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SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [59] pdf download

 Model Test Question-59 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-14: Lesson-15(D)
I was swinging half over the cliff and the men were preparing to throw me below to my inevitable death.
“One! … “Two!” …
“Poor Lucy! God guard my wife and child!” broke from my lips half unknowingly as I was going to die.
Those last words of mine had produced an effect which no fine speech or begging for mercy could have produced. I was sure some of them had wives and children of their own that they loved. My prayer had touched something in their wild hearts that made them pause.
But nothing happened.
“I’ll have nothing to do with this,” said one man.
“His pretty blue-eyed wife is kind to the poor, my old mother once said,” whispered another smuggler.
“Are you all chicken-hearted, men,” shouted the leader angrily.
Yet nothing happened. Quiet for some time they were whispering something to their leader.
“Alfred Harvey,” said the leader, “we are going to give you a chance. Instead of throwing you to the fishes, we shall hang you over the edge of the cliff, and leave you there.”
The smugglers then lifted me over the edge and lowered me until my chin just rested on the grass. I was asked to take a hold of the earth with my hands still tied together.
They left me there to die. While I was hanging thus over my wide-open grave, my thoughts flew off to Lucy and little Alex, to the pain and suffering that were waiting for them.
I could no longer hold on. My strength was gone. I let go my hold.
But no! I did not fall into mid-air, did not crash on the rocks. And I did not die! My feet sank only a few inches, and then touched the ground! It was no dream! I fainted and fell to the earth.
When I came to life again, it was morning. I was lying on the wet ground. Two men were beside me. The covering had been removed from my eyes, and my wrists were free. I looked up, wondering whether I was in this world or the next.
“I’m very glad, sir, you’ve opened your eyes at last,” said one of the men. I looked wildly about. I was not on the shore. No cliff rose up beside me. I was lying just in a hole in the chalk hills. The hole was shallow, less than nine feet in depth.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. The word'Guard1 has been used in this story to mean.
i. save ii. control iii. protest iv. protect
b. In this story the officer said to himself "my thought flew off to Lucy and and Alex. What do you mean by the underlined word?
i. small in size ii. short iii. baby iv. miniature
c. Who will be sufferer after the death of Alfred Harvey?
i. countrymen ii. townsmen iii. family members iv. customs men
d. The officer lost his—.
i. sense ii. money iii. memory iv. wrist watch
e. The officer prayed to God for his wife and son —.
i. quite unconsciously ii. consciously
iii. subconsciously iv. super consciously
f. The leader paid attention — the his men.
i. for ii. to iii. on iv. upon
g. Lucy's eyes were—.
i. black ii. blue iii. whitich iv. blacklist

Extra Practices
h. Death for man is—.
i. inescapable ii. escapable iii. impossible iv. acceptable
i. The officer prayed to God to—.
i. protect his son only ii. protect his whole family
iii. give him much wealth iv. save him from death
j. Which of the states were waiting for Alfred's family?
i. suffering and sorrow ii. peace and happiness
iii. weal and woe iv. wealth and riches
Answer: 1. (a) iv. protect; (b) iii. baby; (c) iii. family members; (d) i. sense; (e) iii, subconsciously f. i. to (g) ii. blue; (h) i, inescapable (i) ii. protect his whole family; (j) i. suffering and sorrow.

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a) What was the officer sure about?
b) What is his opinion about the smugglers wives and children?
c) Who praised Lucy?
d) Why did the smugglers lift the officer over the edge?
e) When did the officer get back his sense?

Extra Practices
f) Where was he lying?
g) Describe the officer's condition in the last scene in the story.
h) Who was Alex?
i) Who made untie the officer?
j) Why did the officer think that he would not die?
Answer: 2. (a) The officer was sure that some of them certainly had wives and children.
 (b) They obviously loved their wives and children.
 (c) One of the smugglers praised the officer's wife, Lucy.
 (d) To hang him from the edge they lifted him over there.
 (e) In this morning the officer got back his sense.
 (f) He was lying on the wet ground.
 (g) In the last scene, we can see the officer fell into a hole which was less than 9 feet depth. He was free. He could live finally.
 (h) Alex was the son of the .customs officer, Alfred Harvey.
 (i) The two men who were beside the officer, untied the officer.
 (j) When the officer saw that one of the smugglers whispered with their leader, he thought that he would not die.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
The officer (a) — back his sense he saw he (b) — on the wet ground and (c) — men were beside him who were very (d) — to him and felt happy as he (e) — his eyes. His eyes already had been (f) — and his wrists were (g) —. Seeing it, he was (h) -— and said to himself (i) — he was alive (j) — not.
Answer: 3. (a) getting (b) was lying; (c) two; (d) caring; (e) could open; (f) uncovered; (g) untied; (h) surprised; (i) whether; (j) or

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
John Keats was not only a deeply thoughtful poet but also the most studious and inspired artist among the romantics of the 19th century. He was born on October 31, 1795. He lost his father at the age of nine. At fifteen he lost his mother.
In 1811, John Keats became an apprentice to a surgeon at Edmonton. During 1815-17, he continued his studies at the London hospital but he did not like medicine and he felt that he was born to be a poet. Finally he returned to literature from surgery. He wrote several sonnets which, with all their in maturities did not attract much attention. It was followed in 1818 by the long narrative poem Endymion which received warm praise from his friends. He felt very depressed at the death of his brother Tom in the same year. Keats published one more volume, Hyperion And Other Poems in 1820.
Keats had seen a premature death. He was suffering from consumption. As a last home, in September six and was buried in the old Protestant cemetery.
The first memorial to Keats was made in the parish church of Hampstead on July 16, 1894. In 1909, the house in which Keats died was opened as a Keats-Shelley memorial. The Keats Museum was opened in 1931.





Keats became

(a) ¾

(b) ¾


(c) ¾

(d) ¾

(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) birth, (b) 1795, (c) apprentice, (d) London hospital, (e) 1811.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. John Keats, most studious and inspired artist among the romantics of 19th century, was born in London. He became an apprentice to a surgeon but he felt that the was born to be a poet. His narrative poem 'Endymon' received warm praise from his friends. He also published 'Hyperion and Other Poems'. He had seen a premature death.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. The cause of blindness can be attributed to

i. for eye-sight.

b. Treatment of blindness

ii. blindness.

c. Malnutrition causes

iii. differs on its nature.

d. Oral saline

iv. lacks in vitamin A.

e. Vitamin A is essential

v. illness or accident.

vi. contains sufficient vitamin A.

vii. is the same.

Answer: 6. (a + v) : The cause of blindness can be attributed to illness or accident.
(b + iii) : Treatment of blindness differs on its nature.
(c + ii) : Malnutrition causes blindness.
(d + iv) : Oral saline lacks in vitamin A.
(e + i) : Vitamin A is essential for eye-sight.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) But unfortunately he was defeated in a battle.
(b) Then he was taken prisoner.
(c) He was brought before Alexander.
(d) Then he came to the plain of the Punjab.
(e) Alexander, the King of Macedon, crossed the Khyber Pass and reached India.
(f) There ruled a king called Purus.
(g) He wanted to attack the land of Purus.
(h) Purus came forward with his men and arms to defend his land from the attack of Alexander.
Answer: 7. e → d → f → g → h → a → b → c
SSC English 1st Paper Unit-14: Lesson-15(D)

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