A dialogue about the crisis of pure water

A dialogue about the crisis of pure water
Pure drinking water is limited, no doubt. Now, write a dialogue between yourself and Raju about the crisis of pure water.

A dialogue between myself and Raju about the crisis of pure water:

Myself : Hello, Raju, how are you?

Raju : Fine, thank you.

Myself : Raju, there is water everywhere but think of fresh water. Is there any crisis of freshwater?

Raju : Oh, yes. Water is life. But drinking polluted water leads one to. a dangerous disease.

Myself : How can we get fresh water?

Raju : Remember, fresh water means water drinkable and usable.

Myself : What is the percentage of fresh water?

Raju : Only 3 per cent of water is fresh excluding ice-berg and glaciers.

Myself : Do you think that there will be crisis of water in bur country?

Raju : There is every possibility of it.

Myself : Why?

Raju : The crisis will appear due to growing population, industrial progress and pollution.

Myself : What is its effect?

Raju : It would have bad effect on agriculture, industry and on human beings.

Myself :  What is the remedy of the crisis of water?

Raju : Constant rainfall can replace the supply of fresh water and also the ways of re-using water should be developed.

Myself : Thank you for your valuable advice.

Raju : No mention.


A dialogue about ensuing examination

A dialogue about ensuing examination
You are Sharif. Your examination is near at hand. But your preparation in Mathematics has not been satisfactory. So, you have met the teacher. Now, make a dialogue between you and the teacher about your ensuing examination.

A dialogue between myself (Sharif) and the teacher about my ensuing examination:

Sharif : May I come in. sir?

Teacher : Yes, come in.

Sharif : Good morning, sir.

Teacher : Good morning, Sharif. What's the problem?

Sharif : Sir, our examination is near at hand.

Teacher : Yes, I know it. How are you getting on with your studies?

Sharif : Quite nicely, sir. But my preparation in Mathematics is not satisfactory.

Teacher : Weren't you regular in attending my classes?

Sharif : Sorry sir, I had been suffering from fever for a long time.

Teacher : Oh! I see. How is your -preparation in English?

Sharif : I have done quite well in English, but now I am afraid, I may not do well in Mathematics.

Teacher : Don't be worried. Study seriously and come to my house regularly, I'll help you.

Sharif : It will be so kind of you, sir.

Teacher : It's all right. I believe you will do well.

Sharif : Thank you, Sir.

Teacher : You are welcome.


A dialogue about a birthday celebration

A dialogue about a birthday celebration

 Amit's birthday is going to be held on next Friday. Now, he invites his friend Kadir. Now, write a dialogue between Amit and Kadir on the occasion.

A dialogue between Amit and Kadir about a birthday celebration:

Amit : Hi, Kadir. How are you?

Kadir : Fine. Thanks and you?

Amit : I'm fine. Are you free on Friday next?

Kadir : Why?

Amit : My fifteen birthday falls on that day.

Kadir : Oh, is it so? Yes, I'll be free then.

Amit : So, please do come to my house in the evening and spend the rest of the time with me.

Kadir : Thank you. I'll surely come. Are you inviting others?

Amit : Yes, I've already invited Rafiq, Arif, Sraboncand some of my relatives.

Kadir : Well, there will be a lot of fun then. What are you doing to arrange the function?

Amit : There will be a grand feast for the guests. There will also be songs and music.

Kadir : Very good. How many guests are likely to join the party?

Amit : About fifty.

Kadir : Then it will be a big arrangement, and I wish every success of it.

Amit : Thank you.


An application for increasing library facilities

Write an application to the Principal of your college praying for enhancing library facilities
Think, you are Shuvo, a student of Pioneer College. You are going to sit for the public examination very soon. You need to prepare notes on some subjects. The number of books available in the college library in not enough for preparing notes. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college praying for enhancing library facilities.

July 20, 2023
The Principal,
Pioneer College,

Subject: Prayer for enhancing library facilities.

With due respect and humble submission, I, on behalf of the students of your college, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that we have been suffering much for want of sufficient facilities in the college library. There is only a fan but no supply of drinking water and bearer. During the summer we suffer much. Moreover, the arrangement of seat and necessary books is not so sufficient. We do not get necessary books to read and to prepare notes of various subjects. So we request you to arrange the above mentioned things for the benefit of us.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to enhance library facilities and oblige thereby.

I remain,
Your most obedient pupil,
Class- XII,
On behalf of the students of our college.


An application for the post of a computer operator

Write an application along with your resume for the post of a computer operator

Suppose, you want to apply for computer operator in an office. Write an application mentioning your operational skills in computer along with your resume.

December 20, 2023.
The Manager,
The Padma Ltd,

Sub: Application for the post of a computer operator.

In response to your advertisement published in “The Bangladesh Observer” on 10-12-12 for for  the post of a computer operator, I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the post. For your kind and sympathetic consideration, my C.V and necessary documents/papers/particulars are enclosed herewith. 

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to justify my quality and offer the post prayed for.

Yours faithfully,

(A. Kashem)

Enclosures : (i) Curriculum Vitae.
                     (ii) Attested copies of all academic and experience certificates. 
                     (iii) Two copies of photographs.
                     (iv) Citizenship certificate (attested)
                     (v) Bank draft Tk.300 No.125463 dated 02-03-2020.


1. Name              :   A. Kashem.
2. Father’s name :   Md. Habibullah. 
3. Mother’s name:   Most. Jobeda Khanm.
4. Present address:   25, English Road, Dhaka.
5. Permanent Address:   Do
6. Date of birth    :   November 5, 1985.
7. Nationality      :   Bangladeshi.
8. Religion          :   Islam.
9. Marital status  :   Unmarried.

10. Academic Qualification:
Name of Exam
Board/ University
1st Division
Dhaka Board
1st Division
Dhaka Board
B.A (Hons.)
2nd Class
Dhaka University
 2nd Class
Dhaka University

11. Experience     : 2 years experience as a computer operator in a private firm.
12. Extra Qualification: Computer training in Ms Words, Excel and office works.
13. Contact Number    : 01935432678

Yours faithfully,



My Childhood Memories Paragraph pdf download

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Your Childhood Memories'.

(a) Do you remember your childhood? (b) What things of that period do you remember? (c) Do you have any happy memories? (d) What are they? When did you start learning? (e) When did you start going to school? (f) Did you enjoy going to school? (g) What did you do at school? (h) How were you treated at school?


Man has a tendency to turn back to the past memories from the present. The present may be good but the past is golden. My childhood haunts me like a passion. I remember my childhood all too often. Whenever I am sick of the present, I try to get relief in the past days of my childhood. I was quite free at that time. I was very close to my grandfather who was my constant companion. He shared my joys and sorrows. He felt happy when he saw me in a pleasant mood. Whenever he found me in a sad mood, he would console or show sympathy towards me. Still I cannot forget him. My childhood memories frequently haunt me. That I used to roam hither and thither like a bird, that everybody loved me so much, are simply memories to me now. I started learning A, 'B', 'C at the age of 4 and started going to school at the age of 5. I felt elated to go to school. When the school rang the bell of break, I used to run in groups and wandered in the green land before returning home. I still remember that I was a little naughty in the class. But my teachers and classmates were good enough to treat me kindly and affectionately. I want to get back my past. I cannot efface the beautiful memory of my childhood. Childhood memories will remain ever fresh in my mind. Sweet memories increase my joy and happiness while the bitter ones increase my pain. When I sit idle alone after, the tiring daily work, I lose myself in the remembrance of childhood.

Sound Pollution and Its Effects Paragraph pdf download

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Sound Pollution and Its Effects'.

(a) What is sound pollution? (b) How is sound polluted? (c) What is the consequence of sound pollution? (d) How is it controlled? (e) What is your impression about it?


The thing which makes the world most worried now is pollution. Our environment comprises the elements that surround us. Air, water, the sun, the moon, weather, climate and everything fall under the category of the environment. The environment makes us survive. But this environment is polluted in various ways. Sound pollution is one of them. Like many other pollutions, sound pollution is endangering our living and our environment. Sound pollution is a kind of energy which man has applied into various fields of everyday life with success. But in the process, the chances of sound pollution have also taken a great leap. Nowadays, quietness of fife has been supplemented by sound pollution. There are many sources of sound pollution. The horns and whistles of different vehicles plying on roads are polluting the environment a lot. The drivers often press the horns unnecessarily even near schools, colleges and hospitals, which causes serious problems to the students and patients. Mikes and loudspeakers are responsible for creating sound pollution. These sorts of continuous and excessive sounds lead to mental imbalance and heart disease. We are greatly affected by sound pollution. In order to check and control this negative aspect of fife, people should be made conscious of its dangerous consequences. Moreover, strict laws must be enacted by the government. To me, sound pollution should be controlled by all walks of people for their own benefit. Otherwise, our suffering will go on increasing day by day. So, if we wish to control sound pollution, we need to develop awareness among the people and also enforce the law strictly.

My Mother Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Your Mother'.

(a) Where are you living now? (b) Where does your mother live? (c) What kind of woman is she? (d) How do you feel for her? (e) What does she do for you? (f) What are her duties? (g) What is your impression about her?

MY MOTHER | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


The sweetest name that comes to everybody's mind for the first time is 'mother'. There is no other word in the world which is as sweet and innocent as 'my mother'. Because the purest and most sincere love one gets in one's life is from one's mother. The maternal bond is the oldest and holiest bond in a man's life. Everything on earth may change but mother's love never changes. In human life, mothers are the first and final source of divine love. Instinctively mothers love their children, otherwise human progeny would have been at stake. Thus a mother is the best shelter for a child. My mother lives in the village. I am far away from her. I am now living in a hostel of a town school. My mother did her MA from Dhaka University in 1980 and if she intended, she could take a job easily, but for the greater interest of the family, she did not do that. My mother is an ideal housewife. She is now fifty. She is kind-hearted and lovable. She is a woman of strict principles. She is very polite, affectionate and intelligent also. She takes much care of all of us. I feel for her because I love her and she loves me too. She encourages me in all respects. Her duties are many. She maintains the family well. She helps the poor of our locality. I respect and admire her. To me she is the best mother in this world. Because my mother's love for me has no peer in this world.

Writing Paragraph for Patriotism. Write a Paragraph about Patriotism. SSC Paragraph Patriotism. Paragraph Writing: Patriotism. Paragraph on Patriotism. Paragraph Patriotism. Paragraph about Patriotism. JSC Paragraph Patriotism. HSC Paragraph Patriotism. Patriotism Paragraph. Paragraph Patriotism. Patriotism Paragraph. Patriotism Paragraph for ssc exam. Patriotism Paragraph for jsc exam. Patriotism Paragraph for hsc exam. Patriotism Paragraph for class 9. Patriotism Paragraph for class 8. Patriotism Paragraph for class 7. Patriotism Paragraph for class 6. Patriotism Paragraph for class 12. Patriotism Paragraph for class 11. Patriotism Paragraph for class 10. Patriotism Paragraph for All Class Students. Patriotism Paragraph 100 words. Patriotism Paragraph - Paragraph Writing for Students. Patriotism for ssc. Patriotism for ssc exam. Patriotism for jsc. Patriotism for jsc exam. Patriotism for hsc. Patriotism for hsc exam. A Paragraph about Patriotism. 150 Words Paragraph on Patriotism. 120 Words Paragraph on Patriotism.


My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Your Next-Door Neighbour'.

(a) Who is your nextdoor neighbour? (b) How is his behavior? (c) What is his profession? (d) How is your relationship with him? (e) How do you evaluate him?



Good neighbour is a great blessing. If one's neighbours are not good people, his peace of life may be disturbed. On the other hand, good neighbours can make our life happy and peaceful. The name of my nextdoor neighbour is Mr. Zamilur Rashid Chowdhury. He is, by profession, a physician. He is very gentle and honest in his behaviour. We have been living here for five years as close relatives. Though he is always busy with his profession, he tries to maintain good relations with us. Apart from this basic profession, he is a social worker. As a social worker, he helps the poor people in all possible ways. He offers free treatment to the needy people on Fridays. He is a well wisher of me. We love and respect each other and maintain a good relationship. When any problem arises, we help each other. I am happy that my nextdoor neighbour is sound, sober and gentle. I feel proud of my being his neighbour. A family cannot live safely and comfortably in isolation at a distance from other families. So, different families live in close proximity in a cluster. This cluster of families may be called a neighbourhood. And the people thus living together are known as neighbours of one another. We do not have the freedom to choose our neighbours. Neighbours are neighbours whether we like them or not. One's neighbours may be good people. They may be of bad sorts as well. If the people are cooperative helpful and sympathetic, peace, harmony and happiness prevail in the neighbourhood.

Writing Paragraph for My Next Door Neighbor. Write a Paragraph about My Next Door Neighbor. SSC Paragraph My Next Door Neighbor. Paragraph Writing: My Next Door Neighbor. Paragraph on My Next Door Neighbor. Paragraph My Next Door Neighbor. Paragraph about My Next Door Neighbor. JSC Paragraph My Next Door Neighbor. HSC Paragraph My Next Door Neighbor. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph. Paragraph My Next Door Neighbor. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph for ssc exam. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph for jsc exam. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph for hsc exam. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph for class 9. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph for class 8. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph for class 7. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph for class 6. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph for class 12. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph for class 11. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph for class 10. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph for All Class Students. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph 100 words. My Next Door Neighbor Paragraph - Paragraph Writing for Students. My Next Door Neighbor for ssc. My Next Door Neighbor for ssc exam. My Next Door Neighbor for jsc. My Next Door Neighbor for jsc exam. My Next Door Neighbor for hsc. My Next Door Neighbor for hsc exam. A Paragraph about My Next Door Neighbor. 150 Words Paragraph on My Next Door Neighbor. 120 Words Paragraph on My Next Door Neighbor.


Traffic Jam Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Traffic Jam'.

(a) What is traffic jam? (b) What is the nature of traffic jam? (c) Why does traffic jam occur? (d) What is your feeling at the time of traffic jam? (e) How may traffic jam be removed?

TRAFFIC JAM | Paragraph for JSC, SSC and HSC


Bangladesh is a developing country of the world. The country is beset with different kinds of problems. Over population, unemployment, political unrest, load-shedding all these, are common incident of this country. In this situation, traffic jam is another problem which has added a new dimension to this problem. Traffic Jam is the clogging up of too many vehicles in one place. The place may be a street or a highway. It is not uncommon in our country, particularly in the Dhaka city. It happens when different vehicles want to move ahead of each other: The street conditions and violating the traffic rules are other reasons of traffic jam. The roads are insufficient and cannot accommodate the large number of vehicles and cannot facilitate their movements. Besides, the roads and streets are too narrow and zigzag. Moreover, both the traffic police and the drivers are callous about traffic jam. We feel much helpless and frustrated when we get stuck in the sea of traffic jam. Many people fail to attend their office duty in time. The worst victims are the patients carried in the ambulances to the hospitals and clinics. Rickshaw-pullers and taxi-drivers also suffer a lot because they lose their time moving very slowly towards their destination. The transportation of the daily commodities get delayed. Traffic jam can be removed if some measures can be taken sternly. Widening the streets, making flyovers at the main crossings, reducing the number of rickshaws and above all growing public awareness are necessary for removing traffic jam.


Corona Virus 'COVID-19' Composition in about 200 words

COVID-19 Composition, COVID-19 Paragraph, COVID-19 Essay
COVID-19 is the disease caused by a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2.  WHO (World Health Organization) first learned of this new virus on 31 December 2019, following a report of a cluster of cases of ‘viral pneumonia’ in Wuhan, People’s Republic of China.

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are;
01. Fever
02. Dry cough
03. Fatigue

Other symptoms that are less common and may affect some patients include:
01. Loss of taste or smell,
02. Nasal congestion,
03. Conjunctivitis (also known as red eyes)
04. Sore throat,
05. Headache,
06. Muscle or joint pain,
07. Different types of skin rash,
08. Nausea or vomiting,
09. Diarrhea,
10. Chills or dizziness.

Symptoms of severe COVID‐19 disease include:
01. Shortness of breath,
02. Loss of appetite,
03. Confusion,
04. Persistent pain or pressure in the chest,
05. High temperature (above 38 °C).

Other less common symptoms are:
01. Irritability,
02. Confusion,
03. Reduced consciousness (sometimes associated with seizures),
04. Anxiety,
05. Depression,
06. Sleep disorders,
07. More severe and rare neurological complications such as strokes, brain inflammation, delirium and nerve damage.

Quarantine is used for anyone who is a contact of someone infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, whether the infected person has symptoms or not. Quarantine means that you remain separated from others because you have been exposed to the virus and you may be infected and can take place in a designated facility or at home. For COVID-19, this means staying in the facility or at home for 14 days.

Isolation is used for people with COVID-19 symptoms or who have tested positive for the virus. Being in isolation means being separated from other people, ideally in a medically facility where you can receive clinical care.  If isolation in a medical facility is not possible and you are not in a high risk group of developing severe disease, isolation can take place at home. If you have symptoms, you should remain in isolation for at least 10 days plus an additional 3 days without symptoms. If you are infected and do not develop symptoms, you should remain in isolation for 10 days from the time you test positive. 

If you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, you may become infected, even if you feel well.

After exposure to someone who has COVID-19, do the following:
01. Call your health care provider or COVID-19 hotline to find out where and when to get a test.
02. Cooperate with contact-tracing procedures to stop the spread of the virus.
03. If testing is not available, stay home and away from others for 14 days.
04. While you are in quarantine, do not go to work, to school or to public places. Ask someone to bring you supplies.
05. Keep at least a 1-metre distance from others, even from your family members.
06. Wear a medical mask to protect others, including if/when you need to seek medical care.
07. Clean your hands frequently.
08. Stay in a separate room from other family members, and if not possible, wear a medical mask.
09. Keep the room well-ventilated.
10. If you share a room, place beds at least 1 metre apart.
11. Monitor yourself for any symptoms for 14 days. 
12. Stay positive by keeping in touch with loved ones by phone or online, and by exercising at home.

In hospitals, physicians will sometimes use antibiotics to prevent or treat secondary bacterial infections which can be a complication of COVID-19 in severely ill patients. They should only be used as directed by a physician to treat a bacterial infection.