The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words.
It was a strange day for Aronnya as he had to start for a totally unknown place to join a farm. It was a fruit farm located deep in a jungle. He had to travel to the extreme south of this country. He had received the appointment letter two days back. After thinking a lot finally he opted to join there. But still he felt a weird feeling haunting his mind........................
An Unknown Place Also May Be Good
It was a strange day for Aronnya as he had to start for a totally unknown place to join a farm. It was a fruit farm located deep in a jungle. He had to travel to the extreme South of this country. He had received the appointment letter two days back. After thinking a lot finally he opted to joint there. But still he felt a weird feeling haunting his mind.
He thought he had everything in Dhaka his ancestral house, his family, his friends, his roots, what not?...... It was hard for him to leave this city. He thought and thought and began to make himself understand it is a tough age. One cannot get a job any time one wishes. It would be a big folly not to go.
He got on a train the day before his joining date. With a sorrowful mind he took a seat beside a window. Soon the fresh air filled his mind with joy. He was now confident about his job. In the afternoon, the train reached the Khulna railway station. Oh! What a beauty! The natural setting of the southern Bengal made him jolly. He thanked his fortune that he had got a job at such a charming place.
The next day he went to join his office. He thought himself the luckiest man in the world. A new period of his life began.
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