SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [42] pdf download

 Model Test Question-42 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-11: Lesson-2(B)
In a speech at the 90th Science Congress, internationally acknowledged scientist and former Indian president Mr APJ Abdul Kalam mentioned a very important aspect of mankind’s future energy crisis. He pointed out that the era of wood and bio-mass has almost come to an end. The age of oil and natural gas would soon be over within the next few decades. Massive burning of world’s coal reserves may lead to a worldwide ecological disaster because coal burning emits the highest amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Ukraine’s (former Soviet Union) Chernobyl disaster in 1986 has exposed that nuclear energy can be potentially dangerous too. So according to Kalam, the only solution that mankind can look to is the massive use of solar energy in future because it has some advantages over other forms of renewable energies.
Now why has Kalam put so much importance to the issue of energy? The energy sources have always been a major factor of change throughout history. The world’s petroleum consumption has increased from annually 3 billion barrels in 1930 to annually 50 billion barrels today. In the next quarter century, the world’s population is expected to be about 8 billion which is 30 percent higher than today. Developing countries will grow their economies about two times faster than industrialised countries. Global economic growth is expected to continue at 3 percent per year. Consequently, the global demand for energy will grow at about 1.7 percent per year on an average. It indicates a 50 percent rise of energy consumption by 2030. If the world’s daily petroleum consumption is 220 million barrels now, it will rise to 335 million barrels by that time. The present reserve of hydro-carbon energy resources is limited and it will not be sufficient to meet the future energy challenges of the world. And hence, leading industrial countries have taken initiatives to tap alternative energy sources mainly known as green or renewable energy sources. The bottom line of Kalam’s speech indicates that concern of mankind in 21st century.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. What did Mr APJ mention about at the 90th Science Congress?
i) Future energy problem ii) Future energy cost
iii) Future energy elements iv) Energy necessity
b. Here wood indicates—.
i) furniture wood ii) fire wood iii) wood of science iv) wood fossil
c. Why will be there fuel crisis? Because —.
i) its store is limited ii) it is very costly
iii) Bangladesh has no oil mine iv) it is very useful thing
d. The only solution, according to Kalam, is to use —.
i) green energy ii) bio gas iii) wood energy iv) hydro-carbon energy
e. What does Kalam put so much importance on?
i) wood ii) natural iii) issue of energy iv) Science Congress
f. What is global economic growth?
i) 50 per cent ii) 30 per cent iii) 3 percent iv) 1.7 per cent
g. In 2030 the rise of energy consumption will be ---- million barrels.
i) 335 ii) 220 iii) 50 iv) 117

Extra Practices
h. The present reserve of hydro-carbon—.
i) is sufficient ii) is much
iii) is not according to our need iv) is not insufficient
i. Green energy can be got from —.
i) the ocean ii) the sun iii) the hydro-carbon iv) natural gas
j. The world needs—.
i) green energy ii) water iii) gas iv) tree
Answer: 1. a, i) Future energy problem; b. ii) fire wood; c. i) its store is limited; d. i) green energy; e, iii) issue of energy; f. iii) 3 per cent; g. i) 335; h. iii) is not according to our need; i. ii) the sun; j. i) green energy.

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What is Science Congress?
b. Who is Mr APJ Abdul Kalam?
c. What did Mr APJ point out?
d. What were the scientists afraid of?
e. What may cause ecological disaster?

Extra Practices
f. Why can mankind look to the massive use of solar energy?
g. How is global economic growth expected?
h. What will be the energy consumption by 2030?
i. How is the present reserve of hydro-carbon energy resources?
j. May solar energy be called green energy?
Answer: 2. a. Science Congress is an organization where the scientists express their research activities.
b. Mr APJ Abdul Kalam is the former president of India.
c. Mr APJ pointed out the necessity of green energy.
d. The scientists were afraid of the shortage of energy in the coming decades.
e. Massive burning of world's coal reserves may cause ecological disaster.
f. Mankind can look to the massive use of solar energy because it has some advantages over other forms of renewable energy.
g. Global economic growth is expected to continue at 3 per cent per year.
h. The energy consumption by 2030 will rise to 335 million barrels.
i. The present reserve of hydro-carbon energy resources is limited.
j. Yes, solar energy may be called green energy. It is not like natural gas.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
Now the (a) — of hydro-carbon energy is not (b) —. It cannot (c) — the future need of energy of the (d) —. Therefore, industrial developed (e) — have taken (f) —. They are looking for (g) — power sources. This may be called (h) — energy. It is renewable (i) — which can solve (j) — our energy problems. .
Answer: 3. (a) reserve; (b) sufficient; (c) meet; (d) world; (e) countries; (f) initiatives; (g) alternative; (h) green; (i) energy; (j) energy.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
According to the international Energy Agency, only a few countries produce over 63% of the world’s total oil. In November 2012, Russia produced 10.9 million barrels per day. It is about 13% of world’s total production. Next to Russia, comes Saudi Arabia. In the same year Saudi Arabia produced 9.9 million barrels per day and the amount was 12.65% of world’s production. United States was the third in the list of producing oil in 2012. The country produced 8.45 million barrels per day. In the same year, Iran stood fourth in producing oil that was 4.23 mollion barrels per day. The amount was 4.77% of world’s production. China produced about 4 million barrels per day amounting 4.56% of world’s total production. Canada produced about 3.6 million barrels per day in the same year and the amount was 3.90% of world’s total production.


Amount of Production per day (Million costs)

Percentage of World’s total production



(a) ¾



Saudia Arabia

(b) ¾


(c) ¾

(d) ¾


(e) ¾


Answer: 4. (a) 10.9, (b) 9.9, (c) 2012, (d) Iran, (e) 4.77%.

5. From your reading of the above passage fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use one word only in each blank. 1×5=5
Over 63% of the total production of (a) ___ in the world is produced by a few countries. Russia Produced 10.9 million (b) ___ of Oil per day in 2012. The united states 8.45 million barrels per day in that (c) ___. China (d) ___ about 4 million of barrels per day in the same year. Canada produced (e) ___ of the total production of oil in the world in the year.
Answer: 5. According to international Energy Agency, only a few countries produce over 63% of world's total oil. In November Russia, Saudi Arabia, United States, Iran, China and Canada produced respectively 10.9, 9.9, 8.45, 4.23, 4 and 3.6 million barrels per day amounting 13%, 12.65% 4.77%, 4.56% and 3.90% of world's total production.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. In his boyhood, George Washington made

i. his loyal son and prayed prosperity to God for him.

b. Before moving to the sea, he went to his mother to seek

ii. carried down to the boat.

c. Wasting no time, he changed his decision

iii. all preparations to go to sea as a sailor.

d. George Washington was so loyal to her mother that

iv. God blesses the children who honour their parents.

e. His mother became highly pleased with

v. and asked his servant to take back his luggage from the ship.

vi. he did not want to break his mother’s heart.

vii. final permission and saw tears in her eyes.

Answer: 6. (a+ iii) : In his boyhood, George Washington made all preparations to go to sea as a sailor
 (b+ vii) : Before moving to the sea, he went to his mother to seek final permission and saw tears in her eyes.
 (c+ v) : Wasting no time, he changed his decision and asked his servant to take back his luggage from the ship 
 (d+ vi) : George Washington was so loyal to her mother that he did not want to break his mother’s heart 
 (e+ i) : His mother became highly pleased with his loyal son and prayed prosperity to God for him.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) The deer’s piteous shriek disturbed a hermit sitting in deep meditation near the pool.
(b) He said, “For the crime you have committed, you will be turned into a frog.”
(c) The hermit’s divine meditation being disturbed, he rose from his eat and went up to the deer only to find it dead.
(d) Inside the forest the prince saw a deer drinking water from a pool and immediately he shot an arrow at it.
(e) And since then the prince had to live as a frog in that pool.
(f) Once upon a time there lived a king who had a handsome young son.
(g) He became extremely angry and cursed the prince.
(h) One day the young prince went into a forest for a hunting expedition.
Answer: 7. f → h → d → a → c → g → b → e
SSC English First Paper Unit-11: Lesson-2(B)

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