Application for a transfer certificate

Suppose, you are Simul, a student of class X in Barisal Zilla School. Your father is a government officer. Recently he has been transferred from Barisal to Dhaka. Now write an application to your Headmaster praying for a transfer certificate.
Application for a transfer certificate
November 20, 2023
Barisal Zilla School, Barisal

Subject: Application for a transfer certificate.

Most humbly and respectfully I beg to state that I am a student of class X. My father who is a government officer here has been transferred to Dhaka. Our family will shift there next week. I have no relative here with whom I can reside and continue my studies. So, I am badly in need of a transfer certificate.

I, therefore, pray that you would be kind enough to issue me a transfer certificate so that I can get myself admitted in any school of Dhaka. All my school dues are cleared up-to-date.

Yours obediently,
Class-X, Roll no-9.

What is a Play to One is Death to Others Completing Story pdf download

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What is a Play to One is Death to Others
Story What is a Play to One is Death to Others
There was an old pond in a village. There lived a large number of frogs in the pond. The frogs were living there happily. One day some boys were passing by the pond. At that time, the frogs were swimming and croaking happily. Seeing this, the boys began to throw stones at them. All the frogs at once went down into the water. But the boys remained standing there with stones in their hands. The new game was a great fun to them. They went on pelting the frogs with stones when they raised their head above the water. Thus many frogs were hit hard and few were killed. At last, an old frog raised its head and said, “Oh boys please! please! stop the cruel fun. Don’t throw stones at us.” “It is a play. We are enjoying it.” said the boys. “Why should we stop it?” “What is play to you causes death to us. This is why, you should stop it.” answered the frog. The boys were ashamed of this. They left the cruel game and went away.

Application for asking more books in the library

Suppose, you are a student of Rangpur Zilla School. You are interested in reading books in the library. But books are not sufficient here. Now, write an application to your Headmaster asking more books in the library.
Application for asking more books in the library

10 November, 2023
The Headmaster
Rangpur Zilla School

Subject : For increasing books in the library.

With due respect, I would like to inform you that we face problems for want of necessary books in the school library. To prepare good notes on different subjects we need recently published relevant books of renowned authors and reference books.

We hope that you would consider our case and be kind enough to induct more books in the school library and thus facilitate our learning.

Sincerely yours,
On behalf of the students of Rangpur Zilla School.


The Importance of Reading Newspaper composition in about 200 words

The Importance of Reading Newspaper

The importance of reading a newspaper can hardly be overstated. Newspapers are the storehouse of knowledge.

The chief business of a newspaper is to give us news which we need to know. It tells us what happens at home and abroad. The modern civilized people cannot do without a newspaper.

Venice in Europe was the first city to introduce a newspaper. 'India Gazette' was the first Bengali newspaper of this subcontinent. There are many kinds of newspapers, such as daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly. Most of the people read the dailies, because they carry for us fresh and current news of the day. They also contain the views expressed by great leaders and thinkers of the world on current topics.

The monthlies contain articles, stories, poems and other literary writings. The newspaper is a useful means of both pleasure and education. It tells us what is going on in our country as well as in foreign countries. It keeps us informed of the latest discoveries. In brief, it is the summary of current history.
Importance of Reading Newspaper Composition
The politicians, businessmen, scientists, doctors, economists all learn the news of their own interests from a newspaper. The government gathers public opinion regarding any subject of political interest through a newspaper and frames policies accordingly. The businessmen learn about the ups and downs of the market prices.

A newspaper often publishes false news or sometimes it exaggerates things. We should patronize the publication of a few more newspapers in our country.

The Uses of Computer in Bangladesh composition in about 200 words

The Uses of Computer in Bangladesh
Computer has become an inevitable gadget in a modern man's life. In the recent decades, computer has demonstrated a great importance in Bangladesh. It is doing all its magical activities in every sphere of the country.

Education, medicine, entertainment and business have undergone a great change in the recent years. As a means of communication it has connected us with the rest of the world through satellite and fiber optic cables. We may peep into the matter and find out what computer has done in the country.

Computer has made a lot of change in our education. From 1992, the SSC objective examination result has been being prepared by computer. And, other examinations including the BCS exams are following the same process. Again, internet users are freely acquiring knowledge and information from websites within moments only. One can easily enter into far away libraries and can even join seminars and consultations with specialists.
The Uses of Computer in Bangladesh composition in about 200 words
However, all the public and the private universities are providing graduations and postgraduate degrees on computer science and engineering in the country. In every office irrespective of old or modern, computer is a must. Various data and records are preserved in computers. One can easily check out a necessary record and edit without damaging the old file.

Again, the business world cannot move a single pace without this 'Aladin's Lamp'. Export and import activities are conducted through computerized communication system. Banks cannot function without a computer now. Doctors can examine their patients on a computer. Every modern health care centre is totally computerized now.

Sometimes people, especially the youth are too engrossed with the entertainments and merry making on the monitor. Thus they waste their time and productivity to a large extent.

But, this can also be avoided with a shrug if one is really conscious.

Dialogue about how traffic blockage has been interrupting our normal way of life

Suppose, you are Rana and you are an SSC candidate. Regular traffic congestion has got on your nerves nowadays. Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend Sabbir about how this traffic blockage has been interrupting your normal way of life.
Dialogue about how traffic blockage has been interrupting our normal way of life
A dialogue between myself (Rana) and my friend about how traffic blockage has been interrupting our normal way of life:

Sabbir   :  Hello Rana, how are you?

Myself   :  I'm well, and you?

Sabbir   :  I'm also well, but yook look somewhat indifferent and depressed, what's the fact?

Myself   :  Yes, I'm thinking about how traffic blockage has been interrupting our normal way of life.

Sabbir   :  Right, we are being greatly disturbed by it. Our SSC examination is ahead but we cannot do everything normally. I think what will happen during our examination if this situation goes on.

Myself   :  Yes, government should take steps against this problem immediately. The causes behind it should be identified and solved accordingly.

Sabbir   :  Right you are. Actually it is interrupting our normal way of life greatly.

Myself   :  Yes, people of all walks should come forward to solve this problem.

Sabbir   :  OK, thank you.

Myself   :  You are welcome.

Science in Everyday Life composition in about 200 words

Science in Everyday Life

Ours is an age of scientific advancement. And life in this age cannot be thought of without science. In the present century, science seems to have reached its maturity. Every invention of modern science is a blessing for mankind. And we cannot do without them in our everyday life.

The blessings of science are many. The first thing we take early in the morning is tea, it is science that has given us this exhilarating drink. The daily paper that we take up to satisfy our hunger for information is also a product of science. The items of news are not only gathered daily from all over the world, but also printed on a mass scale through different scientific process such as telegraphs, radios, fax, printing presses etc. The paper on which these are printed is produced from pulps by science. So, there are books which give us the power of knowledge.

The clothes we wear, waterproofs that protect us from rain, shoes that protect our feet are all manufactured by machines invented by the power of science. Besides, there are electric lights, fans, cookers, refrigerators in many houses to make home-life enjoyable and comfortable. Science has greatly improved health. We have now good medicines for many diseases which were so fatal only a few years back.
Science in Everyday Life composition for JSC, SSC and HSC
Television is a blessing of modern science. It brings the whole world closer. On television we do not hear news only but we also get visual reports. It is the most popular instrument for recreation to the modern people. On a television we enjoy music, dances, theatres, sports and games.

Of all the blessings of modern science, the computer is the most striking to me. It works just like Aladin's wonderful lamp. The computer is a marvelous invention of modern science. It can solve a great problem in the twinkling of an eye. After the invention of the computer, unprecedented progress is found in every sphere of human life, such as industry, research, trade and commerce, medicine and treatment technology. The use of the computer in military science helps the superpowers dominate the whole world. It has been proved very fruitful in space research.

Mobile phone is another blessing of science. Almost all nowadays use mobile phone everyday. Mobile phone has made our life much easier.

In the field of diagnoses and the treatment of diseases, the contribution of science is astronomical. In fact, the blessing of science in our everyday life is beyond description.

Science has emerged as a blessing for us, whatever modern science has invented are all wonderful. One is not less in importance and utility than the other. It is undoubtedly crystal clear that the blessing of modern science has paved the way for living a comfortable everyday life.

Write a letter to your friend thanking for the nice birthday present

Suppose, you are Sharif/Sharmin living at 101 Rupganj, Dhaka. Your friend Sanjid/Sanjida who lives at 60 Sadar Road, Manikganj has sent you a birthday present.  Now, write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for the nice birthday present.
Write a letter to your friend thanking him/her for the nice birthday present
A letter to a friend thanking him for sending birthday present.
20 October, 2023
101 Rupganj, Dhaka

My dear Sanjid,
I am so much glad to receive your present on my birthday. You know that bird watching is one of my hobbies. And for this purpose a pair of binoculars is a must. I was looking for a good pair, because the one which I have is not so good. In the Dhaka market good binoculars are not available. The binoculars presented by you is very good and powerful.

Many thanks for this gift. Henceforth whenever I shall use the binoculars I shall feel the warmth of your feeling for me.

Thanking you again.
Yours sincerely,





Address: YYYYYY




Address: GGGGGG



Write a letter describing about your last summer vacation

Suppose, you are Shumon/Shumona of 225, Station Road, Chittagong. Your friend Munir/Munira living at 32/7, Pallabi, Mirpur Dhaka, wants to know how you have enjoyed your last summer vacation. Now, write a letter to him/her describing about your spending those days.
Write a letter describing about your last summer vacation
225, Station Road,
3rd March 2023

Dear Munir,                                                                                        
How are you? I had your letter week before last. But I couldn't reply in time as I was away from my home and went to enjoy my summer vacation in the village at my grandmother's house. However, now I am going to tell you about the experience I had in this visit. My grandmother's house is situated on the bank of a stream. It is a small village. The climate of the village is quite refreshing and lovely. One of my friends Tutul was with me. We were there for about twelve days. We got up early every morning and went out for a walk by the waterside. It was really charming and fascinating. The quietness of the morning, the cool breeze from the stream were heavenly. The thing that I had enjoyed most is the scene of sun-rise. With every sun-rise I wondered at the beauty of Nature and considered myself fortunate enough to be able to witness something which is rare in town or city life.

I had no experience in fishing in the river before, but this time I went to fish and enjoyed it very much. Every evening I and Tutul would go to the stream to fish. I had a great fun bathing in the river and walking in the mango orchard and in the open air.

I wish you were there with me too. Nevertheless, I enjoy to share my experience with you also. Waiting to hear from you soon.

Yours ever,





Address: YYYYYY




Address: GGGGGG

