SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [11] pdf download

Model Test Question-11
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-3: Lesson-6(B)
‘Pahela Boishakh’ is the first day of Bangla new year. The day is a public holiday. This day has a special significance for us as it forms a part of Bangalee culture and tradition. People from all walks of life, irrespective of their ethnic identity or religious beliefs, celebrate the day with traditional festivities. On this day, the whole of Bangladesh is in a festive mood. The day inspires people to start life with renewed hopes and inspirations.
Every year the day is celebrated traditionally. People wake up early in the morning, have a bath and wear their traditional clothes. Young women wear white saris with red borders and adorn themselves with colourful churis and flowers, while men dress themselves with pajamas and punjabis. It is a day when people love eating traditional food.
The most colourful New Year’s Day festival is held in Dhaka. Early in the morning, people in hundreds and thousands pour in from all directions to attend the cultural function at Ramna Batamul organised by Chhyanata. The cultural programme begins on time and the renowned artists of the country take part in it. The programme starts with Rabindranath Tagore’s famous song Esho-he-Boishakh, Esho Esho .......... Next, the artists sing traditional folk songs, display classical dances with the rhythm of musical instruments. 
People also come to join the colourful processions, the biggest carnival of the country, organised by the Fine Arts students of Dhaka University. The procession usually displays the traditional practices of Bangalee culture.  The masks and wreaths worn by the people are so fascinating! Often they symbolise contemporary worries or happiness in the national life and attract increasing number of foreign tourists every year. 
The day is also observed all over the country. Different social and cultural organisations and educational institutions celebrate the day with their own cultural programmes. 
On this day, newspapers bring out special supplements. There are also special programmes on the radio and television channels. 
The celebration of Pahela Boishakh marks a day of cultural unity for the whole nation irrespective of caste and creed.
SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer Unit-3: Lesson-6(B)
1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. The most colorful festival of Pahela Boishakh is held in ―. 
 (i) Dhaka (ii) Rajshahi (iii) Magura (iv) Khulna
b. The cultural show of Pahela Boishakh starts with the songs of ―. 
 (i) Kazi Narzrul Islam (ii) Lalon Shah
 (iii) Rabindranath Tagore (iv) Hason Raza
c. The first day of ― new year is known as Pahela Baishakh. 
 (i) English (ii) Arabic (iii) Bangla (iv) Urdu
d. People join the colorful processions organized by the ― students. 
 (i) Science (ii) Commerce (iii) Arts (iv) Fine Arts
e. The cultural function at Ramna Batamul is organized by ―. 
 (i) Chhyanata (ii) Chhatra League (iii) Chhatradal (iv) Chhatra Union
f. The day gives inspiration to _ to start life with renewed hopes and aspirations. 
 (i) students (ii) people (iii) the teachers (iv) the rich
g. The day is celebrated ―. 
 (i) democratically (ii) internationally (iii) dramatically (iv) traditionally
1. a. (i) Dhaka; b. (iii) Rabindranath Tagore; c. (iii) Bangla; d. (iv) Fine Arts; e. (i) Chhyanata; f. (ii) people; g. (iv) traditionally;

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5=10
a. What do you mean by Pahela Boishakh?
b. How do the women adorn themselves?
c. What does the day inspire people?
d. What do the men put on?
e. How is the day observed in Dhaka?
2. a. Pahela Boishakh is the first day of Bangla New Year.
b. The women put on white saris with red borders and adorn themselves with colourful churis ad flowers.
c. The day inspires people to start life with renewed hopes and aspirations.
d. The men put on pajamas and Punjabis.
e. The day is observed in colourful manner in Dhaka.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text.   0.5×10=5
i. Pahela Boishakh is (a)___ to mark the (b)___ of the 1 st day of Bangla (c)___ year. The day is (d)___ with traditional (e)___ throughout the (f)___. The word Pahela (g)___ the first and (h)___ is the first (i)___ of Bangla (j)___.
3. i. (a) celebrated; (b) beginning; (c) new; (d) observed; (e) festivities; (f) country (g) means; (h) Boishakh; (i) month; (j) calendar.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Nicolaus Copernicus was born in Poland in 1473. He was a very famous astronomer. He said that the earth rounds around the sun. He studied MBBS and practiced the activities of a clergyman. He was very intelligent. He worked silently. He had great passion for astronomy and he did a lot for astronomic inventions. He died in 1543.
Tycho Brahe was a very great scientist. He was born in Denmark in 1546. He entered Copenhagen University at the age of thirteen. He had very good passion for astronomy. He said that stars are static and they have no birth and death. His great book is ‘The Nova Stella’. He died in 1601.
Galileo was also a great scientist who was born in Italy in 1564. He studied MBBS. But he became a mathematics professor later. He had great intelligence in mathematics and astronomy. He wrote the book named ‘Dialogue Concerning to New Sciences’. He died in 1642.


Copernicus Al Birone



(a) ―


Birth year


(b) ―


(c) ―

(d) ―

Death year


(e) ―

4. (a) Poland (b) 1564, (c) Astronomer, (d) Scientist, (e) 1642

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
5. A famous astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus was born in Poland. He said that the earth rounds the sun. Though he practiced the activities of a clergyman, he did a lot for astronomic inventions. Tycho Brahe, a great scientist, was born in Denmark. He said that stars are static and they have no birth and death. Galileo, an Italian scientist, had great intelligence in mathematics and as tronomy. He studied MBBS but became a mathematics professor later.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Modern technology   

i. highway-roads and so on.

b. Computer based

ii. in communication are being conducted

c. CC Camera system may be used to trace

iii. plays a vital role in this regard.

d. Nowadays many things

iv. network is called internet.

e. On-line Banking system

v. out criminals, arrest them and punish them


vi. network or internet system.


vii. has already been started in some banks.

6. (a + iii) : Modern technology plays a vital role in this regard.
(b + iv) : Computer based network is called internet.
(c + v) : CC Camera system may be used to trace out criminals, arrest them and punish them.
(d + ii) : Nowadays many things in communication are being conducted
(e + vii) : On-line Banking system has already been started in some banks.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) Saadi then said, “I hope that you will make good use of these books.”
(b) The merchants had their good’s and a lot of money. They travelled for twelve days without a trouble.
(c) Then robbers took away all the goods and money from the merchants. Then the leader of the robbe came to Saddi.
(d) He had a bundle of books and some money with him.
(e) He ordered Saadi to give all he had to him.
(f) On the thirteenth day, a gang of robbers attacked them.
(g) Sheikh Saddi handed him the bundle of books and also the little money he had without any fear.
(h) Once Sheikh Saddi was going to Bagdad with a group of rich merchants.
7. h → b → f → c → e → d → g → a


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