SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [12] pdf download

Model Test Question-12
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-4: Lesson-1(B)
 “Is there anybody here who has ever crossed a river by a boat?”
“I have, teacher,” said Jamil. “And I clearly remember what happened in that journey.”
“Would you please tell us what happened,” the teacher asked.
“Okay, teacher. It happened while I was in class 6. On a weekly bazar day, people were coming back with their shopping bags and baskets in hands, on shoulders and heads. They had to cross the river. It was not a big river. There was a ferry boat plying on the river. The boat could cross it in 8-10 minutes. It was just after sunset. The weather was getting worse. The wind started blowing from the north-west. Black clouds were fast-moving in the sky.
Everybody was trying to get into the boat. ‘No more, no more, please wait,’ shouted the boatman. But nobody listened to him.” 
“What happened then, Jamil?” asked Rumi. 
“With too many people on board, the boat sank in the middle of the river,” replied Jamil.
“Oh no! What happened then?” asked the teacher. “Thank God. It was not a fatal accident. All the passengers swam to the other side. But some of them lost their things such as oil, salt and milk,” said Jamil.
“Were you on the boat?” asked the teacher. “No, teacher. Seeing the boat overcrowded, I waited for the next time,” replied Jamil.
“You’ve done the right thing, Jamil.”

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. The boatman requested the people to wait, because _. 
 (i) the boat had already too many people (ii) his boat was very small.
 (iii) there were other boats they could go (iv) he would not ferry people with bags and baskts
b. A ferry boat was plyig on the river. Here ‘plying’ means _. 
 (i) plying with other boats (ii) travellig along a route
 (iii) waiting for passengers (iv) sinking in the river
c. It was not a fatal accident. The statement tells us that _. 
 (i) nobody died (ii) nobody was wounded
 (iii) everybody accepted their fate (iv) nobody lost anything
d. With too money people on board, the boat sank. Here the phrase ‘on board’ means _. 
 (i) on the boat (ii) on the platform (iii) outside the boat (iv) on the notice board
e. The boat was overcrowded. Here ‘overcrowded’ means _. 
 (i) people were quarrelling on the boat (ii) the capacity of the boat was over
 (iii) the boatman did not like a crowd (iv) people were sitting on the boat’s bamboo hood
f. The boatman tried to stop everyone to get into the boat because _. 
 (i) the weather was hot (ii) the weather was gloomy
 (iii) the weather was stormy (iv) it was the time of sunset
g. At that time Jamil was a student while he _. 
 (i) was reading in class six (ii) read in class six
 (iii) reads in class six (iv) was reading in class nine.
1. a. (i) the boat had already too many people; b. (ii) traveling along a route; c. (ii) nobody was wounded; d. (i) on the boat; e. (ii) the capacity of the boat was over; f. (iii) the weather was stormy; g. (i) was reading in class six;

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5=10
a. Why didn’t Jamil get into the boat?
b. Why did the boatman request the passengers to wait?
c. How long does the boat take to cross the river?
d. How was the weather?
e. What happened to the passengers?
2. a. Jamil did not get into the boat as it was overcrowded.
b. The boatman requested the passengers to wait, because the boat had already too many passengers.
c. The boat takes 8-10 minutes to cross the river.
d. The weather was not fair. The wind started blowing from the north-west.
e. The passengers lost their things but swam to the other side.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text. 0.5×10=5
i. Jamil’s teacher (a)___ to know whether anyone (b)___ ever crossed a river by a boat or not. Jamil (c)___ in the (d)___. He can (e)___ remember a ferry boat (f)___. At that time he (g)___ a student of class six. Many (h)___ lost (i)___ things but (j)___ to the other side.
3. i. (a) wanted; (b) had; (c) replied; (d) affirmative; (e) clearly; (f) accident; (g) was; (h) passengers; (i) their; (j) swam.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Robert Boyle was born in England in 1578. He studied MBBS. He was a great Scientist. In fact, he is greatly remembered for establishing chemistry as science. He wrote many science books. His great book is ‘Sceptical Chemist.’ He died in 1691.
Isaac Newton was born in England in 1642. He is considered one of the best scientist ever in the world. He studied in Cambridge University. He had great talent in mathematics. He invented many things in science. His great achievement is inventing Calculus. His great book is ‘Principia’. He died in 1727.


BoyleAl Birone



(a) ―


Birth year


(b) ―


(c) Chemist

(d) ―

Death year

(e) ―


4. (a) England, (b) 1642, (c) Chemist, (d) Scientist, (e) 1691.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
5. Robert Boyle and Isaac Newton both were born in England. Robert Boyle is greatly remembered for establishing chemistry as science. His great book is 'Sceptical Chemist.' The great achievement of Newton is inventing calculus. 'Principia' is his great book.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Education does not   

i. the most effective school.

b. We receive education

ii. in schools and colleges .

c. We receive education

iii. to enrich our minds.

d. Education is not only given

iv. to adopt ourselves in new situations.

e. The school of experience is

v. begin with alphabet.


vi. to develop individual.


vii. plays a vital role.

6. (a + v) : Education does not begin with alphabet.
(b + iii) : We receive education to enrich our minds.
(c + ii) : We receive education in schools and colleges .
(d + iv) : Education is not only given to adopt ourselves in new situations.
(e + i) : The school of experience is the most effective school.
SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer Unit-4: Lesson-1(B)
7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) The first friend climbed up a tree. The later could not climb up a tree.
(b) Suddenly a bear came there.
(c) Once upon a time two friends were passing by a forest.
(d) He thought him to be dead. Then the bear went away.
(e) They were talking about their love for each other.
(f) He did not find any way.
(g) The bear smelt his ears, nose and face.
(h) He lay down on the ground and feigned death.
7. c → e → b → a → f → h → g → d

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