HSC English 2nd paper model test with answer pdf download [71]

Khagrachari Govt. Women's College ∎ Khagrachari
HSC English Second Paper
model test with answer pdf download

Time: 3 hours   Full Marks:100
[N.B. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part-A : Grammar (Marks 60)  
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5
Bangladesh is (a)___ small but beautiful country. It is situated in (b)___ south east Asia, (c)___ biggest continent in the world. Most of (d)___ people living here are farmers. They are peace loving too and never get locked in (e)___ clash with others. There is (f)___ great harmony among all people. Some, of (g)___ people work abroad and contribute to our economy. There are many small and big rivers flowing through (h)___ our country. They play (i)___ important role in our communications. In fact, all (j)___ citizens love this country equally. 
Answer (1):
(a) a  (b) the (c) the (d) the (e) × (f) a (g) the (h) × (i) an (j) the

2. Complete the text with suitable preposition: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Rural development means the development of the villages. The remotest villages of our country are very backward (a)___ all respects. So, the prosperity of the country depends (b)___ the welfare of the villages. But most of the villages are (c)___ developed and people suffer (d)___ various kinds of problems due to illiteracy. They don't know (e)___ health and sanitation. Many of them live from hand (f)___ mouth. We know that (g)___ educating them, their positions will not be developed. They must be educated and the government of our country is aware (h)___ this situation. For this reason, a lot of steps have been taken (j)___ rural development.   
Answer (2):
(a) in (b) on (c) under (d) from (e) about (f) to (g) without (h) of  (j) to/for

3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box. 0.5 × 10 = 5

let alone

what ¾ look like

had better

as soon as

have to

as if

what if

was born

what's it like


(a) The girl is very arrogant. She behaves___ she were a mad. (b)___ was an accident yesterday. Three people were killed. (c)___ living in a joint family? It must be better. (d)  Have you ever heard the name of Albert Einstein? He___ in Germany. (e) The boy cannot boil a potato,___ cook for us. It is beyond thinking. (f) Our college will remain closed for seven days.___ we arrange a picnic in this vacation? (g) Your exam is very close. You___ read books attentively. (h)___ does Mr. William___ ? Though he looks serious, he is an interesting man. (i) You___ stay inside. It is dark outside. (j) My father was waiting at the station. I went there___ I could.
Answer (3):
(a) as if (b) There (c) What's it like (d) was born (e) let alone (f) What if (g) have to (h) What .... look like (i) had better (j) as soon as

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/ phrases: 0.5 × 10 = 5
(a) No sooner had the chief guest arrived at the auditorium___ . The students of ABC College arranged a cultural program yesterday. (b) Anik is an active boy. If he tries heart and soul___ . (c) The villagers went to an old man with a view to___ . The old man was very wise. (d)  The volunteers went to the southern districts of Bangladesh so that___ . A terrible storm hit the southern part of Bangladesh last night. (e) Though Jerry was a small boy,___ . The writer needed some help. (f) I met one of my friend while___ . I went to walk along the bank of river. (g) As the temperature of the world is increasing day by day,___ . Melting down of the Solar ice is not a good sign. (h) It is high time we___ . The environment is getting polluted day by day. (i) Honesty is a great virtue which one___ . An honest man is loved by all. (j) The girl is too tired to___ . She is instructed to complete an important task in time.  
Answer (4):
(a) No sooner had the chief guest arrived at the auditorium than everybody showed respect to him.
(b) If he tries heart and soul, he will shine in life.
(c) The villagers went to an old man with a view to taking advice from him,
(d) The volunteers went to the southern districts of Bangladesh so that they could help the affected people.
(e) Though Jerry was a small boy, he could chop wood well.
(f) I met one of my friends while walking on the bank of the river.
(g) As the temperature of the world is increasing day by day, the polar ice caps are also melting.
(h) It is high time we prevented the environmental pollution.
(i) Honesty is a great virtue which one has to possess.
(j) The girl is too tired to complete the task.

5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Corruption is a great curse for a nation. It (a)___ (to hinder) the development of a country. It (b)___ (to happen) by some dishonest persons. They do such kind of shameful works only for (c)___ (to develop) their career overnight. But they must (d)___ (understand) that the way they do (e)___ (not regard) as good. Moreover, a dishonest person is hated by all and she/he ultimately (f)___ (not find) any mental satisfaction in life. So, everybody should develop a tendency (g)___ (to work) for the country. If, in every sector, we can (h)___ (to protect) this evil doing, our country will (i)___ (to change) into a developed country by 2041. So, this is the high time we (j)___ (to stand) against corruption.
Answer (5):
(a) hinders (b) is happened (c) developing (d) understand (e) is not regarded (f) does not find (g) to work (h) protect (i) be changed (j) stood

6. Read the text and change the sentences as directed: 5
(a) Khagrachari is a hilly district situated to the south-east of Bangladesh. (Make it Complex)
(b) It is one of the most beautiful districts in Bangladesh. (Make it Positive)
(c) For its natural beauty, the district is frequently visited by many outsiders. (Make it Active)
(d) The people of this district are very cordial and hospitable. (Make it Exclamatory)
(e) So, it is really a wonderful district. (Make it Negative)
Answer (6):
(a) Khagrachari is a hilly district which is situated to the south-east of Bangladesh.
(b) Very few districts in Bangladesh are as beautiful as it.
(c) For its natural beauty, many outsiders visit the district frequently.
(d) How cordial and hospitable the people of this district are!
(e) So, isn't it really a wonderful district?

7. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"Have you ever visited Sajek valley?" said Milton. "No, I have never got such opportunity." said Shreya. "Actually, I went there with my uncle last year and we enjoyed a lot." "Wow!" said Shreya looking at Milton, "You are really a lucky man."  
Answer (7):
Milton asked Shreya if she had ever visited Sajek valley. Shreya replied in the negative and said that she had never got such opportunity. Then Milton said that actually he had gone there with his uncle the previous year and they had enjoyed a lot. Looking at Milton, Shreya became surprised and said that he was really a lucky man.
8. Identify the unclear pronoun references in the passage to make them clear: 5
Many people think that poverty is a great evil who makes life a hell. On the other hand, money can make him feel happy. But it is not true. If we investigate a poor man, we may find happiness in him, but if we do the same for the rich, we may find unhappiness in her. For this, we often say that they are not always happy. Actually it consists in contentment. 
Answer (8):
Many people think that poverty is a great evil which makes life a hell. On the other hand money can make them feel happy. But it is not true. If we investigate a poor man, we may find happiness in him, but if we do the same for the rich, we may find unhappiness in them. For this, we often say that the rich are not always happy. Actually happiness consists in contentment.

9. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Trees play an (a)___ (pre-modify the noun) role in our environment. They produce (b)___ (pre-modify the noun) fruits for us. They cause rainfall (c)___ (post-modify the noun with an infinitive) the atmosphere cool and fresh. They give us oxygen (d)___ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive). They also give us (e)___ (pre-modify the noun) materials. Trees have a (f)___ (pre-modify the noun) impact on climate. They help (g)___ (post-modify the verb) the balance of the environment. They help (h)___ (pre-modify the verb) soil from being washed away by (i)___ (pre-modify the noun) draught and flood. We should plant more trees (j)___ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive). 
Answer (9):
(a) important (b) various (c) to keep (d) to live/to breathe (e) raw (f) great (g) maintaining (h) to prevent (i) sudden (j) to save ourselves

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Unemployment is a great problem in our country. (a) -, it is one of the burning questions of the day. (b)___ almost all countries of the world suffer from the curse of unemployment problem. (c) -, Bangladesh is the worst sufferer of so-called problem. (d)___ nowhere in the world this problem is so acute as in our country. (e) -, there are many reasons behind it. (f)___ , our country is industrially backward. (g)___ , our system of education fails to give a student an independent start of life. (h)___ , it has little provision for vocational training. (i)___ our students and youths have a false sense of dignity. (j)___ , they run after jobs blindly.  
Answer (10):
(a) Nowadays (b) So to say/To speak the truth (c) In fact (d) But (e) However (f) Firstly (g) Secondly (h) On the other hand (i) Besides (j) So

11. Read the passage and write the antonyms and synonym of the words as directed below: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Mobile phone is a wonderful invention of modern science. People around the globe use it more or less. But this is not an unmixed blessing to all. It has both merits and demerits. Excessive use of it is injurious to our health, because it is based on a strong electro-magnetic field. Children and pregnant women easily fall victim to it. Moreover, notorious people sometimes cheat us by virtue of this machine. Connection of internet with this device is badly demanding the young boys and girls. They simply waste their valuable time and energy in any reason. It is high time we took proper steps to save our future generation. 
(a) invention (synonym) (b) blessing (antonym) (c) excessive (synonym) (d)  injurious (synonym) (e) easily (antonym) (f) notorious (antonym) (g) cheat (antonym) (h) connection (antonym) (i) valuable (synonym) (j) save (synonym)
Answer (11):
(a) discovery (b) curse (c) extensive (d) detrimental (e) laboriously (f) famous (g) fair (h) disconnection (i) costly (j) protect

12. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Re-write the text correcting the errors: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Boy: Good evening sir How can I help you?
Gentleman: Good evening. May I get a cup of coffee here?
Boy: Certainly Do you need anything else?
Gentleman: I need a thing but let me see the bill of fare.
Boy: Of course, sir here is this.
Gentleman: Yeah.... a sandwich please.
Boy: Sorry sir. It was not available now but you can have burger.
Gentleman: Ok. Then bring it.
Boy: Any drink
Gentleman: No thanks. Thats enough.
Boy: Just wait for a while I am coming very soon. 
Answer (12):
Boy: Good evening, sir. How can I help you?
Gentleman: Good evening. May I get a cup of coffee here?
Boy: Certainly. Do you need anything else?
Gentleman: I need a thing but let me see the bill of fare.
Boy: Of course, sir. Here is this.
Gentleman: Yeah .... a sandwich please.
Boy: Sorry, sir. It is not available now. But you can have a burger.
Gentleman: Ok. Then bring it.
Boy: Any drink?
Gentleman: No, thanks. That's enough.
Boy: Just wait for a while. I am coming very soon.

HSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer. English 2nd Paper Model Test Question and Answer for HSC Exam Preparation. English 2nd Paper Board Question for HSC. HSC English 2nd Paper Short Suggestion. HSC English 2nd Paper Exclusive Suggestion. HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion PDF Download.
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HSC English 2nd Paper Final Suggestions

Part-B: Composition (Marks 40)
13. Write an e-mail to your bosom friend requesting him to join the picnic. 8

14. Suppose, you are a reporter of a Daily Newspaper. Now, write a report on the influence of satellite channels on our society of about 120 words. Give a title to your report. 8

15. Write a paragraph on "Causes and Effects of "Global Warming". Use 100-150 words. 10

16. "Destroying the forest indiscriminately means destroying the environment mostly." Do you agree or not? Give arguments for your answer. Write at least 200 words but don't exceed 250 words. 14



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এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার পূর্ণাঙ্গ প্রস্তুতি

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(সকল বিভাগ)
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