SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [1] pdf download

Model Test Question-01
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it(1−7). Unit-1: Lesson-1(B)
Long ago, a young man found life in the family in his village full of problems and sufferings. Quarrels, ill-feelings, jealously, enmity - all were parts of everyday life there.
So he left his house and went to a jungle to live by himself. There he made a nice little hut with wood, bamboo and reeds. “Ah, how happy I am here!” said the man to himself.
But one day he found some mice in his hut. The little creatures soon made holes in his blanket. So he brought a cat to kill the mice. The cat needed milk. So he brought a cow. The cow needed grass and hay. So he brought a cowboy.
The cowboy needed food. So he took a wife to cook meals. Then children were born to them, and the man found himself again in a family.
So nobody can live alone, unless they are either angels or devils.  People need food, shelter, companions and cooperation. They need to help each other. And if they live in a family or community, their need can be fulfilled. Hence living in society can make people good and happy citizens.

1. Choose the best answer. 1×7=7
a. The man made a nice little___ in the jungle.
 (i) hut (ii) cottage (iii) building (iv) house
b. ― required grass and hay.
 (i) The cat (ii) The cow (iii) A cow boy (iv) The rat
c. The young man had to bring ― in order to kill mice.
 (i) a cow (ii) a cat (iii) a cow boy (iv) a wife
d. The hut was made with ―.
 (i) wood, bamboo and brick (ii) wood, bamboo and reeds
 (iii) brick, reeds and bamboo (iv) bamboo, reeds and iron rod
e. The man chose ― to live.
 (i) a locality (ii) a jungle (iii) a family (iv) a community
f. The young man was beset with― in his life.
 (i) problems (ii) hut (iii) jungle (iv) mice
g. The man thought to be ― in the jungle alone.
 (i) unhappy (ii) happy (iii) sad (iv) needy
Answer: 1. a. (i) hut; b. (ii) The cow; c. (ii) a cat; d. (ii) wood, bamboo and reeds; e. (ii) a jungle; f. (i) problems; g. (ii) happy; h. (ii) mice; i. (iii) obstacle; j. (iii) live; k. (ii) A society can make people good and happy citizens; l. (iii) mouse; m. (iv) Exclamatory sentence

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5=10
a. Where did the young man go? 
b. What did he make a nice little hut with? 
c. What did the mice do? 
d. Why did he bring a cat? 
e. How can need of men be fulfilled? 
Answer: 2.
a. The young man went to a jungle.
b. He made a nice little hut with wood, bamboo and reeds.
c. The mice made holes in his blanket.
d. He brought a cat to kill the mice.
e. The needs of men can be fulfilled if they live in a family or community.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. A (a) ___ man found his (b)___ troublesome long age. That's way, he left his (c)___ and went to a jungle to (d)___ by himself. There he was (e)___. But he had to (f)___ a cat, a cow, a cowboy, a (g)___ later on for his (h)___ piece of business. He (i)___ found himself in a (j)___. 
Answer: 3. i. (a) young; (b) family; (c) house; (d) live; (e) happy; (f) bring; (g) wife; (h) urgent; (i) again; (j) family.

SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer Unit-1: Lesson-1(B)

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
The first scientist in the world was Thales who was born in Greece in 625 BC. He was born in the City of Miletus. Though he was a businessman, he became a renowned scientist later. He practiced the knowledge of Geometry in Egypt. In fact, Thales became exceptionally known for his skill in Geometry. Actually his major scientific achievement is the invention of Geometry.
Pythagoras is also a scientist. He was born in 560 BC. He was a Greek who is actually a famous mathematician. He had also some reputations for Philosophy, Astronomy and Numbering theory. People considered him a great ideologist. This great scientist died in 480 BC.
Another scientist Democritus was bon in Greece in 470 BC. He was great for his research in atom. This great scientist died in 400 BC.





(a) ―


Birth year

(b) ― BC

(c) ― BC


Invention of (d) ―


Death year

(e) ―

Answer: 4. (a) Greece, (b) 625, (c) 560, (d) Geometry, (e) 480 BC.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
Answer: 5. The greatest scientists Thales, Pythagoras and Democritus, were born in Greece. Though Thales was a businessman, he became a renowned scientist later. He was exceptionally known for his skill in Geometry. Pythagoras was well known as a mathematician. Democritus was great for his research in atom.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. The problem of deforestation

i. on the necessity of preserving CHT.

b. Jhoom cultivation

ii.     to a serious ecological imbalance.

c. Environmentalists and experts focus

iii. has become very acute.

d. Jhoom cultivation causes

iv. going on unabathed.

e. Deforestation may lead

v. is a great threat to our environment.


vi. on a priority basis.


vii. massive damage to trees.

Answer: 6.
(a + iii) : The problem of deforestation has become very acute.
(b + v) : Jhoom cultivation is a great threat to our environment.
(c + i) : Environmentalists and experts focus on the necessity of preserving CHT.
(d + vii) : Jhoom cultivation causes massive damage to trees.
(e + ii) : Deforestation may lead to a serious ecological imbalance.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) However, he picked it up and carried it home. He showed it to his wife.
(b) One day he was walking through the fields.
(c) He thought that it might have been dropped by a passer-by.
(d) With that he supported his family with difficulty.
(e) He had a few acres of lands. The lands yielded him some crops.
(f) So he always thought how he could add to his income.
(g) There lived a farmer in a village.
(h) While walking he came across a purse of gold.
Answer: 7. g → e → d → f → b → h → c → a


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একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির গাইডসমূহ
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