and speed if there is no sort of the competition

b. Life itself loses its interest and speed

ii. the keener the contest the greater the enjoyment

c. Similarly, games and sports grow departed of

iii. type of continuous appetitive examination

d. A victory is not meaningful and significant unless

iv. if the result can queasily foreseen

e. Human life is indeed one

v. without the exercise of struggle

vi. in the absence of sincere efforts

vii. and until both sides are equally matched

Answer: 6. (a + v) : Nobody can make progress and prosperity in life without the exercise of struggle.
(b + vi) : Life itself loses its interest and speed in the absence of sincere efforts.
(c + i) : Similarly, games and sports grow departed of life and speed if there is no sort of the competition.
(d + vii) : A victory is not meaningful and significant unless and until both sides are equally matched.
(e + iii) : Human life is indeed one type of continuous appetitive examination.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) He discovered that it was caused by the night air of marshes.
(b) And there he was first brought into contact with malaria at close quarters.
(c) In 1866, he went out to become a medical officer at a Chinese hospital in Formosa.
(d) Sir Patrick Manson was a Scottish doctor.
(e) There he studied elephantiasis, legs and arms or other parts of the body to assume monstrous proportion.
(f) He was born near Aberdeen.
(g) Manson began his investigation.
(h) A theory then generally held was the elephantiasis was a tropical diseases like malaria.
Answer: 7. d → f → c → e → b → g → a → h
SSC English First Paper Unit-12: Lesson-1(B)

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