SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [10] pdf download

 Model Test Question-10 
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-3: Lesson-5(B)
26 March, our Independence Day, is the biggest state festival. The day is celebrated every year in the country with great enthusiasm and fervour. It is a national holiday. All offices, educational institutions, shops and factories remain closed on this day. The day begins with 31 gunshots.
Early in the morning the President and the Prime Minister on behalf of the nation place floral wreaths at the National Musolium at Savar at Savar. Then diplomats, political parties, social and cultural organisations, and freedom fighters pay homage to the martyrs. People from all walks of life also come there with rallies and processions. There are several cultural programmes throught the day highlighting the heroic struggle and sacrifice in 1971. 
The country also witness a smartly dressed parade of defence forces, border guards, police, ansars and the VDP (Village Defense Party) at the National Parade Ground near the National Parliament. In Bangabandhu Stadium, school children, scouts and girl guides take part in various displays to entertain thousands of spectators. The educational institutions also organise their individual programmes. Sports meets and tournaments are also organised on the day including the exciting boat race in the river Buriganga. 
In the evening, all major public buildings are illuminated with colourful lights. Bangla Academy, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy and other socio-cultural organisations hold cultural functions. Similar functions are also arranged in other places in the country.
SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer Unit-3: Lesson-5(B)
1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. Independence Day is the ― festival. 
 (i) biggest (ii) biggest state (iii) smallest state (iv) smallest
b. The National Parade Ground is near the ―. 
 (i) New Market (ii) National Museum
 (iii) National Parliament (iv) National University
c. Floral wreaths are placed at Savar on behalf of the nation by ―. 
 (i) The President (ii) The Prime Minister
 (iii) The Ministers and the MPs (iv) The President and the PM
d. Exciting boat race is held in the river ―. 
 (i) Padma (ii) Meghna (iii) Ganga (iv) Buriganga
e. Public buildigs are illuminated ―. 
 (i) in the morning (ii) at night (iii) in the afternoon (iv) in the evening
f. The National Mausoleum is ―. 
 (i) on Dhaka University Campus (ii) at Ramna Park
 (iii) at Savar (iv) near Dhaka Medical College
g. Our biggest state festival is ―. 
 (i) Victory Day (ii) Shaheed Dibosh
 (iii) Pahela Baishakh (iv) Independence Day
1. a. (ii) biggest state; b. (iii) National Parliament; c. (iv) The Presidet and the PM; d. (iv) Buriganga; e. (iv) in the evening; f. (iii) at Savar; g. (iv) Independence Day;

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5=10
a. What is the biggest festival of the state?
b. How does the day begin?
c. When do the heads of the state place floral wreaths at Saver?
d. What does Bangla Academy hold?
e. How are the public buildings illuminated?
2. a. Independence Day is the biggest state festival of Bangladesh.
b. The day begins with 31 gunshots.
c. The heads of the state place floral wreaths at Savar early in the morning.
d. Bangla Academy holds cultural functions.
e. The public buildings are illuminated with colorful lights in the evening.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text.   0.5×10=5
i. 26 th March, our (a)___ Day, is the (b)___state (c)___. Every (d)___ the day is celebrated (e)___ great enthusiasm and (f)___. The day begins with (g)___. A smartly dressed (h)___ at the National Parade Ground is (i)___ by the (j)___.
3. i. (a) Independence; (b) befitting; (c) festival; (d) year; (e) with; (f) fervour; (g) gunshots; (h) parade; (i) witnessed; (j) country.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Vainu Bappu was born in India in 1927. He was a very renewed astronomer in Indian subcontinent. He was also a great fan of literature. He got a scholarship to study in America in 1949. He obtained PhD in 1951. He performed many research activities in astronomy. This astronomer died in 1982.
Roger Bacon was a scientist who was born in England in 1214. He received education in literature, philosophy and mathematics. He wrote many books. His book ‘Compendium Philosophiea’ is a long book. But his book ‘Opus Measus’ is his major work. He died in 1292.


BappuAl Birone




(a) ―

Birth year

(b) ―



(c) ―

(d) ―

Death year


(e) ―

4. (a) England, (b) 1927, (c) Astronomer, (d) Scientist, (e) 1292.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
5. A very renowned astronomer in Indian subcontinent, Vainu Bappu, was born in India. He got scholarship to study in America. He did many research activities in astronomy. Roger Bacon, a scientist, was born in England. He studied in literature, philosophy and mathematics. 'Opus Measus' is his major work.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a. Constitution is   

i. for overall development.

b. A country without constitution

ii. because they have a good constitution.

c. Flexible constitution is that which

iii. regularization of extreme authority of a state.

d. Chaotic situation is rare in Britain

iv. can be changed easily.

e. A good constitution is essential

v. cannot be ruled properly


vi. not a vital thing for a country.


vii. for judicial council.

6. (a + iii) : Constitution is regularization of extreme authority of a state.
(b + v) : A country without constitution cannot be ruled properly.
(c + iv) : Flexible constitution is that which can be changed easily.
(d + ii) : Chaotic situation is rare in Britain because they have a good constitution.
(e + i) : A good constitution is essential for overall development.

7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) Shakespeare was married at eighteen to a woman of twenty one. He had three children before he was twenty-one.
(b) There he became an actor and a playwright. By this time he was thirty.
(c) But he never attended any college.
(d) He had become prosperous before he reached the age of thirty-four.
(e) He received a sound basic education.
(f) During the next ten years, he composed his greatest plays.
(g) William Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Stratford on Avon in England.
(h) A few years later, he went to London.
7. g → e → c → a → h → b → d → f