SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer [8] pdf download

Model Test Question-08
SSC English First Paper
Question with Answer

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it. Unit-3: Lesson-3(B)
21 February is a memorable day in our national history. We observe the day every year as International Mother Language Day. The day is a national holiday. 
On this day, we pay tribute to the martyrs who laid down their lives to establish Bangla as a state language in undivided Pakistan in 1952. 
On 21 March 1948 Mohammad Ali Zinnah, the then Governor General of Pakistan, at a public meeting in Dhaka declared that Urdu would be the only official language of Pakistan. The declaration raised a storm of protest in the eastern part of the country. The protest continued non-stop, gathering momentum day by day. It turned into a movement and reached its climax in 1952. The government outlawed all sorts of public meetings and rallies to prevent it. 
The students of Dhaka University defied the law and they brought out a peaceful protest procession on 21 February 1952. When the procession reached near Dhaka Medical College the police opened fire on the students, killing Salam, Rafiq, Barkat and Jabbar. This enkindled the sparks of independent movement of Bangladesh.  

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
a. The police opened fire on the students of ―. 
 (i) Dhaka Medical College (ii) Dhaka University
 (iii) Dhaka Dental College (iv) Dhaka College
b. The declaration about the only state language of Pakistan came on ―. 
 (i) March 26, 1971 (ii) February 21, 1952 (iii) March 21, 1948 (iv) December 16, 1971
c. Mr Zinnah was the ―. 
 (i) President of India (ii) Prime Minister of Pakistan
 (iii) then President of Bangladesh (iv) then Governor General of Pakistan
d. The students sacrificed their lives to establish ― as a state language in undivided Pakistan. 
 (i) Bangla (ii) English (iii) Arabic (iv) Urdu
e. The students of Dhaka ― brought out a peaceful protest procession.
 (i) Medical College (ii) University (iii) Dental College (iv) College
f. The protest reached its climax in ―.
 (i) 1952 (ii) 1948 (iii) 1971 (iv) 1947
g. The procession reached near ― College.
 (i) Dhaka Medical (ii) Dhaka Detal (iii) Dhaka (iv) Agriculture
1. a. (ii) Dhaka University; b. (iii) March 21, 1948; c. (iv) then Governor General of Pakistan; d. (i) Bangla; e. (ii) University; f. (i) 1952; g. (i) Dhaka Medical;

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
a. What was the result of the language movement?
b. What was the effect of Zinnah's speech?
c. What do you know regarding Mohammad Ali Zinnah?
d. Why did the students sacrifice their lives?
e. Who were killed in the movement?
2. a. The language movement enkindled the sparks of independent movement of Bangladesh.
b. When Urdu was declared by Zinnah as the state language of Pakistan our heroic sons came forward, protested and sacrificed their valuable lives.
c. Mohammad Ali Zinnah was the then Governor General of Pakistan. He tried to impose Urdu as a state language of East Pakistan, at present, Bangladesh.
d. The students sacrificed their lives to establish Bangla as a state language in undivided Pakistan in 1952.
e. Salam, Rafiq, Barkat, Jabbar and many others were killed in the movement.

3. Fill in each gap with a suitable word of your own based on the information in the text.  0.5×10=5
i. Mr Zinnah (a)___ that (b)___ would be the (c)___ state language of (d)___. The (e)___ was not (f)___ at all. Today (g)___ Mother Language Day is (h)___ all over the (i)___. The day is a (j)___ holiday.
3. i. (a) declared; (b) Urdu; (c) only; (d) Pakistan; (e) declaration; (f) supported; (g) International; (h) observed; (i) world; (j) national.

4. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Ronald Ross was born in England in 1857. He studied medical science and worked in India. He had a great passion for book and research. His great contribution is inviting the malaria virus. He got Nobel Prize in 1902 for inventing the virus.
His great book is ‘Analos of Tropical Medicine’. This famous Scientist died in 1931.
Jagadish Chandra Bose was born in undivided India in 1858. He was a very talented scientist. He was actually a professor in profession. It is he who first invented the radio. He also invented microwave first. In fact, he was a great researcher. He also wrote literature. His book is ‘Polatok Tupan’. This great Bengali scientist died in 1937.


RossAl Birone




(a) ―

Birth year

(b) ―



(c) ― virus

(d) ―

Death year

(e) ―


4. (a) India (b) 1857, (c) Malaria, (d) Scientist, (e) 1932.

5. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
5. Ronald Ross, studied medical science and worked in India, was born in England. He got Nobel Prize for inventing the virus. Jagadish Chandra Bose the proud of undivided India was a very talented scientist. He was actually a professor and also a great researcher. He first invented the radio, micro wave. He also wrote literature.

6. Match the parts of sentences given in column ‘A’ and column ‘B’ to write five complete sentence. There are more parts of sentences in column ‘B’ than required. 1×5=5

Column A

Column B

a.    Aristotle went 

i.      exile a few months later.

b.   Aristotle tutor

ii.     to Athens to study in the academy of Plato.

c.    He spent the

iii.    for several years.

d.   Aristotle was opposed

iv.    the young Alexander for several years.

e.    He died in

v.     next twelve years in Athens.


vi.    last for centuries to come.


vii.   on principle to the dictatorial style Alexander.

6. (a + ii) : Aristotle went  to Athens to study in the academy of Plato.
(b + iv) : Aristotle tutor the young Alexander for several years.
(c + v) : He spent the next twelve years in Athens.
(d + vii) : Aristotle was opposed on principle to the dictatorial style of Alexander.
(e + i) : He died in exile a few months later.
SSC English 1st Paper Model Test Question with Answer Unit-3: Lesson-3(B)
7. Read the following sentences and put them in correct order. 1×8=8
(a) He took the lion’s paw in his hand removed a big thorn from it. The lion was released of his pain.
(b) His master was very bad and inflicted heavy torture on him. Androcles was very homesick.
(c) In the evening a lion entered the cave.
(d) One day he fled from his master’s house and took shelter in a cave.
(e) The lion seemed wounded as he was groaning.
(f) He was caught by a slave merchant who sold him to a rich man in another country.
(g) The lion came Androcles and lifted his paw.
(h) Once upon a time there lived a young man named Androcles. 
Answer: 7. h → f → b→ d → c → e → g → a


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