SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer [7] pdf download

Model Question-07
SSC English 2nd Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5×10=5











Sports are very essential (a) —— us. There are various types (b) —— sports. Among them cricket, football, volleyball etc. are very popular. All types of sports are  (c) —— to us. There is a relation (d) —— the body and mind. "A sound mind lives in a sound body," is a wise (e) —— . In order to win success in life we should have sound health which depends (f) —— regular (g) —— in games and sports. Sports keep us (h) —— fit. Sports exercise (i) —— important influence in forming one's (j) ——.
1. (a) for; (b) of; (c) beneficial; (d) between; (e) saying; (f) on; (g) participation; (h) physically; (i) an; (j) personality.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5
It is difficult to forget (a) —— day when my sister (b) —— married and moved away. It happened  (c) —— 3 March 2005 and I can (d) —— vividly the wedding ceremony (e) —— dinner and (f) —— emotional farewell she took from me. She was my father's favourite and he wanted her to be given away (g) —— maximum pomp. But when she was to take farewell (h) —— father it was (i) —— most pitiable scene. I (j) —— into loud crying.
2. (a) the; (b) got; (c) on; (d) remember; (e) the; (f) the; (g) with; (h) of; (i) the; (j) burst.

3. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5








us how to earn well and how to spend well


be largely attributed to most people's inaccessibility to education


essential for any kind of development

No nation

prosper without education

The present socio-economic condition of Bangladesh

the backbone of a nation

3. (a) Education is essential for any kind of development.
 (b) It is the backbone of a nation.
 (c) It teaches us how to earn well and how to spend well. 
 (d) No nation can prosper without education.
 (e) The present socio-economic condition of Bangladesh can be largely attributed to most people's inaccessibility to education.

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5











Galileo was born in Italy in 1542. His father (a) —— him to study medicine. But he became a professor of Mathematics (b) —— his medicine course. Galileo observed the solar system with a telescope  (c) —— by himself and came to the conclusion that the earth and other planets orbit the sun. Previously Copernicus (d) —— the same view which went against the Bible. The church forced Galileo to disown his view publicly but he did (e) —— his real belief till his death in 1942. Though his view was not (f) —— then, he was right in his observation. Later, the church (g) —— him right. Nowadays, people of all classes can easily (h) —— with more powerful telescope that earth and the planets (i) —— the sun as seen and (j) —— by Copernicus and Galileo.
4. (a) wanted; (b) leaving; (c) made; (d) expressed; (e) not change; (f) accepted; (g) found; (h) observe; (i) orbit; (j) declared.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
"Comrades," said he, "Listen to me; for though I often talk nonsense, I can talk sound sense when I choose. Fortune has sent us this treasure that we may lead a life of ease, and we will spend it as lightly as we have come by it. Who could have guessed when we set out today that we should come by so fair a fortune?"
5. Addressing his companions as comrades he told them to listen to him. He told them that though he often talked nonsense, he could talk sound sense when he chose. He added that fortune had sent them that treasure that they might lead a life of ease and they would spend it as lightly as they had come by it. Then he asked them who could have guessed when they had set out and that day that they should come by so fair a fortune.

6. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10
(a) Nelson Mandela was the greatest leader of South Africa. (Comparative)
(b) In fact, very few leaders in the world were as great as he. (Superlative)
(c) All his life he struggled against apartheid. (Compound)
(d) It was the government policy of racial segregation. (Negative)
(e) The black were not treated kindly. (Affirmative)
(f) The black were subjected to all sorts of indignities. (Complex)
(g) Even dogs received much better treatment than the black. (Positive)
(h) The great leader vowed so that he could put an end to the inhuman practice. (Simple)
(i) He was thrown behind the prison bars. (Active)
(j) But the oppressive rulers could not break his spirit. (Passive)
6. (a) Nelson Mandela was greater than any other leader of South Africa.
 (b) In fact, he was one of the greatest leaders in the world. 
 (c) It was apartheid and all his life he struggled against it.
 (d) It was nothing but the government policy of racial segregation.
 (e) The black were treated unkindly.
 (f) It was the black who were subjected to all sorts of indignities.
 (g) Even the black did not get as good treatment as dogs.
 (h) The great leader vowed to put an end to the inhuman practice.
 (i) The rulers threw him behind the prison bars.
 (j) But his spirit could not be broken by the oppressive rulers.

7. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5 
(a) That honesty is the best policy ——.
(b) An honest man is ——.
(c) He may not be rich but——.
(d) Only honest way can lead the country ——.
(e) Everybody should try——.
7. (a) That honesty is the best policy should always be remembered.
 (b) An honest man is honoured by all.
 (c) He may not be rich but he enjoys mental peace.
 (d) Only honest way can lead the country towards peace and prosperity.
 (e) Everybody should try to be honest from their early life.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5×10=5
Man is the supreme being of all (a) — (create) —. Man has got (b) — (rational) —. With it he can do or (c) — (do) — anything. In his mind there is the (d) — (expect) — of conquering anything difficult and (e) — (danger) —. Hillary and Tenzing were not also (f) — (except) —. They were not daunted of difficulties and dangers. All the dangers were (g) — (come) — to conquer the highest mountain in the world by them. They were not only brave but also (h) — (labour) —. For their (i) — (brave) — and (j) — (hard) — their names have been written in history in respect.
8. (a) creations; (b) rationality; (c) undo; (d) expectation; (e) dangerous; (f) exceptional/ exceptions; (g) overcome; (h) labourious; (i) bravery; (j) hardship.

9. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5
(a) The mother loves her child, ——?
(b) Let me come in, ——?
(c) A barking dog seldom bites, ——?
(d) How nice! ——?
(e) Her father is a teacher, ——?
9. (a) The mother loves her child, doesn't she?
 (b) Let me come in, will you? 
 (c) A barking dog seldom bites, does it?
 (d) How nice! isn't it? 
 (e) Her father is a teacher, isn't he?

SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer [07]
SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer. English 2nd Paper Model Test Question and Answer for SSC Exam Preparation. English 2nd Paper Board Question for SSC. SSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion. SSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion PDF Download. SSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion.

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5
Everybody knows (a) —— sincerity is the key to success. A sincere person can prosper in life. The man (b) —— does not follow the rules of sincerity can never go a long way in the world. Many a man is not conscious of the importance of sincerity for  (c) —— they don't have the benefit of success. (d) ——, we should be sincere to our work. (e) —— we are sincere to our work, we will suffer in the long run.
10. (a) that; (b) who; (c) which; (d) So/Therefore; (e) Unless.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5
follow my example she said as we shook hands and never eat more than one thing for luncheon ill do better than that i retorted ill eat nothing for dinner tonight humorist she cried gaily jumping into a cab
11. "Follow my example," she said as we shook hands, "and never eat more than one thing for luncheon." "I'll do better than that," I retorted, "I'll eat nothing for dinner tonight." "Humorist!" she cried gaily jumping into a cab.

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