SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [14] pdf download

Model Test Question-14
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-4: Lesson-4(B)
In the next class Ms Choudhury tells her students the story of Lipi. In brief the story is like this:
The year before last, Lipi, a 14-year old girl, had been in class 9 in a rural school in Rangpur. Lipi is the eldest of five children---three daughters and two sons. Their father is a day labourer working on other people’s land and mother is a homemaker and a part-time worker at other people’s houses. The parents, particularly the mother, found it real difficult to raise five children on the small income the father could earn. Perhaps that is why Lipi’s father wanted to marry her off. But Lipi was not ready to accept what her parents wanted to impose on her. She wanted to pursue her education. So long her mother stood by her, though secretly. But when her father arranged her marriage with Tara Mia, the only son of a farmer in the same village, she became a little upset. Tara Mia was a widower—illiterate, but well off. His father had a few acres of arable land and was influential in the village. The marriage seemed to be inevitable.
Lipi first talked with her classmates and then with the Headteacher, who was very sympathetic to her. He called a meeting of the teachers and students of the school. Also the school managing committee members, some respectable persons of the village, Lipi’s and Tara Mia’s fathers attended the meeting. The Headteacher explained in detail the serious consequences that would follow Lipi’s marriage. She would be having children from her very early age --- 15 or 16. It would create constant health hazards to her. Her education would stop. And on top of all, her marriage against her will might shatter her future dream.
At one stage, Tara Mia’s father stood up and tried to argue, “You are all making mistakes. Lipi would be very happy if she got married with Tara Mia. She would have everything---money, clothes, home and status in the society. Why are you trying to deprive her of this opportunity?” 
But no, the big majority, who attended the meeting, supported the Headteacher.
Lipi’s marriage was called off. She is now studying at Carmichael College, Rangpur.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Lipi and his sisters are ― in number. 
 (i) three (ii) four (iii) five (iv) six
b. Lipi wanted to pursue her education. Here ‘pursue’ means ―. 
 (i) discontinue (ii) stop (iii) cut off (iv) prosecute
c. Her father arranged her marriage with the son of a ―. 
 (i) teacher (ii) farmer (iii) driver (iv) fisherman
d. Tara Mia was a widower. Here widower means a man ―. 
 (i) who has recently married (ii) whose wife had died and married again
 (iii) who has two wives (iv) whose wife has died and not married again
e. Father of Lipi is was a ―. 
 (i) day labourer (ii) shopkeeper (iii) photographer (iv) painter
f. The story of Lipi is told by ―. 
 (i) Tara Mia (ii) Father of Lipi (iii) Headteacher (iv) Ms Choudhury
g. Lipi’s mother was ― to marry Lipi off. 
 (i) willing (ii) unwilling (iii) happy (iv) crazy
1. a. (i) three; b. (iv) prosecute; c. (ii) farmer; d. (iv) whose wife has died and not married again; e. (i) day labourer; f. (iv) Ms Choudhury; g. (ii) unwilling;

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5=10
a. Who was Tara Mia?
b. What is Lipi’s father?
c. Who played role to stop Lipi’s marriage?
d. Why was not Lipi ready to marry?
e. How many brothers and sisters does Lipi have?
2. a. Tara Mia was the only son of a farmer. He was a widower and illiterate but well off.
b. Lipi’s father is a day labourer.
c. Lipi’s Headteacher played role to stop her marriage.
d. Lipi was not ready to marry as she wanted to pursue her studies.
e. Lipi has two brothers and two sisters.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. Lipi was one of the (a)___ children of her (b)___. The (c)___ of her sisters (d)___ three. Her father (e)___ as a day labourer and her mother (f)___ out of her house to earn for her (g)___. It was really (h)___ for her (i)___ to raise five (j)___.
3. i. (a) five; (b) parents; (c) number; (d) was; (e) worked; (f) went; (g) family; (h) hard; (i) parents; (j) children.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Antone Lauren was born in Paris of France in 1743. He was very interest in chemistry. He became a scientist. He was a very excellent student. His book ‘Elementary Treats on Chemistry’ was published in 1789. He died in 1794.
Edward Jenner was born on 17 May in 1749 in England. He wanted to be a doctor and he later became a famous doctor. He was very great for his treatment work. He invented 'Varioli Vexin'. His famous book ‘Further Inquiry’ was published in 1799. He died in 1823.


AntoneAl Birone



(a) ―

(b) ―

Birth year

(c) ―




(d) ―

Death year


(e) ―

4. (a) France, (b) England, (c) 1743, (d) Doctor, (e) 1823.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
5. Antone Lauren, a great scientist of France was born in Paris of France. His great book is 'Elementary Treats on Chemistry'. Famous doctor Edward Jenner was born in England. He is very great for his treatment work. He invented 'Varioli Vexin'.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Illiteracy is a great   

i. their children to schools.

b. There are many who

ii. educate the illiterate.

c. They cannot send

iii. problem in Bangladesh.

d. Most of the guardians

iv. to solve the problem.

e. They should be

v. are not aware of their children’s education.


vi. are not aware of their children’s education.


vii. frank to send their girls to schools.

6. (a + iii) : Illiteracy is a great problem in Bangladesh
(b + v) : There are many who are not aware of their children’s education
(c + i) : They cannot send their children to schools.
(d + vi) : Most of the guardians are not aware of their children’s education
(e + vii) : They should be frank to send their girls to schools.
SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer Unit-4: Lesson-4(B)
7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) “Stop,” said the bad man, “What have I done to deserve it?”
(b) When the bad man came down, the owner of the garden caught hold of him and began to beat him with the stick.
(c) One day the bad man was stealing some mangoes from the garden of a neighbour.
(d) There was a bad man in a village. But when he did any work, he would say, “God had done it by me.”
(e) “Why are you stealing mangoes from my garden?” asked the owner of the garden.
(f) “Because God is getting it done by me, replied the bad man. The owner of the garden said nothing.
(g) The owner of the garden saw him stealing the mangoes and returned to the garden
(h) He took a stick and was waiting for the bad man till he came down from the tree.
7. d → c → g → e → f → h → b → a

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