HSC English 2nd paper model test with answer pdf download [67]

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HSC English Second Paper
model test with answer pdf download

Time: 3 hours   Full Marks:100
[N.B. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part-A : Grammar (Marks 60)  
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5
Population growth is one of (a)___ causes of (b)___ world's environmental pollution. Although (c)___ growth rate of (d)___ world's population has slowed slightly since 1990s, still the whole world is adding up with (e)___ average of 77 million each (f)___ year. Therefore, the increasing number of people are the root cause of destruction of (g)___ habitats and environment. In addition, the rapid use of (h)___ additional natural resources has been increased and thus becomes (i)___ threat to (j)___ whole human being.
Answer (1):
(a) the (b) × (c) the (d) × (e) an (f) ´ (g) × (h) the (i) a (j) the

2. Complete the text with suitable preposition: 0.5 × 10 = 5
In order to write a good essay, one must engage (a)___ reading which focuses (b)___ a specific topic relevant (c)___ one's subjects of study. Students should show an awareness (d)___ recent debate in the area and not rely on secondary sources but make use of primary data with particular reference (e)___ recent findings. They should be introduced (f)___ qualitative and quantitative reading methods and they need to learn how to construct paragraphs (g)___ completing a good writing (h)___ relevant details. Again those essay should clearly indicate the limitations (i)___ their study and its usefulness in terms of the wider reading (j)___ the subject. 
Answer (2):
(a) in (b) on (c) to (d) about (e) to (f) to (g) by (h) with (i) of (j) of

3. Fill in the gaps with suitable words or phrase from the box. 0.5 × 10 = 5

am supposed to


as if

more used language

have to read

let alone

the greatest English


would you mind driving

come out victorious

(a) Once___ was a poor farmer who had a magic goose. The goose laid golden eggs. One day out of greed, the farmer killed it.
(b) Hazar Bochor Dhore is one of the famous novels of Zahir Raihan. You___ it.
(c) I am really sorry. I can't meet you this evening. I___ visit my grandmother. She is sick.
(d) Rubel did not come to the campus on that day,___ attended meeting. He lied to you.
(e) I had the___ experience of sitting next to an over-talkative passenger on my bus journey from Dhaka.
(f) You are driving too fast, It may cause serious accident.___ , slowly?
(g) Opposition parties have managed to___ during this election by emphasizing the public fear on vote theft.
(h) Shahid is an over confident boy. He speaks___ he knew everything.
(i) Shakespeare,___ writer, entertained audiences by writing many tragic and comic plays.
(j) In the middle of the 20th century, English suddenly become the___ of the world.
Answer (3):
(a) there (b) have to read (c) am supposed to (d) let alone (e) bitter (f) would you mind driving (g) come out victorious (h) as if (i) the greatest English (j) more used language.

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/ phrases: 0.5 × 10 = 5
(a) The doctor suggested that___ .
(b) I wanted to have this car___ .
(c) We had hoped that___ .
(d) We arrived so late that___ .
(e) He talks as if___ .
(f) I exist therefore___ .
(g) Struggle hard lest___ .
(h) I shall wait until___ .
(i) My father did not attend the meeting nor___ .
(j) You should see a doctor otherwise___ .
Answer (4):
(a) The doctor suggested that I should take physical exercise regularly.
(b) I wanted to have this car because of its excellent speed.
(c) We had hoped that we would have won the match.
(d) We arrived so late that we missed the train.
(e) He talks as if he were the President.
(f) I exist therefore, you can not leave me alone.
(g) Struggle hard lest you should fail in the business.
(h) I shall wait until the rain stops.
(i) My father did not attend the meeting nor did he go to the wedding ceremony.
(j) You should see a doctor, otherwise, you will be seriously ill.

5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Private tuition has now (a) -(develop) a very common term both for the teachers and students. It helps (b)___ (develop) their dormant qualities to be flourished. But very unfortunately now it (c)___ (have) converted harmful since the students prone to be privately tutored for what they lose their originality and generally by getting the answers of the questions (d)___ (formulate) by their private teachers. So their originality (e)___ (butcher). Only if a student faces difficulty, he may consult his teacher or senior brother and sister. Even though the private tuition is not itself harmful but it has (f)___ (make) so. Again, if a student (g)___ (want) to have guidance, at first, he must take consultancy in the class. Therefore, the purpose of the private tuition turns to (h)___ (widen) outlook and (i)___ (simplify) the complex problems. But without attending the classes, in no way private tuition is appreciable and therefore it cannot (j)___ (support).
Answer (5):
(a) developed (b) develop (c) has been (d) formulated (e) is butchered (f) has been (g) wants (h) widen (i) simplify (j) be supported

6. Read the text and change the sentences as directed: 5
(a) T-20 cricket matches have become one of the most exciting events now. (Positive)
(b) Bangladesh has made tremendous progress in this field lately. (Negative)
(c) Sakib Al Hasan who is the best all-rounder has made us proud. (Simple)
(d) Despite doing an all-round performance both in batting and bowling, he sometimes fails to show the professionalism in his attitude. (Compound)
(e) Those who love T-20 cricket match very much enjoy Sakib's playing. (Passive)
Answer (6):
(a) Very few events have become so e×citing now as T-20 cricket matches.
(b) Bangladesh has not made little progress in this field lately.
(c) Sakib Al-Hasan, the best all-rounder has made us proud.
(d) He has done an all-round performance both in batting and bowling but sometimes he fails to show the professionalism in his attitude.
(e) Sakib's playing is enjoyed very much by those who love T-20 cricket match.

7. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
A father is asked by his friend, "Has your son decided what he wants t be when he grows up?" "Yes, he wants to be a garbage collector," he replies. To this his friend responds, "Strange ambition to have for a career." "Well, he thinks that garbage collectors only work on Friday!" 
Answer (7):
A father is asked by his friend if his son has decided what he wants to be when he grows up. He (father) replies in the affirmative that he (son) wants to be a garbage collector. To this his friend responds that it is a strange ambition to have for a career. Father says well and adds that he (son) thinks that garbage collectors only work on Friday.
8. Identify the unclear pronoun references in the passage to make them clear: 5
At English Class, you can receive help on any writing practice. It can make your writing stronger by discussing it with someone else. This will lead to a great understanding of the proper mechanics and style expected in academic exam writing. This is an important part of learning writing process, and they spend a good deal of time making sure you understand the skills of writing in exams. Using it will definitely make your writing skills stronger, and that will give you greater confidence for your next assignment.
Answer (8):
At English class, you can receive help on any writing practice. Practice can make your writing stronger by discussing it with someone else. This discussion will lead to a great understanding of the proper mechanics and style expected in academic exam writing. Academic exam writing is an important part of learning writing process, and it spends a good deal of time making sure you understand the skills of writing in exams. Using this skill will definitely make your writing skills stronger and it will give you greater confidence for your next assignment.

9. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blanks spaces: 0.5 × 10 = 5
The effect of television cannot be (a)___ (pre-modify with quantity) expressed; rather, an attempt (b)___ (use appositives) should be made to identify (c)___ (pre-modify the noun with determiner) effects of television-its impact upon (d)___ (use adjectives with article) types of the spectator's personality and the reports could be studied (e)___ (use infinitives verb extension or phrase) (f)___ (use adverb of time) it seems very important that in order to investigate (g)___ (use adverb of manner) the social impacts, we need to analyze (h)___ (possessive pronoun) beliefs as well as total life pattern and to evaluate the effects they are (i)___ (adverb of probability) to produce. We are not concerned with the (j)___ (use adjective) effectiveness of any particular show or program; but we are concerned with the total nature of present day television and its imagery.
Answer (9):
(a) over (b) a very important work (c) the (d) the diverse (e) to find out the causes of social change (f) Sometimes (g) properly (h) our (i) likely (j) negative

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Ninety-five percent of country's poor population do not know how to  lodge a first information report (FIR) (a)___ a case while 73 percent are unable to file a general diary, reveals a recent survey, (b)___ the poor and marginalized people, (c)___ those in the rural and hard-to-reach areas, prefer local justice system, known as Salish, (d)___ other community level arrangements to formal legal system. (e)___ 68 percent respondents have no idea about the District Judge's Court. The preference, (f)___ , for alternative dispute resolution (ADR) has sprouted (g)___ these people not only want to avoid the expensive (h)___ complicated formal legal system of the country, (i)___ have a low confidence in the existing justice delivery system. (j)___ , this is the common scenario in all over the country.
Answer (10):
(a) let alone (b) Not only (c) but also (d) and (e) Not only that (f) for example (g) because (h) and (i) but also (j) To sum up

11. Read the passage and write the antonyms and synonym of the words as directed below: 0.5 × 10 = 5
In songs of Innocence and of Experience, Blake (a) contrasts (synonyms) the two states of being. Usually the condition of childhood, (b) innocence (anonym) is that state in which evil is not known; it is characterized by joy and love, is normally associated with the (c) peaceful (synonym) harmony of a pastoral background, and is often guarded by the (d)  presence (antonym) of the good mother. Experience, on the other hand, brings (e) awareness (antonym) of evil; it is accompanied by feelings of (f) outrage (antonym) and hatred; and it finds its (g) appropriate (antonym) setting in the city. In Blake's philosophy, passage through (h) experience (synonym) is necessary before entrance into a final state of (i) vision (synonym), a higher innocence in which joy is regained but transformed by deeper (j) spiritual (antonym) awareness.
Answer (11):
(a) differentiates (b) knowledge (c) serene/ tranquil (d) absence (e) unawareness (f) forbearness (g) inappropriate (h) knowledge/ understanding (i) picture/ perception (j) material

12. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Re-write the text correcting the errors: 0.5 × 10 = 5
perhaps you dont always need to commas periods colons etc to make sentences clear when i am a hurry tired cold lazy or angry i sometimes leave out punctuation marks grammar is stupid i can write without it and dont need it my uncle Harry once said he was not very clever and i never understood a word he wrote to me i think ill learn some punctuation not too much enough to write to Uncle Harry he needs some help.
Answer (12):
Perhaps you don't need to use commas, periods, colons etc. to make sentences clear. When I'm in a hurry, tired, cold, lazy or angry, I sometimes leave out punctuation marks. Grammar is stupid. I can write without it and don't need it. My uncle Harry once said he was not very clever and I never understood a word he wrote to me. I think I'll learn some punctuation, not too much enough to write to Uncle Harry. He needs some help.

HSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer. English 2nd Paper Model Test Question and Answer for HSC Exam Preparation. English 2nd Paper Board Question for HSC. HSC English 2nd Paper Short Suggestion. HSC English 2nd Paper Exclusive Suggestion. HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion PDF Download.
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HSC English 2nd Paper Final Suggestions

Part-B: Composition (Marks 40)
13. As a reporter of The Daily Star newspaper, write a statistical report on "Trump beats Clinton to take White House".  8

14. Do you think over population is a problem or an asset for our country? Give reasons behind your position and write an argumentative essay on it? 8

15. Both money and happiness are important in any one's life. Now, showing short comparison and contrast, write a paragraph on "Money, or Happiness". 10

16. Considering the request of your student's e-mail, give a response describing him "The path and steps of higher education". You must give a carbon copy or blind carbon copy to another student of that mail. 14


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এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার পূর্ণাঙ্গ প্রস্তুতি

একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির গাইডসমূহ
(সকল বিভাগ)
বাংলা ১ম পত্র ১ম পত্র গাইড | বাংলা ২য় পত্র গাইড | লালসালু উপন্যাস গাইড | সিরাজুদ্দৌলা নাটক গাইড | ইংরেজি ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র গাইড | আইসিটি গাইড | হিসাব বিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | হিসাব বিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | জীববিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | জীববিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা ১ম পত্র গাইড | ব্যবসায় সংগঠন ও ব্যবস্থাপনা ২য় পত্র গাইড | রসায়ন ১ম পত্র গাইড | রসায়ন ২য় পত্র গাইড | পৌরনীতি ১ম পত্র গাইড | পৌরনীতি ২য় পত্র গাইড | অর্থনীতি ১ম পত্র গাইড | অর্থনীতি ২য় পত্র গাইড | ফিন্যান্স, ব্যাংকিং ও বীমা ১ম পত্র গাইড | ফিন্যান্স ব্যাংকিং ও বীম ২য় পত্র গাইড | ভুগোল ১ম পত্র গাইড | ভুগোল ২য় পত্র গাইড | উচ্চতর গণিত ১ম পত্র গাইড | উচ্চতর গণিত ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইতিহাস ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইতিহাস ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইসলামের ইতিহাস ১ম পত্র গাইড | ইসলামের ইতিহাস ২য় পত্র গাইড | কৃষি শিক্ষা ১ম পত্র গাইড | কৃষি শিক্ষা ২য় পত্র গাইড | যুক্তিবিদ্যা ১ম পত্র গাইড | যুক্তিবিদ্যা ২য় পত্র গাইড | মনোবিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | মনোবিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান ১ম পত্র গাইড | পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান ২য় পত্র গাইড | উৎপাদন ব্যবস্থাপনা ও বাজারজাতকরণ ১ম পত্র গাইড | উৎপাদন ব্যবস্থাপনা ও বাজারজাতকরণ ২য় পত্র গাইড | সমাজকর্ম ১ম পত্র গাইড | সমাজকর্ম ২য় পত্র গাইড | সমাজবিদ্য ১ম পত্র গাইড | সমাজবিদ্যা ২য় পত্র গাইড | পরিসংখ্যান ১ম পত্র গাইড | পরিসংখ্যান ২য় পত্র গাইড | ইংরেজি শব্দার্থ VOCABULARY