SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [41] pdf download

 Model Test Question-41 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-11: Lesson-1(B)
Sohan lives in a village in the south-west part of Bangladesh. Last night he could not sleep. His sister had the SSC exam next morning. She could not read either. There was-load shedding. The summer night being sticky hot, life became hell without electricity. Most of their area remained dark for hours due to power shortage.
In May-June, temperature shoots up to 40 degree Celsius. With almost 90 per cent of humidity in the atmosphere, it becomes all sweat, wet, damp and stinky. When you are busy fanning yourself all the time, how come you concentrate on studies? In the night it is impossible to sit in the study with a candle light or table lamp or hurricane lamp or a rural kerosene lamp. People simply come out of houses almost bare-bodied and sit in the open places. Some splash cold water on their faces. Fans are still, lamps are out and it is dark everywhere. It is simply unbearable.
What is the reason of frequent load-shedding? Press reports say there is a shortage in electricity production. According to the Power development authorities, the current demand for electricity is more than 6,000 MW* a day while the supply remains around 4,200 MW. In the rural areas, the Rural Electrification Board (REB) can supply barely half of the total demand which is around 2,400 MW per day. In the capital city, the demand stands at around 1,400 MW while the supply amounts to 650 MW. As a result, load shedding is unavoidable.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. The reason of Sohan's sister's inability to read that night was —.
i) Sohan's disturbance ii) lack of load-shedding ;
iii) lack of electricity iv) her own intention
b. Increase of temperature upto 40°C occurs —.
i) throughout the whole year ii) at the time of load-shedding
iii) during the SSC exam iv) in the summer
c. How is the situation of the supply of electricity in term of demand?
i) consistent ii) insufficient iii) over-flowing iv) enough
d. The weather in summer is —.
i) intolerable ii) unavoidable iii) impossible iv) very pleasant
e. Load-shedding is — affair now-a-days.
i) rare ii) uncommon iii) common iv) weekly
f. When was the SSC exam held, according to the passage?
i) in the winter ii) in the spring iii) in the summer iv) in February–March
g. About — of the atmosphere remains free of humidity in May to June.
i) 90% ii) 40% iii) 60% iv) 10%

Extra Practices
h. Which cannot function at the time of load-shedding?
i) candle lamp ii) fans iii) table lamp iv) hurricane lamp
i. Which is the main reason of load-shedding?
i) low production ii) hot temperature iii) high production iv) limited demand
j. The REB monitors electrical affairs —.
i) throughout the whole country ii) in the capital
iii) outside the urban areas iv) outside the rural areas:
k. Sohan lives in the —— part of Bangladesh.
(i) south-west (ii) east-west
(iii) north-south (iv) south-east
l. Sohan's sister had the —— exam next morning.
(i) HSC (ii) SSC
(iii) BA (iv) MA
m. Temperature shoots up to —— in May–June.
(i) 40ºC (ii) 50ºC
(iii) 60ºC (iv) 30ºC
n. In the capital city the demand stands at around ——.
(i) 1400 MW (ii) 140 MW
(iiI 1400 W (iv) 1400 KW
o. REB stands for ——
(i) Rural Electricity Bureau (ii) Rare Electricity Board
(iii) Rural Electicity Board (iv) Rural Electrification Board
Answer: 1. a. iii) lack of electricity; b. iv) in the summer; c. ii) insufficient; d. i) intolerable; e. iii) common; f, iii) in the summer; g. iv) 10%; h. ii) fans; i.i) low production; j.iii) outside the urban areas; k. (i); l. (ii); m. (i); n. (i); o. (iv);

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. Why could not Sohan sleep last night?
b. Where does Sohan live?
c. What are simply unbearable?
d. What do people do in time of load -shedding at night?
e. Why is it impossible to sit in the study without electricity at night?

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f. What happened to Sohan last night?
g. How was the summer night?
h. What happened during load-shedding in Sohan's area?
i. What causes load-shedding?
j. What is the current demand for electricity?
Answer: 2. a. Sohan could not sleep last night as there was no electricity. 
b. Sohan lives in a village in the north-west part of Bangladesh.
c. When electricity goes, fans are still, lamps are out and it is dark everywhere. All these
 things are simply unbearable.
d. People come out of houses almost bare-bodied and sit in the open places. Some splash cold water on their faces.
e. It is impossible to sit in the study without electricity in the night with a candle light or
 table lamp or hurricane lamp or a rural kerosene lamp, 
f. Last night Sohan could not sleep due to power shortage.
g. The summer night was sticky hot.
h. During load shedding most of their area remained dark for hours. 
i. The shortage in electricity production causes load-shedding. 
j. The current demand for electricity is more than 6,000 MW.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. Load-shedding has become a part and (a) — of our daily life. It (b) — its peak in the summer when the weather is (c) — hot. If electricity (d) — in this period, living a normal life turns to be a struggle for (e) —. However, the cause of load-shedding (f) — to be the (g) — between the low supply and the high demand of electricity. And it cannot be solved (h) —. Our government is trying to (i) — the production of electricity to (j) — load-shedding.

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ii. Press reports (a) — there is a shortage in electricity (b) —. According (c) — the power (d) — authorities, the current demand (e) — electricity is more than 6,000 MW a day while the (f) — remains around 4,200 MW. In the rural (g) —, the Rural Electrification Board can supply (h) — half of the total demand which is around 2,400 MW per day. In the capital city, the (i) — stands at around 1,400 MW while the supply amounts to 650 MW. As a result, load shedding is (j) —.
iii. Load shedding (a) ------ discontinuation of the (b) ----- of electricity. It happens when the supply of (c) ----- is not sufficient. It is almost a (d) ------ phenomenon in our country. There is (e) ------ any area which is not (f) ------ by it. When the electricity (g) ------ the whole are dives into (h) ------. So load shedding is a (i) ------ problem and we want to get (j) ------ of it.
Answer: 3. i. (a) parcel; (b) reaches; (c) extremely; (d) fails; (e) survival; (f) happens; (g) inconsistency; (h) ; overnight; (i) increase; (j) control.
 (ii) (a) say (b) production (c) to (d) development (e) for (f) supply (g) areas (h) barely (i) demand (j) unavoidable
 (iii) (a) means; (b) supply; (c) electricity; (d) daily; (e) hardly; (f) affected; (g) goes; (h) darkness; (i) great; (j) rid.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Ernest Hemingway was a famous American writer and journalist. He wrote most of his books from 1920 to 1950. He won Nobel Prize in literature in 1954. He published seven novels and six short story books. Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois in Chicago. From 1913-1917, he attended Oak Park and River Forest High School. He first wrote in the schools newspaper in 1916. He was a journalist before becoming a novelist. After leaving high school he started writing in the Kansas City Star as a reporter. In 1918, he joined at Italian Army as an ambulance driver during World War I. He was wounded in the war in July, 1918. So, he returned the USA in January 1919. “The Old Man and the Sea’ was published in 1952. It drew much attention of the readers and critics. He committed suicide in 1961 in his summer house.







(a) ¾

(b) ¾

The old man and the sea


a (c) ¾ firm in South Africa

(c) ¾

(d) ¾


Summer house

(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) Chicago, (b) 1899, (c) 1952, (d) Hemingway, (e) 1961.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. A famous American writer, Ernest Hemingway was born in Chicago. He wrote many books. He first wrot in the school news paper. He was a journalist before becoming novelist. 'The old man and the Sea' was published in 1952. He got Nobel Prize in 1954. He committed suicide in 1961.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Since women are our mother

i. our real education is difficult.

b. When we are at home

ii. more importance to women education.

c. If our mothers are uneducated

iii. female education is a must.

d. Without having academic environment for them

iv. I always want her company

e. So, the government should give

v. we remain at their company

vi. the whole family would remain in the darkness of illiterate.

vii. their education is the crying need to the nation.

Answer: 6.
 (a+vii) : Since women are our mother their education is the crying need to the nation.
 (b+v) : When we are at home we remain at their close contact.
 (c+vi) : If our Mother are uneducated the whole family would remain in the darkness of illiteracy.
 (d+i) : Without having academic environment for them our real education is difficult.
 (e+ii) : So the government should give more importance to women education.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) It is embedded on courage but it is more than brave.
(b) If he failed, he took the responsibility without subterfuge.
(c) I could picture him at four.
(d) It is honest, but it is more than honesty.
(e) The word that comes to me about him is integrity.
(f) His name was Jerry.
(g) He had been in the orphanage since he was four.
(h) He was a free-will agent and he chose to do careful work.
Answer: 7. e→ b → f → h → c → a → g → d
SSC English First Paper Unit-11: Lesson-1(B)

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