SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [19] pdf download

 Model Test Question-19 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-5: Lesson-4(C)
Fish population is in serious danger from global warming. Climate change is increasing the water temperature in rivers, lakes and seas. This means there is less food and oxygen available for fish. It also means the fish may not grow fully and may have fewer offspring. Some fishes will become extinct if temperatures rise even by one or two degrees.
Climate change increases the pressure on fish population. Fishes are one of the world’s most valuable biological assets. Forty percent of people in the world eat fish as their main source of protein. If we fail to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we will increase the pressures on fish. As a result, people who depend on fish will suffer from hunger and poverty.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. People ― on fish will suffer from hunger and poverty. 
 (i) depend (ii) dependent (iii) depending (iv) depends
b. Climate change is responsible for the pressure on ―. 
 (i) fish population (ii) animals (iii) plants (iv) trees
c. Fishes are the ― sources of protein. 
 (i) petty (ii) vital (iii) insignificant (iv) minor
d. ― causes great harm to fish population. 
 (i) Population explosion (ii) Global warming
 (iii) Boatman (iv) Fisherman
e. ― are one of the world’s most valuable biological assets. 
 (i) Frogs (ii) Snakes (iii) Fishes (iv) Beasts
f. ― is in great problems due to climate change. 
 (i) Population (ii) Fish (iii) Fish population (iv) Plant
g. Climate change increases the temperature of ―. 
 (i) soil (ii) air (iii) water (iv) human being
1. a. (iii) depending; b. (i) fish population; c. (ii) vital; d. (ii) Global warming; e. (iii) Fishes; f. (iii) Fish population; g. (iii) water;

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5=10
a. Why is the fish population in danger?
b. What will happen to them who depend on fish?
c. Why will some fishes become extinct?
d. What are one of the world’s most valuable biological assets?
e. What percent of people in the globe take fish as their main source of protein?
2. a. Fish population is in great danger as climate change is increasing the water temperature.
b. Those who depend o fish will suffer from hunger and poverty.
c. Some fishes will become extinct if temperatures rise even by one or two degrees.
d. Fishes are one of the world’s most valuable biological assets.
e. Forty per cent of people in the globe take fish as their main source of protein.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. Water temperature (a)___ increased by climate (b)___. There is less (c)___ and oxygen in rivers, lakes and seas (d)___ for fish. Global (e)___ is a (f)___ to fish population. It will (g)___ all the fishes (h)___. A one or two-degree (i)___ in temperature will make some species (j)___.
3. i. (a) has; (b) change; (c) food; (d) available; (e) warming; (f) threat; (g) kill; (h) soon; (i) rise; (j) extinct.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Joseph John Thomson was born in England in 1856. He was a very good student. He was very good at mathematics and physics. He was selected the best fellow in Trinity College in 1880. He got very high reputation for his research in electron. He wrote many books and got Nobel Prize in 1906. He was a member of the Royal Society. He died in 1940.
Max Planck was born in Germany on 23 April, 1858. He studied in Munich University and Berlyn University. He received PhD from Munich University in 1879. He became a professor. In 1912 he became a secretary of the state. He got Nobel Prize in 1918. He died in 1947.


ThomsonAl Birone




(a) ―

Birth time

(b) ―



Got (c) ― Prize

(d) ―

Death year


(e) ―

4. (a) Germany, (b) 1856, (c) Nobel, (d) Professor, (e) 1947

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
5. Nobel laureate Joseph thomson was born in England. He was fellow of Trinity College. He was highly reputed for his research in electron. Another Nobel laureate Max Planck was born in Germany. He became professor. He became the secretary of the state.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. There are different types of birds

i. our daily life as we sleep at night and get up early in the morning hearing their sweet songs.

b. They are really very beneficial to

ii. will accelerate this process.

c. The birds have a great influence on

iii. to the birds and ensure them a safe habitat.

d. We know that birds are important to

iv. destroying the most beautiful creation of God.

e. So, as conscious persons, we should be kind

v. which are regarded as natural wealth.


vi. us in different ways.


vii. maintain ecological balance.

6. (a + v) : There are different types of birds which are regarded as natural wealth.
(b + vi) : They are really very beneficial to us in different ways.
(c + i) : The birds have a great influence on our daily life as we sleep at night and get up early in the morning hearing their sweet songs.
(d + vii) : We know that birds are important to maintain ecological balance.
(e + iii) : So, as conscious persons, we should be kind to the birds and ensure them a safe habit.
SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer Unit-5: Lesson-4(C)
7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) Gustave proposed a 989 feet high tower of iron as a symbol of exhibition and a lot of people worked on it for two yeas.
(b) He was a great engineer.
(c) He used to work for a railway construction company
(d) Millions of people visit the tower every year.   
(e) The Eiffel Tower was named after Gustave Eiffel.
(f) It is still regarded as one of the wonders of the world.
(g) Gustave made plans of damps, factories, stations and structures of big size construction.
(h) A world’s fair was held in Paris.
7. e → c → b → g → h→ a → f → d

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