Exclusive informal letter suggestion 2023 (All Board)

Most important informal
1. Write A Letter Inviting your friend to visit Bangladesh. Dhaka Board
2. Write A Letter Describing bad effects of smoking. Rajshahi Board
3. Write A Letter Replying to father about spending much time in facebook. Dinajpur Board
4. Write A Letter Describing your father/friend/brother progress of study/Preparation for the exam. Jessore Board
5. Write A Letter Admission procedure for overseas students. Chattogram Board
6. Write A Letter Congratulating friend for winning first prize in debate competition. Chattogram Board
7. Write A Letter Inviting your friend to join a picnic. Sylhet Board
8. Write A Letter To your friend thanking him for birthday gift. Barisal Board
9. Write A Letter Thanking friend for hospitality.
10. Write A Letter Advising your brother to avoid evil company.
11. Write A Letter Congratulating you friend/brother for good result.
12. Write A Letter Describing the co-curricular activities.
13. Write A Letter Describing importance of newspaper reading.
14. Write A Letter Advising your brother not to waste valuable time using facebook/internet.
15. Write A Letter Advising your brother to be attentive to his studies.
16. Write A Letter Write A Letter To your pen-friend describing the scenic beauty of Bangladesh.
17. Write A Letter Advising your brother/friend how to improve his/her proficiency in English.
18. Write A Letter Showing sympathy to the ailing friend.
19. Write A Letter Replying to a friend about your inability to attending birthday party.
20. Write A Letter Inviting your friend to spend winter/summer vacation.
21. Write A Letter Condoling your friend on his father's death.
22. Write A Letter To your friend to return the book.
23. Write A Letter Consoling your friend for bad result.
24. Write A Letter To your friend/mother about your hostel life.
Exclusive informal letter suggestion
25. Write A Letter To your friend describing the visit to a historical place.
26. Write A Letter To your friend about the bad effect of drug addiction.
27. Write A Letter To the editor for sending guidelines and details of a debate competition.
28. Write A Letter To the manager to know about more information about tour.
29. Write A Letter To your friend about the importance of group study.
30. Write A Letter To the manager of a company complaining about television.

 at a glance with link 
  1. Write a letter to the parents of your friend expressing your condolence. Read the letter.
  2. Write a letter the importance of ICT knowledge. Read the letter.
  3. Write a letter in keeping surrounding environment clean. Read the letter.
  4. Write a letter consoling your friend on his father's untimely death. Read the letter.
  5. Write a letter about your native village. Read the letter.
  6. Write a letter describing the condition of air pollution of Bangladesh. Read the letter.
  7. Write a letter about your preparation for HSC Exam. Read the letter.
  8. Write a letter describing the co-curricular activities of your college. Read the letter.
  9. Write a letter about the importance of learning English. Read the letter.
  10. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for his hospitality. Read the letter.
  11. Write a letter about progress in studies and preparation for the exam. Read the letter.
  12. Write a letter advising to improve English learning. Read the letter.
  13. Write a letter to a tour company asking for information about fares, discounts, detailed schedule etc. Read the letter.
  14. Write a letter to your friend about your new college. Read the letter.
  15. Write a letter to your mother about your life in the hostel. Read the letter.
  16. Write a letter to your friend about a cricket match. Read the letter.
  17. Write a letter to your friend about a street accident. Read the letter.
  18. Write a letter to your friend describing your birthday celebration. Read the letter.
  19. Write a letter about the prize-giving ceremony of your college. Read the letter.
  20. Write a letter to your friend describing your hobby. Read the letter.
  21. Write a letter about Bangladeshi foods. Read the letter.
  22. Write a letter about the annual sports of your college. Read the letter.
  23. Write a letter about the importance of games and sports. Read the letter.
  24. Write a letter to your friend about your visit to the zoo. Read the letter.
  25. Write a letter about the importance of reading newspaper. Read the letter.
  26. Write a letter congratulating your friend on his success in the exam. Read the letter.
  27. Write a letter advising your brother to be attentive to his studies. Read the letter.
  28. Write a letter advising your brother to avoid evil company. Read the letter.
  29. Write a letter to your friend about your favourite sport. Read the letter.
  30. Write a letter to your pen-friend about the celebration of Pahela Baishakh. Read the letter.
  31. Write a letter not to copy/adopt unfair means in the examination. Read the letter.
  32. Write a letter about the importance of physical exercise. Read the letter.
  33. Write a letter to your friend about the importance of communicative English. Read the letter.
  34. Write a letter to your friend about a fire accident. Read the letter.
  35. Write a letter to your uncle about your visit to a place of historical importance. Read the letter.
  36. Write a letter to your friend about your experience of a train journey. Read the letter.
  37. Write a letter to your friend about the basic things of computer. Read the letter.
  38. Write a letter to your friend about how your college is different from your friend's college. Read the letter.
  39. Write a letter to your mother about your feeling after your visit to a friend's house. Read the letter.
  40. Write a letter about the household activities of our boys and girls. Read the letter.
  41. Write a letter about the problems of using poly bags. Read the letter.
  42. Write a letter about the causes and effects of deforestation. Read the letter.
  43. Write a letter about the present condition of environment. Read the letter.
  44. Write a letter about the procedure of admission to college. Read the letter.
  45. Write a letter about experience of flying on plane. Read the letter.
  46. Write a letter about taking food in a Chinese restaurant. Read the letter.
  47. Write a letter to your friend describing a river journey. Read the letter.
  48. Write a letter about describing farewell party. Read the letter.
  49. Write a letter to your friend about the study tour. Read the letter.
  50. Write a letter about your aim in life. Read the letter.
  51. Write a letter about not to waste time using facebook/internet. Read the letter.
  52. Write a letter to your friend about bad effects of smoking. Read the letter.
  53. Write a letter congratulating on brilliant success. Read the letter.
  54. Write a letter about Bangladesh and her people. Read the letter.
  55. A letter about your intention after the SSC examination. Read the letter.
  56. Write a letter to your friend describing your SSC Exam preparation. Read the letter.
  57. Write a letter to attend the marriage ceremony of your elder sister. Read the letter.
  58. Write a letter to your friend thanking for the nice birthday present. Read the letter.
  59. Write a letter describing about your last summer vacation. Read the letter.
  60. Write a letter to your friend about describing the picnic. Read the letter.
  61. Write a letter to your friend to express sympathy. Read the letter.
  62. Write a letter about return the book. Read the letter.
  63. Write a letter to your friend expressing your condolence at his father's death. Read the letter.
  64. Write a letter about a place of historical importance. Read the letter.
  65. Write a letter on how to adjust to the new place and the food. Read the letter.
  66. Write a letter what you have intended to do after the SSC/HSC Examination. Read the letter.
  67. Write a letter about thanking for the hospitality. Read the letter.
  68. Write a letter to your friend thanking for the hospitality. Read the letter.
  69. Write a letter to your ailing friend in hospital to show your sympathy. Read the letter.
  70. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the. Read the letter.
  71. How to write Memo/Memorandum. Read the memo.



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২০২৪ সালের এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার সময়সূচি

HSC Exam Routine

এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার পূর্ণাঙ্গ প্রস্তুতি

একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির গাইডসমূহ
(সকল বিভাগ)
বাংলা ১ম পত্র ১ম পত্র গাইড | বাংলা ২য় পত্র গাইড | লালসালু উপন্যাস গাইড | সিরাজুদ্দৌলা নাটক গাইড | ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র গাইড | আইসিটি গাইড | হিসাব বিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | হিসাব বিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | জীববিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | জীববিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা ১ম পত্র গাইড | ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা ২য় পত্র গাইড | রসায়ন ১ম পত্র গাইড | রসায়ন ২য় পত্র গাইড | পৌরনীতি ১ম পত্র গাইড | পৌরনীতি ২য় পত্র গাইড | অর্থনীতি ১ম পত্র গাইড | অর্থনীতি ২য় পত্র গাইড | ফিন্যান্স, ব্যাংকিং ও বীমা ১ম পত্র গাইড | ফিন্যান্স ব্যাংকিং ও বীম ২য় পত্র গাইড | ভুগোল ১ম পত্র গাইড | ভুগোল ২য় পত্র গাইড | উচ্চতর গণিত ১ম পত্র গাইড | উচ্চতর গণিত ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইতিহাস ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইতিহাস ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইসলামের ইতিহাস ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইসলামের ইতিহাস ২য় পত্র গাইড | কৃষি শিক্ষা ১ম পত্র গাইড | কৃষি শিক্ষা ২য় পত্র গাইড | যুক্তিবিদ্যা ১ম পত্র গাইড | যুক্তিবিদ্যা ২য় পত্র গাইড | মনোবিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | মনোবিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | উৎপাদন ব্যবস্থাপনা ও বাজারজাতকরণ ১ম পত্র গাইড | উৎপাদন ব্যবস্থাপনা ও বাজারজাতকরণ ২য় পত্র গাইড | সমাজকর্ম ১ম পত্র গাইড | সমাজকর্ম ২য় পত্র গাইড | সমাজবিদ্য ১ম পত্র গাইড | সমাজবিদ্যা ২য় পত্র গাইড | পরিসংখ্যান ১ম পত্র গাইড | পরিসংখ্যান ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইংরেজি শব্দার্থ VOCABULARY