Complete the following story following the cue.
There was a little pond beside the play ground. There lived some frogs in the pond. One day some boys were playing beside the pond. They were disturbed by the croaking of some frogs............
What Is Fun to One Is Death to Another
There was a little pond beside the play ground. There lived some frogs in the pond. One day some boys were playing beside the pond. They were disturbed by the croaking of some frogs. So they made a plan and said to each other, “Let us throw stones at them.”
They began to throw stones at the frogs. Soon some were injured. All the frogs were in danger. There was an old frog. It planned a wise plan. It put its head out of the water and said, “Boys, why are you throwing stones at us?” The boys replied, “We are making fun only.” At this the old frog said, “What is fun to you is death to us.”
But the boys did not stop. They kept throwing stones at the frogs. At one stage, a frog was so hurt that it died on the spot. The other frogs said, “Oh boys! Please stop the cruel game. One of us has died. Please stop throwing stones at us.”
The boys were ashamed of this. They stopped their funny games. Being repentant the boys stopped throwing stones.
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