HSC English 2nd paper model test with answer pdf download [53]

Sirajgang Govt. College ∎ Sirajgang
HSC English Second Paper
model test with answer pdf download

Time: 3 hours   Full Marks:100
[N.B. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.]

Part-A : Grammar (Marks 60)  
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed. 0.5 × 10 = 5
Mithu was (a)___ urchin. Basically, he was (b)___ orphan. He lived in (c)___ streets of Dhaka. One day he went to (d) ___ market. There he saw (e)___ fruit-seller selling (f)___ fruits. (g)___ old man was buying some apples. Mithu looked at (h)___ apples and his mouth watered at (i)___ sight of them. (j)___ old man noticed it and gave him one apple.
Answer (1):
(a) an (b) an (c) the (d) a (e) a (f) × (g) An (h) the (i) the (j) The

2. Complete the text with suitable preposition: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Natural disaster has occurred throughout the world (a)___ recent years. The reason (b)___ this is greenhouse effect or warming (c)___ the air (d) ___ the earth. Global warming is melting the huge ice (e)___ Polar Regions and (f)___ the peaks (g)___ the mountains. Consequently, the level (h)___ sea-water has increased alarmingly. Cyclones and the tidal bores are inundating and destroying the coastal regions (i)___ a large extent. If we fail to take necessary initiatives to protect this earth very now, all our achievements    will go (j)___ vain.
Answer (2):
(a) in (b) of (c) in (d) of (e) of (f) in (g) of (h) of (i) to (j) in

3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box. 0.5 × 10 = 5

as well

had better

would rather

what does ¾ look like


would that

at all

more over

cut off

dared not



(a) We saw the footprints of tigers. We___ enter the forest. 
(b) Once the British ruled the Indian sub-continent. It has been many years___ the British left India.
(c) They are in a great trouble. As they did not pay the bill, their electricity are___.
(d) She is a girl of versatile genius. She not only sings, she plays the piano___.
(e) It is getting dark. You___ go home right now.
(f)___ I could be a child again!
(g) The rickshaw puller was very old. He told me that he___ pull his rickshaw than beg.
(h)___ lived a poor man in a village.
(i) You often use your mobile phone and pass your time chatting on Facebook. Your mother does not like it___.
(j) I have never seen an albatross,___ an albatross___ ?
Answer (3):
(a) dared not (b) since (c) cut off (d) as well (e) had better (f) Would that (g) would rather (h) There (i) at all (j) What does .... look like

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/ phrases: 0.5 × 10 = 5
(a) Those who are industrious___.
(b) The final examination is knocking at the door. It is high time___.
(c) Scarcely had we reached the station___.
(d) The little boy was told to write a job-application in English. He cannot write a letter to his friend,___ .
(e) There are many poor people in our village. I wish___.
(f) Cut your coat___.
(g) Had I had enough money,___.
(h) He feels ill. He___ go to a doctor.
(i) Your father will come here soon. Wait until___.
(j)___ cannot be blotted.
Answer (4):
(a) These who are industrious can shine in life.
(b) It is high time we studied attentively.
(c) Scarcely had we reached the station, when the train left
(d) He cannot write a letter to his friend, let alone a job-application.
(e) I wish I could help them.
(f) Cut your coat according to your cloth.
(g) Had I had enough money, I would have helped the poor.
(h) He had better go to a doctor.
(i) Wait until, he comes.
(j) What is lotted, cannot be blotted.

5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Madhusudan Dutt (a)___ (regard) as the first modern Bengali poet. This great poet (b)___ (bear) as Sagordari in Jessore district. He (c)___ (introduce) sonnet in Bengali language. He (d) ___ (be) the first epic-poet in this language too. His famous epic The Meghbadbadh Kabya (e)___ (write) in blank verse. This epic (f)___ (make) him immortal. All the great Bengali poets (g)___ (include) Rabindra and Nazrul are (h)___ (indebt) to him. His birth-place Sagordari (i)___ (stand) on the bank of the Kapatakkha is bearing his bright memory. Hundreds of people (j)___ (visit) his birth-place every day. A seven day long fair (k)___ (arrange) here on his birthday every year.
Answer (5):
(a) is regarded (b) was born (c) introduced (d) was (e) was written (f) made (g) including (h) indebted (i) stands (j) visit (k) is arranged

6. Read the text and change the sentences as directed: 5
(a) The country in which we live is very beautiful. (Simple)
(b) Its independence was obtained through a sanguinary war in 1971. (Active)
(c) Three million people sacrificed their lives to make this country independent. (Complex)
(d) What a sacrifice it was! (Assertive)
(e) The brave martyrs were the greatest sons of this soil. (Comparative)
Answer (6):
(a) We live in a very beautiful country.
(b) We obtained its independence through a sanguinary war in 1971.
(c) It is three million people who sacrificed their lives to make this country independent.
(d) It was a great sacrifice.
(e) The brave martyrs were greater than any other sons of this soil.

7. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
"I'm not in the least hungry". my guest sighed, "but if you insist I don't mind having some asparagus."
I ordered them.
"Aren't you going to have any?"
"No, I never eat asparagus."
"I know there are people who don't like them. The fact is, you ruin your palate by all meat you eat."
Answer (7):
My guest sighed and said that she was not in the least hungry. She added that if I insisted she didn't mind having some asparagus. I ordered them. She asked if I wasn't going to have any. I replied in the negative that I never eat asparagus. The guest said that she knew there were people who didn't like those. She also added that the fact was, I ruined my palate by all meat I ate.
8. Identify the unclear pronoun references in the passage to make them clear: 5
A cook once roasted a duck for its master. He looked so delicious that he could not resist the temptation and ate up one of the drumsticks. When he sat down to eat, he quickly noticed the missing leg. He asked him about the other leg. He told him that it had one leg only.  
Answer (8):
A cook once roasted a duck for his master. The roast looked so delicious that he could not resist the temptation and ate up one of the drumsticks. When the master sat down to eat, he quickly noticed the missing leg. He asked the cook about the other leg. The cook told him that the duck had one leg only.

9. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blanks spaces: 0.5 × 10 = 5
One night Hazi Mohammad Mohsin was in (a)___ (use a pre-modifier of the noun) sleep. Suddenly he woke up (b)___ (use a modifier of the verb) a sound. He discovered a thief (c)___ (use a post-modifier of the noun) valuable articles from his room. He advanced (d) ___ (use a post-modifier of the verb) and caught the thief (e)___ (use a post-modifier of the verb). Mohsin was a (f)___ (use a pre-modifier of the noun) man. He wanted (g)___ (use an infinitive as a post-modifier of the verb) why he was stealing. The thief replied that he had been starving (h)___ (use a prepositional phrase as a post-modifier of the verb). Mohsin became (i)___ (use a modifier of the subject). He set the thief (j)___ (use a post-modifier of the noun).
Answer (9):
(a) deep (b) hearing (c) stealing (d) slowly (e) red-handed (f) kind-hearted (g) to know (h) for three days (i) sad (j) free

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Happiness lies in the mind of a man (a)___ beauty lies on the eyes of a beholder. (b)___ , we can say (c)___ happiness comprises a state of mind. A poor man can be happy with one lac taka (d) ___ it has no importance for a millionaire. (e)___ , the source of happiness lies in us. (f)___ we do good work (g)___ give happiness to others, our own happiness also increases by leaps and bounds. The highest form of happiness is derived (h)___ we help others (i)___ make them happy. (j)___ , in every religion great importance is given on the service of the mankind.
Answer (10):
(a) whereas (b) So (c) that (d) but (e) Actually (f) If (g) and (h) when (i) in order to (j) Besides/ Moreover

11. Read the passage and write the antonyms and synonym of the words as directed below: 0.5 × 10 = 5
Time and tide wait for none. No one can call it back. A man gets back his lost money and health but cannot get back his lost time. Time once lost is lost forever. So we should make the best use of time. We should do our duties properly. If we put off our work for tomorrow, we may not get an opportunity to do it at all. There are some people who idle away time for nothing. They cannot prosper in life. The have to suffer for it. So we should take an oath that we must do our duty properly and in time. 
(a) tide (antonym) (b) wait (synonym) (c) call (synonym) (d)  at all (synonym) (e) put off (synonym) 
(f) use (antonym) (g) duty (synonym) (h) opportunity (synonym) (i) suffer (antonym) (j) oath (synonym)
Answer (11):
(a) outflow (b) delay (c) name/summon (d) yet (e) deter (f) abuse (g) responsibility (h) scope/chance (i) enjoy (j) promise/vow

12. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Re-write the text correcting the errors: 0.5 × 10 = 5
"Good morning where are you going" said the merchant. I was just coming to see you said the youth. "What do you want" "Please help me to earn my bread by the labour of my hands" "Do you really want work" said the merchant. Yes if you gave any.
Answer (12):
"Good morning. Where are you going?" said the merchant. "I was just coming to see you," said the youth. "What do you want?" "Please, help me to earn my bread by the labour of my hands." "Do you really want work?" said the merchant. "Yes, if you gave any."

HSC English 2nd Paper Model Test Question with Answer. English 2nd Paper Model Test Question and Answer for HSC Exam Preparation. English 2nd Paper Board Question for HSC. HSC English 2nd Paper Short Suggestion. HSC English 2nd Paper Exclusive Suggestion. HSC English 2nd Paper Suggestion PDF Download.
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HSC English 2nd Paper Final Suggestions

Part-B: Composition (Marks 40)
13. Write an e-mail to the Admission Section of Oxford University asking them about admission procedure for overseas students. 8

14. Suppose you are a reporter of "The Daily Juger Katha". Recently a garment factory in Belkuchi has been gutted by fire. Write a report for your newspaper within 120 words. 8

15. Write a paragraph mentioning the qualities of an ideal student. Use 100-150 words. 10

16. Students study in educational institutions in order to get prepared to serve their country in future. If you agree, show your arguments in favour of it. Write at least 200 words but don't exceed 250 words. 14


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(সকল বিভাগ)
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