HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র mcq প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর বোর্ড প্রশ্ন-০১

এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা
বোর্ড প্রশ্ন-১
বাংলা ১ম পত্র
বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন

বিষয় কোড: ১০১

সময়: ৩০ মিনিট                   পূর্ণমান: ৩০
[বিশেষ দ্রষ্টব্য: সরবরাহকৃত বহুনির্বাচনি অভীক্ষার উত্তরপত্রের প্রশ্নের ক্রমিক নম্বরের বিপরীতে প্রদত্ত বর্ণসম্বলিত বৃত্তসমূহ হতে সঠিক/ সর্বোৎকৃষ্ট উত্তরের বৃত্তটি বল পয়েন্ট কলম দ্বারা সম্পূর্ণ ভরাট কর। প্রতিটি প্রশ্নের মান ১। প্রশ্নপত্রে কোনো প্রকার দাগ/ চিহ্ন দেয়া যাবে না।]

১. একদিন কমলাকান্ত নেশায় বুঁদ হয়ে কোন যুদ্ধের কথা ভাবছিলেন?
ক. পলাশির
খ. পানিপথের
গ. ওয়াটারলুর
ঘ. বিশ্বযুদ্ধের
উত্তরঃ গ. ওয়াটারলুর

* উদ্দীপকটি পড়ে ২ ও ৩ নং প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও:
স্বাতী সুশিক্ষিত ও আত্মনির্ভরশীল নারী। বিয়ের পর শ্বশুর ও শাশুড়ির চাপে চাকরি ছাড়তে বাধ্য হয়। শ্বশুর-শাশুড়ির ধারণা চাকরিজীবী বউ অহংকারী হয়। তারা সংসারের প্রতি দায়িত্বশীল নয়।

২. ‘অপরিচিতা’ গল্পের সঙ্গে উদ্দীপকের স্বাতীর বৈসাদৃশ্য কোথায়?
ক. নারীর প্রতি বৈষম্যে 
খ. আপসহীনতায়
গ. আপসকামিতায়
ঘ. স্বার্থসিদ্ধিতে
উত্তরঃ গ. আপসকামিতায়

৩. উদ্দীপকের শ্বশুর-শাশুড়ির মানসিকতার সাথে ‘অপরিচিতা’ গল্পের কোন উক্তিটির মিল রয়েছে?
ক. আমাদের ঘরে যে মেয়ে আসিবে সে মাথা হেট করিয়াই আসিবে
খ. বেহাই সম্প্রদায়ের আর যাই থাক তেজ থাকাটা দোষের
গ. অপর পক্ষকে যে নাকাল হইতে হইবে, সেই কথা স্মরণ করিয়া মামার সঙ্গে মা একযোগে বিস্তর হাসিলেন
ঘ. ঠাট্টার সম্পর্ককে স্থায়ী করিবার ইচ্ছা আমার নাই
উত্তরঃ ক. আমাদের ঘরে যে মেয়ে আসিবে সে মাথা হেট করিয়াই আসিবে

৪. ‘চাষার দুক্ষু’ প্রবন্ধে সভ্যতার যে নেতিবাচক দিকগুলো ফুটে উঠেছে-
ক. দারিদ্র্য ও দুর্ভোগ
খ. অনুকরণপ্রিয়তা ও বিলাসিতা
গ. বস্তুনির্ভরতা ও আলস্য
ঘ. কুটিরশিল্পের বিলোপ ও আলস্য
উত্তরঃ খ. অনুকরণপ্রিয়তা ও বিলাসিতা

* উদ্দীপকটি পড়ে ৫ ও ৬ নং প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও:
জহির রায়হানের ‘হাজার বছর ধরে’ উপন্যাসের গ্রামীণ যুবক আবুল বউ পিটিয়ে আনন্দ উপভোগ করে।

৫. উদ্দীপকের আবুলের সাথে ‘মাসি-পিসি’ গল্পের কোন চরিত্রের মিল রয়েছে?
ক. কৈলাশ 
খ. বুড়ো রহমান
গ. জগু
ঘ. গোকুল
উত্তরঃ গ. জগু

এইচএসসি (HSC) বোর্ড পরীক্ষার পূর্ণাঙ্গ প্রস্তুতির জন্য পড়ুন সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন ও উত্তরসহ pdf download বাংলা ১ম পত্র গাইড

৬. ‘মাসি-পিসি’ গল্পের উক্ত চরিত্রের সাথে উদ্দীপকের আবুলের সাদৃশ্য কোথায়?
ক. স্ত্রীর প্রতি নিষ্ঠুর আচরণে
খ. স্ত্রীর প্রতি অবজ্ঞায়
গ. স্ত্রীর প্রতি নির্যাতনে
ঘ. স্ত্রীর প্রতি কর্তৃত্বপরায়ণতায়
উত্তরঃ গ. স্ত্রীর প্রতি নির্যাতনে

৭. ‘ঐকতান’ কবিতায় কৃত্রিম পণ্য বলতে কবি কী বুঝিয়েছেন?
ক. অভিজ্ঞতালব্ধ শিল্প 
খ. নকল পণ্য
গ. অন্তরের যোগ নেই এমন
ঘ. পসরা
উত্তরঃ গ. অন্তরের যোগ নেই এমন

৮. ‘আমি কিংবদন্তির কথা বলছি’ কবিতায় যে কবিতা শুনতে জানে না সে কী শুনবে?
ক. উচ্চারিত সত্য
খ. অরণ্য এবং শ্বাপদের কথা
গ. প্রবহমান নদীর কলতান
ঘ. ঝড়ের আর্তনাদ
উত্তরঃ ঘ. ঝড়ের আর্তনাদ

৯. কনফুসিয়াস কোথাকার দার্শনিক?
ক. ইরান
খ. মথুরা
গ. চীন
ঘ. জেরুজালেম
উত্তরঃ গ. চীন

১০. ‘নূরলদীনের সারাজীবন’ কবিতায় নূরলদীন হলো-
i. ঐতিহাসিক চরিত্র
ii. প্রতিবাদী চরিত্র
iii. চেতনাদীপ্ত চরিত্র

নিচের কোনটি সঠিক?
ক. i ও ii
খ. i ও iii
গ. ii ও iii
ঘ. i, ii ও iii
উত্তরঃ ঘ. i, ii ও iii

* উদ্দীপকটি পড়ে ১১ ও ১২ নং প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও:
স্কুল শিক্ষক আবির জ্ঞানচর্চার মাধ্যমে নিজেকে যেমন সমৃদ্ধ করেছেন, তেমনি আলোকিত করেছেন শিক্ষার্থীদের।

১১. উদ্দীপকের আবিরের জ্ঞানচর্চার মাধ্যমে নিজেকে সমৃদ্ধ করার সাথে ‘জীবন ও বৃক্ষ’ প্রবন্ধের কোন
বিষয়ের মিল রয়েছে?
ক. নদীর সাগরে পতিত হওয়া
খ. দৈহিক বিকাশ ঘটানো
গ. মনুষ্যত্বের বেদনা উপলব্ধি
ঘ. বৃক্ষের ফুলে-ফলে পরিপূর্ণ হওয়া
উত্তরঃ ঘ. বৃক্ষের ফুলে-ফলে পরিপূর্ণ হওয়া

১২. উদ্দীপকের ভাবের প্রতিফলন ঘটেছে ‘জীবন ও বৃক্ষ’ প্রবন্ধের কোন ভূমিকায়?
ক. পরোপকারিতায় 
খ. প্রাপ্তি ও দানে
গ. আত্মনিবেদনে 
ঘ. বিকাশ সাধনে
উত্তরঃ খ. প্রাপ্তি ও দানে

১৩. ‘তাহারেই পড়ে মনে’ কবিতায় ‘অর্ঘ্য বিরচন’ শব্দটি কী অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে?
ক. ঋতুরাজ বসন্তকে বরণ
খ. ফুলের বন্দনাগীত
গ. বসন্তের আগমনী গান
ঘ. অঞ্জলি বা উপহার রচনা
উত্তরঃ ঘ. অঞ্জলি বা উপহার রচনা

* উদ্দীপকটি পড়ে ১৪ ও ১৫ নং প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও:
মুক্তিযুদ্ধে পাকিস্তানি সেনাশাসক, রাজনীতিবিদ ও কতিপয় বিপথগামী দোসররা জনসাধারণের উপর নিষ্ঠুর নির্যাতন চালায় ও জানমালের ব্যাপক ক্ষয়ক্ষতি করে। এ দেশের আপামর জনতা দেশপ্রেমে উদ্বুদ্ধ হয়ে প্রতিরোধ ব্যবস্থা গড়ে তোলে।

১৪. উদ্দীপকের প্রথম বাক্য ‘নবাব সিরাজউদ্দৌলা’ নাটকের কোন কোন চরিত্রের কর্মকান্ডকে ধারণ করে?
ক. উমিচাঁদ-জগৎশেঠ
খ. মোহনলাল-রায়দুর্লভ
গ. ঘসেটি বেগম-লুৎফুনিড়বসা
ঘ. মিরমর্দান-ক্লেটন
উত্তরঃ ক. উমিচাঁদ-জগৎশেঠ

১৫. উদ্দীপকের শেষ বাক্যের বিষয়বস্তু ‘সিরাজউদ্দৌলা’ নাটকের নিচের কোন বাক্যে প্রতিফলিত হয়েছে?
ক. আপনাদের নতুন নবাব জাফর আলী খানকে আমি মসনদে বসিয়ে দিলাম
খ. হাজার হাজার মানুষ একযোগে রুখে দাঁড়াতে পারলে কৌশলের প্রয়োজন হবে না
গ. বাংলার ঘরে ঘরে হাহাকারের বন্যা বইয়ে দেবে মিরজাফর ক্লাইভের লুণ্ঠন অত্যাচার
ঘ. মানুষের দৃষ্টি থেকে আমার চোরের মতো পালিয়ে পালিয়ে পথ চলতে হবে
উত্তরঃ খ. হাজার হাজার মানুষ একযোগে রুখে দাঁড়াতে পারলে কৌশলের প্রয়োজন হবে না

১৬. ‘দওলত আমার কাছে ভগবানের দাদামশায়ের চেয়েও বড়।’ কার কাছে?
ক. উমিচাঁদ
খ. ঘসেটি বেগম
গ. জগৎশেঠ 
ঘ. রায়দুর্লভ
উত্তরঃ ক. উমিচাঁদ

১৭. ‘বায়ান্নোর দিনগুলো’ রচনায় ১৯৫২ সালে বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের কোন জীবনের কথা বিবৃত হয়েছে?
ক. পারিবারিক জীবন 
খ. জেল জীবন
গ. সামাজিক জীবন 
ঘ. রাজনৈতিক জীবন
উত্তরঃ খ. জেল জীবন

* উদ্দীপকটি পড়ে ১৮ নং প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও:
পাথালিয়া একটি আদর্শ গ্রাম। এখানে বিভিনড়ব ধর্মের লোকদের মধ্যে রয়েছে সম্প্রীতি ও ভ্রাতৃত্ববোধ। ধনী নির্ধন নির্বিশেষে পরস্পরকে সাহায্য সহযোগিতা করে তারা সাধ্যমতো।

১৮. উদ্দীপকে ‘আহবান’ গল্পের কোন দিকটি ফুটে উঠেছে?
ক. গ্রামীণ দারিদ্র্য
খ. লোকায়িক জীবনধারা
গ. উদার মানবিক সম্পর্ক
ঘ. সংস্কারাচ্ছন্ন সমাজব্যবস্থা
উত্তরঃ গ. উদার মানবিক সম্পর্ক

১৯. ‘রেইনকোট’ গল্পে ভিতু প্রকৃতির নুরুল হুদা মুক্তিযোদ্ধা শ্যালকের রেইনকোট গায়ে দিলে তার মধ্যে সঞ্চারিত হয়-
i. উষ্ণতা
ii. সাহস
iii. দেশপ্রেম

নিচের কোনটি সঠিক?
ক. i
খ. i ও ii
গ. ii ও iii
ঘ. i, ii ও iii
উত্তরঃ ঘ. i, ii ও iii

২০. ‘মহাজাগতিক কিউরেটর’ রচনায় কিউরেটর সৌরজগতের তৃতীয় গ্রহ থেকে কোন প্রাণী তুলে নেয়?
ক. পিঁপড়া
খ. মানুষ
গ. পাখি 
ঘ. হরিণ
উত্তরঃ ক. পিঁপড়া

২১. নিচের চরণটি তোমার পাঠ্য কোন কবিতার প্রথম চরণ?
‘পদ্মা তোমার যৌবন চাই’
ক. লোক-লোকান্তর 
খ. ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯৬৯
গ. সেই অস্ত্র
ঘ. রক্তে আমার অনাদি অস্থি
উত্তরঃ ঘ. রক্তে আমার অনাদি অস্থি

২২. ‘কলমা জান মিঞা?’ প্রশ্নটি মজিদ কাকে উদ্দেশ্য করে করেছিল?
ক. তাহের-কাদেরের বাপকে
খ. আক্কাসকে
গ. দুদু মিঞাকে
ঘ. ধলা মিঞাকে
উত্তরঃ গ. দুদু মিঞাকে

২৩. জাতীয় জাদুঘর কোন পরিচয় বহন করে?
ক. ইতিহাস 
খ. স্থাপত্যকলা
গ. আত্মপরিচয় 
ঘ. জাতিসত্তা
উত্তরঃ ঘ. জাতিসত্তা

২৪. ‘লালসালু’ উপন্যাসে মাজারটি দেখতে কেমন?
ক. উইঢিবির মতো 
খ. মাছের পিঠের মতো
গ. গারো পাহাড়ের মতো 
ঘ. দ্বিতীয়ার চাঁদের মতো
উত্তরঃ খ. মাছের পিঠের মতো

২৫. ‘সেই অস্ত্র’ কবিতায় কবির কাঙ্ক্ষিত অস্ত্র উত্তোলিত হলে লক্ষ লক্ষ মানুষকে কী পঙ্গু ও বিকৃত করবে না?
ক. মুহূর্তের অগ্ন্যুৎপাত
খ. অমোঘ অস্ত্র- ভালোবাসা
গ. আধিপত্যের লোভ
ঘ. বিদ্বেষ-অহংকার
উত্তরঃ ক. মুহূর্তের অগ্ন্যুৎপাত

২৬. ‘আমার পথ’ প্রবন্ধে নিচের কোন বৈশিষ্ট্যটি বিদ্যমান?
ক. জড়তামুক্তি 
খ. সত্যের পথ
গ. তারুণ্য 
ঘ. ভয়হীনতা
উত্তরঃ খ. সত্যের পথ

২৭. ‘লালসালু’ উপন্যাসে কে হাঁটলে মাটিতে আওয়াজ হয়?
ক. হাসুনির মা 
খ. আমেনা বিবি
গ. রহিমা
ঘ. জমিলা
উত্তরঃ গ. রহিমা

বাংলা ১ম পত্র বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণি

২৮. “এমন দেশটি কোথাও খুঁজে পাবে নাকো তুমি,
সকল দেশের রাণী সে যে আমার জন্মভূমি।”
উদ্দীপকে ‘এই পৃথিবীতে এক স্থান আছে’ কবিতার কোন বিষয়ের উল্লেখ পাওয়া যায় না?
ক. স্বাজাত্যবোধ
খ. দেশপ্রেম
গ. প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্য 
ঘ. জন্মভূমির বন্দনা
উত্তরঃ ক. স্বাজাত্যবোধ

২৯. ‘লোক-লোকান্তর’ কবিতায় আহত কবির গান পূর্ণতা লাভ করে কীভাবে?
ক. শৈল্পিক উৎকর্ষে
খ. প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্য সন্দর্শনে
গ. ভাবাবেগের প্রাবল্যে
ঘ. সৃষ্টির প্রেরণায়, চেতনার ঔজ্জ্বল্যে
উত্তরঃ ঘ. সৃষ্টির প্রেরণায়, চেতনার ঔজ্জ্বল্যে

* উদ্দীপকটি পড়ে ৩০ নং প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও:
“স্বদেশের উপকারে নাই যার মন
কে বলে মানুষ তারে, পশু সেই জন।”

৩০. উদ্ধৃত কবিতাংশটি ‘বিভীষণের প্রতি মেঘনাদ’ কবিতার কোন চরিত্রকে ইঙ্গিত করে?
ক. রাবণ 
খ. বিভীষণ
গ. মেঘনাদ 
ঘ. লক্ষণ
উত্তরঃ খ. বিভীষণ

একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির বাংলা ১ম পত্রের অন্যান্য বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্নাবলীঃ
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : বিভীষণের প্রতি মেঘনাদ
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : লোক-লোকান্তর
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : রক্তে আমার অনাদি অস্থি
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : নূরুলদীনের কথা মনে পড়ে যায়
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : আমি কিংবদন্তির কথা বলছি
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯৬৯
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : আঠারো বছর বয়স
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : সেই অস্ত্র
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : তাহারেই পড়ে মনে
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : এই পৃথিবীতে এক স্থান আছে
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : সাম্যবাদী
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : ঐকতান
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : বিলাসী
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : রেইনকোট
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : অপরিচিতা
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : মাসি-পিসি
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : জীবন ও বৃক্ষ
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : চাষার দুক্ষু
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : বিড়াল
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : বায়ান্নর দিনগুলো
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : আমার পথ
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : আহবান
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : নেকলেস
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : মহাজাগতিক কিউরেটর
💘 HSC বাংলা ১ম পত্র (mcq) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর : জাদুঘরে কেন যাব

আরো পড়ুন....
💝 একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির বাংলা ১ম পত্রের সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর


50+ Narration exercise with answer pdf download

English Grammar Model Test Question for jsc, ssc and hsc exam
Model Test Question 
English 2nd paper 
Narration exercise with answer pdf download
Direct & Indirect Speech

Simple Narration
English 2nd Paper Simple Narration Model Test Question No. 1
(a) Rina said to Bina, “Can I take your pen?”
(b) She said, “Honesty is the best policy.
(c) He said to me, “Why are you playing now?”
(d) Rima said, “I bought a book yesterday.”
(e) The manager said to the servant, “Clean the floor.”

Answer: 1
(a) Rina asked Bina if she (Rina) could take her (Bina) pen.
(b) She said that honesty is the best policy.
(c) He asked me why I was playing then.
(d) Rima said that he had bought a book the previous day.
(e) The manager ordered the servant to clean the floor.

English 2nd Paper Simple Narration Model Test Question No. 2
(a) He said to me, "You have done your work.”
(b) Abir says, “I can help you.”
(c) Arif said to me, “Do you want my help?”
(d) Mother said to me, "Do not run in the sun.”
(e) They said to me, “Let us decide the matter ourselves.”

Answer: 2
(a) He told me that I had done my work.
(b) Abir says that he can help me.
(c) Arif asked me if I wanted his help.
(d) Mother ordered/requested me not to run in the sun.
(e) They proposed me that they should decide the matter themselves.

English 2nd Paper Simple Narration Model Test Question No. 3
(a) Father said to me, “You’re idling away your time.”
(b) You said to me, “Why do you always keep bad company.”
(c) He said to me, “That’s a good idea.”
(d) He will say, “I shall do the work tomorrow.”
(e) My friend said to me, “I am very sorry to hear about your illness.”

Answer: 3
(a) Father told me that I was idling away my time.
(b) You asked me why I always kept bad company.
(c) He told me that that was good idea.
(d) He will say that he will do the work the next day.
(e) My friend told one that he was very sorry to hear about my illness.

English 2nd Paper Simple Narration Model Test Question No. 4
(a) He said to me, “I went to my village yesterday.”
(b) He said to his friend, “Do you like to read novels?”
(c) He said to kamal, “I lent him my English book.”
(d) He says to me, “I shall help you.”
(e) Joy said to Mina, “Practice makes a man perfect.”

Answer: 4
(a) He told me that he had gone to his village the previous day.
(b) He asked his friend if he (friend) liked to read novels.
(c) He told kamal that he had lent him his English book.
(d) He tells me that he will help me.
(e) Joy told Mina that practice makes a man perfect.

English 2nd Paper Simple Narration Model Test Question No. 5
(a) Laila said to Rana, “I shall come here again tomorrow.”
(b) He said to me, “You may stay here.”
(c) He said to me, “We should do our duty.”
(d) Rana will say, “He writes a letter.”
(e) Rana said to Bina, “I could meet you tomorrow.”

Answer: 5
(a) Laila told Rana that she (Laila) would come there again the next day.
(b) He told me that I might stay there.
(c) He told me that they should do their duty.
(d) Rana will say that he writes a letter.
(e) Rana told Bina that she (Rana) could meet her (Bina) the next day.

English 2nd Paper Simple Narration Model Test Question No. 6
(a) The doctor said to me, “Follow the rules of health.”
(b) I said to them, “Who broke the glass?”
(c) Mother said to me, “May Allah bless you.”
(d) Shaheen said to me, “Were you absent from class yesterday?”
(e) The Mayor said to the piper, “You may go now.”

Answer: 6
(a) The doctor requested me to follow the rules of health.
(b) I asked them who had broken the glass.
(c) Mother prayed me that Allah might bless me.
(d) Shaheen asked me if I had been absent from class the previous day.
(e) The Mayor told the piper that he (piper) might go then.

English 2nd Paper Simple Narration Model Test Question No. 7
(a) Father said to his son, “Slow and stead wins the race.”
(b) Nasima said to me, “Are you my friend?”
(c) The teacher said, “The earth moves round the sun.”
(d) Rani said, “I like to wear clean dress.”
(e) Father said to his son, “Learn to be honest from your boyhood.”

Answer: 7
(a) Father told his son that slow and stead wins the race.
(b) Nasima asked me if I was her (Nasima/N) friend.
(c) The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.
(d) Rani said that she (R) liked to wear clean dress.
(e) Father advised his son to learn to be honest from his (son) boyhood.

English 2nd Paper Simple Narration Model Test Question No. 8
(a) I said to him, “What will you do after your JSC examination?”
(b) He said to me, “I must write a letter to you.”
(c) Father says to her daughter, “I shall send you to the university.”
(d) He said to me, “Where do you live?”
(e) I said to him, “Good morning.”

Answer: 8
(a) I asked him what he would do after his JSC examination.
(b) He told me that he had to write a letter to me.
(c) Father tells her daughter that he (father) should send her (daughter) to the university.
(d) He asked me where I lived.
(e) I said to him bade good morning.

Passage Narration
English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 9
“Where did you go yesterday?” said Lipi.
“I went to Chittagong to see my mother.” said Mina. “She has been suffering from high blood pressure.”
“Is she sound now?” said Lipi.
“No,” said Mina.

Answer: 9
Lipi asked Mina where she had gone the previous day. Mina replied that she had gone to Chittagong ot see her (Mina) mother and added that she (mother) had been suffering from high blood pressure. Lipi asked Mina if she (mother) was sound then. Mina replied in the negative.

English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 10
“Will you go to college today?” the mother said to her son.
“No, mother. Our classes are suspended.”
“Then go to the market and bring some vegetables.”
“Let me be ready and give me money.”

Answer: 10
The mother asked her son if he would go to college that day. The son replied in the negative that their classes were suspended. Then his mother told him to go to market and bring some vegetables. The son told his mother to let him be ready and to give him money.

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Model Test Question with Answer

English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 11
A hawker said, “Will you buy any paper? I have all types of Newspapers and Magazines. Please take one from me.” “I buy books but now I need a weekly. Don’t you have any weekly Magazine?” said Sushmita.

Answer: 11
A hawker asked Sushmita if she would buy any paper and added that he had all types of Newspapers and Magazines and requested her to take one from him. Sushmita said that she bought books but then she needed a weekly and asked the hawker if he did not have any weekly Magazine.

English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 12
“Why don’t you attend classes regularly?” the teacher said to the student. “You can’t expect good results unless you attend classes as I tell you”. “I am sorry, sir, I have offended you,” said the student.

Answer: 12
The teacher asked the student why he did not attend classes regularly and added that he (student) could not expect good results unless he attended classes as he (teacher) told him. The student respectfully told that he (s) was sorry and added that he (s) had offended him (t).

English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 13
“Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazar?” asked Kamal.  “No, I have never gone there,” replied Khalil. “But I long for visiting the place.” “I had an opportunity to visit the sea-beach last year” said Kamal. “How charming the scenery is!”

Answer: 13
Kamal asked Khalil if he (K) had ever been to Cox’s Bazar. Khalil replied in the negative (and said) that he (K) had never gone there but he (K) longed for visiting the place and further added that he (K) had an opportunity to visit the sea-beach the previous year and exclaimed with joy that the scenery was very charming.

English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 14
The authoress said to the boy, “I have a boy coming from the orphanage for chopping wood.” He said, “I am that boy. Can I chop some wood today for cooking?” She said, “You are a small boy in size”. He said, “Size does not matter in chopping wood. I can chop more than an older boy.”

Answer: 14
The authoress told the boy that she (the authoress) had a boy coming from the orphanage for chopping wood. He said that he (Jerry) was that boy and asked if he (Jerry) could chop some wood that day for her (the authoress’s) fire place. She replied that he (Jerry) was a small boy in size. He said that size did not matter in chopping wood and added that he (Jerry) could chop more wood than an older boy.

English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 15
“Have you ever been to Delhi to see the Taj Mahal?” Biplab said to Arup. Arup said, “No, I have never gone there. “If you visited the wonder you could gain practical knowledge I believe. It is both an interesting and important place,” said Biplab. “How nice the place is!” said Arup.

Answer: 15
Arup asked Biplab if he (B) had ever been to Delhi to see the Taj Mahal. Biplab replied in the negative (and said) that he (B) had never gone there. Arup said that if he (B) had visited the wonder, he (B) could gained practical knowledge he (A) believed and added that it was both an interesting and important place. Arup exclaimed in joy that the place was very nice.

English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 16
Rana said to me, “Have you finished the book I gave you yesterday?” “Yes, I have finished reading the book,” I replied, “What an interesting book it is! I wish I would borrow the book earlier,” I said, “Will you return me the book today?” he said.

Answer: 16
Rana asked me if I had finished the book she had given me the previous day. I replied in the affirmative (and said) that I had finished reading the book and exclaimed with joy that it was a very interesting book and I wished I could borrow the book earlier. Then he (Rana) asked me if I would return him (R) the book that day.

English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 17
Jerry said to the authoress, “My mother comes to see me every summer. She sends presents for me at every Christmas Day.”
She said to him, “Why did you not live with your mother?”
He said, “We are very poor. My mother has no work on hand now.”    

English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 18
The stranger said to the boy, “Will you tell me the way to the nearest hotel?”
“Yes, I will. Do you want a residential one in which you can spend the night?” the boy said.
“I do not want to stay there, but I only want a meal.” the stranger replied.

English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 19
The old man said, “Can you give me some food? I’ve been starving for two days.” The maid said, “Why do you beg? Can’t you work?”

English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 20
The teacher said to Kamal, “Why are you talking in the class? You should behave yourself.” Kamal replied, “Sir, I am sorry. I am asking Rahim to lend me his pen. My pen has run out.” The teacher said, “Be attentive and listen to my lecture.”

English 2nd Paper Passage Narration Model Test Question No. 21
Once I said a sweet girl. “What is your mother’s name?”
She replied cleverly, “I know my mother’s name but I won’t tell you that.”
I said, “What a clever girl you are!”
“I don’t tell my mother’s name to anybody whom I don’t know.” She spoke with an air of confidence.

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English Second Paper
Model Test Question with Answer

190+ WH Question exercise with answer pdf download

English Grammar Model Test Question for jsc, ssc and hsc exam
Model Test Question 
English 2nd paper 
WH Question
exercise with answer pdf download

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 01
(a) I feel feverish today.
(b) He went to the airport to receive his friend.
(c) The seminar was held in Chittagong.
(d) She offered Liza a cup of tea.
(e) My father visits me now and then.
(f) It is half past eleven.

(a) How do you feel today?
(b) Why did he go to the airport?
(c) Where was the seminar held?
(d) What did she offer to Liza?
(e) How often does your father visit you?
(f) What is the time now? Or what time is it now?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 02
(a) Rajshahi is famous for silk.
(b) She has been waiting for three hours.
(c) We went home to enjoy Eid.
(d) London is 120 km away from Rajbari.
(e) No one can escape death.
(f) He goes to office on foot.
(g) The French Revolution took place in 1789.

(a) What is Rajshahi famous for?
(b) How long has she been waiting?
(c) Why did he go home?
(d) How far is London from Rajbari?
(e) Who can escape death?
(f) How does he go to office?
(g) Which year did the French Revolution take place?
Or, when did the French Revolution take place?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 03
(a) Practice makes a man perfect.
(b) I have been waiting here for three hours.
(c) He visits my house twice a week.
(d) She comes from Khulna.
(e) The bank closes at 5 p.m.
(f) We respect him for his honesty.
(g) This book belongs to my elder brother.

(a) What makes a man perfect?
(b) How long have you been waiting here?
(c) How often does he visit your house?
(d) Where does she come from?
(e) When does the bank close?
(f) Why do you respect him?
(g) Whom does this book belong to?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 04
(a) I want to talk to Mr. Tawhid.
(b) The girl looks like a rose.
(c) Everybody hates a liar.
(d) Our college was built in 1956.
(e) Charity begins at home.
(f) Her elder sister is a magistrate.
(g) He lifted the box carefully.

(a) Whom do you want to talk?
(b) How does the girl look?
(c) Whom does everybody hate?
(d) When was your college built?
(e) Where does charity begin?
(f) What is her elder sister?
(g) How did he lift the box?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 05
(i) I borrowed his car.
(ii) My sister is a doctor.
(iii) I love my mother very much.
(iv) He is fond of playig cricket.
(v) They caught the mouse by means of a trap.
(vi) Bashir comes here every week.
(vii) London is thirty miles from here.

(i) Whose car did you borrow?
(ii) What is your sister?
(iii) Whom do you love very much?
(iv)  What is he fond of?
(v) How did they catch the mouse?
(vi) How often does Bashir come here?
(vii) How far away is London from here?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 06
(a) Maira left a message for Anika.
(b) John was happy to live in Paris.
(c) Liz wanted to know the answer.
(d) Robin went to Cox’s Bazar for a change.
(e) This book is one of the best selling now.
(f) It was a nice journey.
(g) We passed through the zoo.

(a) What did Maria leave for Anika? Or, Whom did Maria leave a message for?
(b) Why was John happy?
(c) What did Liz want to know?
(d) Why did Robin go to Cox’s Bazar? Or, Where did Rahim go for a change?
(e) Which book is one of the best selling now?
(f) How was the journey?
(g)  Where did you pass through?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 07
(a) I have been out of the country for two years.
(b) He saw me the day before yesterday.
(c) I found him in the park.
(d) A good disctionary gives the usage of a word.
(e) The bank closes at 4 p.m.
(f) I am doing this for a reason.
(g) I talked to Nishu.

(a) How long have you been out of the country?
(b) When did he see you?
(c) Where did you find him?
(d) What does a good dictionary give?
(e) When does the bank close?
(f) Why are you doing this?
(g) Who did you talk to?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 08
(i) They missed the bus for their delay.
(ii) Of all the fruits. I like the mangoes most.
(iii) He went home to take care of his ailing father.
(iv) The building is forty five feet high.
(v) He spent many years in Japan.
(vi) Green mangoes taste sour.
(vii) Sheema opened the door.

(i) Why did they miss the bus?
(ii) Which fruit do you like most?
(iii) Why did he go home?
(iv) How high is the building?
(v) Where did he spend many years?
(vi) How do green mangoes taste?
(vii) Who opened the door?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 09
(a) This book cost me Tk. 300.
(b) I should like to have a cup of tea.
(c) He broke the glass with a hammer.
(d) The journey was made last week.
(e) She looks like a queen.
(f) I have been out of the country for two years.
(g) A meeting of the student’s council will be held tomorrow.

(a) How much did this book cost you?
(b) What would you like to have?
(c)  How did he break the glass? Or, What did he break with a hammer?
(d) When was the journey made? Or, What was made last week?
(e)  What does she look like?
(f) How long have you been out of the country?
(g) What will be held tomorrow?/When will  a meeting of the students council be held?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 10
(a) I have been waiting here for half and hour.
(b) The manager opened the vault with a key.
(c) You need to learn English well because it is a passport to knowledge.
(d)  My elder sister reached Chittagong in the evening.
(e) There are twenty eight days in February.
(f) I respect my teacher for his sincerity.
(g) They are playing Golf.

(a) How long have you been waiting here?
(b) How did the manager open the vault?
(c) Why do you need to learn English?
(d) When did your elder sister reach Chittagong?
(e) How many days are there in February?
(f) Why do you respect your teacher?
(g) What are they playing? Or, Which game are they playing?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 11
(i) Her efforts proved successful.
(ii) This house belongs to my father.
(iii) We should respect our seniors.
(iv) Our mistake caused the explosion.
(v)He delivered his lecture at the end of the meeting.
(vi) He went to the airport to receive his friend.
(vii) I saw the man last at his native village.

(i) How did her efforts prove?
(ii) Whom does this house belong to?
(iii) Whom should you respect?
(iv) What caused the explosion?
(v) When did he deliver his lecture?
(vi) Why did he go to the airport?
(vii) Where did you see the man last?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 12
(a) I’m fine. Thank you.
(b) My brother is thirty years old.
(c) I get up at six in the morning.
(d) Monetary problems have hampered his education.
(e) I am going to Khulna.
(f) I hurt Abed while removing the furniture.
(g) I was caught in a traffic jam.

(a) How are you?
(b) How old is your brother?
(c) When do you get up? Or, At what time do you get up in the morning?
(d)What have hampered his education?
(e) Where are you going to?
(f) How did you hurt Abed? / When did you hurt Abed? / Whom did you hurt while removing the furniture?
(g) Why are you late?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 13
(a) Children play cricket on Sundays.
(b) He visits his mother every week.
(c) She can speak Bangla, English and French.
(d) He is entrusted with a noble task.
(e) She comes from Khulna.
(f) The boy can’t go out because of severe cold.
(g) The doctor suggested that the patient should not to eat fats.

(a) When do children play cricket?
(b) How often does he visit his mother?
(c) How many languages can he speak? Or, Which languages can he speak?
(d) What is he trusted with?
(e) Where does she come from?
(f) Why can’t the boy go out?
(g) What did the doctor suggest the Patient?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 14
(a) There are five books on the table.
(b) The bank closes at 4 p.m.
(c) Dinajpur is famous for the rice.
(d) My son’s success made me happy.
(e) Everybody wishes to be happy.
(f) It is a quarter to eleven now.
(g) By the side of a lake the park stands.

(a) How many books are there on the table?
(b) When does the bank close?
(c) Why is Dinajpur famous for?
(d) What made you happy?
(e) Who does not wish to be happy?
(f) What time is it now? Or, What is the time now?
(g) Where does the park stand?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 15
(a) I would like to drink coffee.
(b) Jim went to London last winter.
(c) My doctor has advised me to lose weight.
(d) Peter is capable of doing the job.
(e) Chris was in Japan when the earthquake struck.
(f) A good dictionary lists the meaning of verbs.
(g) The seminar was held in Chittagong.

(a) What would you like to drink?
(b) When did Tim go to London?
(c) What has your doctor advised you?
(d) Who is capable of doing the job?
(e) Where was Chris when the earthquake struck?
(f) What does a good dictionary list?
(g) What was the seminar held?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 16
(a) She drove her father’s car.
(b) The train leaves for London at 7a.m.
(c) He called me a fool because I could not solve the problem.
(d) He felt very uneasy at that time.
(e) My father is a doctor.
(f) We like to make Dr. Karim Chief guest.
(g) This book is mine.

(a) Whose car did she drive?
(b) What time does the train leave for London?
(c) Why did he call you a fool?
(d) How did he feel at that time?
(e) What is your father?
(f) Whom do you like to make Chief Guest?
(g) Whose is this book?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 17
(a) The knife was one foot long.
(b) She has enough money.
(c) Smoking is a bad habit.
(d) He bought pen, pencil and paper.
(e) I was annoyed with him.
(f) No one can know his fate before hand.
(g) London is 200 miles from Chittagong.

(a) How long was the knife?
(b) How much money has she? Or, How much money does she have?
(c) What is a bad habit?
(d) What did he buy? Or, What / Which things did she buy?
(e) Whom were you annoyed with?
(f) Who can know his fate before hand?
(g) How far is London from Chittagong?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 18
(a) We want to go out for a meal.
(b) I am going to Ranglamati tomorrow.
(c) The police warned the taxi-drivers.
(d) Rita bought a pen and a book.
(e) I feel feverish today.
(f) Maruf had been to several countries in Europe.
(g) I found him in the fair.

(a) Why do you want to go out?
(b) Where are you going tomorrow?
(c) Whom did the police warn?
(d) What did Rita buy? Or, What / Which things did Rita buy?
(e) How do you feel today?
(f) How many countries in Europe had Maruf been to?
Or How many European countries had Maruf been to?
(g) Where did you find him?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 19
(a) I am 50.
(b) I get up at five in the morning.
(c) The news makes her laugh.
(d) An accident took place near London.
(e) He bought a lots of books.
(f) It is half past ten now.
(g) Furhan’s mother is a good woman.

(a) How old are you?
(b) When do you get up in the morning?
(c) What makes her laugh?
(d) Where did an accident take place?
(e) What did he buy? Or, What / Which things did she buy?
(f) What is the time now? What time is it now?
(g) Whose mother is a good woman?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 20
(a) I want to talk about literature.
(b) The news makes him laugh.
(c) Last week an accident took place near Manikganj.
(d) Sheema was late for traffic jam.
(e) It looks like a forest.
(f) I went to the hospital to see my friend.
(g) He lost his pen.

(a) What do you want to talk about?
(b) What makes him laugh?
(c) When did an accident take place near Manikganj?
(d) Why was Sheema late?
(e) What does it look like?
(f) Why did you go to the hospital?
(g) What did he lose?
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English Second Paper
Model Test Question with Answer

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 21
(a) I know your sister.
(b) Shila saw Mary in the winter.
(c) His mother helps the boy in his home work.
(d) My doctor has advised me to lose weight.
(e) Rabi wanted a cup of coffee with sugar.
(f) The journey was comfortable and pleasant.
(g) He needs a lot more practice.

(a) Whom do you know?
(b) When did Shila see Mary?
(c) Who helps the boy in his home work? 
Or, Whom does his home help in hi home work?
(d) What has your doctor advised you to do?
(e) What did Rabi want?
(f) How was the journey?
(g) What more does he need?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 22
(a) She plans to go abroad next year.
(b) She borrowed her friend's necklace.
(c) The War of Liberation took place in 1971.
(d) I want the red pen.
(e) She had waited for several hours.
(f) She has some money left in the bank.
(g) He visits his mother every week.

(a) What does she plan to do next year?
Or, When does she plan to go abroad?
(b) Whose necklace did she borrow?
(c) When did the war of liberation take place?
(d) Which pen do you want?
(e) How many hours had she waited for?
(f) How much money has she left in the bank?
Or, Where has she left some money?
(g) Whom does he visit every week?

 English 2nd paper WH model test question. 23
(a) She slept all day
(b) She told Ayesha to go out with her.
(c) She can walk 4 km in an hour.
(d) The watch has four bells.
(e) He goes home to see her mother every week.
(f) The little boy chose a blue pencil.
(g) Everyone is interested in games.

(a) What did she do all day?
(b) What did she tell Ayesha?
(c) How many kilometers can she walk an hour?
(d) How many bells does the watch have?
(e) Why does she go home every week?
(f) What coloured pencil did the little boy choose?
(g) Who is not interested in games?

 English 2nd paper WH model test question. 24
(a) He went home to see his mother.
(b) He bought several books.
(c) The train leaves early in the morning.
(d)She could not visit her friends for want of time.
(e) It took us two hours to reach the hospital.
(f) She can speak three languages.
(g) He broke the glass-door with a hammer.

(a) Why did he go home?
(b) What did he buy?
(c) When does the train leave?
(d) Why could she not visit her friends?
(e) What time did it take you to reach the Hospital?
(f) How many languages can she speak?
(g) How did he break the glass door?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 25
(a) Orwell was educated at Eton.
(b) Flowers smell sweet.
(c) An accident took place in Farmgate.
(d) The student answered the questios confidently.
(e) In the dinner I enjoyed the chicken fry most.
(f) The Manager’s fault brought this disaster for the company.
(g) His plane took off at midnight.

(a) Where was Orwell educated?
(b) How do flowers smell?
(c) Where did the accident take place?
Or, What happened in the farmgate?
(d) How did the student answer the questions?
(e) What did you enjoy most in the dinner?
(f) Whose fault brought this disaster for the company?
(g) When did his plane take off?

 English 2nd paper WH model test question. 26
(a) My friend called on me to lend him some money.
(b) The examination conducted by the Public Service Commission was very difficult.
(c) Father forbade me to go out at night.
(d) I rushed to the hospital to see my ailing friend.
(e) The railway station is two kilometres away from our house.
(f) He recited a poem of Nazrul in the cultural function.
(g) We had to be careful lest the news should become known to all.

(a) Why did your friend call on you?
(b) What was the examination conducted by the Public Service Commission like?
(c) What did your father forbid you to do?
Or, When did father forbid you to go out?
(d) Why did you rush to the hospital?
Or, Where did you rush to see your ailing friend?
(e) How far is the railway station from your house?
(f) What poem did he recite in the cultural function?
(g) What apprehension about the news made you careful?

 English 2nd paper WH model test question. 27
(a) I’ve been waiting for half an hour.
(b) He earns two thousand taka a week.
(c) Rita reads in second year honours class.
(d) Rina works in the office.
(e) Karim’s brother is a cricket player.
(f) Everyone can do this.
(g) It is half past ten now.

(a) How long have you been waiting?
(b) How much does he earn a week?
(c) What class does Rita read in?
(d) Whare does Rina work?
(e) What’s Karim’s brother? Or, Whose brother is a cricket player?
(f) Who can do it?
(g) What’s the time now?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 28
(a) My sister is coming from Singapore.
(b) A stranger knocked at the door.
(c) People are afraid of him because he is a man well- connected with the powerful circle of the society.
(d) The last date for submitting applications is 20 December, 1998.
(e) The plane is expected to land within an hour.
(f) I studied English and Bangla at school.
(g) We should invite the elite of the town.

(a) Where is your sister coming from?
(b) Who knocked at the door?
(c) Why are people afraid of him?
(d) What is the last date for submitting application?
(e) When is the plane landing?
(f) What did you study at school?
(g) Whom should you invite?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 29
(a) Dinajpur is famous for rice.
(b) I saw him long ago.
(c) The target of the project is to educate the village women.
(d) The parcel is from Chittagong.
(e) She visited London, America and Russia.
(f) Tanya writes to her father every week.
(g) In ancient time man was very helpless.

(a) Why is Dinajpur famous for?
(b) When did you see him?
(c) What is the target of the project?
(d) Where is the parcel from?
(e) Which countires did she visit?
(f) How often does Tanya write to her father? Or, Whom does Tanya write to every week?
(g) How was man in ancient time? Or, When was man very helpless?

 English 2nd paper WH model test question. 30
(a) I was held up in a traffic jam near Newmarket.
(b) The historic Water Treaty between India and Bangladesh was signed in December, 1996.
(c) The boy has cought the mouse by means of a trap.
(d) London is the biggest city in Bangladesh.
(e) It is fifteen minutes past ten now.
(f) Royal Bengal Tigers abound in the Sunderbans.
(g) Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.

(a) How were you help up near Newmarket? / Where were you late? / Where were you held up in a traffic jam?
(b) When was the historic Water Treaty between India and Bangladesh signed?
(c) How has the boy caught the mouse?
(d) Which is the biggest city in Bangladesh? / What is the biggest city in Bangladesh?
(e) What’s the time now?
(f) Where do the Royal Bengla Tigers abound in?
(g) Who wrote Hamlet?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 31
(a) Rahim’s friends have congratulated him on his obtaining a Ph.D. degree.
(b) It is erosion of old values that creates serious social crises.
(c) I think large scale copying in the examination poses a great threat to our education system.
(d) She does not eat sweets because it increases body weight and robs beauty.
(e) It is thrilling to drive across the newly built bridge over the mightly Jamuna.
(f) The boy was shouting at the top of his voice to draw the attention of the villagers.
(g) As far as I know there is no house to let in this locality.

(a) Why have Rahim’s friends congratulated him?
(b) What is it that creates serious social crises? / What creates serious social crises?
(c) What do you think poses a great threat to our education system?
(d) Why does not she eat sweets?
(e) What is thrilling about the newly built bridge over the mighty Jamuna?
(f) Why was the boy shouting at the top of his voice?
(g) Where is no house to let?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 32
(a) My brother is thirty years old.
(b) I get up at six in the morning.
(c) His father is a doctor.
(d) I shall come back as soon as possible.
(e) He went abroad in guest of money.
(f) Nazrul was born in Churulia.
(g) I wrote with the red pen.

(a) How old is your brother?
(b) When did you get up in the morning?
(c) What is his father?
(d) When will you come back?
(e) Why did he go abroad? Or, Where did he go in rest of money?
(f) Where was Nazrul born?
(g) How did you write?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 33
(a) I found the key under the table.
(b) Sumon wrote to his father for money.
(c) I am studying English so that I may go abroad.
(d) He thinks about his future quite seriously.
(e) Anger is the worst enemy.
(f) There are twenty players in the field.
(g) I visited the dargah many time.

(a) Where did you find the key?  Or, What did you find under the table?
(b) Whom did Sumon Write for money? Or, Why did Sumon write to his father?
(c) Why are you studying English?
(d) What does he think quite seriously?
(e) What is man’s worst enemy?
(f) How many players are there in the field?
(g) Where did you visit many times?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 34
(a) Nobody likes a dishonest man.
(b) They spoke to Nazneen.
(c) I have come here to meet my teacher.
(d) The lion is the king of beasts.
(e) You should buy a dictionary.
(f) The sound came from a distance.
(g) Friday is a holiday.

(a) Who likes dishonest man? Or, Whom does nobody like?
(b) Whom did they speak to?
(c) Why have you come here?
(d) Who is the king of beasts?
(e) What should buy?
(f) Where did the sound come from?
(g) What day is holiday?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 35
(a) My friends came by bus.
(b) Chittagong is about 200 miles from London.
(c) The committee has elected a new secretary.
(d) The old man died at the age of ninety five.
(e) It is now a quarter to eleven.
(f) It is my uncle’s car.
(g) I read the Bangladesh Observer.

(a) How did your friends come by?
(b) How far is Chittagong from London?
(c) Whom has the committee elected?
(d) At what age did the old man die?
(e) What is the time now?
(f) Whose car is it?
(g) What newspaper do you read?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 36
(a) The function was held in the auditorium.
(b) This house was built in 1980.
(c) We eat to live.
(d) My brother came to see me.
(e) He is looking for a job.
(f) Fifty students are present in the class.
(g)My home is twenty miles from my college.

(a) Where was the function held?
(b) When was this house built?
(c) Why do you eat?
(d) Why did your brother come?
(e) What is the looking for?
(f)How many students are present in the class?
(g) How far is your home from your college?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 37
(a) My sister is a doctor.
(b) He entered the room silently.
(c) He comes to college on foot.
(d) I saw him in the meeting.
(e) Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
(f) I want the red pen.
(g) I borrowed two books from the library.

(a) What is your sister?
(b) How did he enter the room?
(c) How does he come to college?
(d) Where did you see him?
(e) Who wrote Hamlet?
(f) What do you want?
(g) How many books did you borrow from the library?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 38
(a) Our students are well behaved.
(b) Everybody wishes to be happy.
(c) He married a Spanish lady.
(d) Sumi studies English at London University.
(e) Charity begins at home.
(f) He knew it from a daily.
(g) The train leaves for Mymensingh at 8:30 a.m.

(a) How are your students?
(b) Who does not wish to be happy?
(c) Whom did he marry?
(d) Where does Sumi study English?
(e) What begins at home?
(f) How did he know it?
(g) When does the train leave for Mymensingh?

English 2nd paper WH model test question. 39
(a) It is ten fifteen.
(b) All the ambitions students study seriously.
(c) I borrowed my friend’s grammar book.
(d) The boat sank at this very spot.
(e) This is his book.
(f) The price of the ring is about eight hundred taka.
(g) Asad has a few acres of land.

(a) What is the time now?
(b) Who study seriously?
(c) Whose grammar book did you borrow?
(d) Where did the boat sink?
(e) Whose book is this?
(f) What is the price of the ring?
(g) What quantity of land has Asad?
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English Second Paper
Model Test Question with Answer

155+ Suffix and Prefix exercise with answer pdf download

English Grammar Model Test Question for jsc, ssc and hsc exam
Model Test Question 
English 2nd paper 
Suffix and Prefix
exercise with answer pdf download

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 1 
Question (a): Change the following words as directed in the brackets and make sentences with the changed words (any five): Rich (verb), believe (noun), friend (adj), accident (adv), honor (adj), please (noun), strong (verb).

Given words
Changed words
rich (verb)
You should enrich now.
believe (noun)
His belief was wrong.
friend (adj)
The teachers of our college are very friendly.
accident (adv)
He did it accidentally.
honor (adj)
He is honorable person.
please (noun)
It was a pleasure matter.
strong (verb)
Regular physical exercise strengthens the body.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 2
Question : Change the following words as directed in the brackets and make sentences with the changed words (any five): treat (noun), strong (noun), popular (adverb), society (adjective), friend (verb), decision (verb), cash (verb), succeed (noun).

Given words
Changed words
treat (noun)
His treatment was not good.
strong (noun)
I saw Rana’s strength.
popular (noun)
Rana did it popularly.
society (adj)
It is a social work.
friend (noun)
Nasim is my bosom friend.
decision (verb)
You should decide to do it.
cash (verb)
I shall cash the cheque now.
succeed (noun).
He has a great success in life.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 3
Question (a): Change the following words as directed in the brackets and make sentences with the changed words (any five): pleasure (adjective), social (noun), noble (verb), fond (noun), weak (verb), thought (adverb), knowledge (adjective).

Given words
Changed words
pleasure (adj)
Our journey by boat was very pleasant.
social (n)
Man lives in society.
noble (v)
Real education ennobles our mind.
fond (n)
I have no fondness for sweets.
weak (v)
Over-exercise has weakened him.
thought (adv)
A conscious man always acts thoughtfully.
Mr. Hasan is a knowledgeable person.

Question (b): Add suffix or prefix to the following words and make sentences with the new words (any five):
Joy, trust, decent, balance, free,  history, fear.

Given words
Changed words
Everybody enjoyed the cricket match.
We should not mistrust others.
The behavior of the boy was indecent.
Ecological imbalance is a cause of natural disasters.
We became freedom in 1971.
Bagerhat is a historical place.
We need a lot of fearless leaders.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 4
Question (a): Change the following words as directed in the brackets and make sentences with the changed words (any five): child (adj),book (verb),brief (adv)beautiful (n), choose (n), digit (adj), courage (v).
Given words
Changed words
child (adj)
Everybody should give up his childish behavior.
book (verb)
Our MP booked a flight to London.
brief (adv)
The teacher advised us to write the answer briefly.
beautiful (n)
Rina is a beauty.
choose (n)
The choice of Mrs. Hasan is praise-able.
digit (adj)
Our Government is trying to make digital Bangladesh.
courage (v)
The teacher encouraged the students to write English correctly.

Question (b): Add suffix or prefix to the following words and make sentences with the new words (any five):
danger, great, wonder, cover, slave, free, correct.
Given words
Changed words
The lion is a dangerous animal.
Akbar was greater than any other kings in India.
Computer is a wonderful invention of science.
The authority has uncovered a plan to overcome the problem.
Slavery is a curse in the society.
We became freedom in 1971.
Weak students write a lot of incorrect sentences.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 5
Question (a): Change the following words as directed in the brackets and make sentences with the changed words  (any five):
national (noun), classification (verb), duty (adjective),
die (noun), kindness (adverb), friend (adjective), sure (verb).
Given words
Changed words
national (n)
The Bangalees are a brave nation.
classification (v)
Classify Noun / Noun has been classified into five categories.
duty (adj)
Everybody likes a dutiful boy.
die (n)
Nobody can avoid death.
kindness (adv)
Kindly, help me.
friend (adj)
The teachers of our college are very friendly.
sure (v)
He ensured me of going to Cox’s Bazar.

Question (b): Add suffix or prefix to the following words and make sentences with the new words (any five):
Responsible, deed, belief, able, invest, polite, honest.
Given words
Changed words
Every student should aware of my responsibility.
He is, indeed, a gentle man.
The leader has disbelief in Allah.
I have no ability to buy a computer.
Investment in girls’ education is a great investment.
A gentle man always behaves politely.
Honesty is the best policy.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 6
Question (a): Change the following words as directed in the brackets and make sentences with the changed words (any five): difficult (noun), pride (adjective), moral (adverb), desirable (noun), beauty (verb), trouble (adjective), production (verb). Answer:
Given words
Changed words
difficult (n)
At present the poor are in great difficulty.
pride (adj)
He is proud of his wealth.
moral (adv)
Our local chairman is morally dishonest.
desirable (n)
His desire is to obtain A+.
beauty (v)
Our Principal wants to beautify our college.
trouble (adj)
Our journey to Cox’s Bazar was troublesome.
production (v)
The farmers of Bangladesh produce good quality rice.

Question (b): Add suffix or prefix to the following words and make sentences with the new words (any five):
Rich, strength,  ease,  success,  examine,
implement, little.
Given words
Changed words
Study tour enriches the knowledge of thew students.
Regular exercise strengthens the body.
Easy to say, but difficult to do./ It is an easy matter.
He became successful in life.
Our examination is knocking at the door.
The implementation of the project is difficult.
A boast man always tries to belittle others.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 7
Question (a): Change the following words as directed in the brackets and make sentences with the changed words (any five):
Education (adjective), rich (verb), believe (noun), human (adverb), consider (noun), noble (verb), duty (adjective).
Given words
Changed words
education (adj)
My uncle bears my educational expenses.
reich (v)
Study tour enriches the knowledge of thew students.
believe (n)
He has belief in Allah.
human (adv)
Everybody expects humanly treat.
consider (n)
His prayer is under the consideration of the principal.
noble (v)
Real education ennobles our mind.
duty (adj)
Everybody likes a dutiful boy.

Question (b): Add suffix or prefix to the following words and make sentences with the new words (any five):
selfish, respect, please, happiness, interesting.
Given words
Changed words
Selfishness is a bad side of human.
An honest man is respectful to all.
The students went to a picnic for pleasure.
Unhappiness destroys mental peace.
A story-teller can tell a story interestingly.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 8
Question: Change the following words as directed in the brackets and make sentences with the changed words (any five): Community (adjective), Nation (adverb), Speech (verb), Extend (noun), Classify (noun), Use (adjective), Education (verb). Answer:
Given words
Changed words
Community (adjective)
A true Muslim has no communal feeling.
Nation (adverb)
It is nationally recognized.
Speech (verb)
I always speak the truth.
Extend (noun)
The students demanded for an extension of their examination.
Classify (noun)
The student could not tell the classification of nouns.
Use (adjective)
It is his usual practice to study.
Education (verb)
Religion educates honesty.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 9
Question (a): Change the following words as directed in the brackets and make sentences with the changed words (any five):
important (noun), independent (adjective), realization (verb), exposure (verb), evolve (noun), disaster (adjective), die (noun).
Given words
Changed words
important (n)
The importance of education is great.
independent (adj)
We became an independent nation in 1971.
realization (v)
Every one should realize the morality of religion.
exposure (v)
No one should expose his secrecy to anyone.
evolve (n)
Evolution is the process of nature.
disaster (adj)
Disastrous effect of flood is miserable.
die (n)
None can avoid death.

Question (b): Add suffix or prefix to the following words and make sentences with the new words (any five):
bright, pure, attentive, solvent, noble, regular, polite.
Given words
Changed words
The light of the sun brightens everything.
Oxygen purifies our blood.
A good student always reads attentively.
He became insolvent.
The nobility of Hazi Mohsin is charmed me.
Some students don’t maintain regularity in the class.
A gentle man always behaves politely.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 10
Question: Change the following words as directed in the brackets and make sentences with the changed words (any five):
Confess (n), height (adj), preventable (v),
sweeten (adj), guide (n), courage (v), simple (adv).
Given words
Changed words
confess (n)
A religious man makes confession of his glilty.
height (adj)
The tree is 20 feet high.
preventable iv)
He prevented me from smoking.
sweeten (adj)
The mango of Rajshahi tastes sweet.
guide (n)
The orphan boy needs a guidance.
courage (v)
The teacher encouraged the students to write English correctly.
simple (adv)
Hazi Mohsin lead his life very simply.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 11
Question: Change the following words as directed in the brackets and make sentences with the changed words (any five):
require (Noun), possess (noun), ability (verb), beauty (verb), society , civilization (adjective), broad (adverb).
Given words
require (noun)
For the requirement of money he came to me.
possess (noun)
He could not take possession of his land.
ability (ver)
The old man is enabling to walk.
Our Principal wants to beautify our college.
civilization (adjective)
A civil citizen is respected by all.
broad (adverb)
He narrated the statement broadly.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 12
Question: Change the following words as directed in the brackets and make sentences with the changed words (any five):
Know (n), strength (adj), sign (n), education (v), colourful (adv), explanation (v), health (adj).
Given words
Changed words
know (n)
Knowledge is power.
strength (adj)
The tiger is a strong animal.
sign (n)
Put your signature here.
education (v)
Religion educates honesty.
colourful (adv)
The student decorated the auditorium colourfully.
Class teacher explained the topic clearly.
health (adj)
His sons are healthy.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 13
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
Development (v), wisdom (adj), weak (v), success (adv), prefer (n), rich (v), progress (adj).
Given words
Changed words
development (v)
A patriot always tries to develop his country.
wisdom (adj)
Our chairman is a very wise man.
weak (v)
Over-exercise has weakened him.
success (adv)
He did the work successfully.
prefer (n)
I give preference tea to coffee.
rich (v)
Study tour enriches the knowledge of the students.
progress (adj)
I did not get my progressive report.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 14
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
achive (n), development (v), mental (adv), heartily (adj), ignorance (v), depend (adj), co-operate (n).
Given words
Changed words
achieve (n)
Our idependence is a great achievement.
development (v)
A patriot always try to develop his country.
mental (adv)
Education trains us mentally.
heartily (adj)
We accorded him a hearty reception.
ignorance (v)
We should not ignore the poor.
depend (adj)
The boy is dependent on his uncle.
co-operate (n)
I need your co-operation.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 15
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
improve (n), neglect (adj), strong (v), wisdom (adv), reason (adj), poor (n), success (v).
Given words
Changed words
improve (n)
His father found no improvement in his younger son.
neglect (adj)
The girtls of our country are always neglected.
strong (v)
Regular physical exercise strengthens the body.
wisdom (adv)
Our Principal always acts wisely.
reason (adj)
The demand of the old man was reasonable.
poor (n)
Poverty is a great problem in our country.
success (v)
Rana could not succeed in life because he was idle.

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English Second Paper
Model Test Question with Answer

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 16
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
beauty (verb), friend (adjective), know (noun), magic (adverb),
enter (noun), boy (adjective), courage (verb).
Given words
Changed words
beauty (v)
The beauty of Rangamati is endless.
/ The beauty of Rangamati beggars description.
friend (adj)
Rana is my bosom friend.
know (n)
I know the man well.
magic (adv)
A religious person does not like magic.
I entered the room but did not find him.
His younger brother is a good boy.
courage (v)
Everybody should have moral courage.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 17
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
Cage (verb), depress (noun), quicken (adjective), thorough (adverb), sign (noun), dear (verb), mother (adjective).
Given words
Changed words
cage (verb)
The boy caged a parrot in a cage.
depress (noun)
The helpless woman is suffering from mental depression.
quicken (adjective)
Go to a doctor for quick recovery.
thorough (adverb)
I searched my room throughtly.
sign (noun)
Put your signature here.
dear (verb)
His politeness endears him to everyone.
mother (adjective)
A nurse should be a motherly woman.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 18
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
Properties (verb), opportunity (adj), Confine (noun), Patience (adv), Deaf (verb).
Given words
Changed words
properties (verb)
We should propitiate with the nature.
opportunity (adj)
There are a few people who are opportunistic.
There is confinement of mother’s love.
patience (adv)
A good doctor behaves patiently with his patients.
deaf (verb)
The sound of bombing deafened a lot of people.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 18
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
Interest (adj) , Decision (verb) , Injured (noun) ,
Careless (adv) , Harm (adj), Punish (noun) , Collision (verb).     
Given words
Changed words
interest (adj)
He is not interested to go to Cox’s Bazar.
decision (verb)
I have decided to go to Cox’s Bazar.
injured (noun)
He can not play for injury.
careless (adv)
They never work carelessly.
harm (dj)
Smoking is harmful to health.
punish (noun)
Punishment is the reward of the robber.
collision (verb)
The rickshaw collided with a scooter.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 19
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
treat (noun), living (verb), work (noun), kindness (adj), writer (verb).
Given words
Changed words
treat (noun)
A patient gets good treatment form a good doctor.
living (verb)
The cow lives on grass.
work (noun)
Don’t leave today’s work for tomorrow.
Hazi Mohsin was a very kind man.
writer (verb)
He wrote a letter to his friend last week.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 20
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
Quarrel (adjective), protect (noun), civilization (verb),
notice (adjective), rare (adverb), achievement (verb) ,might (adj). 
Given words
Changed words
quarrel (adj)
The sons of the old man were quarrelsome.
protect (noun)
There is no protection of this garden.
civilizaiton (verb)
We should civilize ourselves.
notice (adj)
It is noticeable that he obtained A+.
rare (adv)
We rarely go to cinema.
achievement (v)
The Bangalees achieved victory in 1971.
might (adj)
The Meghna is a mighty river.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 21
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
Society (adjective), civilization (verb), culture (adj), guide (noun), blessed (verb), reveal (noun), responsibility (adj).
Given words
Changed words
society (adj)
We maintain social life.
civilization (v)
We should civilize ourselves.
culture (adj)
A cultural function was held in our college auditorium last week.
guide (n)
We need a good guide for our tour in India.
blessed (v)
May Allah bless you.
reveal (n)
It was the revelation of their demand.
Rana is a  responsible boy.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 22
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
broad (verb), animation (to verb),generosity (to adjective), capable (to noun), weakness (to verb),large (to verb),honest (to noun).
Given words
Changed words
broad (v)
Education broadens our outlook.
animation (v)
Love and affection animates humanity.
generosity (adj)
Hazi Mohsin was generous man.
capable (n)
I have no capability for the solution of the problem.
weakness (v)
Hunger weakens our body.
large (v)
Education enlarges our sensibility.
honest (n)
Honesty is the best policy.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 23
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
dramatic (noun),  relationship (verb), independence (adjective), compulsory (adverb), health (adjective), survival (verb), brief (adverb). 
Given words
Changed words
dramatic (noun)
“The ghost” is a good drama.
relationship (verb)
The teacher related a nice story in our class.
independence (adj)
We became independent in 1971.
compulsory (adverb)
He has to do the work compulsorily.
health (adj)
His sons are healthy.
survial (verb)
Smkall animals survive in the Sundarbans with great difficulty.
brief (adv)
Answer the question briefly.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 24
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
dependent (noun),  regret (adjective),assistance (verb), deeply(verb),proportion (adverb), essential (adverb), respect (adjective).
Given words
Changed words
dependent (noun)
Never think of the dependence on others.
regret (adj)
The matter is regretable.
assistance (verb)
I don’t assist my father in his work.
deeply (verb)
Deepen the hole.
proportion (adv)
He distributed his lands among his sons and daughters proportionately.
respect (adj)
Above all, Mr. Hasan is a respectable person.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 25
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
curiosity (adjective), conception (verb), independent (adverb), know (noun), ordinarily (adjective), existence (verb), apply (noun), body (verb).
Given words
Changed words
curiosity (adj)
Most of the students are not curious to acquire knowledge.
conception (v)
Most of the students could not conceive the topic.
independent (adv)
The man works in the office independently.
know (n)
Knowledge is power.
ordinarily (adj)
It is a very ordinary matter.
existence (v)
Life does not exist on Mars.
apply (n)
He wrote an application to the Principal.
body (v)
The writer embodied his personal view in his writings.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 26
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
existence (to verb), social (to noun), development (to verb), powerful (to adverb), life (to adjective), achieve (to noun), economic (to adverb).
Given words
Changed words
existence (v )
Life does not exist on Mars.
social (n)
Man lives in society.
development (v)
A patriot always tries to develop his country.
powerful (adv)
The villagers resisted the gang of dacoits powerfully.
life (adj)
His discussion was lively.
achieve (n)
Independence is our greatest achievement.
economic (adv)
He does not spend money economically.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 27
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
appreciate (noun), advantage (adjective), exclusion (verb), possible (adverb), temptation (verb), refresh (adjective), necessary (noun).
Given words
Changed words
appreciate (n)
The writer received appreciation of his works.
advantage (adj)
His business is in advantageous position.
exclusion (v)
The Principal excluded his name from the list of scholarship.
possible (adv)
He may help me possibly.
temptation (v)
He tempted me to go to Cox’s Bazar.
refresh (adj)
Morning breeze is cool and refreshing.
necessary (n)
Necessity is the mother of invention.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 28
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
recent (noun), truth (adjective), betrayal (verb), comfort (adverb), adventurous (noun), cynicism (adjective), nature (adverb).
Given words
Changed words
recant (n)
We should not press anyone for recantation of his opinion.
truth (adj)
Our class teacher told a true story.
betrayal (v)
A good friend never betrays his friends.
comfort (adv)
My cousin lives in our house comfortably.
adventurous (n)
An adventure is dangerous.
cynicism (adj)
There are some cynical remarks in the novel.
nature (adv)
The lady guest was a hypocrite.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 29
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
art (Adjective), Fabulous (Noun), Feeling (Adverb) , Think (Noun), Attention (Adverb), Waste (Adjective), Express (Noun).
Given words
Changed words
art (adj)
The lady is very artful.
fabulous (n)
I never read fable.
feeling (adv)
He narrated the story feelingly.
think (n)
A thought came to the mind of the king.
attention (adv)
I always read attentively.
waste (adj)
These are wastage materials.
express (n)
It was the expression of their demand.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 30
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
sure (verb), usual (adverb), method (adjective), refuse (noun), public (adverb), courage (adj.), stop (noun).
Given words
Changed words
sure (v)
He ensured me of going to Cox’s Bazar.
usual (adv)
I usually go to college at 9:45 a.m.
method (adj)
We should be methodical in our studies.
refuse (n)
His refusal to my proposal shocked me greatly.
public (adv)
The young man publicly declared that he would never smoke.
courage (adj)
Warrior Rustum was very courageous.
stop (n)
The authority declared the stoppage of the work of the factory.

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 31
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
Able (to Noun), Matter (to verb), Life (to Adjective), Sign (to Noun), Book (to Adjective), Clear (to verb), Accuracy (to Adverb).
Given words
Changed words
able (n)
I have not the ability to solve this problem.
matter (v)
It matters little whether you go or stay.
life (n)
His discussion was lively.
sign (n)
His signature is illegible.
book (adj)
Many students have only bookish knowledge.
clear (v)
The teacher clarified his idea.
accuracy (adv)
Who hits accurately every time?

English 2nd paper model test question suffix and prefix with answer. 32
Question: Change the following words and make sentences. (any five):
year (adj), special (noun), practice (verb), friend (adj.),
history (adv. ), try (noun), class (verb).
Given words
Changed words
year (adj)
We got our yearly bonus.
special (n)
This novel has a specialty.
practice (v)
The boy practices his lessons regularly.
friend (adj)
The teachers of our college are friendly.
history (adv)
The Shat Gombuj Mosque is is historically recognised.
try (n)
Most of the tailors have no trial room.
class (v)
The books are classified in the library according to subject.

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English Second Paper
Model Test Question with Answer