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SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [60] pdf download

Model Test Question-60
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.
Educated in Dr. Khastagir Govt. Girls’ school, Chittagong and Eden College in Dhaka Pritilata was born in Chittagong on may 5th, 1911. She finally did her graduation in philosophy from Bethune College Calcutta with distinction. All through her life she had been a revolutionary and acted against British domination. She fought for two things together; freedom from British and freedom from gender. She was so much zealous that she took arms training to materialize her dream. She became the Head mistress of Nandan Kanon Arpana Charan High School in Chittagong. While serving as the Headmistress she got herself involved in Surya Sen’s armed resistance movement.
Surya Sen was then a famous organizer of armed resistance movement against the British invaders. In 1932 Surya Sen planned an attack on the Paharatali European Club. European club for an ignominious sign “Dogs and Indians not allowed”. Surya Sen assigned her to attack the club along with 10-12 followers. The raid succeeded but Pritilata dressed as male failed to come out of the club. She swallowed potassium cyanide to avoid arrest. Her courageous suicide proved that women could equally sacrifice themselves like men for the cause of liberty. Her dream came true after her death.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
(a) Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the word ‘discrimination’?
(i) dissimilarity (ii) difference (iii) resemblance (iv) hostility
(b) Which of the following words describes Pritilata best?
(i) calm (ii) spiritless (iii) revolutionary (iv) timid
(c) What does the expression ‘British domination’ mean?
(i) The ruling attitude of the British.
(ii) The good policy of England.
(iii) The commercial policy of the British.
(iv) The foreign assistance of the British.
(d) Which of the following statements is true?
(i) Pritilata was born in Dhaka. (ii) Pritilata was born in Kolkata.
(iii) Pritilata was born in Chittagong. (iv) Pritilata was born in 1910.
(e) Which of the following statements is False?
(i) Pritilata was graduated in philosophy.
(ii) Pritilata did well in her graduation completion exam.
(iii) Pritilata wanted freedom from the British rule.
(iv) Pritilata died naturally.
(f) What does the word ‘suicide’ mean?
(i) The act of hurting one self. (ii) The act of killing one self.
(iii) The act of going one self medicine service.
(iv) The act of making one self injured
(g) What is the main purpose of the author of the passage?
(i) To critics Pritilata’s role in the British rule of India.
(ii) To tell us about Pritilata.
(iii) To discuss only Pritilata’s educational qualifications.
(iv) To tell us about Pritilata’s teaching profession.
Answer: 1. (a) (ii) difference, (b) (iii) revolutionary, (c) (i) The ruling attitude of the British, (d) (iii) Pritilata was born in Chittagong, (e) (iv) Pritialta died naturally, (f) (ii) The act of killing one self, (g) (ii) To tell us about Pritalata.

2. Answer to the following questions. 2×5=10
(a) From your reading of the passage write what Pritilata was graduated in.
(b) Why did Pritilata take arms training? Explain.
(c) Where was Pritilata the headmistress?
(d) Describe the names of the educational institutions where Pritilata studied.
(e) Do you think Pritilata was patriotic? If yes, why?
Answer: 2. (a) Pritilata was graduated in Philosophy.
 (b) Pritilata took arms training to materialize her dream. Her dream was to get freedom from the British. So, to make her motherland free she took arms training in order to fight against the British.
 (c) Pritilata was the headmistress at Nandan Kanon Arpana Charan High School in Chittagong.
 (d) Pritilata studied at Dr Kshastagir Govt. Girls’ School in Chittagong, Eden College in Dhaka, Bethune College in Calcutta.
 (e) Yes, Pritilata was very patriotic. She was patriotic Because she wanted to make her Mother land free and for that she took part in revolutionary movement against the British.

3. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 3. A high educated woman Pirtilata was inspired by the spirit of independence. She involved herself in terrorist movement. On a mission to attack Pahartali European Club she succeeded but could not escape. She committed suicide. Her suicide proved that women could equally sacrifice themselves like men of the cause of liberty. She held her name high among the Bangalee women.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Samuel Taylor Coleridge was a famous English poet. He was also a philosopher and critic. He was born on the 21st October, 1772 at Otter St. Mary in Devonshire. His father was the vicar of Otter St. Mary. His father died in 1782. Then he was sent as a charity student to Christ’s Hospital. He stayed there for about 8 years. There he became an ambitious and uncommon precocious school boy. His unbelievable memory and his ambition led him to learn all kinds of knowledge and turned him into an eminent scholar. By the time he got himself admitted into Jesus College, Cambridge in 1791. Once he fled to London and enlisted in the 15th Light Dragoons in December 1793, under the name of Silas Jomkyn Cornerback. There he could not be taught to ride horse. Some Latin lines written by Coleridge on a stable door gave out his identity. He was discharged and his brothers sent him back to Cambridge again. But he left the university without any degree in 1794. His health was as usual ill, the years from 1795 to 1802 were a period of fast poetic growth and intellectual. His first work a drama named “The Fall of Fobespierre was published in 1794. In 1795 Coleridge married Sarah Frickar. Then he was struggling to earn his bread. He delivered lectures on various topics, literary and political, preached in Unitarian pupils. His first volume “Poems on Various Subjects” published in 1796. Now he came into close relation with William Wordsworth. They had much similarity. In 1798 they jointly published a little volume of this poetry Lyrical Ballads.
During this period Coleridge wrote almost all his best poems like ___ Nightinglae, the first part of “Christable love”, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Frost at Midnight, Kublaikhan, etc then he wrote many poems. Afterwards he became philosopher and critic.
However afterwards he had became gradually deflected. Soon his health broke down and suffered much. He died on the 25th August in 1834.






(a) ¾


(b) ¾


(c) ¾

(d) ¾


Lyrical Ballads



(e) ¾

Answer: 4. (a) born, (b) 1772, (c) admission, (d) Jesus, (e) 1798.

5. From your reading of the above passage fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use one word only in each blank. 1×5=5
S.T. Coleridge was a great (a) ___ poet who was born in 1772. He had a very exceptional (b) ___ and he earned knowledge of different branches. He went to Cambridge University but he left the (c) ___ without taking any degree. He married in 1795. In 1798 Coleridge along with Words worth (d) ___ Lyrical Ballads. In the later part of his life, he (e) ___ much. He died in 1834.
Answer: 5. (a) English, (b) memory, (c) university, (d) published, (e) suffered.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Computer is a

i. an indispensable part in our day life to day

b. It has become

ii. modern electronic device

c. Computer is of great use

iii. is not a new thing

d. The invention, of computer

iv. by computer.

e. Drastic cliarige has brought about

v. ultra solar device

vi. has a long history.

vii. to us.

Answer: 6. (a + i) : Computer is a modern electronic device
(b + i) : It has become an indispensable part in our day life to day
(c + vii) : Computer is of great use to us
(d + vi) : The invention, of computer has a long history.
(e + iv) : Drastic cliarige has brought about by computer.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) His father Tamij Uddin was a Police officer.
(b) He was born at a village in Kishoregonj in 1914.
(c) So he drew pictures secretly.
(d) Do you know Joynul Abedin?
(e) He was in search of an art school there.
(f) At the age of fifteen, he went to Kolkata.
(g) He was an artist.
(h) He did not like the hard fast rule of schools.
Answer: 7. d → h → b → a → g → c → f → e
SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [60]

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