HSC English 2nd paper model test with answer pdf download [64]

Ibn Taimiya School & Collegee ∎ Comilla
HSC English Second Paper
model test with answer pdf download

Time: 3 hours   Full Marks:100
[N.B. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part-A : Grammar (Marks 60)  
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5
(a)___ angry man is not liked even by (b)___ idiot. There is difference between (c)___ educated and (d) ___ uneducated. Again there is difference between (e)___ rich and (f)___ poor. An educated (g)___ man should come forward to educate (h)___ uneducated man. On the other hand (i)___ rich man should have sympathy for (j)___ poor man.
Answer (1):
(a) An (b) an (c) the (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) × (h) an (i) a (j) a

2. Complete the text with suitable preposition: 0.5 × 10 = 5
It is known (a)___ all that one day all will pass away (b)___ this earth. So we have no escape (c)___ death. One day we all will roll down (d) ___ the icy lap of death. Because death is common (e)___ all. So we should not mourn (f)___ the dead. But those who die (g)___ the country are immortal. Their memories do not sink (h)___ oblivion. There is no medicine that can save a man (i)___ death. So we should always be ready (j)___ death.
Answer (2):
(a) to (b) from (c) from (d) on (e) to (f) for (g) for (h) into (i) from (j) for

3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box. 0.5 × 10 = 5

looks like


have to

had better

let alone

as if

is born

what if

as soon as

would rather

(a) There isn't enough room for us___ guests.
(b)___ I fail in English?
(c) The two friends are afraid of the bear. One friend climbed up a tree. The other friend lay on the ground___ he were dead.
(d)___ it stops raining. I will go to shop.
(e) What is the material? I don't know. It___ wool but it feels like cotton.
(f) What time is it?___ is a quarter to five.
(g) People say that wisdom___ out of experience.
(h) I___ return home before sun set.
(i) I___ work for you than for anybody else.
(j) We___ get to the airport by five or else we may miss the flight.
Answer (3):
(a) let alone (b) What if (c) as if (d) As soon as (e) looks like (f) It (g) is born (h) have to (i) would rather (j) had better

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/ phrases: 0.5 × 10 = 5
(a) Drinking pure water is a must for maintaining good health. I drink plenty of pure water everyday so that___.
(b) I know that the man will not be able to go to the market. He is so weak that___ from bed.
(c) Self-help is the best help and Allah helps those who___.
(d) I wish i could fly in the sky. If I had the wings of a bird, I___.
(e) It was raining very heavily.___ , we went out because we had to attend an important meeting.
(f) Indiscriminate cutting of trees will lead us to disaster.___ we stopped this and put emphasis on tree plantation.
(g) Though she was not a good student, she___ by studying seriously.
(h) I went to my village with my father. He took me to the village after I___ my annual exam.
(i) Physical exercise keeps us healthy and strong, but you don't take it regularly. If you took regular physical exercise, you___.
(j) You were not serious about the exam and you did not study at all. If you had been more serious, you___.
Answer (4):
(a) I drink plenty of pure water everyday so that I may keep good health.
(b) He is so weak that he cannot get up from bed.
(c) Self-help is the best help and Allah helps those who help themselves.
(d) If I had the wings of a bird, I would definitely fly in the sky.
(e) However, we went out because we had to attend an important meeting.
(f) So, we stopped this and put emphasis on tree plantation.
(g) Though she was not a good student, she improved herself by studying seriously.
(h) He took me to the village after I had finished my annual exam.
(i) If you took regular physical exercise, you would keep fit.
(j) If you had been more serious, you would have done well in the exam.

5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context: 0.5 × 10 = 5
There are many reasons for which many students in our country (a)___ (fail) in English. That English is a foreign language is the main reason. English is as if it (b)___ (be) a language (c)___ (mean) for a particular class of people. It (d) ___ (regard) as a sheer wastage of time. They (e)___ (begin) to cram English as though they (f)___ (consider) cramming is the only way to learn English. But (g)___ (have) they been earnest in learning English, they could have (h)___ (learn) it easily. Moreover they are not (i)___ (motivate) properly. In addition, the text books (j)___ (not write) according to the need of the learners.
Answer (5):
(a) fail (b) were (c) meant (d) is regarded (e) begin (f) did not consider (g) had (h) learnt (i) motivated (j) are not written

6. Read the text and change the sentences as directed: 5
(a) Acquiring a language is more successful than learning. (Positive)
(b) Teachers encourage the learners of a second language to practise the language. (Passive)
(c) Students who wish to earn proficiency in a language should practise the language. (Simple)
(d) Communicative competence can be acquired in two ways. (Active)
(e) Language plays a very important role in our life. (Exclamatory)
Answer (6):
(a) Learning is not as successful as acquiring a language.
(b) The learners of a second language are encouraged by teachers to practise the language.
(c) Students wishing to earn proficiency in a language should practise the language.
(d) We can acquire communicative competence in two ways.
(e) What an important role language plays in our life!

7. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
Zaman said to me, "Have you finished reading the book I gave you yesterday?" "Yes, I have finished reading the book", I replied. "What an interesting book it is! I wish I would borrow the book earlier!" I said, "Will you return the book to me today?" he asked.
Answer (7):
Zaman asked me if I had finished reading the book he had given me the previous day. I replied in the affirmative that I had finished reading the book. I exclaimed that it was a very interesting book. Again I wished I would borrow the book earlier. He asked me if I would return the book to him that day.
8. Identify the unclear pronoun references in the passage to make them clear: 5
Once upon a time there lived a wood-cutter and her wife in a cottage quite adjacent to a forest. He had an only child, a little girl three years old. They were so poor, however, that they no longer had daily bread, and did not know how to get food for her daughter. This always kept him in a pensive mood, and one morning the wood-cutter went out sorrowfully to his work in the forest. While he was cutting wood, suddenly there stood before him a tall and beautiful woman with a crown of shining stars on its head.
Answer (8):
Once upon a time there lived a wood-cutter and his wife in a cottage quite adjacent to a forest. They had an only child, a little girl three years old. They were so poor, however, that they no longer had daily bread and did not know how to get food for their daughter. This thought always kept the wood cutter in a pensive mood and one morning he went out sorrowfully to his work in the forest. While he was cutting wood, suddenly there stood before him a tall and beautiful woman with a crown of shining stars on her head.

9. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blanks spaces: 5
Mr. Rahman introduced Tareq, (a)___ (post modify the noun with an appositive), to the students of class xI. The students did not receive Tareq (b)___ (post modify the verb with an adverb). (c)___ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) students began to laugh at him at the very beginning. Some others were (d) ___ (use an adverb to pre-modify the Adjective) rude towards him. Tareq was shocked at the rude behaviour of (e)___ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) classmates. He took it to heart but he did not get (f)___ (use an adverb to pre-modify the adjective) upset. He was a very (g)___ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) student. He found some weaker students in the class and took steps (h)___ (use infinitive phrase to post modify the verb). With his help the weaker students improved (i)___ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) condition. Some other brighter students of the class began to follow him by helping the weaker students. As a result, (j)___ (use article to pre-modify the noun phrase) whole class is doing well.
Answer (9):
(a) a new comer (b) cordially (c) Some of the (d) very (e) his (f) very much (g) intelligent (h) to improve them (i) their (j) the

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following: 0.5 × 10 = 5
In recent years there have been many alarming reports that the world's climate is undergoing a significant change. (a)___ , the world temperatures are increasing day by day. (b)___ , the heat coming from the sun is trapped by environment pollution. (c)___ , the air surrounding the earth is gradually warming. This is called the greenhouse effect. (d) ___ , we are responsible for this situation by our unscrupulous activities. (e)___ , the main culprit for global warming is carbon dioxide gas. The effects of global warming are many. (f)___ , temperatures may have risen by as much as 4 C by midway through the next century. (g)___ , it will reduce mankind's ability to grow food. (h)___ , it will destroy or severely damage wildlife and wilderness. (i)___ , it will raise sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas and farmland. (j)___ , the lower southern part of Bangladesh may one day go under water.
Answer (10):
(a) As such (b) In fact (c) As a result (d) As a matter of fact/But (e) Actually (f) Firstly (g) Secondly (h) Thirdly (i) Fourthly (j) Finally

11. Read the passage and write the antonyms and synonym of the words as directed below: 0.5 × 10 = 5
A thing cannot become as precious as gold only by way of glittering. People in general, are charmed and attracted by outward show of things and not by their own merits. Gold is a bright precious metal and its value is recognised by all. Nevertheless, there are many metals cheaper than gold but look like it. They glitter for sometime and fade in course of time. They fascinate our eyes too. But their beauty and glamour do not last long. But gold is such a metal that it can stand the wear and tear of time and shine till the last moment of existence. In our society, there are so many people who are outwardly very gentle and nice. But after a period of time, their real identity is revealed. They do not have intrinsic value and morality.
(a) precious (antonym) (b) glitter (synonym) (c) attract (synonym) (d)  outward (antonym) (e) recognize (synonym) (f) fascinate (synonym) (g) glamour (antonym) (h) shine (antonym) (i) intrinsic (synonym) (j) morality (antonym)
Answer (11):
(a) cheap/valueless (b) gleam (c) fascinate/ charm (d) inward (e) approve (f) attract (g) repulsion (h) fade (i) inherent (j) immorality

12. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Re-write the text correcting the errors: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Rimon: Hello, Raju. Howre you?
Raju: I'm fine. What about you.
Rimon: I'm so. Whats your problem?
Raju: I'm afraid of my exam. You see, I can do well in the examination. Could you please help me Rimon?
Rimon: Of course Raju. Don't worry about it.
Raju: You see Rimon. I read a lot but I forget almost everything after a while.
Rimon: Perhaps you cram answers. Don't do it. Try to understand what you read.
Raju: Thank you very much.
Rimon: Youre welcome.
Answer (12):
Rimon: Hello Raju, How're you?
Raju: I'm fine. What about you?
Rimon: I'm so so. What's your problem?
Raju: I'm afraid of my exam. You see, I can do well in the exam. Could you please help me, Rimon?
Rimon: Of course, Raju. Don't worry about it.
Raju: You see, Rimon. I read a lot but I forget almost everything after a while.
Rimon: Perhaps, you cram answers. Don't do it. Try to understand what you read.
Raju: Thank you very much.
Rimon: You're welcome.

HSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer. English 2nd Paper Model Test Question and Answer for HSC Exam Preparation. English 2nd Paper Board Question for HSC. HSC English 2nd Paper Short Suggestion. HSC English 2nd Paper Exclusive Suggestion. HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion PDF Download.
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HSC English 2nd Paper Final Suggestions

Part-B: Composition (Marks 40)
13. Suppose, you are Mita/Anis. A few days ago, your friend Anika/Fahad borrowed a book from you. Now, write an e-mail to your friend asking him/her to return the book. 8

14. Imagine, you are a reporter of a reputed daily. Now write a report on "A Terrible Road Accident". 8

15. Write a paragraph on "Life of a Farmer". Use 100-150 words. 10

16. Write a composition on Students and Social Service. Write at least 200 words but don't exceed 250 words. 14


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